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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49695008 No.49695008 [Reply] [Original]

are bears really like this?

>last cycle it went down a larger percentage

yeah so? this cycle has country adoption billionaire meme coin adoption and tons of people with NFT scraps, trying to get some recovery...


>> No.49695123

that just indicates the peak of the bubble.
glad i'm out since 45k

>> No.49695176

>bottom is in
I have been hearing this ever since I sold at 58k. I don't give a shit. Absolute worst case scenario for me would be buying back at 58k. This board is riddled with ADHD niggers who get euphoric the minute they see green numbers and candles. You are basically like slot playing gambling addicts. Did you ever think about why they design the machines to make lots of sounds and blink a lot? That's because you niggers have an average attention span of 5 seconds. You can't think strategically.

>> No.49695329

>ding ding ding ding ding ding
>lights flashing


>> No.49695345

what these dumbasses have to say doesn't really matter since it won't affect my decision to stack matic on any given chance

>> No.49695375

It could go a lot lower pretty easy, but I think general crypto awareness has grown so it should hopefully rebound higher. I thought it would dump more after today's interest rate rise though so I'm probably wrong about how low it could go too. One thing I think keeping more money in the crypto market now though compared to a few years ago is blockchain gaming, although most of the games are pretty shit

>> No.49695447

there's a decent chance 20k btc and 1k eth break.
and when that happens things will drop a lot lower.

>> No.49696393

I'm not boboish on btc long term but I am impressed with how it's doing considering the fact that the entire global economy is eating shit

>> No.49696454


>> No.49696501
File: 314 KB, 1000x1000, selfreflection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look in this mirror real quick for me, anon

>> No.49696536

Bitfuck is going to zero

>> No.49696753
File: 20 KB, 248x242, F9F4D2E5-C8F0-4E6C-B335-B5FD5B9CFF78_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im posting a high IQ hedging stratStrat cause I haven't seen anyone else do it.
>Divide amount you want to invest by 6 or 7
>spend 5/6 going long on actual coins (into your wallet)
>take the last 1/6 and use it to open a 2-3x leverage short
congrats, your long either moons and the money you spent shorting doesnt matter because your other gains dwarf it, or the crypto crashes, you are protect from a 40-60% loss, and can then use your short gains to buy much more at a lower price

>> No.49696772

Celcius gets liquidated at $16,000 for $500,000,000

The whales will not be able to resist
It will be the largest single liquidation in crypto history

>> No.49696895

What about Saylor getting liquidated

>> No.49696982

impossible. pure energy can never be turned into a liquid. it's a mathematical law of nature. don't you understand?!

>> No.49697018

holy shit them aswell lol
we are definitely going lower

>> No.49697273

Yeah I'm waiting for Saylor and Bukake (El Salvador) to get raped.