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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49548332 No.49548332 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else?
A few years back I enjoyed working. It was natural.
I then found crypto and made shit tons of money (which I later lost)
But the damage is DONE.
I started viewing working as the "I failed" scenario.
And now that its the only option.. Its like I refuse to do it. I refuse to fucking work. It would take me YEARS to save up what I had made in crypto. I have mentally blocked myself from fucking working. I am broken. I fucking broke my brain and I have NOTHING to show for it and Im getting older exponentially faster. Its over. Its actually fucking over.

>> No.49548346

welcome to judiasm.

>> No.49548353

All women are whores

>> No.49548354

yeah, you're not alone

>> No.49548363

>Elon Musk said working from home during the pandemic 'tricked' people into thinking they don't need to work hard
He's always right

>> No.49548379

Same here. You’d better have plan B if chainlink fucked up

>> No.49548396

we weren't telling lies when we said you can't leave

>> No.49548397

I'm convinced bots are posting this shit at this point.

>> No.49548414

>I then found crypto and made shit tons of money (which I later lost)
unrealized gains =/= made shit tons of money
>I started viewing working as the "I failed" scenario.
you sound like a faggot

>> No.49548436

Built for BBC

>> No.49548457

back to the cage wagie

>> No.49548703

I always thought working was gay as hell and was neeting before i found crypto

shut up you fucking dork, the point is he made alot of money at one point

>> No.49548796

alice delish was such a cutie, she's still hot but she looks dumb with her lip injections

>> No.49548882

i used to work for like $800 a month

then i hit 7figs in crypto and quit. sold $1000 worth near the top. held the rest down, won't be long till im back at 5figs.

i would rather just be homeless and hold my useless coins down to 0 than go back to work, idk how the goyim do this shit for 50+ years.

>> No.49548888

>girlsdoporn girl
whore token, how do link holders mentally manage the whore FUD

>> No.49548912


>> No.49548916

what were holding at the top?

>> No.49548942

about 50 different shitcoins that are now all worth 0 or nearly so. orn, kda, jup, sfi to name just a few

>> No.49549094

same lmao

>> No.49549118

why? This person perfectly articulated how I feel. OP, are you a white male? Serious question.

>> No.49549179

>I started viewing working as the "I failed" scenario.
this, but also workers actually are not rewarded. there is no material thing that i want badly enough to get a job. food and housing and internet are attainable with neetbux. with a job i could get...a new car? who cares? maybe work would be more inspiring if i didnt want this society to fail.

>> No.49549429
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why do they always go the bimbo route and get unneccessary surgeries.

Belle Delphine did the same shit with her fake tits that dont fit her body

>> No.49549528
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I'm glad I'm not alone boys.
What the fuck are we gonna do now..

>> No.49549532

it's not crypto, it's the realization that i work for a society that only leeches off of my hard work, treats me like a slave and expects me to be thankful for the privilege
the moment i realized that my goal changed from "i want to be a productive upstanding member of society" to "i wanna siphon as many resources as i can while doing as little as i can"

>> No.49549631
File: 21 KB, 450x320, 1575937102494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who makes these? Why is this so accurate?

>> No.49549699

too real, wow life is sad