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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49554293 No.49554293 [Reply] [Original]

I didnt realise it was this easy, one little swipe from a store bought razor blade and the blood keeps coming. Bloods curdling on my wrist as I type this. Why does anybody talk about killing their self, if I swiped 20 times I'd be a done deal.

>> No.49554307

uuuuuh based?

>> No.49554314

get help

>> No.49554315

You bought LINK ?

>> No.49554325

See you on the other side, kid :)

>> No.49554326

I used to cut myself (not emo) I would drink the blood and pretend to give the blood to Satan.
Kinda cool, but you realize those scars aren't going anywhere.

>> No.49554328

Dumbass. It's down the road, not across the street.

>> No.49554331

Don't be an idiot anon and seek help, your life is so precious, don't let it be taken away for some bad decision you made in life, money can be regained.

>> No.49554332

wrong way. you're supposed to do it along the vein

>> No.49554335

sir buy SuicideInu just launched based community

>> No.49554351
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The weak self selecting themselves out of the gene pool. I love natural selection.

>> No.49554356


>> No.49554359

The bankman did this by killing crypto

>> No.49554362

indeed based community even though theyre pretty quiet

>> No.49554363

Things will be far worse than you can possibly imagine in he afterlife. Read Life After Life.

>> No.49554368

Would have honestly been cooler if it was emo

>> No.49554372

Cool. Keep us updated

>> No.49554383


>> No.49554385

>cat scratches him
>"holy smokes, I can make the BEST troll thread on my favorite internet forum! Yes!"

Also, LMAO @ your pathetic, skinny wrists you weak little DYEL.

The wrist is composed mostly of tendons. Considering 90% of the people here are DYEL, you're probably totally unaware that tendons hypertrophy but only under heavy weight as they are much stronger than muscle fiber and therefore do not tear as easy.

Your gay little incline flies and cable exercises are going to render your wrists sub-6" girth (aka girl wrists - and yes, women subconsciously notice wrist size). ONLY heavy deadlifts (495lbs+), heavy shrugs (150+lb dumbells), and anything which requires you to grip a fuckload of weight is going to be string enough to break down muscle fiber

>> No.49554392
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Cut down the arm if you actually want to end it. Cut sideways for attention

>> No.49554405

That's great OP now learn to tie a noose.

>> No.49554406
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Remembered portrait

>> No.49554422

God i wish that were me

>> No.49554445

you are supposed to do it along the veins, not across it you attention whoring retard
also >>>/r9k/

>> No.49554456
File: 191 KB, 1601x781, 1652639046156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

setting yourself on fire is cooler

>> No.49554461

I'd cut too if I lived in that shithole. Clean up your fucking room you disgusting pig.

>> No.49554479

Is this some king of initiation?

>> No.49554499

We just started rallying agian, bandage that up, we might still make it. Unless u got liquidated of course.

>> No.49554545

You are a disgusting human being.
Seek the lord, nigger

>> No.49554546

Cutting yourself with a very sharp polished edge is almost euphoric. If it wasn’t such a pathetic loser move I would do it.

>> No.49554557

At least he lives in a house I'm posting this from my tent in CA

>> No.49554568
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this. OP put on some headphones and clean your shit up, guarantee you won't want to kill yourself afterwards

>> No.49554622

This is a post of suicidal fag screaming for help and yet you proved to be more mentally deranged with gym bro science and deliriums. Who the fuck wants to spend their free time lifting heavy weights? That's the jew trap to keep the cattle fit to keep working for more years, while at the same time they get their money back in gym fees. Get help, immediatly

>> No.49554638
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My fan is blowing sucrose in my face

>> No.49554666

>yet you proved to be more mentally deranged with gym bro science and deliriums.
That's every /fit/ tourist in this board, even worse than /pol/tards

>> No.49554705
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Clean your room you disgusted limp wristed faggot. Cut deeper next time.

>> No.49554721

It's just money bro. And yeah, the future looks like shit. But just drop the future for a second and focus on now. Life isn't about the future, it's about the present. Right now you're spending all your time worried about the future instead of being present in the moment. It's like sitting in the passenger seat of your life. There's joy to be found in the day to day activities of your life, and the people you meet along the way. Try being present in the moment, stop forecasting for a while and spend some time with family, spend some time in nature, eat something nice, act like a living being for a while. And when you're ready with a clear head, hop back on that horse and try again. And if you still want to die, well then there's nothing holding you back from taking big risks, so make a change in your life that you always wanted to. Move somewhere new, start a business, learn a skill that you always wanted to but never thought you could compete in. There's so many options available that fear and anxiety stops you from doing, but death is the end of the road, so you might as well give the other options a shot before you dip out.

>> No.49554725

How much did you lost?

>> No.49554816

Did you not see the other 4 npcs who already dropped this rddit knowledge

>> No.49554822

Start a new life anon, move to Mexico, Uruguay, or Chile, don't let yourself be pressured by the banks you own money to, money and wealth can be regained.

>> No.49554824

Disgusting. I better see another post in 2 hours with a clean room.

>> No.49554853

Don't do it anon, there is so much to live for, e.g. Algorand is overtaking Ethereum soon, you don't want to miss that, right?

>> No.49554862

Fat cope is unreal. Being fit makes you smarter. Most smart people are smart enough to eat well and exercise. Most fit people aren't suicidal or unhappy.

Tldr all fat people should be killed

>> No.49554932
File: 474 KB, 2048x1965, 20220528_235658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not buying a shotgun to kys with in case of a recession back when you had gainz

>> No.49555281

Work on your forearm you dyel

>> No.49555307

Don't kill yourself you selfish faggot. Suffer with the rest of us.