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49671864 No.49671864 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49671910

fucking based

>> No.49671913

Big dimes Ron finna become President and sell out to the highest bidder.

>> No.49671918

>lmao ur not rich

Why are shitlibs like this?
Do they think it makes them look good?

>> No.49671945

Christ, could this guy get any more perfect as a candidate?

>Navy Seal
>Yale grad
>gets joy from shoving his foot up SJW ass
>isn't even remotely rich or corruptible

>> No.49671968

Calling bullshit.

>> No.49671991

Man that has to be fake. ALL his assets combined at 43 isnt even worth 400k?

>> No.49671995

so is DeSantis actually better than Trump?

>> No.49672005

lol, according to official declarations i literally have no assets

>> No.49672007


>> No.49672010 [DELETED] 


He sounds like the improvement. He probably doesn't even write mean tweets...

>> No.49672015

Well the red flag laws and rampant israel firstism negates the other shit. Also he has to be hiding assets, that net worth a s ridiculously low.

>> No.49672021

Politicians are "poor' in a very funny way.
They eat like kings, literally $75 steaks and $35 cocktails, live in luxury apartments, have escort services for everything.
Get free haircuts, manis, petis, transportation and etc.
Then make $185,000/y.
So...stupid is as stupid does.
Rich is as rich does.

>> No.49672028

holy shit i can never run for office they will see my disclosure is $0

>> No.49672034

best ripublican candidate in a while and im not even an amerifat

>> No.49672051


Here in Australia, the average person who has held a Minister position (equivalent to the US senate) owns on average 21 investment properties.

There's a reason why property works the way it does in Australia. The corruption here is all in terms of land and property. Property developers and Politicians are basically in bed with each other.

Im not sure what Politicians in the US are getting, but I am sure they're super fucking rich off the books.

>> No.49672055

He's much smarter but more controlled and Trump is already controlled as fuck

>> No.49672080

He'd be perfect if he wasn't so eager to suck shitsrael off

>> No.49672081

desantis was not a seal

>> No.49672102


Yes he was, also certified in Gorilla Warfare

>> No.49672140


>> No.49672155


So he's not totally corrupt taking ((Speaking fees)) for millions of dollars?

>> No.49672165

No, he wasn't a seal.

>> No.49672178

Interesting. So he's actually a candidate for the people (after Isreal of course).

>> No.49672196

And to top it off he sucks jewish dick

>> No.49672217

Power and money are not the same, but also he almost certainly has more net worth his house.

>> No.49672320

>Navy Seal
Did a bunch of gay shit and fucked around for years
>Yale grad
Pretty damn retarded for an ivy league grad
meme for nationalist chuds
>gets joy from shoving his foot up SJW ass
only chuds will care
>isn't even remotely rich or corruptible
you live in a reality of your own like most chuds do

>> No.49672364

Like he has done thus far judging by his net worth?

>> No.49672394


>> No.49672409
File: 8 KB, 417x526, 1640387479410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>43 year old yale grad only has $300k and keeps $200k in his bank account

lol ooook

>> No.49672412

He almost has my vote but his love for Israel is disgusting dude. Just give me one fucking candidate who is at least "impartial", holy fucking shit.

>> No.49672460

He didnt file for bankruptcy, then yes.

>> No.49672465
File: 12 KB, 427x400, 1635878364124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Navy Seal
>Did a bunch of gay shit and fucked around for years
>>Yale grad
>Pretty damn retarded for an ivy league grad
>meme for nationalist chuds
>>gets joy from shoving his foot up SJW ass
>only chuds will care
>>isn't even remotely rich or corruptible
>you live in a reality of your own like most chuds do

>> No.49672494

I think DeSantis should run as Trump's VP. Then he can run again for president like Joe did.

>> No.49672551

If he serves his jew masters properly, when he "retires" from politics, he will either make $5,000,000 per year giving speeches at cuckservative events, or $5,000,000 per year """lobbying""" at a K street firm. If he doesn't serve his jew masters properly, he will die penniless, ruined, and possibly in prison. This is how they control the politician class.

Also, I like how shitlibs are now OK with poor shaming people, kek.

>> No.49672557

We don't need any more boomers in government, shut the fuck up.

>> No.49672660

he's 43, think that makes him a Gen X'er

>> No.49672699

You know I meant Trump you cheeky cunt

>> No.49672715

wow I like him even more now, means he's not corrupt.

>> No.49672716


It's no longer a worker's party, it's a race/sex orientation party.

>> No.49672726

Gay b8, m8, do better next time sweaty

>> No.49672753

He sucks jewish cock

>> No.49672760

Mike Pence is like 65 and doesn't own a home

>> No.49672932

We he remove taco? This is the #1 threat to the existence of the US. No deal if he won't build wall and deport.

>> No.49673035

Is not trading individual stocks supposed to be bad? To me it sounds like he isn't a gambling degenerate.

>> No.49673088

78 years old in 2024. Fuck off.

>> No.49673124

Elon Musk is supporting Desantis

>> No.49673153

Can't blame him, that's like one of the default requirements of becoming US President.

>> No.49673176

Their assets are contained in trust structures that aren't in their name. This is how they pay no taxes.

>> No.49673179

Floridian here. DeSantis is like 80% based but that last 20% is a fucking doozy. Keep in mind Brevard County is the largest US Jewish population outside of New York or California, and he tries to keep them happy.

>> No.49673185
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, 1652743128529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why won't he pay off his student loans then? he has the spare cash. having student loans is how they got control over Rubio