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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 400x364, 2017b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49633682 No.49633682 [Reply] [Original]

> June 2017: $0.28
> June 2022: $0.28

>> No.49633710

You forgot to add inflation.
0.28 today is not the same as 0.28 in 2017...

>> No.49633901

Great store of value of you ask me then. Buying more at these levels.

>> No.49634960

.28 in 2017 is .33 in 2022
eich is a genius, the ICO for a token that is not needed was a pure cash grab. half a billion dollars for free with zero strings attached for copying and pasting Chrome lol

>> No.49635674

Why would a token continuously given away for free, increase in value?

>> No.49636168

Why would i watch ads when i can block them?

>> No.49636251

look at the og coins like digibyte
ath was $1.92 from the low of $0.06
your fault for buying at the top retard

>> No.49636488

Muy organic thread hombre

>> No.49638337
File: 3.59 MB, 4448x3336, cafe_sport_bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 BAT puzzle drop (again)

>> No.49638489

These things kill my eyes (and time)

>> No.49638507

Yeah, I think transparency and sizing is kind of retarded myself. I have no talent.

>> No.49639508

Another BAT buy today. The app I built roughly calculates that at ~$500,000 so far this month.

2021-06: $589,450.00
2022-06: $499,447.20

Will crypto startups advertise more during the bear market? It doesn't seem like they would.

>> No.49639757

Will buy at 7 cents

>> No.49640204
File: 73 KB, 600x408, 3HaJVw3AYyXBD5Md5tUD9YKkzGo1eoR2RP1hYxRaFr2GBxLv4HHpeLYZs7XCtPwAvbL7HUDdqQR4nKKGgGRbZvbCwBDXH3DJK7Ft6qv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed the 1.15M purchased by Brave in the last 48 hours; already at 1.6M this month. Given we're only halfway into June I expect this will be the largest month by a wide margin. Can't wait for the day they're making 1M singular buys.

>> No.49640347

I doubt it's going to be the largest month in dollars.

2022-01: $2,206,501.55
2022-02: $2,015,996.80
2022-03: $225,454.00
2022-04: $2,219,623.96
2022-05: $997,789.07
2022-06: $499,447.20

>> No.49640742

Can you speak more about this app you built? It takes the ad buy numbers from the Transparency page and then matches each against the spot price from a given day to get the monthly USD total, or does it just work off the monthly price average rather than specific days? The April figure seems about right, at least from my math.

>> No.49640904

Takes the timestamp of the buy and then finds the spot price using Binance API. The API is open and using Coinbase and Gemini is a lot of work. So it's not entirely accurate.

Just added a file-based cache so I don't need to pull the same numbers each time I run the app.

I'm sure I could be doing this in a better way. Historical data from third-party providers is pricy though.

>> No.49641497

Gotcha, pretty cool. I understand its much more important to focus on the USD rather than BAT quantity but I need to huff hopium of some kind.

>> No.49641683

fucking kek

BAT is literally the best stable coin there is

>> No.49642536

Gotcha gotcha. Really hoping self serve and brave search ads set off a tidal wave of BAT buys. That's going to be fun to watch on the transparency page.

>> No.49642887
File: 117 KB, 1454x755, batbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to swing-trade against the moving average, go right ahead, but this has always bled long term. I can't imagine being TP or any of the other whales who have held 5 years, all the way back to their entry price.

>> No.49642948

Am I supposed to find all the bat logos or what

>> No.49642985

If you're so inclined, yes.

>> No.49643196

I sold at 88 cents a long time ago because I browse /pol/

>> No.49643246

I have thousands of this shit, it is why it will never pump

>> No.49643275

Do the needful and sacrifice yourself for your frens, anon

>> No.49643434

Don't forget that paying for withdrawals on Gemini starts tomorrow. Withdraw today!

>> No.49643471

I would’ve necked years ago if I was one of the OGs. Speaking of TP I hope they show up. Slowly realizing bat threads are turning me into a coomer

>> No.49643544
File: 62 KB, 300x250, brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I wanna post more 4chan ads regarding bat, spam them at /g/ again. Anyone got some good shit? My transgender lion ad still gets plenty hits, but is starting to lose efficacy.

>> No.49643577

Only managed to find 13 and now I'm also seeing BATs where they don't exist kek
Some of the smaller ones are evil
I give up
Pretty fun tho

>> No.49643636

making trannies on /g/ seethe about Brave is one of the only fun things about BAT, literally worth the ban every time

>> No.49643705

It's paid for ad-space, so doesn't get a ban. Usually I stick to mobile ads, since mobile ad blockers aren't as common. I was thinking something like OP, with the justed bat logo superimposed on a price chart. Or maybe the Brave lion with a giant letter 'N' pasted over it, maybe make the lion blackface.

>> No.49644139

Top kek

>> No.49644630

I also only found 13 after being very thorough. I want to see the answer key now. >>49642985

>> No.49644816

Circle the BATs and post the image.

>> No.49644872

Is there a community call today?

>> No.49645210
File: 85 KB, 300x250, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this one

>> No.49645761

Yes, in ~25 minutes.


Hop on for the pre-show.

>> No.49645835

Thanks famalam

>> No.49645877

There are no startups during high interest rates and bear market you idiot lmao

>> No.49645977

No startups in the CMC top 100? No startups in general? They just go out of business immediately? POOF.

>> No.49646116
File: 414 KB, 1080x808, Screenshot_20220614-144553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there 15? I onl found 9

>> No.49646147

Yup. Zoom in. Some are super small.

>> No.49646374

Epic. How much are ads? I'm tempted to pay for this myself. Except I don't want /g/ tards infecting these threads again

>> No.49646481

Now that you mention it, I'll do another one along the lines of "Jannies hate him, make /g/ trannies seethe with this one simple trick."

And last one was 9 cents per 1000 views for mobile ads on blue boards. But don't worry about it, I've got it covered by a "donor"

>> No.49646543


Brace for the tranny infustion, BAT-bros. But with the bear market intensifying, I guess we can use them as comic relief.

>> No.49646942

Ugh. I just farted so fucking hard. And I was on mute. Regrets.

>> No.49647018

luke put in the poll that he bought a shit load of bat in the dip lol

>> No.49647751

Well, if he actually put his money where his mouth is, good for him.

>> No.49647978 [DELETED] 

faggot just started talking

>> No.49648072

What's going on in the call today? I'm in a meeting and can't listen...

>> No.49648095

nothing really

>> No.49648108


>> No.49648140

I never got to hear the fucking bitcoin maxi schizo cry about Brave not using bitcoin

gonna kms

>> No.49648167
File: 51 KB, 513x525, JUST maccas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 BAT = 1 BAT unironically

>> No.49648232

Do these fags hold any BAT? Probably not lol.


>> No.49648532

Is the ad up? A particularly faggy thread just landed.


>> No.49648726

Not yet, I'm still making a few more ads, since my old supply have gotten overused, and I'll do a block of 500k - 1 mil views. Will add this one >>49648167 but also want to make one mocking ESG scores, maybe a gay version of the Brave lion, and how brave Brave is for adopting one during pride month.

>> No.49648742

Kek. You're a legend. Making my leg tingle, anon