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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49642303 No.49642303 [Reply] [Original]

He got a point you know

>> No.49642435

anyone who pretends to know what's more likely to happen is a retard
the markets are controlled by AI and algorithmic trading on scales no human can even understand conceptually

>> No.49642465

is he retarded? if bitcoin has fallen 70% it can max fall another 30%

>> No.49642468

he has never been right on anything bitcoin related and is most likely even a bitcoin believer who is running some reverse psychology troll twitter account in order to make people buy his gold, for which he accepts bitcoin btw.

>> No.49642483


Algos control market on a day to day basis. Slightly longer term the dollar liquidity available is the limiting factor for all of crypto. With no new investors the long term price can only go one direction: down.

>> No.49642511


He said that it was a bubble all of 2021 and he was absolutely right. Anyone who listened to him and sold can buy twice as many btc for their money.

>> No.49642521

he's not a retard, just a very good baiter
makes a killing selling his gold to retards with nice fee

>> No.49642526

Kek does he really? Pmg on suicide watch kek.

>> No.49642527

If gold has gone up by 0% over past tens years in spite of massive money printing it can go up by 0% over the next ten

>> No.49642534

l o l

>> No.49642548

>makes a killing selling his gold to retards with nice fee
or he gets paid by someone who does, or who is accumulating crypto, either way

>> No.49642559

He told people to sell at 7k before it went to 70k. He has literally been saying sell btc for the last 10 years. He has never been right

>> No.49642580

Gee I bet he doesn't have any shorts open.

>> No.49642607

>for which he accepts bitcoin btw
that's a 3rd party service that accepts bitcoin, immediately sells it for USD and then pays schiff w/ USD

>> No.49642633

Buying signal

>> No.49642653

guys we're in a different economic position than we were in the past. all bets are off now. no one knows. it's really looking bad for stocks and crypto right now. inflation is still getting out of hand. gas rose another dollar in the past few weeks. like you are going to have to entertain the possibility of 4digit bitcoin and seeing people utterly give it up for 2-3 maybe up to 5-6 years. yeah that's on the table. im new to this shit. but it's obvious we were at the tail end of a massive bullrun. things need to cool off now, and it doesn't care what youre holding. maybe peter is correct this time.

>> No.49642671

His own son is a bitcoin maxi.
Hes alex jones level of actor

>> No.49642693

nothing ever happens

>> No.49642708

>With no new investors the long term price can only go one direction: down.
British Pound Sterling is down 99.6% over long term, since 1931

>> No.49642761

he called out the Celsius ponzi and Mashinsky 6 months ago

>> No.49642876

we shorted the squeeze with gme
jews got pissed
now they are shorting crypto
becuase crypto was cerebrus at the gates of hell.
and every damned soul was feeding it to get out of hell.
derivatives are weapons of god
given directly to his chosen.

>> No.49643801
File: 90 KB, 1200x768, FOhGsQfVQAAgjzC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cryptotrannies killed the crypto by your own hands. Rhis wouldn't happen if you utilized it as an opposition to the Fiat and applied it as an actual currency. Instead you used it to create your tiny kid version of stock market and tied it all to a fucking USD of all currency. You sold the dream of freedom from Fiat to the wall street kikes. You absolutely deserve what's gonna happen to you next, crypto will turn into dust.

>> No.49644031

>he called out the Celsius ponzi
My 70 yr old mother who doesnt know shit about shit could have done this.

>> No.49644493

Fucking boomers can't do basic math. No wonder they like shinny rocks.

>> No.49644626

At 3k I sell my liver to buy in even more. 50x price for buying in.

>> No.49644698

>make people buy his gold, for which he accepts bitcoin btw.
No fucking way. He’s charging some retarded premium though, right? Like 15%?

>> No.49644792

they have 3000x leverage in forex

>> No.49644836
File: 241 KB, 500x593, 26e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based pete