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File: 47 KB, 640x434, Heart-Attack-Grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49692836 No.49692836 [Reply] [Original]

>People die eating his burgers
>He says it's good for business
Honestly how can one man be so based?

>> No.49693973
File: 2.60 MB, 400x224, 1654934914659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd eat that for sure. And yes I am American.

>> No.49694095
File: 797 KB, 1312x958, beyond-sausage-hot-italian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm calling the police. And yes Im vegan. Also try this fags.

>> No.49694122

if you remove the bun, don't order fries, and just drink water with it, that's the healthiest meal imaginable

>> No.49694154
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, borger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man tries to teach people fitness and self-betterment
>sees the absolute state of modern america, recognizes there is no hope
>Decides he'll kill them all
>Would like nothing better than to do it in plain sight
>His burgers literally kill a man, then another
>Media accuses him of using the deaths for more publicity
>Agrees with them, doubles down, finds new victim(s)
>Continues to unapologetically encourage them to eat to their death

He is truly the most based business man in this country.

>> No.49694274
File: 90 KB, 568x850, Dr John.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zero pause

>> No.49694409


That burger doesn't look that bad -- not that greasy. I'd eat it after a good run. The disgusting ones are the fucking grease soups with 5 pounds of cheese and bullshit on them

>> No.49694476

If you really think about it he is doing literally nothing wrong. Its not like he is giving children those burgers, its not like he is campaigning for all food but his burgers to be banned or taxed out the ass. He just makes the food, advertises how unhealthy all of it is, and serves it to people who know exactly what they are getting into that come into his place of business. He is both sending a message and giving these shameless gluttons exactly what they want, because the only way you could eat his food is if you go inside and order it.
I think that was just an easy one for him to hold, the real winners are those cheese ridden monstrosities that use up an entire cow with a fountain of soda.

>> No.49694501
File: 926 KB, 680x847, 1625789222372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49694529

I'd say he's based but he seems to get sexual pleasure out of it which makes it gay

>> No.49695099

He's no different than someone selling liqour or drugs. These people make their own damn choices by having terrible habits. We just give customers what they want.

>> No.49695142

Ill definitely try that, I love the hot Italian sausage but don't usually get them because there's pork.

>> No.49695170

He's like if the liquor store mocked alcoholics and held a contest where the biggest boozehounds gets smashed on stage then they take pictures of him vomiting and put it on the wall
And if you don't finish your bottle you get it broken over your head

>> No.49695182

Tomatoes do not belong on a burger. Absolutely haram

>> No.49695223

I love that place

I took a video of a guy who stood in the middle of the scale in the restaurant to get free food while everyone was cheering him on.

good times .. god bless america

>> No.49695228

yeah sure mohammed. i guess you also hate dogs

>> No.49695279

this guy made me realize how retarded normalfags are
you got 2 burger joints; both sell the same type of lardy goyslop
but the former is called "burger king" and the latter is called "heart attack grill"

so the normalfags get angry at the latter, as if acknowledging that your food is unhealthy or joking/warning your customers about it is somehow immoral
it's as if they're not mad that he's "killing people" (lmao), but they're mad at the fact he's reminding people they're damaging their health

>> No.49695326

They're fine when they aren't my pet and not a shitbull