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49502375 No.49502375 [Reply] [Original]

Is nuclear power a sound investment? Do you see demand for plants and uranium increasing in the next 5-10 years?

>> No.49502509

Probably. It's quite obvious that wind and solar aren't cutting it, but most countries are still pushing ahead with green energy policies anyway.
It's worth making a speculative investment in one of the uranium ETFs like URNM. Don't go all in but use it as one of your hedges.

>> No.49502555

Nuclear is at least 10 times more expensive than the next most expensive energy source.

High gas prices are incredibly bullish for Tesla

>> No.49502578

You seem smart
I just went all in on tesla longs

>> No.49502606
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Once the blackouts start rolling and electrical is triaged, you'll see a monumental rise in nuclear power demand. Green energy is a meme at this point.

>> No.49502665

It’s already cheaper than nuclear and doesn’t come with storage of spent fuel.
Whole countries run off green energy. Every American homeowner can afford the $20k it costs to put solar panels up.
If gas keeps doubling every week people are going to figure out solar panels and an EV are much cheaper in the long run.

>> No.49502669

>brainlet who got trips
Nuclear is the cheapest and cleanest energy source. Everything works on steam turbines anyway.

>> No.49502703
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>> No.49502708

The safety / compliance aspect makes nuclear projects unbearably expensive.
I'd say a good 80% of the cost is administrative / paperwork.
If it wasn't for Chernobyl & Fukushima, nuclear would be competitive. But unfortunately the industry has been ass fucked by safety regulations to the point where cheap abundant nuclear energy will never be viable until the same issues plague the fossil fuels and renewables industries also.

>> No.49502719
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Bullshit retard
Nuclear is extremely expensive and comes with huge regulatory red tape.
Expensive to build and store the waste.
Most solar power is paid for by consumers.
Politicians want to give more money to green energy too. There’s a reason we barely use nuclear

>> No.49502744

Stop watching msm and their shilling for wind and solar. Maintenance and upkeep alone are more expensive for both of them. And the fact you believe that solar panels are eco friendly is the biggest kek of all. Forget about using deserts for solar farms, one sandstorm is gonna fuck them up completely. Dams are equally as destructive for the environment.
If you truly want clean, plentiful and cheap energy, built two nuclear plants in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and dig a fucking pit for the nuclear waste and you will be golden.

>> No.49502743

Plus it’s a giant target for terrorist
Or a potential fuck is like 3 mile island

>> No.49502747

Just bought 1 oz plutonium and 1 oz uranium gmi

>> No.49502757

If I had millions to invest I'd probably put a few % into SMRs just on the off chance that they materialise the claimed massive cost reductions

>> No.49502773

Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima laid nuclear energy to rest in the west except for France. The amount of regulatory bullshit and general NIMBY around it means it would take decades to get a modern plant online, the ones in Georgia are years behind schedule and tens of billions over budget.

>> No.49502779

Remember to hold them yourself. Not your keys not your metal.

>> No.49502785

It won’t happen and you’re wrong about solar plants in the desert
They have some in the California desert, right before you drive into Nevada and an hour and half north or LA.
Nuclear is the energy source of the past. It’s not worth the issues.
>dig a hole
Fucking retard

>> No.49502788

Lol youre either a shill or retarded. Probably both

>yes goy the cheapest cleanest energy is actually the most expensive

>it takes fossil fuels to produce electricity, but totally just buy this over priced electric car. This burn victim looking guy who tweeted some 4chan memes made it!!!! Pay your taxes and vote Trump Desantis in 24

Fuck off

>> No.49502803

>The average /biz/anon is literally this stupid
I don't k ow what I was expecting really considering you intellectual juggernauts worship digital fiat.

>> No.49502814


>> No.49502824

Seethe harder fag
Nothing he said is wrong
Nuclear regulatory costs make it the most expensive and least used energy source
Even consumer solar, the 2nd most expensive blows it away in usage kw

>> No.49502827

>Dams are equally as destructive for the environment.
Correct but who cares? Dams and geothermal are good green energy and should be used with nuclear in the areas that support them.

>> No.49502832

Most modern reactor designs are pretty foolproof too and will auto shut off before a meltdown or explosion can occur.

>> No.49502848

he seems smarter than you and provided a chart to back up his argument where’s your chart

>> No.49502850

>believes everything he hears on Fox or Cnn

>Thinks every American can afford a measily 80% of their yearly wages for meme panels

This is whats wrong, we have an upper middle and upper class so out of touch with how MOST Americans live and nore inportantly live without, that they have no idea what world they live in or how blessed they are to have the money they do.

Dont worry, you'll know very soon what its like to be dirt poor. Your arrogance and your sins will find you out.

>> No.49502852

>not caring about the environment
nigger behaviour

>> No.49502859

Enjoy power triage then.

>> No.49502885

every american homeowner can afford solar panels
stop crying poorfag
says the guy suggesting the energy source spilling into Fukushima

>> No.49502891
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>> No.49502905

Nuclear power can be safe though
Putting reactors in earthquake / tsunami land is not

>> No.49502910

>i say something so its gotta be true. Jist try stop being poor, work harder etc etc

True shit wit right here. Like i said, you'll be poor soon enough you spiritual kike

>> No.49502963

Nuclear regulations are only getting more expensive
Green energy is getting less expensive as the tech advances

>> No.49502976

What's the deal with all the anti nuclear shills ? Fusion reactors are coming and will solve most issues with nuclear energy.

>> No.49502979

this, you’re buying a falling knife

>> No.49503005

not regulatory red tape, you’ll never change the perception and cost of regulations and number of hoops
no local places want the risk of a terrorist target or accident waiting to happen

>> No.49503060

low IQ, there is literally no alternative, nuclear power is the future.

>> No.49503061

Fusion is a meme and will always be 30 yrs away
Stars only work due to the immense gravity that cannot be replicated on earth

>> No.49503106

nuclear is literally the cheapest, chud

>> No.49503121

Fission is fine and we should be using it now.

>> No.49503144

Only nuclear companies say that
Look at the market idiot
Where’s all the new nuclear plants?
Fucking retard

>> No.49503153

No because when nuclear power plants aren’t maintained or there’s human error it can cause radioactive leaks that destroys everything around it

>> No.49503174

Nuclear companies only use the cost to run a plant
They don’t count the building, regulations, and storage of waste
They’re scammers

>> No.49503187

Ahh yes as society falls apart, western countries full of 3rd world retards, on the brink of civil wars - let’s bust out the nuclear reactors!!

Nucleartards are short sighted idiots. Sure it’s cheap and efficient, but what happens when people no longer can maintain them or they become targets for attacks? We just destroy the planet I guess…? Umm lol, use your fucking brain. The human race is not responsible enough to be in charge of nuclear reactors, we already proved this multiple times and now Japanese are dumping radioactive waste into the ocean. We did it Reddit!

It takes years to decommission a reactor to make it safe enough that humans don’t have to constantly baby it

>> No.49503190

>Where’s all the new nuclear plants?
People are waiting for the state to stop threatening them with imprisonment using their monopoly of violence before building more.

>> No.49503214

I think they're funded by the oil and coal industry and they masquerade as greenpeace hippies.

>> No.49503225

I don’t trust humans with anything nuclear

>> No.49503239

They might also be Chinese state operatives spreading disinfo, since China is moving ahead to build 200+ new nuclear fission reactors over the next 15 years.

>> No.49503268

there is no such thing as green energy.

>> No.49503276

And neither do the people who operate nuclear reactors - the power plant near me pays security guards like 45 dollars an hour to stand outside of it 24/7 with fully automatic rifles and they’re basically taught to shoot on sight if a car so much as crosses the gate without authorization. A friend of mine who works there told me a story about how they were basically seconds from mag dumping a drunk driver that hit their external barrier

>> No.49503331

Here you go.

>> No.49503358

>nuclear power

there's nothing like a big fat "HIT HERE" for your enemies when you're at all out war.

>> No.49503584

low IQ and/or bootlicker NPC's

nuclear is literally the only option to replace O&G as a grid backbone

>> No.49503772
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That's a load of bullshit. "Green" energy is not green because you still need conventional plants to replace it when it doesn't work, which actually happens really often for a lot of different reasons. You also can't recycle the wind turbine wings.

Considering how those are constantly fucking us in the ass with stupid regulations and shilling I wouldn't be surprised. Low IQ and brainwashing is also on the table.
>>49503153 is either underage or retarded for example.

>> No.49503829

here comes the thorium and fusion midwits

>> No.49503874

Nothing you said changed that no place wants a nuclear plant near them
They always run over budget and take longer to build
You would have to change the system to eliminate the bureaucracy
You’re points are right but you’re focusing on things that don’t matter in the big picture
Solar and wind are getting cheaper
Nuclear is getting more red tape
They’re apples and oranges at this point

>> No.49503903

GEN IV nuclear reactors will be the next big thing. So yes

>> No.49503916

Nuclear is unbelievably dogshit and expensive, Thorium still hasn't happened, fusion is 50+ years away if at all, you need to keep building coal and gas plants unless you want to live in blackout city

>> No.49503968

And yet no one uses thorium and nuclear is a tiny % of our power supply

>> No.49504078
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So you're telling me that we can't have good things because the politicians who write the laws and the people who are electing them are too stupid to understand what's good for them ? That's very sad to hear, and I need to start to learn Mandarin in that case, because China is going to take over us thanks to their cheap energy.

>> No.49504239

can't profit if you're energy independent

>> No.49504258

Yeah where the fuck have you been and why would you expect anything different

>> No.49504341

No one in this thread owns any nuclear stocks or investments
Every nuclear bull is an incel larper

>> No.49505230

>says the guy suggesting the energy source spilling into Fukushima
I love how brainlets will always reveal themselves in any nuclear discussion without fail.

>> No.49505337

No one is going to hit a nuclear power plan because doing so almost guarantees fucking yourself over. The Ukraine has a shit load of them and the Russians haven't bombed any because they know full well it'd hurt them just as much as the Ukraine.

>> No.49505931

No one attacks nuclear plants for the same reason no one drops nuclear bombs, which would be the response to such an attack.

>> No.49506135

>10 times more expensive
not when the government actually pays for it, with the tax dollars they already took.

>> No.49506922
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>Muh fear
>Muh red tape
>Muh terrorists
You fags deserve to live in fear as slaves to the green energy Jews telling how cheap and clean their electricity is.

>> No.49507258
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You faggots get this wrong all the time. The main reason why companies like to install solar and wind is due to tax credits provided by government and that it takes 6 months to a year to see a return on investment. Nuclear, due to the NRC, takes anywhere from 8 to 10 years to see any return on investment. Nuclear in the long run is far cheaper per MWH than solar or wind.

>> No.49507355

Nuclear is the cheapest to maintain per kW AFTER you built the plant and all capital equipment. But the cost to build a plant is so retardly expensive that we can only build new ones with govt subsidies. Have to survive multiple explosions and rocket projectiles, 9/11 style plane crashes, 10ft floods, and internal core ruptures and explosions, all on top of a mountain of red tape and regulations.

So anon half right

>> No.49507485

IMO nuclear cleanest, safest, longest lasting, and cheapest to maintain (after capital expenses). It is what we as a species should pushing towards full throttle, but we won't and never will because the fed will never dare subsidize it. Our suffering is the point

>> No.49507504
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>Have bestest power source
>Oh noes it's expensive we have to secure it so it can continue to produce of the most vital resources of our civilization in the face of war, natural disasters and Chinese engineers with Chinese diplomas
I wouldn't want a hastily build nuclear reactor anyway.

>> No.49507645

Not saying nuclear being overbuilt is bad, just throwing out there that yes, it is the most expensive. Just need fed subsidies to make viable, which, if we want to continue living with power in the first world, are desperately needed

>> No.49507711

Why don’t we do a counter attack for the left?

Step 1. Leftism is a mental illness
Step 2. Being mentally ill means they don’t see reality properly ( 2+ 2 = 5, women are men, men are women, etc)
Step 3. Unable to see reality properly means critical failures in processes
Step 4. Critical failures = ultimate destruction (sodom and Gomorrah, Babylon, death of empires)

>> No.49507788

Holy fuck how can a post be so lacking in self awareness and have so many contradictions in it?

>> No.49507971

until thorium and/or fusion is ready nuclear fission is the best we have. the energy market wants more nuclear but it's heavily dependent on government regulation whether we get it. they're still not storing the spent waste in a safe and sustainable way though that's an issue, temporary storage solutions are only acceptable if they're actually temporary and i don't trust them to actually put a more permanent waste storage solution in place. they tried to bury it in a mountain as they should but those plans fell through in the us. i also have a concern about nuclear plant disasters potentially contaminating sources of fresh water or radiating the fish supply.

>> No.49508129

Ofc we are at step 3. Critical failures in processes (price inflation, debt:gdp ratio, deficit spending, 3-front war—war on Americans, war on Russians, war on ccp). The severe mental illness of the left creates a positive feedback loop that will increase/exacerbate the critical failures in processes. They will try to drag everyone down with them, esp through force of law (mandatory vax, forced grooming, forced equality, gun removal/self defense denial, carbon cap, eating bugs, open borders, etc). These will lead to overwhelming the very laws that they try to enact and they only solution is to enact more tyranny. This is the most dangerous phase. Reality hasn’t set in yet, mental illness is increasing, full stage denial. A dictatorship has 2 options. Go full genocide/democide (aka pol pot) or allow a controlled collapse like the fall of the ussr. There is also a mixed solution of faux government mandates to trick as many to suicide, which is what we saw with the “vax mandates”, while allowing a controlled collapse. Nevertheless irregardless, the end result is population collapse.

>> No.49509813

With rising oil costs and the clear failure of green initiatives, nuclear seems like the only way to secure energy independence, which is the last thing our leaders want.

Honestly if anyone is going to build shitty plants prone to meltdowns it will be the Chinese. They'll ruin it for the rest of the competent world.