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File: 437 KB, 798x772, caver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49627102 No.49627102 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49627617

Richard Heart is one of the saddest humans alive
His entire existence is devoted to being the biggest faggot anyone has ever seen
This will unironically be his fate

>> No.49627780

Kek I popped in a livestream where he was just reeing at the chat and calling all of his followers stupid while boasting how caring and giving he is as a person.

This faggot probably spends a huge budget on private security now that he's lost people insane amounts of capital. You must look over your shoulder with that shit.

>> No.49627833

the funniest part is that it seems like he either has no idea or doesn't even care

>> No.49627880

Rather by creating his own shitcoin and dumping on latecomers. He got rekt on every trade he has ever made otherwise he wouldnt say: dont trade

>> No.49628931

Yeah and he was probably already super paranoid after getting robbed and being blackmailed by gangsters to basically move from Panama, which was the homebase for his email spam operations back in the day. It does my heart good to know that some kind of karmic equalization event transpired in the world that led to that kind of justice. Hopefully we will see it happen again.

>> No.49628969

caviar shouldn’t be so expensive

>> No.49628981

Why do incels love those large rings

>> No.49628996

>woah I eat fish eggs bro so cool rite

>> No.49629013

The only people I know that like them are flamboyant, likely closeted, Jews in Miami

>> No.49629036

I really hope he gets abducted while abroad some day.

>> No.49629150
File: 76 KB, 216x373, a_richard_schueler_as_spam_king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy was so traumatized by his experience in Panama that he made a blog about it and luckily someone caught it on the Wayback Machine


I encourage everyone to read it and see a little picture of what being a scamming faggot in life gets you. I only pray that this re-occurs to him yet again in a more severe capacity.

>> No.49629345

>Everything that I own in this world except for the 2 suitcases I left Panama with has been stolen from me. NOTHING has been given back. No one has been arrested.
huh, didn't he claim to be retired back then?

>> No.49629376

he is aware, its his gimmick for clout since he's un-interesting in every other aspect of his life.

>> No.49629393

>see a little picture of what being a scamming faggot in life gets you.
a billionaire ?

>> No.49629411

I lose every ounce of respect for a man that twerks.

>> No.49630015

Someone will throw acid at his face one day.

>> No.49630054

this guy constantly posts himself jerking off onto the world, metaphorically speaking

>> No.49630359

Did this guy grow up poor or something? Serious projection issues.

>> No.49631090

Lmao, he even has those faggy rings that are always spammed on Instagram

>> No.49631285

Any of the dumb cunts that got suckered into buying HEx or whatever are the ones who are financing his lifestyle. Guy is a complete scam artist. https://techiegamers.com/richard-heart-net-worth/

>> No.49632575
File: 73 KB, 800x450, lemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Richard Heart is one of the saddest humans alive

>> No.49632739

This is exactly why everyone hates rich people

>> No.49632925
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>> No.49633115

Never heard of him but going by this pic alone I would say he's someone not very successful who desperately wants to look like he's successful and bases his entire personality on this. Also looks very single lel.

>> No.49633129
File: 2.74 MB, 600x338, 167546759867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the haters just keep gargling on his Big PP cum cock.

>> No.49633130

>I never knew the pain of betrayal to this degree. I can only imagine how Jesus felt when Judas betrayed him.
The scammed becomes the scammer

>> No.49633350

He won.
That’s all that matters.

>> No.49633377

Called the tops on the day yet still FOMO'd in. What a pathetic "man"

>> No.49633428

>>>Everything that I own in this world except for the 2 suitcases I left Panama with has been stolen from me. NOTHING has been given back. No one has been arrested.
KEK! Don't expect profit from the work of others Schueler

>> No.49633516

I don't know even though he is constantly showing off how nigger rich he is he seems genuinely unhappy in the videos I have seen.

>> No.49633689

He is a tourist in the world of rich people.

>> No.49633825


If you bought btc over 30k well, you bought his cars and watches and silly clothing...not us. We know where the hex goes or has gone. I am telling you where your btc purchases went. He still has more btc than you.

Several occasions he thanked Saylor for buying his bags at $30k when he was buying at $30 on top of all the coins he mined for free.

News flash hex wasn't dumping when Richard was buying silly stuff. btc sure was though. When a guy that was mining full btc blocks by himself and was upset with himself for not taking profit at 20k says the top is in and you own btc..maybe you shouldn't have been an ass to him.

Who do you really think has more btc? Saylor, the guy that hated it til it was 30k, or the guy that got 50 btc blocks for absolutely free and never sold because he was already rich to begin with? It's a good thing there isn't an IQ test to purchase btc.

>> No.49633865

t. Tranny magician hart

>> No.49634063

The dude didnt even know btc back then, he fooled you. He cried when btc tanked from 20k back in 2018. a dude which claums to have multiple k btc wouldnt even bet an eye back then. He wasnt rich befor, otherwise he would have behaves the same way as he does now. You all got fooled

>> No.49634090

I ate caviar for the first time a few months ago, not sure why someone would rather eat it than a pizza or whatever

>> No.49634755

This ugly disgusting scammer has been frauding people his entire life. Crypto just gave him access to millions of gullible fools that were blinded by greed.
Here he is scamming for reversal of aging, 14 years ago after the scammer got scammed of his scam-business in Panama

>> No.49635923

What do people like about caviar? When I eat it, it just tastes like salt water. Am I just eating shitty caviar?

>> No.49636355

It's a meme like gold flakes on food that people eat when they want to feel rich

>> No.49637422

Expensive Food Guide:

actually worth it tier: White Truffles, Iberico Ham
good but overrated tier: Wagyu Beef, Saffron
meme tier: Caviar, Oyster
literal scam tier: edible gold, any wine more expensive than $40

>> No.49637531

Add aged whiskey to the "worth it"-tier.

Also people would disagree on oysters.

>> No.49637746
File: 5 KB, 200x202, 973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggas donated your money to this fag so he can flex on you, more pathetic then onlyfans simps atleast they get to see pussy and recieve used panties.
You sad faggots just get dabbed on by some pathetic midlife crises boomer who thinks hes a 20 year old black rapper

>> No.49637776
File: 1.47 MB, 1301x1600, E69FeoLWYAk3tbS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tshares still earning me $150 per day. Can't complain about that.

>> No.49639247

>earning you a slight increase in some virtual number that will only translate into actual money if you can still find some fool down the road that is willing to exchange said number for some actual dollars all the while the person that invented all of this nonsense drives around the world in various ugly sports cars while wearing even uglier Gucci pajamas

fixed it for you

>> No.49639542
File: 205 KB, 900x1200, 1649002700754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who sacrificed for "freedom of speech" (Pulse) and freedom of assembly.(PulseX) are both his victims and his enablers. Richard is currently undergoing a midlife/existential crisis as a 40-year old gay man while flexing his material wealth on CT and will fake his own death before the end of this year. No expectations of profit off the work of others.

>> No.49641551
File: 361 KB, 1014x1055, RH_ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I now understand why this fat piece of shit won't come back to the states, because he knows a lot of the people he has ripped off with the pulsechain scam probably own some serious firepower and will find his fat fucking ass to get their money back.

Also, it'd be a shame if some of you anons start contacting his relatives (linkrel) and asking them where your sacrifice money is lul


>> No.49641579

I lost 1200 dollars donating to this fat fuck for pulse chain, I want his head.