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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49517244 No.49517244 [Reply] [Original]

HUGE 10 year long cup with handle forming on GLD!!!

>> No.49517274

Sir, this is industrial copium, very illegal for personal use.

>> No.49517304

Oh fuck oh shit gold is going to go up $2 an ounce wagmi bros!!!!!!

>> No.49517328
File: 133 KB, 1024x1023, 5C09BFA9-6C0F-4824-BCFB-5BAAC29FA04D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’ve had a rough passage but the skies are clearing

>> No.49517342

Market is preparing for debt market collapse, Bullish for Gold/Silver and Crypto

>> No.49517358
File: 606 KB, 1551x860, 1654895940035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a big cup of coffee and donut, anon!

>> No.49517376

watch the USDX go to 150 soon

>> No.49517380

Cup with handle breakouts can 4x pretty easily.

>> No.49517387
File: 52 KB, 990x1007, 6F4B2171-96BD-4DA0-9B1C-A5A25B3E2479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hold my beer

>> No.49517470

Bismuth sisters...not like this....

>> No.49517949

Do cup and handles really form over such a large timeline?

>> No.49518126

nigga that's a double top. here, inhale some copium.

>> No.49518156

nonsense, I have been doing gold mostly for edging for years

gold basically will take several hits before it does anything

wait at least 1 year for any relevant movement

>> No.49518791

lol ive been buying bismuth shamelessly
its so rare and pretty cool, saw some awesome art I'd like to make out of it
wont hurt me to have a few chonks of it
shooting for my body weight, should cost me another $1500

>> No.49520411

Based bismuth stacker
Unlikely. Pms are useful and the floor is cost to mine. Which BTW has gone up since fuel prices have gone up. Pms do well when all other assets don't.
How's the bond market lately?
How's the stock market lately?

>> No.49520452
File: 633 KB, 1013x1008, 3EE44B4B-9D1F-4879-A3DF-AC5A657FE6E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on gold

>> No.49520489

>Sitting on coins that are 50-90% in a year
>Trying to insult the oldest form of currency


God damn you are a retard.

>> No.49521041

Crytpo literally trades with the market now. It's been captured by legacy finance.

>> No.49521105

Crypto trades with whatever narrative it wants. This time it latched onto the qe but next time itll be some other crazy shit. All it takes is a spot bitcoin etf anyways.

>> No.49521486

Do you know how many loafs of bread an ounce of gold would buy in Ancient Greece?
As many as it would today.

Do you know how many ounces of gold a Roman soldier made in a year?
As many as a US soldier today if he bought gold with his salary.

Gold is not an investment.

>> No.49521723

But that's wrong.

>> No.49522402

>Do you know how many loafs of bread an ounce of gold would buy in Ancient Greece?
>As many as it would today.
This means it is a hedge against inflation.

>> No.49522482

Crypto doesn't need macro economics to fix itself to be bullish, It doesn't need 150T to maintain itself, A small narrative shift will suffice.

Not to mention the ideals behind crypto are mostly contradictory to keynesian fuckery we're seeing rightnow

>> No.49523071

It's also factually incorrect.

>> No.49523388

You've said it yourself but it isn't just a narrative shift that is necessary for crypto to act like the currency(and the not the asset) it was proposed as. You need an entire paradigm shift about how the masses understand capital, credit, debt, and currency. Legacy finance has done all it can to make sure the masses stay financially illiterate and no amount of red pilling is going to change that. The information is there. Its free but people simply don't care. 90% of the people invested in crypto have zero awareness of what fiat money even is. They aren't privy to the Bretton Woods events or the differences between Keynesian and Austrian Economics. They don't understand the basic characteristics of money and while precious metals were used for millennia. THEY HAVE NO IDEA and all they care about is cashing out to USD. People who own PMs are much more educated and that difference is the reason why crytpo will fall with equity markets. There is zero conviction despite the spaces HODL musings...and I am pro-crypto but it's definitely not a hedge in the traditional sense of the word.

>> No.49523437

Please. When prices start tripling, people will sell their crypto to make ends meet. There is little conviction or patience in this space.

>> No.49525659
File: 836 KB, 950x718, 1634440152611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I need to hold my horsies for another 8 years at least?

>> No.49526790

When posts like this start to outnumber shitcoin threads on /biz/, I'll know we're starting to get close to a gold bull run. As it is, we're years away. 2025 at the earliest.

>> No.49526812

This. The fire that is coming is going to burn out these retards in the millions. /biz/ will be unrecognizable in a year.

>> No.49528265

Alright boomer microdick retard dicklet faggot zoomers, listen up. Silver is fucking worthless. It's literally dumped 90% since last year and won't stop any time soon. The thing about silver is that there's more than 100x as much in the ground as there is gold (which is also worthless), and its "industrial uses" are massively overrated because copper outclasses it for any conceivable use. Silver is going to zero, you'll be able to get it for free off of craigslist soon enough if you're willing to go clean it out of dejected stackers' houses and transport it away. Furthermore, asteroid mining operations will be up and running by 2030 and they will QUADRUPLE the supply. But let me guess, you think there's gonna be a big economic collapse - well SURPRISE you doomer dicklet underage faggots, you can't eat silver and you'll be trading your 10oz bars for lighters and bowlfuls of rice. That is if nobody breaks into your house and shoots you for your shiny rocks, or the government doesn't kick down your door and take it when they implement CBDCs. You've been brainwashed by kikes who want to get their hands on your cash, and you better realize it before it's too late and you're left with kilos and kilos of shit-metal that will be rusty and corroded long before it appreciates enough for you to recoup the premiums you've paid.

>> No.49528604

We knew this, newfag

>> No.49528614

Gold is not the oldest currency.

>> No.49529029

TA fags truly are retarded.

>> No.49529068

Gold is completely manipulated. It won't explode like you think.

And I say that with over 30% of gold in my portfolio.