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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49632884 No.49632884 [Reply] [Original]

I'm feeling a solid 10M. Last cycle I went from 48k low to 2.2M high. I also took about 500k in profits.

>> No.49632920

i'll give you a chance, what does HBAR does that ICP doesn't?

>> No.49632922

how much did you start with?

>> No.49632967

nothing. none of them do anything.

>> No.49632992

I started with 20k in 2017 and was stupid and held 256k ath --> 17k in late 2018. Never gave up hope. Continued to dca my salary and probably have an initial of 50k

>> No.49633007

It'll be funny when hbar dies during the bear market and never recovers. Basically betting on the wrong horse.

>> No.49633019

Last time you posted it was like 485k nigga you need help

>> No.49633026

thanks for the hope. Peak net worth 100K now 15K will take this as a lesson i guess kek

>> No.49633054


Im a gambling man and am betting you are wrong.

>> No.49633067

wrong. One is an Internet Computer. One is just a bar with an H on it. We are not the same.

>> No.49633093

I'd say you're well set for next bullrun, I don't think the floor is much lower than this. But I don't understand the coin picks other than BTC

>> No.49633094

Watch and learn.

Ive learned many lessons from riding out 1.5 cycles

>> No.49633148

I want to get to 100 btc. Only way to do that is swinging alts. I have a strategy that has taken 4 years to fine tune. We will see. Would be easier if I didnt have a dayjob, as id probably swing 4 pairs instead of 1. As the year progresses, we will see if I nailed it or not.

>> No.49633156

It'll be interesting to see. Will you continue to post here in like 2 years?

>stupid and held
A lot of people are falling for it again right now. Btc is only down 60% right now compared to last bear's 85%.

>> No.49633220

Btc also only went up 3.5x from past ath, not 20x. 200sma is likely the bottom. Id be surprised if we wicked to 300sma at 16k, but it isnt out of the question if stocks keep shitting the bed

>> No.49633314

>Btc also only went up 3.5x from past ath, not 20x.
It takes more money to go up than to go down. For example, you need a +100% to get back your original when something is down 50%.

>> No.49633626

Does nothing that fantom doesn't already do. Except you don't need a corporate license to use fantom and have to listen to your CEO tell you how well your network works.

>> No.49633855

Made a lot of money with ftm, but it won’t survive regulations. Plus we all know they forked Hedera

>> No.49633874

are you fucking out of your head, This is as bear it can get, I am just looking at fundamentals for the long term. eth dot will recover and projects with web3 development will lead the way out

>> No.49633887
File: 13 KB, 200x313, 1563298439696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bear market over

See you sub $20k later this week

>> No.49633909

That's probably the most based portfolio I have ever seen.

>> No.49633910

>Now that the bear market is over
Are you retarded? It barely started.

>> No.49633935

I think they are making really powerful APIs for web3 , i saw some of their work lately

>> No.49633966

i started at like 90k low, peak of 2.3 million, i cashed out(along the way) 350k to own my house.
right now its clinging to maybe 600k, i honestly stopped looking a long time ago and not even sure where it is.
i buy more btc every pay period...

>> No.49633987
File: 381 KB, 1080x2911, HBAR DIAMOND HANDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that the bear market is over
The absolute state of the IQ of the average HBAR bagholder

>> No.49633991

APIs are going to be more expensive than atoms in times to come.

>> No.49633993

>I started with 20k in 2017
this is striking similar....I started with 12k in dec 2016...
never fucking sell(btc and eth)

>> No.49634111
File: 267 KB, 848x480, 1652006646036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the king of cringe on this board just kys already
nobody wants your scam shitcoin enjoy keep losing money
stop dragging other anons into this pure garbage
it's just sad at this point pls kys

>> No.49634149


Seethe and cope
You will rope first.

>> No.49634165

>wont survive regulations
Nobody did
>forked Hedera
No, they didn't. They based it off of the open source hashgraph documents that already existed before they were granted a provisional use patent and took it all closed source.

>> No.49634247

So essentially, FTM stole HBAR tech. If they stole their tech, they'll steal your money.


>> No.49634325

were you one of those idiots that offered me drugs at consensus to invest in your overvalued shit project at like mid 9fig valuation pls kys you guys are cancer to literally everything
hope you got rich already otherwise it's sad

>> No.49634543

I did not go to consensus.

>> No.49634684

>jeet grammar

>> No.49634760

>we gonna pop soon
This is the embodiment of a loser that doesn't brush their teeth and gives unsolicited financial advice. I can only imagine the smell emanating from that person's room.

>> No.49635974

>hbar trannies don't understand how open source works

>> No.49637026

As a patent holder myself, you’re protected the date you apply - this is because patents are public knowledge. From one ftmchad to another, it was a good run, but they totally lifted it from Hedera.

>> No.49637667

Oh no no.. Each time you post this its lower, last time it was 500k

>> No.49637843

Learn how to speak english and youll be able to comprehend hedera slightly better

>> No.49637939

Sub 10k before the utility run begins

>> No.49637969

>now that the bear market is over

>> No.49638309

take a look at native tokens on Hedera, and how it can throughput 15M gas per second, which is better than it sounds because of the aforementioned native tokens instead of ERC-20.

>> No.49638329
File: 593 KB, 1080x1515, Screenshot_20220614-173639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek youre right on que anon, i wasnt far off on your dwindling folio value too also i bet you were low 300s this morning

>> No.49638342

You are the stupidest nigger I've EVER seen. We are talking about open source licenses. Kys and die

>> No.49638434

FVM solves this

>> No.49638438

what are your sell targets for HBAR

>> No.49638708

This, hbar is the low end midwit coin and this thread is a great demonstration of that.

>> No.49639212

based hashchad

>> No.49639337
File: 249 KB, 500x503, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you should join the club hbar discord, invite is in name or in the picture

>> No.49639410

Sounds like you're using my poor English as a scapegoat for not being able to exolain what makes HBAR better than other projects, wasn't a rhetorical question btw im still open to hearing what's so cool about hbar by anyone in this thread

>> No.49639443

Last time I asked someone sent me a screenshot of HBAR being mentioned in some banker meeting, I thought I'd clarify I'm not interested in marketing, I'm asking about the technology

>> No.49640209

BTC can only go hundred percent from here. I'd rather opt for promising alts, sol, ada, one, avax are fucking great options and IDOs are again good options for a degen play. Kolnet, gagarin and civitas are great options for the next run

>> No.49640920

Web3 projects like Kolnet will be revolutionizing crypto marketing with the introduction of IMO as new crowdfunding model

>> No.49641942

If what Hedera created were in the public domain they wouldn’t have received the patent. Hedera invented the hashgraph, ftm uses a hashgraph. They also claimed to be abft. Top kek. Don’t let emotions cloud your logic anon.

>> No.49642056

Revolutionizing crypto marketing by paying you jeets to shill it here, truly groundbreaking stuff

>> No.49642169

I'm convinced that the blatant HBAR/ICP etc astroturfing is all delphi niggers trying to trick newfags. Its the only thing that makes sense.

>> No.49642238

The documentation on hashgraph dates way back and that documentation was open source. What hedera has patented is the work done towards hbar.

There used to be a page on hbar page describing the nature of their use to it granted by swirdls but that seems to have been scrubbed when it was transferred to hedera themselves. But either way they clearly know that they don't have the ammunition to go after fantom. Maybe one day we will actually get to see which one is better if hbar ever actually releases their system to be used, kek

>> No.49642602
File: 1.02 MB, 1125x2007, 072D0F9F-3400-4187-BC5F-5E62CBE2B56E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leemon claims he invented the hashgraph algorithm in 2015 - few years before ftm even existed. I mean, I’ve got nothing against ftm, made me shitloads of money; but long term, to me, way too much uncertainty.

>> No.49644366
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>> No.49644526
File: 6 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49644641 [DELETED] 


>> No.49644679

Post strat

>> No.49645422

>can’t even argue the facts
>sends virus instead

>> No.49646341

Now this right here is the best thing I've seen on the biz thus far and so far commendable, y'all I'm going to be on one of the best profits with AZERO, AxlToken, EGLD and MIR in place.

>> No.49646403

>Ive learned many lessons from riding out 1.5 cycles
youre going to get obliterated

>> No.49646409

btc 2k
eth 200
with the next 2 years then maybe a 2025 bullrun

>> No.49647887

I'm thinking of doing the same thing, and that's why I'm accumulating the likes of GELT, and FUFU now that they are on discount