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4962470 No.4962470 [Reply] [Original]

Hey my dudes, whats your view on mining versus investing? Got about a K and a half, would you see the point in getting some GPU's?
Would you recommend investing instead?

>> No.4962493

If you're mining, to make real gains you need to find some new coin and hope that it goes 10x or something, otherwise you're spending 6 months to break even assuming nothing breaks or the market doesn't crash.

That said, it's kind of fun to set up if you like building computers.

>> No.4962506
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I bought mining gear this summer, could have just put it into bitcoin and made enough money to buy way better mining gear at this point.


>> No.4962511

The difference is risk.

Mining (especially GPU mining) is very low risk, as if mining becomes unprofitable you can always sell the cards, and it doesn't matter if the price of the coins goes up or down (outside of there being no profitable coin to mine).

Honestly it's not a bad time to get into GPU mining right now, there are lots of profitable coins to mine currently, so you're not relying on 1 or 2 coins staying strong.

You have the chance to make much more money from speculating/investing, but there's also the risk of you losing money. It's pretty much impossible to lose money from investing in mining unless the mining scene were to go sour within a month or so of you starting.

>> No.4962519

Very true, thanks for your input guys!

>> No.4962539

I'll just add to this, personally I am invested in both mining and speculating (about 1 year ago I spent about 10k on mining gear and ~12k on coins). I would be much better off today if I put everything into buying the coins, but it was still a solid decision imo and ultimately it's smart to diversify your funds into variable risk cases (mining was my 'low risk passive income' investment).

>> No.4962692

Or instead of mining you could just, you know, buy that coin.

>> No.4962787

This. All about risk management and diversification. Once you mined the price difference between new and used price for the card, money is rolling in. The Used GPU market has been very stable the past gen, and with ampere nvidias dropping summer/fall next year you should be easily able to ROI in time. Vegas are actually already increasingly hard to get

>> No.4962790

If you're fairly certain the price of the coin is going up, than it always makes more sense to buy the coin. Mining is just a kind of hedge imo (you need to understand that you will make less from it but it is 'safe').

>> No.4962817

I have a 1080TI and I make about $200 a month mining vert coin, I'm planning on buying 5 more.

other thing is that Vertcoin is a $100 coin and it's really under valued right now.

I have about 150 VTC from mining, if that 10X's it was worth it.

>> No.4962893

Currently Vertcoin is the most profitable to mine, but it makes more sense to mine something else if it's more profitable (and buy Vertcoin if you think it's going up). Monacoin will be the coin to mine most likely after the halvening (unless the price of VTC goes up significantly).

>> No.4962974

I prefer mining, even though the returns are lower. Simply because:

>I'm a crypto purist; satoshi intended the only way to get coins was to participate in securing the network
>I don't want to support the greedy exchanges
>I can use the GPU for machine learning, computer simulation tasks when not mining
>A PoW coin that you get by mining is the only way to avert the horror of initially distributing the coin for fiat in an ICO

The way I see it, the exchange cartels have hijacked crypto and are pedaling it to the masses for a profit. Most of the public don't even know that coins are produced by mining.

>> No.4963009

I have been watching videos on mining for the last few weeks thinking about getting in as well. I've got 10k to play around with and just not sure mining is a good route to go. If I put it all into bitconnect lending shit that's looking like a pretty good return does it not?

>> No.4963058

VTC will be $100 by the end of 2018. it's the least shitty of the shit coins

>> No.4963070

Hashflare io
1 year contract

>> No.4963089

Just do it
Then try withdraw
You'll see

>> No.4963220

Why what's wrong with withdrawal? Do they not pay out or just a long wait?

>> No.4963272

It's a scam senpai

>> No.4963383

Hey guys

I have a friend who is investing in some high tier solar panels for a project of his.

He won’t need most of the power though, it’s more for the sake of principle for him.

I would be able to use a lot of the juice when he doesn’t need it.

I’m thinking that mining from that juice would be great, but I don’t have any knowledge at all almost.

Do you guys have any tips on what I should research? Any good guides etc. that you can recommend? Advice in general regarding mining?

>> No.4963468

Can i ask your advice in rig building? Leave a fake email if you don't mind.

>> No.4963484

If you have about 3 to 5k to get started then mining long term is OK but, honestly if I threw my cash into the coins I have now I would have tripled my investment by now. With that said I'm mining Monero hoping the price goes up in thousands in a couple of years.

>> No.4963736

You'd likely be better off mining a more profitable Cryptonight algo and trading for XMR, but I don't know your hashrate.

>> No.4963780

Mining is dead now, it's all about investing (see: ICOs). Personally I really don't like it. I think providing a service to the early network in exchange for high rates of remunerations as an investment (i.e. you get paid $10 a day now but that can turn into the equivalent of $10000 a day in future when the coin increase in value) is a much fairer way to distribute. Of course in both cases you have the problem of the rich becoming richer (they have the money to buy the hardware, or they plain have the money), but it's easier for normal people to reuse hardware than to send more millions at an ICO.
A scheme that allows perfect identical fair distribution anonymously would be best, but it's probably impossible to implement.
The coin creators should be entitled to keep a very small portion of their coin so they're invested in making the coin good so they can cash out, instead of getting money upfront they can run away with.

>> No.4964717

Best Nvidia GPU for under £150-$220? Go!

>> No.4964799

For mining? Don't even bother. Go radeon.

>> No.4964835

thinking about buying a 1070ti, do you recommend?

>> No.4964883

Hmm, is the hash better on radeon? I guess I should stop being lazy and google it really. Saying that I already have CCminer setup for Nvidia and I am lazy. I think that only runs wiht Nvidia not radeons...

>> No.4965115

No. An xXxTitanXxX9001 fully OC'd is like a downclocked last-gen amd gpu.
Google it. There are ample comparison sheets (wiki pages and google docs). Significantly better bang/$.

>> No.4965238

Don't bother, for a single or dual GPU gaming/mining rig get at least an 1070ti or Vega 56 (if you can find one that is )

>> No.4965435

Aren't Nvidia better at certain algorithms? I've got an r9 380 mining already

>> No.4965493

with cheap WA electricity rates I can make my money back in 4 months.

0.0816usd per kwh

>> No.4965580
File: 313 KB, 709x443, 1493501709094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone running a 7x1070 setup on 1200w?
I can only get 6gpus mining vertcoin, if I turn the last one on, it crashes.
Is there some king of undervolting I can do to make it stable?

>tfw mining electroneum with vegas

>> No.4965584

Yea, I've been looking at them. I was just being lazy to be honest ;)

>> No.4965639

What psu you got?

>> No.4965667
File: 191 KB, 653x477, 1243561513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dying. There's a bitcoin miner app for android that's trending. People are going to burn out their phones in like 2 weeks.


>> No.4965686

my muhfuckin nigga

>> No.4965710

In theory yes but not for any coin that exists. For example for heavily parallelizable f32 simple ops, nvidia cards tend to perform a lot better.

>> No.4965735

I can probably just about afford one of those. No way I can afford a 1070ti for another month. Honestly, I will be happy getting 10+ mh/s as im only getting like 800h/s atm (750ti... fucking shit zoltan single fan one). My PC is on 24/7 anyway so its no biggie even leaving it to mine for this miniscule amount right now. I fancied upping my game a bit is all. Even if I could get a cheap Nvidia that got me 5-10mh/s I would be happy. I am mostly making money through trading anyway. I will get an antminer or build my own GPU rig if I hit my target goal for cashing out some fiat.

>> No.4965934

I'm clearing 1 kh. I'm getting ready for another kh, but I'm more or less hobby mining so I'm just holding what Xmr I mine hoping the price goes up before there is a mass difficulty bomb like with eth.

>> No.4966265

you can always sell your hashing power to SONM, they are about to launch test net in a couple of weeks, around x5 regular mining.

>> No.4966345

in that case look into Radeon 580 8GB if you want to stay within your price range. They can be had for around 250 Euro and are readily available atm. Great performance with cryptonight algo

>> No.4966392

Hmm what's that?

>> No.4966431

I can afford an 1070ti does anyone else have opinion about it other than it's apparently not efficient?

>> No.4966449

Mining is good if you have cheap electricity and buy cards with a short breakeven period (in terms of "price - resale value"). After that it's all profit after electricity costs.

>> No.4966460
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OK, cheers dude. I will look into it. If I can get half of pic I will be happy. even a quarter. Just a bit of hobby mining really for now.

>> No.4966517

1070ti is very good. Nvidia cards are best at equihash(zcash) and lrya2rev2 (ver/mona). Amd cards are best at cryptonight (monero) and ethash(ethereum). Amd consumes lots of heat and are loud. Would not keep one in my room, whereas nvidia is silent.

>> No.4966552

AMD cards are better than nVidia for mining.

>> No.4966558

that is unless you have a shitty pre 900 series Nvidia like me, in which case lyra and equihash are both underperforming and shit while cryptonight is probably the only viable option

>> No.4966574

Thanks anon, picking one up Wednesday

>> No.4966583

1200 sounds low for 7. I have 6 and no problems

>> No.4966593


- 4 S9 & 1 L3+ owner

>> No.4966625
File: 138 KB, 1865x894, Nvidia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even one of these might do desu. I can save myself having to faf around installing drivers too as gforce is already on my PC. Then just spend a decent amount when it comes to getting a rig in a few months time.

Is it the RAM + clock speed I am looking for? Hmm, the charts of what mh/s ppl are getting are fine but a simple calculator or formula to average it out would be better and then I can just go through the cheap ones on Amazon and try and find a gem like I did with my PC. I managed to find one with a dodgy fan and PSU but otherwise, it was cheaper than building it myself. I guess it was because of the stock fan, jesus that thing was loud! £30 for a new one and sorted lol.

>> No.4966648

Yeah, thats another thing, my PC is next to my bed and it's on 24/7 so silent is good!

>> No.4966667


>> No.4966671

I pay 0.02-0.06$ per kwh in pajeetland. Gonna mine shitcoins soon

>> No.4966718

Mined Monero for a while just to scope it out. Looking into building a rig. But also not that sure about monero anymore. My electricity is too expensive for the reward. So I started looking at electronium. Dont think i saw it mentioned here. Any thoughts?

>> No.4966969

Any GPU will make a great deal of noise unless you have mad sick airflow and then you're still running fans at 70%+.
Power consumption meme is a meme.
Dont be a pussy and buy VEGAs or 580/480s if you're going to mine.

Driver installation will be 0.1% of the time you spend on the mining machines anyway.

>> No.4966970
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OK kid.

>> No.4967070

Yeah, I'm used to some noise from my current fan going 24/7 and my fridge. My own fault for putting my bed in the living room to make room for a home gym lol. Just as long as it's only as loud as my 750ti it'll be fine. I can always mess about with the cooling and fans anyway if I have to.
>Driver installation will be 0.1% of the time you spend on the mining machines anyway.
I am really really lazy. Plus this is for gaming too so dual purpose until I get a rig setup. That will go in the other room, so not bothered about the noise on that. I only need the GPUs for it and have the rest set-up.
So yeah, the Nvidia is only for hobby mining on my gaming PC, not for the proper stuff. I am tempted to go all out on it though... I do want it for gaming after. I'll have to have a think.

>> No.4967142

>VEGAs or 580/480s
noted for the rig though. ta. Saying that, I am looking to spend maybe £450 each on the cards for that and have 4 working on it. Won't be for a few months and by then I might get a bargain for that price compared to now so I am not really looking at them right now.

>> No.4967228

With 1,000 dollars why not just put it into REQ and double it in less than a week?

>> No.4967279

Well obviously an Nvidia card isn't SILENT, but it's pretty quiet/cold compared to amd (general consensus)

>> No.4967310

Implying that's a guarantee?

>> No.4967322

That not how it works.
If it's more than 8 months of ROI, you straight buy it and holding.
Less than 8 months, you mine it and scale your facility.