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File: 81 KB, 827x1106, 1624295978452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49638939 No.49638939 [Reply] [Original]

There are people on this board right now who held all the way down and will continue to hold magic internet beans through a recession

>> No.49638972

I did the last time and ended up making more money in the bull run.

>> No.49638974

well if you haven't sold by now what's the point

>> No.49638990

We weren't headed into a global recession during the last bear market

>> No.49638995

How does this hair happen. Is this one of those Turkish operations?

>> No.49639011

that faggot really got hurt by the JUST meme, all his social media is on covid lockdown since 10 years ago.

>> No.49639047

>implying the "bull run" was anything more than a QE fueled speculative bubble

>> No.49639122

This. All you need to do to make it is to sell during recession and buy during peak bullrun

>> No.49639244

We're not even officially in a recession yet and the fed has barely begun raising rates and QT. The bottom is not even close.

And this board is filled with people who failed to take profits during peak bullrun, kek

>> No.49639271

>implying this time is different

>> No.49639310

The fed has turned off the moneyprinter and are raising interest interest rates, so yes this time is very different

>> No.49639347

He was probably balding and got some shitty hair plugs. They don't last forever. Also he has a cone shaped head. Why he doesn't buzz it down or go bald is beyond me. The hair is uneven because he probably has spots of real hair that grow at different rates.

>> No.49639361

>people on this board right now who held
I held through the 2018 crash and am now a millionaire. Mainly in Link now and my advice is always to hold as you never know for sure what the market will do, except that in time it will go up. I'm willing to bet you're relatively new.

>> No.49639360
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>believing what the fed says
holy fuck I bet you thought inflation was transitory. now you think they're going to fix it.

>> No.49639379

it also happened during 2018

>> No.49639420

Why the fuck didn't I sell my dog coins
There's no point selling them now but why the fuck didn't I sell before. I got too greedy, I thought the line would keep going up. Now there's no point selling, I'm stuck on this ride whether I like it or not

>> No.49639440

You stupid baggies have been saying this for the past 6 months while your folio bled to death

>> No.49639460

Who is he? A random dentist? Does he even have anything to do with crypto?

>> No.49639486

no idea why you retards would diamond hand fucking dog coins that's the stupidest shit ever.

>> No.49639494

Thanks for this Anon, it's great cope. I'm stuck here until the next bull anyway so I might as well enjoy the ride

>> No.49639506

People who bought eth at the top last time are down 20% now. LINK in the last bear was a one-off that paid off. Holding almost every other crypto through the bear was a terrible decision

>> No.49639746
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cope faggot I sold at $50k and just bought

>> No.49639764

>People who bought eth at the top last time are down 20% now. LINK in the last bear was a one-off that paid off. Holding almost every other crypto through the bear was a terrible decision
Almost as if LINK is one of the only projects in the whole space with any actual use or validity besides ponzinomics and scamming
Inb4 third worlder/nolinker/tranny seethe

>> No.49639804


the last bear was 2020 so yes that was a global recession.

>> No.49639928

that was a flash crash, not a bear market

>> No.49639979

Haha you know when I said I'm never selling? Yeah. That's actually true.

>> No.49640022

this is just the great big dipper. slurp bros im so full because all my slurpees have been so cheap lately

>> No.49640223

the funniest part about bear market bagholders is that they think their opinion is worth listening to. and a few of them like this guy >>49639361 gets lucky and thinks because they were lucky everyone else will be too

>> No.49640857


> Yeah, barber, you ever seen a lawnmower go over someone's head before?

> Say no more

>> No.49640905

>you will never be a wealthy, handsome, jacked italian cosmetic dentist who gives such zero fucks that you continue to rock the JUST cut even as you age and lose hair.

>> No.49640980

>smug internet commentator looks backwards on the market and figures out the right decision, berates fellow posters for not making it
>doesn't understand that anyone who has been here long enough has held through multiple crashes and has hands made of pure titanium

>> No.49640984
File: 62 KB, 604x453, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49641025


What's the point of selling now? Fuck off glowie.

>> No.49641140

everyone who isn't a newfag also "got lucky" by holding retard. first time?

>> No.49641166

You have had like a dozen relief pumps to get out, so just wait for another one

>> No.49641196
File: 41 KB, 400x416, AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am continuing my DCA schedule during the bear market
How could you tell?

>> No.49641240

Holding while the economy was being propped up by the fed through extensive moneyprinting for 13 years, yes. But those days are over now

>> No.49641284


He's got very nice teeth

>> No.49641346

That moneyprinting was going almost entirely to petite bourgeois small business owners and outright bourgeois capitalists. If you think the government is going to stop giving them what they want during upcoming crises of capitalism, I've got news for you retard. Read Marx.

>> No.49641396

Where the fuck did retards like you even come from? Are you one of the schizo GME invaders or just another top buyer?

>> No.49641429

I bought ETH at $40 and BTC at $800 KYS newfag

>> No.49641474

Aside from that, I also have a normal boomer investment portfolio which means my entire life doesn't depend on magic internet money so I can maintain hands of steel.

>> No.49642049

>government literally handing out money

>> No.49642131

stupid nigger newfag

>> No.49642620

That didn't help at all

>> No.49642700

>this nigga balding now too
Ayo it's over lol

>> No.49642779

Dude, you're bleeding

>> No.49642911

>He doesn't understand that the state under capitalism exists to serve capitalists
Nice idealism, believing you can have a government that rises above capitalism without a dictatorship of the proletariat. Dumbass liberal

>> No.49643124

Not spoonfeeding you, fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.49643851

Be nice to the newfags, they're the ones buying your bags

>> No.49643934


Is he a manlet?

>> No.49643936
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Bitbean will return

>> No.49643976

No, he’s 5’7

>> No.49644019

>just sell the absolute bottom

>> No.49644075

>about to enter a recession
>crypto is at absolute bottom because meme lines say so

>> No.49644244
File: 729 KB, 490x1546, CF100DF4-81BA-40F7-900D-4D2B6BB41769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he seems quite proud of his hair tho

>> No.49644376


>> No.49644389
File: 8 KB, 225x225, when-will-they-learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49644525

just give up the hair, bro.

>> No.49644759


>> No.49645243

Not your concern boomer. Gtfo and die from a stroke you old fat fuck

>> No.49645578

>Now there's no point selling,
Only retards will be selling at this point, imo

>>I'm stuck on this ride whether I like it or not
most of us are in the same boat, just find a way to earn on that asset, just as i've been doing with Ethereum and Sylo on uniswap, at least i'm sure something is coming in, no matter how little.

>> No.49646257

I'll do it again and won't sell until I've made it.

>> No.49646493

Not only will I hold, I will buy more. See you in 2026.