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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.49 MB, 2048x1152, leiden_canal_find_the_bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49479348 No.49479348 [Reply] [Original]


Luke Mulks - Based Space podcast - episode 72 - 6/7/22

Points of Interest

• Brave will have 200 employees mid-June
• Getting advertisers is difficult because no tracking and advertisers want tracking. Would have many more deals if they added tracking. Focused on proving ROI to advertisers with new model.
• When they have a more diverse set of users can sell to non-crypto brands (i.e. Maybelline). Made more difficult because Brave doesn't store information about its users.

Really thought this was informative and provided some nuance that I haven't heard in community calls. I think it's going to take a lot more time to build out the platform.

Also, find BAT in the pic.

>> No.49479795

> find BAT in the pic.
Is it on the white van?

>> No.49479832

will listen on my morning run thanks

>Also, find BAT in the pic.
the animal or the bat logo? i cant see shit in this just give me a hint

>> No.49480084

I'm born in that city. Thank you for the memories op

>> No.49481002

down we go to zero cents

>> No.49481134

I thought BAT was this bear markets LINK, but LINK in pamping and BAT is dumping. What gives?

>> No.49481187

BAT is anti-google, anti-jewish.

they will run this to the groundd

>> No.49481211

Spent several months during the pandemic there. Canals minus the ridiculous traffic and tourism of Amsterdam. Debating on posting my own pics. For now it's Google images.

The funny thing about NL is so many people I know have been there but have no clue about salmiak. They tortured themselves with a herring sandwich instead.

>> No.49481249

Bat logo


>> No.49481292

Found it, grayscale.

>> No.49482981

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.49483454

You listened to brown skinned 4chan shills again, what do you expect? Link has always been the bear market coin.

>> No.49483850
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Nothing wrong with brown skin. And a bit of spice.

Also, find BAT in the pic.

>> No.49484995

its over for BAT if they are still struggling with advertisers lol

>> No.49485203

when search ads

>> No.49485275

>they will run this to the groundd
They can’t do that before they drag them into court. Let’s face it though, the Google antitrust case is like attaching the SEC to BAT. They can’t moon until it’s resolved

>> No.49485313

in the attic window

>> No.49485323
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Fuck, I just biked through that street, came home, opened up /biz/ and see it posted here. Am I being gangstalked by BAT /biz/lets?

>> No.49485495

>Chipotle ads
>Ford ads

I'm not sure they're struggling so much as it's a slow build up.

>> No.49485500
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You should check out this. The "luxury" beers are in the back on the left. Nerd Brewing Co, etc . Also, they carry some of the fancier $20 Belgian beers every so often.

Heard Brave might be opening an office in the area.

>> No.49485622
File: 108 KB, 1478x831, BATBTC_2022-06-09_12-29-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like we are about to attempt a breakout on the BATBTC pair

>> No.49485640
File: 90 KB, 1478x751, BATUSD_2022-06-09_12-29-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the BATUSD pair as well. double feature.

>> No.49485648

>Also, they carry some of the fancier $20 Belgian beers every so often.
If you're ever in Vlaanderen, make sure to swing by the Sint Sixtus abbey. Their Trappist Westvleteren are some of the best beers I have ever tasted. Quite expensive though, and you are limited to one crate a person. https://www.trappistwestvleteren.be/en/our-beers

>Heard Brave might be opening an office in the area.
Nice, have been seeing more internet related start up/scale ups in the city lately.

>> No.49485834

>Trappist Westvleteren

Bought one of those from the beer store for $20. If Brave goes to $40 I'll buy a few crates lol. The cashier said that they buy the crates from restaurants and bars because there is no distribution to liquor stores. Kind of cool that someone is working to get beer in a backdoor way.

Thanks for the recommendation. Added it to the list.

> Nice, have been seeing more internet related start up/scale ups in the city lately.

It's a great area for that. Aside from the housing situation lol.

>> No.49486243

read op kek

>> No.49486276
File: 2.29 MB, 1403x822, BurchtHooglandseKerk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kind of cool that someone is working to get beer in a backdoor way.
I know dudes that bring their wives/family along to be able to buy more crates lol. These monks are smart as fuck keeping the distribution capped like this.

>Aside from the housing situation lol.
Ain't that the truth... Currently paying €1100 a month for a 45m2 apartment near the station. Thank god I bought LINK early

>> No.49486359

Poos can make me food, not manage my investments

>> No.49486394

30 cents.

>> No.49487223

it's on the dilapidated eurocuck roof

>> No.49487931

Toilet room not having hot water was always the thing that bothered me. Especially in the winter.

>> No.49488606
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x656, ispy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 BAT
3 justd brave lions
2 eichs
1 luke

if anyone finds all of them i will consider making another one

>> No.49489166

I found the eichs, luke, braves, but I only see 8 batties

>> No.49489242

Where's the second Eich besides the car one on the left

>> No.49489416

Found 9 BATs.

>> No.49489419
File: 301 KB, 1000x656, bats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nvm I found the Eich but I can't find more than 8 BAT. Too hard.

>> No.49489451

I mean 7 BAT. God damn I'm missing 3 still

>> No.49489573

Sage this fucking thread. The canal meme is forced by one tripfag and its not even funny and never has been. Someone please make a new thread.

>> No.49489668

Is a tripfag like a fag that likes to take trips?

>> No.49489750

no. they have a name other than anonymous you newfag

>> No.49489850 [DELETED] 


tg: gginubsc

0x Ce25CDfB7a3647eAc4db1E794bfdC70dC1111C3a

>> No.49489860

Yeah, but in this case it’s both because I do like taking trips.

>> No.49489883

It’s your choice to believe or not believe. But I have insider knowledge. Brendan isn’t in his 20’s anymore. He’s playing the endgame of his career. During the pandemic he became obsessed with polders. One thing led to another and he used his Portuguese “Golden Visa” to enter NL and buy a boat. He loves it.

He’s not going to do the houseboat thing. They are not very luxurious. Instead I hear that he will likely buy some canal properties and turn them into workspaces. His wife likes to cook and there are talks of creating a mini cafe for Brave workers that would be accessible by boat.

It’s a win for Brendan. He gets to explore his new passion and rope in senior devs with a novel experience. Around the office Brendan has been joking that a water commute is better than no commute.

>> No.49489977

I created a youtube channel about berserk in my Eurolanguage, it's just a small youtube channel that I do as a hobby because I simply love berserk (I only have 50 subs). In anycase, I decided to join the creators program just to check it out and today I found out some batbro donated 3 bats. Sorry for the blog post, but it just made my day. Thanks batbro, wherever you are.

>> No.49489993

I thought that was a namefag

>> No.49490499

I found all the BATS you did. I'm stilling missing one.

>> No.49490519

BATbump. Also patiently waiting for thotposter

>> No.49490670

I'm trying to accumulate as much bat as possible (poorfag here), how long do you guys think I have until we reach one dollar? I'm just trying to accumulate and accumulate.

>> No.49490755
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Appealed my ban and it fucking worked for once. Paging TP. Although this thread sucks today.

>> No.49490794

5 years minimum

>> No.49490805
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The FUD drives the discussion. But everyone is chill today.

>> No.49490939
File: 56 KB, 750x1000, 832E8B52-0DBE-4FE9-B2CC-E6BAECADD0F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often can this shit keep bouncing from .38-.41 before it crashes?

>> No.49490945
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Agreed. I'm just financially bored.

>> No.49490989

Do you think the actual brave rewards are sustainable for at least 1-2 years? I really need to get to 10k bats (5k at the moment)

>> No.49491020

>african dao
>struggling to get advertisers
>new bill makes bat illegal
>Brave-Initiated BAT Purchases PER MONTH is less than 4% of daily volume
long way to go for this shitcoin to see any kind of returns. literally just hoping for some billionaire to pick it up and run it thats the best shot this has which is equal to any other scam p&d

>> No.49491271

Elon will buy it once the Twitter deal falls thru

>> No.49491357



>> No.49491402

thatd be great if what we owned were stocks

>> No.49491452

>african dao
market sold my whole stack after this

>> No.49491883

What is that african dao thing you are talking about??

>> No.49492267

We got welfare niggers trying to get Brave to subsidize them

>> No.49492307

you can put a password in the options starting with a # to give you a unique tripcode next to your name. That way nobody can impersonate you. That is a tripfag, Otherwise they're namefags

>> No.49492369
File: 2.89 MB, 506x900, 1652664928720.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy to think Abby married and procreated with that disgusting jew face. Why are jews so keen on intense inbreeding?
More importantly, how does Brave address the lack of specificity that advertisers want? Is proving ROI on investment the best they can do?

>> No.49492415

When elon succeeds in destroying the current advertising model by exposing twitter then things will start to move in BATs favour.

>> No.49492579
File: 1.34 MB, 640x640, 129820452_181333283725003_6071380102713166901_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, lad?

Czech'd. Glad your appeal went through! Maybe they listened >49466444 kek. No idea how they got you but not me.

>> No.49492672
File: 273 KB, 608x1080, 1324123474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TP my bastard!!! God knows. But nice brapper. Unmistakably you.

What the fuck's been going on with the social media partnership you started with Brave? Haven't seen jack shit

>> No.49492809
File: 2.21 MB, 640x800, 163914399_346412550133996_7321902555029712598_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck's been going on with the social media partnership you started with Brave?
I know as much as you do, lad. Long story short, I had a few meetings with a few lads from marketing and talked to Annie a handful of times.

Gave them a bunch of different strategies and ideas they said they would roll out in time. The most I've seen is a few IG ads I told them to use. They had a bunch of decent ideas and ads just sitting around for years. Guess you can add mine to the pile.

Its a shame because I wanted to help build up their IG and TikTok to focus on publisher spotlights, fun giveaways that build up their follower count, etc. Roll out quality ads across Social Media platforms that give incentive for users to not only download Brave, but opt in for rewards too. I'd love to help them and would do so for free in my spare time, but I guess they see using snail mail boomer postcard spam as better advertising that suits them :T.

>nice brapper
I'll be happy to share a few of those with you.

>> No.49492845 [DELETED] 

>but I guess they see using snail mail boomer postcard spam as better advertising that suits them
Seems to fit their general "slow and steady wins the race" philosophy I guess. Still think BAT becoming the ultimate coomer tipping coin is our best bet to making it in the short term. But, its their brand

>I'll be happy to share a few of those with you.
A little kinky for my taste but I'll try anything once. Kek. Gonna make a coomer out of me...

>> No.49492895
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, 8uht6t168r861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I guess they see using snail mail boomer postcard spam as better advertising that suits them
Seems to fit their general "slow and steady wins the race" philosophy I guess. Still think BAT becoming the ultimate coomer tipping coin is our best bet to making it in the short term. But, its their brand

>I'll be happy to share a few of those with you.
A little kinky for my taste but I'll try anything once.... Kek. Gonna make a coomer out of me

>> No.49493124

Bro, is the joke that there are only 9 BATs?

>> No.49494105

Can this niggerDAO shitcoin just dump already so I can buy more? Wtf

>> No.49494216

10/10 brapper

>> No.49495473

good honest points, and they all make sense
btw they fixed that rewards glitch that was affecting the majority of users, so that's some good news at least

>> No.49496098


damn brave top 400 websites worldwide

>> No.49496316

Now imagine if opt-out wasn’t an option. It won’t be with search ads

>> No.49496940
File: 67 KB, 1058x854, batlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT is headed back to 0.011 LINK

>> No.49497590

I could only find 9

>> No.49498620
File: 1.90 MB, 1511x850, 10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should all write to advertisers telling them individual-targeted ads aren't needed and to buy our bags

>> No.49498679 [DELETED] 


I am contacting you about the unauthorized use of our proprietary image by the user "De Pajetê !4jXjdY5WBE".

How may I contact the user as this image is under copyright and we do not have an account under this name on our database. Please reply to allison@shutterstock.com so we can move forward with the billing process.

Shutterstock Team

>> No.49498874

lmao imagine still holding this shitcoin while missing out on so many 100x's on binance

>> No.49498888
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She looks very good without make up. I prefer Asian women though

>> No.49498934
File: 197 KB, 1242x1341, 1652578322354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koreans are flat and ugly, dont ever (you) me with one of them again

>> No.49499007

>reposting thotposter’s content

>> No.49499025
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my bad cuh

>> No.49499064
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Cool it with the racist remarks, bro.

>> No.49499105
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ever since I got my test to normal levels I lost all attraction to asian women. Not bullshitting.

>> No.49500067

suddenly bullish on afrofuturedao now.

>> No.49500081
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diversity is a good thing (for cooming)

>> No.49500980
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>> No.49501867
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