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49549247 No.49549247 [Reply] [Original]

To all oldfags, do i just leave /biz/ and not look at graph for few months? how do i cope with losing so much money, this shit is slowly making me lose my confidence into crypto to the point im afraid i will sell at the bottom.

>> No.49549260
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Sell now

>> No.49549278

Having a hard time with this too OP. Mine is all in alts and memecoins so I am being giga-fucked right now

>> No.49549290

Are you in alts?

>> No.49549324

>meme coins

unless you hold rugged pajeet shitcoin everything besides btc and eth lost 85%++ already , theres barely any difference between top10 legit project coin and some shiba garbage

>> No.49549327
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Write down what you have learned from all of this.
Ask yourself, "why didn't I hedge my positions with future short contracts"?
The real gains are the frens made along the way.

>> No.49549361

50% btc 50% sol (i got memed by "reputable" youtube phd investing advisor)

>> No.49549362

>Op is on his death bed
>The nurse asks him about family?
>Op replies "I'm alone".
>Nurse asks, what did you do with your life Op?
>Op replies, "I looked at a graph"

Die already you fucking mouth breather.

>> No.49549368

you can't cope, all the moves you make during this period end up being the wrong one. You will lose money

>> No.49549513

Sell now. I would hold a small bag of ISO 20022 coins just in case no matter what happens though. Celsius is currently going insolvent which is why Eth is getting hit harder than Btc. AAVE says they may suspend lending but "can probably cover existing swaps." Stablecoin regulations coming.. Tether will die next and will pull the whole market down with it. When it does, buy utility with really sound regulatory clarity and no adequate contenders. The one exception (superficially speaking in terms of regulatory clarity (Ripple literally sits on the INATBA board and has regulatory clarity everywhere in the world that isn't the US and big/central banks are acting like the lawsuit doesn't even exist and it has clarity with the CFTC as a currency, which per the Senate bill will be the main overseeing regulatory body for crypto.) is XRP (not XPR) which I would hold 100 or so of and buy the bottom for. But you don't have to buy XRP. I recommend a bag of ISO coins, whichever you would choose though.

>> No.49549545

Vauld, register with your coinbase account or whatever, move % into stablecoins and earn 12% while this winter storm are calming down.
Use cryptocat code to get 50% kickbacks.

>> No.49549556

>this shit is slowly making me lose my confidence into crypto
Many such cases

>> No.49549659
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Why are you buying investments you aren't confident in? You should have done significant research to be sure you're making the right choice, it's clearly a brutal bear market + literal Armageddon is starting to happen at the same time, just DCA into dips with what you can afford and be patient. Either your investments pay off next bull run and you're rich, or Klaus flips the switch and we're all eating ze bugs.

You don't lose if you don't sell.

>> No.49549704

Just become engineless l emotionless and put crypto in cold storage

>> No.49549733

Big mistake was holding until here. Next time have a better strategy.
Now if you want to hold you need to understand that if graph survives you have to wait 0.5-5 years for the next bull. Take the loss and sell now (bottom is not even close imo, this is not a retail fear induced bear) or walk away from crypto and check back every six months until you see a clear reversal.

But most importantly; learn your lessons for the next bull

>> No.49549830

pare some risks, ie sell what you feel you cannot stomach to lose. gl if you are over-leveraged.
stop reading all the schizo/shitposts on biz and crypto-twitter. read some real financial news and form your own opinions on macro and the markets.
then add or reduce risk accordingly based off your thesis or changes in the news/sentiments.
t. oldfag who has sold all his alts but still holding his main BTC portfolio. i am convinced of my longterm thesis and hence still holding a great portion of my wealth in BTC. we have not bottomed yet but imo it is close, ie by early 2023.

>> No.49549853

Lmao, boys, it's meme shit.

Just fire and forget, and live your life

>> No.49549875

You could always sit on a hedge against your current holdings if it starts getting to you. Hard to care about Bitcoin dipping since selling some @42k back in the beginning of the year despite the fact I'm still mostly in it. I know ordinarily I'd have just held, but after going through so many bear markets since 2013 I wagered I'd check out the bobo side of things in the event the floor drops out on Bitcoin like it did at the end of the 2018 bear market

>> No.49549967

I'll tell you. Everyone think they are a genius in a bull-market. If you have been holding crypto for the past 6-8 months, you are one of them. You are also the ones who get rekt in bear, refusing to cut losses while going down with the ship.

Its ok. I have done that myself before. Thats how I learned. At this point you might as well just sink. You are tilted, if you withdraw, you will spend the money on equally shitty investments and lose it anyway. If you have the money in something that might be valueable fundamentally, let it ride and forget about it.

Other than that, maybe Biz will be good again. The best times for doing research is in bear. Thats when the only good posters are left on here. Contribute, read, share and learn. Prepare for bull, it will most likely come again, but this time it will probably take a few years. Crypto will be the last thing normies think about, then good times hopefully return. Accumulate, prepare, have good stacks. Sell the top this time (I spammed the board in September and October for you retards, you had 2 months to sell the top). Get out. Diversify, Buy the bottom. Repeat. Diversify.

Most of you wont take my advice, that if fine. You will fomo the top as usual. But stick around and you might make some money for once.

>> No.49550005
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>> No.49550049

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.49550088


Shit man, pls dont do it, I have a hamster to feed.

>> No.49550136


One eth is still one eth.
I've lost tons with mtgox, bitconnect and luna but you gotta keep stacking your pockets while it's cheap. Bear market will come.
Right now decent NFTs go for so cheap that it's criminal not to slurp from to the bottom.

I repeat the fundamentals for NFTs and eth have not changed dumb niggers

>> No.49550146

this is so hot

>> No.49550190

I'm so jaded about the ISO meme. It's a comm protocol that can be implemented in any "fast enough" smart chain. Even the Algorand Foundation CEO when asked about it said something like :

why would we design around that, I suppose you could make a smart contract that acts as the bridge for institutions, but that's trivial and can probably be done by other chains.

>> No.49550397

You aren't investing in the fundamental idea of ISO as tech, you are investing in the already qualified compliance leading into regulations, and the cluster which are already being used by banks and payment providers who themselves tried and failed to create the technology and either way can't offer on demand liquidity, which if a big bank wants to survive, it will 100% use otherwise be reduced/removed by selection pressure. It isn't the technical ability to qualify, it is the term to refer to the bunch of sure things. SWIFT named Identitii to assist migration of its member banks and Identitii filed a patent to do so naming "Ripple" as the bridge. Ripplenet is like 40% more efficient using XRP than now in low volatility (high price) and 8% even during high volatility. The third largest bank in the world (first largest in Japan) is already using it. Ripple owns a controlling stake in the largest remittance offerer in Asia Trianglo, called the "Moneygram of the East." Bank of Egypt uses Ripplenet, countries are minting national currencies on the XRPL. Literally so much more. There is no reason banks would not use XRP and no alternative (XLM suffices for payment providers but doesn't compete). Especially with the impending launch of Liquidity Hub. It is literally the surest bet imaginable.

>> No.49550435

Just don't look. Now's a great time for a walk through nature.

>> No.49550495


So the XRP token will actually be worth something? Then how come it is priced so low when this is "public information".

>> No.49550524

Its value will ramp on utility. The bottom is also not even close to in for crypto in general. Jed is still dumping. Etc. Why was the 2008 housing crisis (and this one) incredibly obvious but (non-bail out beneficiaries) still got dunked on?

>> No.49550550

Sell SOL fucking immediately as in right the fuck now. Accumulate Bitcoin in the bear after a recession is officially announced and we dump a further 50% from here.

>> No.49550583


Ok I get you. I'll pick up a bag when it drops below 20 cents again.

>> No.49550587

How many years you in crypto fren ?

Ehat will you be buying mid bear.
That isn't

>BTC,ETH, LINK or the other shitcoin we don't talk about (eye see)

>> No.49550827

this is the moment you realize altcoins are shit and you just keep accumulating BTC without ever looking at the price and focus on making more money to accumulate more bitcoin.
don't even look at your stack until there is headlines about BTC making new highs or surpassing 100k or something, however just keep buying more at any price

>> No.49552401

Put all your passwords in a safe place anon. set it all out of your mind and focus on something else that you're passionate about. Only when it starts to seriously rise again should you pull it all back out.

>> No.49553151

First you have to stop loosing money to stop caring about lost money.

>> No.49553178

Maybe you look at gamefi or metaverse projects. I think they are more interactive than just stuffing your bag with some token. For example, I am looking forward to the sports metaverse public land sale coming up in june and theproject will allow fns to connect with their favourite athletes, that got my attenton.

>> No.49553241

buy kneepads

>> No.49553248

I can’t tell you to buy or sell this clown market is impossible to read micro bit I can say
Get off biz for a bit go outside enjoy the sun. This place will kill you during a downturn, no one here knows what happens next regardless of what they think. But letting these fools get in your head will not be healthy for you in the short term