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4953536 No.4953536 [Reply] [Original]

My findings of symbols on the cover

>Phoenix is a symbol for a cycle life and death. Fiat dies crypto is born as new currency.
>Pheonix is wearing a fleur de lys which means rebirth and the florin was the currency of the middle age and renaissance. So basically rebirth of the florin in crypto form.
> Tau epsilon lambda is on the coin, when I typed in cardano in a germatria Tau showed up. (going to try other crypto currencies as well, but what new tech does cardano offer for mass adoption?)
>10 phi on it could possibly mean 10th degree mason, isn't there 33 so what does the 10th degree mason mean? Masons are always big on symbols.

Side note when ether is put into a germatria, isis is shown as top result and masons worship isis right? Could vitalik be a mason?

Anyway I believe that this cover gave us the key to finding out what crypto projects are going to be big/meaning full to the one currency that is going to made or adopted in 2018. Thoughts?

>> No.4953798

Forget all.
What is important now is that the phoenix itself needs to die to be finally reborn once again.
There will be a big crash.
Bitcoin won't be the world currency.
But from the ashes of Bitcoin something new but at the same time old and familiar will rise again.
We still have time.
It won't happen next year.
2018 will be the year of something new.

>> No.4953962

10 could be a reference to binary code dunno lol
phi is the symbol for the golden mean... likely a reference to freemasons. fleur de lys is also a masonic symbol

>> No.4954262

It’s a bird sitting on burning money with some nigger shit around his neck.

>> No.4955104

Holy shit anon, I will remember this..I just don't know the coin but I feel like when it comes around, I'll know.