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4953001 No.4953001 [Reply] [Original]

It's going to just keep going up, isn't it.

>> No.4953023
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I just sold at $16,272

So now it's going to go up to the moon just to fuck with me and make me look like a fucking fool.

fuck fyuc=dsjkfhbadsklu dfaerwfg tyhuiop

>> No.4953040

REQ? Yes. Thankfully it’s affordable to buy them in wholes.

>> No.4953044

Just got to stop worrying about the bubble and learn to go with the flow. Hop on this non-nonsensical bull run, take profits, and sell when you think its reversing, but don't be afraid to hop back on if your wrong.

>> No.4953052
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balls OP, u need more balls. buy high sell low. don't sleep d-d-doooon't sleep. who knows if im right but I told you so.

>> No.4953053

No, there's no reason to believe that.

>> No.4953064

If people keep trying to short it and fucking up, yes.

The 3 rallies we've seen since the first bull trap at 6 have been short squeezes.

It will eventually fall, but only once the shorts stop fucking it up.

>> No.4953069
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pfffffffft meeeeeeh
grrrrrrroan. meeeeeeeeeh pfff pffffff pffffffffffffffh

< sighs >


>> No.4953074
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>> No.4953102

You'd fucking think biz would have learned by now not to buy into your own biztard fudding of btc. At least prove yourselves more psychologically equipped than liberals guys.

>> No.4953112

anon the total market capitalization of gold is 7 trillion dollars

the BTC market cap is 0.3 trillion dollars

let's say goldbugs diversify 20% into BTC (because it's fundamentally better than gold, it can be secured by an individual and sent across the world for peanuts)

then BTC has a 1.7 trillion dollar market cap and the value of each bitcoin is over 120K USD

do you realize how much money there is in the world

do you know there's like 140 trillion dollars hidden in offshore accounts

if some of that moves to BTC what do you think will happen?

if you sell BTC below 100k you're hopeless and your descendants will eventually be culled or sent to mine asteroids

>> No.4953118

Will hit $25k by the end of the next two weeks, will then dip to 19k for the next shorts opening on the 18th, and then hit $30k in time for Christmas

>> No.4953130

There's nothing keeping this going. Bulls will tire out and realize that paying 16k a btc is fucking retarded. Then it goes back down

>> No.4953157


Yup. These small pitiful little rallies have just been short squeezes while people called the top wrong.

Just wait until the long squeeze starts. Shits going to plummet like a rock as stop losses get triggered and snowball all the way down.

>> No.4953165


there's an international speculative mania keeping this going, not 'nothing'

literally billions of dollars are flowing into this from GOVERNMENTS you mongoloid

>> No.4953205

You literally don't know how marketcap works and you think Wall St. is the "government". I'm taking whatever you say with a grain of salt. You probably bought at 19k

>> No.4953240

my alts will never recover anon. im on the verge becoming an hero.

>> No.4953260

everyday i refresh my blockfolio and the red candlesticks of my crashing portfolio full of shitcoins, splinter my soul and my sanity desu.

>> No.4953269

There's no reason why rich people and firms will buy bitcoin if it isn't for shorting. Do you think they just want to give money away to retatds on the internet like that? As of today, there's nothing but a couple of pipedreams in bitcoin and it's miles from becoming something of a mainstream currency. If for some reason it goes up to 20k, sell if you don't want to be loaded with the thousands of morons who think they will become playboys with this crap.

>> No.4953273

I agree with this. That's why I continue to believe that bitcoin is about to flair out and languish between $8k and $10k.

>> No.4953287
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stupid anon kekekek

>> No.4953295

where do you think the government of saudi arabia is investing right now

where do you think sovereign wealth funds park their money anon, any particular street that comes to mind?

where anon, where is the money coming from

>> No.4953327

>everyday i refresh my blockfolio
If you have bought coins and have them in wallets, you should just store them for six months, and think about setting up autosells, if they make a profit.

If you are on leveraged platform then stoploss at your limit. Autosell when it's breaks even, or hold if you have the nerve.

>> No.4953335


enjoy your 2% returns on your serious investment portfolio and your retirement at 65

i can show you the house (and cessna 172) that bitcoin bought, they're both very real

>> No.4953354

Sure thing champ

>> No.4953374

>there's no reason for rich people to buy assets if it isn't for shorting!


how do you idiots come up with this stuff

i suspect that it's from your beta tendencies and torture in high school, you instinctively fear every interaction with people (especially successful people), and this manifests itself in believing that successful people want to hurt you in every interaction. in your trading life, i guess this psychological quirk becomes 'wall street jocks will kill bitcoin'

completely irrational

>> No.4953436

that is what im going to do. no way am i going to sell at a loss. im hoping that 20k is the btc top and over winter btc corrects so that alts can moon.

>> No.4953452
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>> No.4953483

yeah i don't know
was thinking about throwing more money in, but how do you buy the dip now? is there a dip? is it going to be twice as much money in the morning? will it crash just as fast as it rose?

>> No.4953537


My eth and mkr hodlings only thing saving me

>> No.4953538


Every one of those is China dumping at the top.

Just wait until you see the drop tomorrow.

>> No.4953592

This is a coin which up until now can rise/fall $ 2000.00 a day.

I'm waiting and collecting data. There are other coins out there which are decent.

>> No.4953603
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>bitcoin is an asset
>All that stupid projection

>> No.4953604

Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
*skips +10,000 in one week*
Just wait
Just wait

bitcoin is hilarious because you stupid fucks from reddit fall for pink trolls. then when people try to help by telling you its FUD, YOU call them reddit

>> No.4953664

>bitcoin is not an asset

anon what do you think an asset is

>> No.4953682

overall im up in usd but down in btc holdings

>> No.4953727

Dead cat bounce

>> No.4953764

>dead cat
>bounces to ATH

>> No.4953932
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>> No.4953995

>governments are going to invest large amounts of money into an outdated, slow, expensive currency that is extremely volatile

>> No.4954046
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~yum~ thank you bitcoin

>> No.4954048
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>> No.4954056

you realize that futures markets always remove volatility from an asset class, right

governments have things called 'sovereign wealth funds' and provincial / state / municipal governments also invest in the stock market (which now, literally today) has onramps for investing in derivatives tied to bitcoin (which is great, because large investors don't have to trust crypto-exchanges)

when people talk about 'institutional investors' that's what they're referring to anon. the world is about to pile into cryptocurrency, albeit indirectly

>> No.4954086

A pretty number on your screen that can change prize in the matter of minutes. Or what, do you think it's just like gold?

>> No.4954107

>yfw you have to pay taxes on the $1 gain

>> No.4954114

... everything in the economy is a number on a screen, you must be 18 to post here bro

>> No.4954117

>Walking through the flee market
>random old people talking about bitcoin
if that part of the public knows it's over,now everyone is just on the train getting ready to crash.

>> No.4954120
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bump for inttredast

>> No.4954133
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tear down this wall

>> No.4954139

It's a "flea" market. And no, it's just a major news topic. Everybody who says shit like you just did implies that bitcoin is a bubble, which it isn't.

>> No.4954142


>> No.4954150

So... How do I convert to USD without having to pay taxes

>> No.4954190
File: 37 KB, 600x815, 91B9ED46-8005-4E33-9083-98507CC5CCC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moved all m BTC to ETH XLM LTC
>still waiting for crash

please don’t tell me my alts are fucked

>> No.4954210

>not using greentext
>being this new

>> No.4954311
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oybai shart it up!!!

>> No.4954312

Well, I suppose if we are going by textbook definition it is an asset in the same way as saying milk can be an asset if I hold all of my money by buying it by the truckload and waiting, but I don't think that would be called an asset by any sensible person. There's no reason why would any person would invest his money on bitcoin with the expectation of holding it and magically just keep growing larger as more people buy.

>> No.4954352

bro, you realize that bushels of wheat are an asset, right? as are truckloads of milk, or ships full of coal, or vaults full of gold, or wallets full of BTC

it's an asset

>> No.4954353

HODL for the speed bump!!

>> No.4954396

you dont, just pay your fucking tax

>> No.4954428

>what money?
I wonder what we'll be able to by
before Mars?

>> No.4954450

>invest his money on bitcoin with the expectation of holding it and magically just keep growing larger as more people buy.

That's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.4954476

Why is the US government entitled to my earnings in a decentralized currency? Thought the point of this stuff was to not give central banks your money.

>> No.4954517

because you earned that wealth in the US while enjoying the protection of the US military, the roads, the police services, the power grid, the social security, etc, and you knew that all of this was provided under a social contract that included you paying a small percentage of any capital gains you made back into the system

pay your fucking taxes

>> No.4954522

I suppose if you stick around long enough you'll see...
BTC is like a savings account. Altavista is like debit card.

>> No.4954569



Unless you're making a fuckton there's no point. You really think they'll waste time getting the records from exchanges of anybody who makes less than like 40k?

They already tried to get everybody's records from Coinbase and got stopped so that it was only 20k. Now that it's getting bigger and bigger they'll get less selective and only worry about the whales.

>> No.4954664
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>> No.4954797

>US military
Yes, thank you US military. For protecting me from the imminent threat to my life in Afghanistan, Syria, and Chad. Was really worried there but thank God your Pakistani wedding drones protect my freedom.
>the roads
I do like the highways. But I'm in DC. Fucking Kabul has better roads.
>police services
Yeah, real happy my money goes toward buying their APCs and the pension of cops who need to retire after they shoot an unarmed civilian.
>Power grid
I'd much rather pay a private company for their services.
>social security
You'e never seeing a cent of that unless you're 50+.

I pay enough taxes. Why can't government just fuck off and let me do with my money what I want without them getting involved.

Seriously though, when the day comes that I sell, how do I avoid taxes? Do I have to be in China or something?

>> No.4954861
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IN AT $1K!

>> No.4954919
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>reading comprehension

>> No.4954920

Flee the country.

Or just pay your fucking taxes

>> No.4954991

US military
yep, they are imminent considering the avg IQ range of the surrounding populace
>the roads
yes, to each their own city
>/police services -traffic ticket for advanced driver's course alumni
again, city
>Power grid
co-op, buy a generator
>social security
it was a broken system employed in order to quell the masses

>> No.4955134

They are because ultimately it devalues the usd. That's why this isn't a bubble.

>> No.4955146

>it was a broken system employed in order to quell the masses
samefagging, social security assumed infinite positive growth and is unable to cope with declining taxpayer growth due to overspending in all types of areas that should be merging and conglomerating. I'm not saying BTC/LTC are like a savings and checking account, but they kind of are. Once they are, they are kind of going to need to be stable, but for now, they dont

>> No.4955235
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1 sat = $1 in 2030

>> No.4955242
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you were told


>> No.4955291

Honestly im with you... i married a girl from spain and im moving there in a year. I plan on pulling out at an atm in madrid then shutting down all my accounts in the us. Fuck that just pay the taxes bullshit... i can buy a home in portugal for 30k... with foreign investor tax cuts from the local gov. Jump ship.

>> No.4955434

70 get for 70K

>> No.4955926
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>> No.4956055

any random tech garbage they can get their hands on in hopes that some of it works out. far more than just bitcoin. pay attention

>> No.4956075

last 2 digits is btc price in thousands this time next year

last 3 digits if dubs

>> No.4956092

don't worry, you timed well.
btc going to be 10k tomorrow.

>> No.4956126

But if it rallies to 25k before that happens then you can get some nice gains.

>> No.4956429

Futures guys are pumping the price. Spread between futures and gdax was ~$600 at open it is now up to ~$1300. They are trying to push the price higher. It's clear spot price is trying to follow futures but look at volume only 2,300 traded with futures, that's not even in the ball park of spot exchanges' volume yet some retards are trying to push spot prices to where ever futures is.

>> No.4956494

I don't think so. The fees are going to draw a hard ceiling, and as that ceiling is hit, the price can't go up and when the price can't go up, Bitcoin stops growing, everybody will pull their money out because there's no more upside.

>> No.4956540

that's not how any of this works

>> No.4956606

You really think Bitcoin will continue to go up if the fees go over $100? I don't think so.

>> No.4956611


good move. SELL at the high.

now its flat line, so it will soon DROP again.

>> No.4956630

>so it will soon DROP again.
>On a trending upwards slope

U w0t

>> No.4956696

yes, i will pay $100 to move hundreds of thousands of dollars across any border in minutes

higher fees = reduced transaction time. if you're okay with waiting 24 hours for the transfer, you'll only pay a small fee

tell me how much it costs you to move $16,000 of any other currency or asset across the world in under an hour