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File: 3.49 MB, 2048x1152, leiden_canal_find_the_bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49552613 No.49552613 [Reply] [Original]

Back by demand! BIG demand! Find the BAT in the pic! Haters hate it! You love it! Will make some new ones for the Azores soon.

Also, market is down but future is bright. Revenue is flowing.

>> No.49552872

the bat is in the same spot as the last 5 times you posted it

it looks like crypto is about to capitulate and we are going to hit the bottom soon. i will buy more bat. thats basically the only thing in crypto im interested in buying desu.

>> No.49553146
File: 3.64 MB, 4684x2916, horta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, was being lazy. This image has 3 BATs.

Anyone been to the Azores? Honestly, pretty great place to stay for a few months and clear your head. No tourists in the low season. People are friendly. Not expensive at all compared to the rich Euro countries. There are some negatives. But overall it's decent.

Yeah, it's really hard to have conviction on DeFi in general. I sold all my DeFi shit a while ago. But desu I'm trying to find other shit to invest in. It's just really hard to find good signal.

Also, keeping a pretty close eye on VC's. I subscribe to their RSS if they have them. Follow them on Twitter. But the valuations are quite high (total circulating supply).

>> No.49553318
File: 727 KB, 1200x1600, D470A6E9-AB60-4250-911B-2CDB4030538A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49553957

tHiS TimE is dIFFeRenT

>> No.49554004

>There are some negatives.
I've always wanted to visit. Can you elaborate on what the negatives are?

>> No.49554542

I boughted

>> No.49554589

>Anyone been to the Azores?
No I grew up around Azorian vile retarded portagees my whole life and would never want to visit their homeland after seeing how they live in America.

>> No.49554689

Seems there's a bigger demand for your pics than for BAT itself. Brave should put you in charge of marketing.

>> No.49554714
File: 3.40 MB, 4684x2916, 1655042780841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was way too hard man fuck you

>> No.49555227

Is BAT still a bear market gainer or nah?

>> No.49555417

Thanks for the dip, faggots. Bought another 25k

>> No.49555425

yeah but its not going to survive capitulation, on the way out it will do well

>> No.49555914

.40 EOY is still on?

>> No.49556029


>> No.49556032

$40 EOY 2040

>> No.49556050

Food isn’t that great compared to other cuisines. It’s good but doesn’t have the flavor and spice profile that I like.

Airlines often have canceled flights because of weather. Some locals are pissed about this. I spent a night in a hotel because of this.

Really fucking humid. Which means difficult to dry your clothes if the house only has a washing machine.

Earthquakes. It’s an active area.

I want to buy a house there. So none of this crap will stop me.

>> No.49556067

How do they live? Assume you’re from Mass?

>> No.49556090

Glad you enjoyed it lad.

>> No.49556108

They shit with the door open, fart in public, pick their nose publicly, the women look good when they’re young if you don’t mind hairy arms and mustaches, but they look like witches when they get older. Just to name a few things

>> No.49556366

I fart in public too. It’s funny. But only if it’s a big beefer.

>> No.49556402

>de pajeet
>farts and shits in public
No surprise here

>> No.49556838

nice love these, + brap poster makes these threads amazing

>> No.49557694

why did brave stop buying
+ could someone post the glassnode exchange balance chart plz

>> No.49559028

It's over

I sold

>> No.49559141

Stop? What do you mean?

>> No.49559154

Can someone inform Brave they need to go out of business immediately?

>> No.49560780

Why would they go under? They’re constantly improving the platform and added more utility to BAT. This token will absolutely test your patience. Brave is aware of the baggie frustration and are actively improving the token functionality.

>> No.49561209

Be nice if anyone knew about Brave/Bat. I have tried recommending it and am met with “Oh that sounds great”, yet they never download. Chrome isn’t bad enough for normal fags to care.

>> No.49561256

The catalyst is having enough users that advertisers must sign up. And then the average kid in a big city gets $20+ a month

>> No.49561315

Guys, somebody donated for the first time some bat on my humble youtube channel. 3 bats, it might not look like much, but it made my day. If you're reading this, thank you, anon donator.

>> No.49561331

this is why we can make money
once everyone knows about it it’s too late

>> No.49561350


>> No.49561431

recession bullish for BAT
people will really need the free tokens

>> No.49561555

Nice! I don’t get much BAT anymore because third world but when I did I gave it away.

>> No.49561945
File: 36 KB, 659x659, CB822EEC-79CB-4034-858D-8EA83A69D169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Brave were to release one of the following features this week, what would it be?

A) self serve ads
B) pay with BAT
C) search ads
D) other (explain)

>> No.49562073

none because they never finish shit

>> No.49562463

It’s bots that they don’t finish shit. Everything is already done. They just won’t release it.

>> No.49562488


>> No.49563417

I heard a rumor that they are making a puzzle. A 1000x find the BAT. Who is going to find the fucking BAT!?

>> No.49563777

Yea I heard that too. They’ll be several versions of the puzzle available in the new swag store. All I want is a leather Brave wallet and a Brave bed in a bag. Fuck a puzzle

>> No.49564012
File: 3.19 MB, 1956x2654, 1654643283700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will do your puzzle and you will like it.

>> No.49564936

I’m a 40 yr old man. Not doing fucking jigsaw puzzles and eating animal crackers. I fuck hookers, lift weights, ride jet skis, motorcycles, grill steaks and smoke cigars,

>> No.49565242

Goggles, slightly more than 1 week is anniversary of search. So that... and maybe search ads.

>> No.49565323

what are your bids set at? anyone buying now or still waiting for lower?

>> No.49565519
File: 3.99 MB, 3900x2318, 1636832084659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's gay af.

Also, I have an announcement. I'm working on a 50 BAT puzzle. It will drop soon. Spread the word.

>> No.49565731

Fuck you and your gay ass puzzles. I fuck top shelf nigresses and cum right inside them. You wish you could live my life. Sigma male mindset

>> No.49565835

Give up that life. You need puzzles.

>> No.49565882

lower. macro is wild we may get crazy prices on this shitcoin to the point where brave buys move it lmao

>> No.49565931

Lol, hadn't thought of that.

>> No.49565980

i got bids stacked all the way down if we see mass liquidations. fomc meeting is on wed. this week which could be the catalyst

>> No.49566800
File: 21 KB, 585x487, bat-eich-rugpulls-brave-justed-lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over batbros

>> No.49567123

So wait to buy more?

>> No.49567286
File: 3 KB, 192x162, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just nibbled a little 50k stack at 28 and 29c but yeah im expecting lower

>> No.49567306

that doesnt mean you should wait or buy now. do whatever you want. i just think it might bottom at 20c maybe even lower idk. DCA i guess

>> No.49567387
File: 139 KB, 828x1792, D4BB6C2C-6391-4D56-AB8E-0B9CEC3519FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll grab more at .25

>> No.49567502

yeah just DCA. remember that bottoms arent formed in 1 day, they take months and months of ranging so dont blow your entire load all at once

>> No.49567584
File: 55 KB, 600x900, 1577575113968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#73 end of day

>> No.49567638

by the end of this year i suspect we will be much, much, much higher


>> No.49567748

Do you mean 50 cents?

>> No.49567759

50 rank on top 100 cmc

>> No.49567983

I don’t think it’ll drop below .20 under any circumstances. It’s one of the very few alts with actual use case and institutions are aware of this. Plus, it’s got 60M users. When Brave is growing 5M users a month and the ads buys are still coming in, it’ll start reversing against the market

>> No.49568144

none of those fundamentals matter right now. its caught in a down wave with all crypto, all stocks, all assets on the planet. the bottom is wherever the jews come in and provide liquidity again

>> No.49568297
File: 230 KB, 1024x1024, F307FF62-5D71-4387-84BF-ED542B328FB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea maybe you’re right

>> No.49568455
File: 22 KB, 710x432, images - 2022-06-06T040047.227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just holding my etc, dot, uni, atom, iost and venturing on nft gamings like honeyland game and splinterlands since i love to play. I just want to be productive this bear season. I earned BAT from using the brave browser. Feels good

>> No.49568840

Seriously thinking about going all in. We'll either bounce back or inflation will kill us all anyway

>> No.49568875

do it. how much are you gonna buy?

>> No.49569674
File: 84 KB, 1033x670, BLIGGITY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you all that it would hit 30 cents.

I fucking told you all. And no one listened... no one ever listens.... heh... well.... its my cheapies now.


>> No.49569720

im trying so hard not to just fomo all in bat right now

>> No.49569955
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1597082335502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that you could hear a pin drop in this thread means that all of our batbros are beyond rekt and probably dont have money to buy the dip or dont even want to touch it anymore because they are too scared to act

>> No.49570072
File: 2.85 MB, 2800x2786, 1654641808588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah me too. I'm like running to the exchange.... Ugh... cramps... ugh.... I wanna buy BAT si... sir... Pants down... Shitting EVERYWHERE!!! GIVE ME MY BAT!!!

>> No.49570212

f4g shut up

>> No.49570241

Don't make me post another puzzle.

>> No.49570618

i bought another 60k im done for now

>> No.49570671

I'll buy more if it hits $0.05.

>> No.49570715

theres no way its hitting 5c lol

>> No.49571428
File: 27 KB, 640x480, images - 2022-06-06T040059.448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got BAT since last year. I'm aiming for long term the same goes in investing EQ as i believe Parachains has space in the space. Just waiting on the token and product launch.

>> No.49571697

Why do people like you think this low-grade shill spam works?

>> No.49571699

This dip is courtesy of me buying 25k worth yesterday. Sorry bros.

>> No.49571922

i boughted

>> No.49571979

I just scooped 220k check the Coinbase order book

>> No.49572185
File: 693 KB, 1084x1777, 1654821649059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think Eich actually developed a working product and spent 5 fucking years working on and improving it only to finally rugpull all of my fucking money is unbelievable. What a fucking psychopath. Once the rug is complete he better get those silicone implants removed and plastic surgery because I'm coming for him. Not again bros... First Bingus, now BAT.... :'(

>> No.49572280

You seemed to be the BAT maxi. Congrats ser for being stopid

>> No.49572840

Already have about 15k BAT from previous lows. Thinking about adding 60k to that

>> No.49574038

What's the copium I need to huff to not end it all?

>> No.49575529

I silently fart when I pass by a bus stop with a lot of people waiting.

>> No.49575578

Yep me 2