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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49668472 No.49668472 [Reply] [Original]

My normie whore cousin just messaged me.
>" You do the investing thing right? Did you sell?My investing friend said everything will go down"
My mom asked if I have some cash ready because "people are saying it's 2008 again".
They both do not know fuck all about money. Whatsoever. They've never talked to me about money (except my cousin last year when she called me asking how to buy doge stock during that SNL shit)
Fear and greed index is at 7. Extreme fear.
I'm feeling uneasy because I don't know if we're going up or down.
What is happening? Is the bottom in? Or is this despair/fear?

>> No.49668521

Tell your family you sold everything but quietly start buying. Fuck any family not your kids, esp cousins.

>> No.49668524

Always do the opposite of /biz/

Remember Evergrande? Moonman? Corona?

>> No.49668596

>People are ignorant about money

Daily reminder that every single finance asset like stocks,bonds,debt,crypto,money etc are all purely parasitical in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable,unsustainable and exploitative and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite. I sincerely hope you burn in hell alongside your precious stock market and blockchain parasite. Your own mother will soon be done with your bullshit and kick you out of the basement

>> No.49668617

Incel parasite

>> No.49668646
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everyone and their dog expects a catastrophic collapse of the economy
i personally dont know, i believe this time is different, not that i believe it's gongoup but i have no idea what's gonna happen and i dont believe anyone else does
we might be at the end of the current paradigm and whatever models you have are probably gonna break down here

i'm buying more crypto and preparing myself to go back to living with my parents and stretching my emergency funds for as long as possible

>> No.49668654

>fuck any family not your kids
pretty weird advice ngl

>> No.49668670
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Why are you so angry babe?

>> No.49668683
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quit yappin

>> No.49668723

Imagine not aborting a down retard before he's born.

>> No.49668785

>not wanting at least 1 retarded kid for the community pity gainz

>> No.49668790

give these bitches a BBC they will stop talking about money

they need to be stretched

>> No.49668811

What if my kid is technically my cousin

>> No.49668886
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>Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable,unsustainable and exploitative and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite. I sincerely hope you burn in hell alongside your precious stock market and blockchain parasite. Your own mother will soon be done with your bullshit and kick you out of the basement

>> No.49668906
File: 206 KB, 1201x1037, Screenshot_20220615-072608_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know if we're going up or down
Stonks are going down. To obongo levels at least. Bitcorn is going dip hard then return to the mean. You should have sold when smashed through the uptrend line and plunged to 38k if you didn't sell the recent top at 48k. If you are bag holding this late in the game then just dca and ignore the price.

>> No.49668949
File: 46 KB, 549x550, 84DCAB9D-5BB9-4793-AB68-91A10499DC30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck off of this board you fucking low iq /pol/ nigger. I genuinely hope all of you wignats, natsocs, tankies, national bolsheviks or whatever the fuck fall off the face off the earth. I can’t stand you fuckers. I respect criminals more than you fucking bugs.

>> No.49669002

obvious bottom sign

>> No.49669016
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Did predict the top of the bullrun

>> No.49669050

Sort of this. Do what /biz/ does, but about four to six months after /biz/ is talking about it. We are so ahead of the narrative, it’s like we have a crystal ball.

>> No.49669090

You having all these retardisms on hand shows you're just another retard. Seethe

>> No.49669109

>things that didn't happen

>> No.49669127

I want normies to eat each other alive

>> No.49669136

I had someone say the same to me today.
>"It's hard with all the fear in the media about the economy collapsing hey anon?"

>> No.49669149

>668472 [Reply]▶>>49669002 >>49668521 >>49668524 >>49668596 >>49668617 >>49668906
>My normie whore cousin just messaged me.
I'm top and you're the bottom

>> No.49669168

Where do we start the timer then? Today, or with the past few months of "THE BOTTOM IS IN BUY" hopium?

>> No.49669193

>My mom asked if I have some cash ready because "people are saying it's 2008 again".
>They both do not know fuck all about money
>Is the bottom in?
there you go

>> No.49669323

Those downers are sometimes really cool (if you're lucky and you don't get one of the aggressive types). And let's be honest, what if he is retarded? I'm a 28 year old neet who lives off his parents. Not that different to a downer who can't work.

>> No.49669428

>spending the rest of your life in the equivalent of purgatory looking after a retard 24/7 for pity points

>> No.49669539

Yeah you are a downie as well, I would've aborted you just as fast

>> No.49669587

Based opposite-Jew.

>> No.49669698


I know a guy with a down syndrome son. He says he considered abortion but he's glad he didn't do it. He jokes with his son and they call each other retard all the time.

>> No.49669784

>i'm buying more crypto and preparing myself to go back to living with my parents

>> No.49669831

Downies actually tend to have happier lives than normies.

>> No.49669961

Coping retardhaver
It takes 10 minutes to check if your embryo has down and another 10 to abort the little genetic freak. He probably wasn't man enough to hit his wife when she didn't want to abort the retard.

>> No.49670070

Not all clowns that smile are happy

>> No.49670084

Worst time to sell except you bought in the early years of the project. I have made up my mind not to sell though and not buying atm but getting into some gamefi projects majorly for fun, like the honeyland which has experienced entrepreneurs backing te project and also partnered with communi3 to grow and manage its community.

>> No.49670197
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if I lose my job i'm cutting expenses to the absolute minimum and will start considering a career change
I won't lose my current job for at least one year and have an extra 2 years of living expenses in fiat
What's wrong ?

>> No.49670291
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>> No.49671331

downies are some of the nicest people

>> No.49671388

They guys tjhat bought shiba at the top at my office are laughing about bitcoin today.
I know that the world is fucked, inm other scenario I would have called this the bottom yes.

>> No.49671847

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.49672524

Unbelievably based

>> No.49672846

Kinda based but mostly cringe. Investing is basically scalping and is inherently parasitic, however, a digital decentralized medium of exchange has inherent value, unfortunately the top networks are too slow and expensive to be used as an alternative to visa. Hopefully after this super recession bitcoin/eth and its forks will finally die and we can finally start using our crypto like actual cash.

>> No.49672904

Algorand is fast, cheap and zero downtime. ISO20022. Already being used as payment rails in El Salvador. I'm bullish. Fuck the dino coins.

>> No.49673045

I also just got a message from a friend should he buy bitkorns. He never dabbled in crypto before .
Either this is not the bottom or we get a normie relief rally then dive right back down.

>> No.49673104

My 2c
Fear and greed should be buy and sell.
Don't copy the 99% and expect the 1% results.

>> No.49673554

kek someone has lost 90% of his portfolio and cant cope

>> No.49673561
File: 198 KB, 2193x1158, Screenshot 2022-06-14 122433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My mom asked if I have some cash ready because "people are saying it's 2008 again".
>everyone and their dog expects a catastrophic collapse of the economy
This is how you time market bottoms. When the retarded normie masses are all bearish, it's going to do the opposite.
The retarded masses didn't know the '08 crash would happen until it already happened. And the '08 crash had a very specific catalyst (subprime mortgage defaults). There's no "catastrophic catalyst" this time.

Picrel is the S&P500. Weekly RSI has now entered the oversold region, which usually indicates that the bottom is either here or not too far off.

Over the past 100 years, there have been 12 S&P500 bear markets. In 10 out of 12 cases, if you had just simply bought the S&P500 the day it went into a bear market, you'd be sitting on 20+% gains one year later.

>> No.49673677

What happened here?

>> No.49673846

fucking kek

>> No.49673907

>Those downers are sometimes really cool
i remember trick or treating when i was like 6 and this downie answered the door and he was just jacking off full chub

>> No.49673998
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No one asked for your fucking shit opinion, phonefagging pedophile faggot.

>> No.49674030

My ex girlfriends mother almost aborted her because the faggot onions doctors said she was going to be born a downie. Her father threatened to divorce if she aborted so they went through with the pregnancy.

She was born normal, she doesn't have downs. Imagine, letting women have their own agency with deciding if their child lives, would have murdered a perfectly normal human.

>> No.49674108

Some divorced dad had custody of his downy son during his gay orgy weekend so he dressed him up in leather and brought him along.

>> No.49674561
File: 37 KB, 540x535, diasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this happens when she is getting pregnant after her 30s and its quite simple to solve
a few months BEFORE getting pregnant she just need to get methylfolate (not folic acid) but dr. shekelstein will not tell her about this, in fact he will speak AGAINST it so dyor

>> No.49675716

good pasta

>> No.49675779

Dude you dated a tard.

>> No.49676235

Fear isn't even getting started yet, it hasn't even put on its shoes yet. Normies killing each other will be when fear starts frfrnocap

>> No.49676312

absolutely correct and dare I say... based?

>> No.49676331

Such a faggot.

>> No.49676357

Lol, how's that anarchy working for you? Little buddy.

>> No.49676385

>murdered a perfectly normal human.
Yeah we tend to do that, what with wars and cigarettes.

>> No.49676482
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Presumably you're referring to some in vitro test from 20 to 30 years ago.
Thankfully, in vitro genetic screening has improved considerably over the last 30 years, and this kind of false positive just doesn't occur anymore.

>Imagine, letting women have their own agency with deciding if their child lives
abortion was and still is legal, dummy. She did then (and would still today) have agency over this decision

That story is no longer relevant because in vitro genetic screening is more accurate now.
But yeah, let's use anecdotes that "happened" based on nascent science 25 years ago to fit the narrative of our agenda today.

>> No.49676698


>despite all odds the alpha instinct is too strong

>> No.49676743
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But imagine all the laughs we'd lose without these comical drooling fucks.