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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49412161 No.49412161 [Reply] [Original]

Just sent my interviewer a $10 e-gift card for coffee

Am I a delusional cuck or a genius?

>> No.49412207
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>pay somebody to offer you a job
American moment

>> No.49412216

that's a bit weird yeah

>> No.49412219


>> No.49412236
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>bribed someone
>admitted it in writing

>> No.49412248
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pls..no bully
I thought it was a good move

>> No.49412262
File: 78 KB, 640x831, 🫦.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally can't hire you now, even if they wanted to.
way to go, dumbass.

>> No.49412267

I'd not hire you just because you were so cheap

>> No.49412281

Should've given them your wife.

>> No.49412322

it's for a sales role, so I thought it would showcase a salesmanship spirit

>> No.49412369

Well, best case scenario, he know you're an autist. Worse case scenario, he thinks you tried to buy his Ok.

>> No.49412406


>> No.49412480
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>slipping your interviewer a Starbucks gift card for the job offer
that's going in the cringe comp

>> No.49412611
File: 81 KB, 327x315, uspepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont forget to tip your interviewer

>> No.49412823

Who is this guy? Where did this image originate from? He is very attractive.

>> No.49412856

It shows that you're lacking social grace to accept a courtesy from your potential employer and you can't be trusted not to be weird around clients
I feel bad for you but also lol

>> No.49412958

>following up with clients is weird
You're not in sales and have no idea wtf you're talking about.

>> No.49413112
File: 896 KB, 868x1192, 10E6F982-57C9-47C8-A4C7-D46916FB81EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you do realize that bribing in a business setting is illegal in most places right? You really think bribing your interviewer is a good look? It just tells them you have zero integrity. Not to mention, since this was for a sale role, one would expect you to be good at selling yourself at the very least, and the fact that you have to resort to bribery just shows you have no confidence in your sales skills

>> No.49413155


>> No.49413174

motherfucker I've sent dozens of gift cards in the past to clients

it's literally a thank you gesture
You seriously think $10 counts as a bribe?

>> No.49413178

Checked. I think this is a solid strat honestly. You should follow it up by going to their house at dinner time with a hotbag chicken and some bread, show them that you will literally feed their family. What more could any employer want?

>> No.49413182

No way
>buy our software! C'mon, here's a $10 gift card to sweeten the deal

I'm wondering if bullying people about retarded decisions is really the way to go, it's like trying to beat 2+2=4 into someone.

>> No.49413194

this is like buying a woman dinner on the first date. you're playing yourself

>> No.49413219
File: 57 KB, 880x727, 1653767594360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sales role
>bribes interviewer
anon this is either the most retarded thing you can do or the most genius

>> No.49413255

Are you dumb? Obviously because you have a solid relationship with those clients it can be considered a gift, but “gifting” someone you’ve just met and are clearly trying to get some kind of quid pro quo from? Cmon…

>> No.49413284

To add, obviously youre not going to get in any trouble for a $10 gift card, but the interviewer is most likely going to view it as an attempt at bribery is my point

>> No.49413287

what part of $10 do you not understand?
Chad warden wipes his ass with a $10 bill

>> No.49413311

why do all asian whores look like chipmunks

>> No.49413345

Bribery is wrong anon.
Break his kneecaps instead.

>> No.49413387

What part of it doesnt matter how much value the card was dont you understand? At the end of the day, the interviewer is going to see it as you trying to bribe them to give you the job, because who the hell sends thank you gifts to interviewers? I don’t understand why you’re trying to justify this, it’s such a retarded and pointless thing to do

>> No.49413390

My company's policy would not allow them to accept the gift and they would likely not hire you to avoid even the appearance of bribery.

>> No.49413405

Sending money to an interviewer is not following up retard, a polite email would have been appropriate. It signals you don't understand how to interact with people in a business setting

>> No.49413431

I don't even think it would be seen at a bribe or an attempt at bribery, it would just seem fucking weird.

>> No.49413480

You fucked up anon. Even if the interviewer originally decide to hire you, they will likely reject you now because they dont wantb to walk the line of bribery

>> No.49413628

i bribed my interviewer once - it does work but i dont think a gift card will do it. Use a little social engineering if you can.

>> No.49415522

just some cringe from E3 a few years back

>> No.49415544

Kek, sales jobs are literally all about taking the client out for a fancy meal and a shitload of drinks, if anything he fucked up by not taking the interviewer to lunch while he was there

>> No.49415552

delusional cuck

>> No.49415597

This could possibly give you a step up by qualifying your employer for the Department of Labor employment of mentally disabled tax credit.

>> No.49415917

this I hope OP gets the job

>> No.49416077

what the fuck is a chainlink. everything chainlink. just stfu and buy some matic

>> No.49416159

complete delusion. you could have used that 10$ to buy some MATIC instead of wasting it on a dickhead who's not going to hire you.

>> No.49416256

hey op, tell us the outcome. I'm rooting for you. if you don't get this job, there's more, so just try somewhere else.

>> No.49416318

People saying it's a bribe are exaggerating imo.
I'd take it as a kind gesture, but wouldn't hire you, OP.
On the other hand they might.

>> No.49416398

Stop going to OnlyFans, your brain is fucked up

>> No.49416437

I haven't laughed that hard in a while, ty

>> No.49416549
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It'll be okay anon... there are other job offers. Maybe just try looking in a completely different field where HR doesn't talk to one another.

>> No.49416598

Seeing how much this post made biz seethe means he probably made the right decision.

>> No.49417401

just make sure you take a viagra before the interview so you're rock hard.

>> No.49417422

He literally can't hire you anymore you fucking retard.

>> No.49417555

You’re a kind of delusional retard genius. Perhaps kind of like Karl Pilkington.

>> No.49417560


>> No.49419141

You just put the interviewer in the spot where he needs to declare to his boss you sent him a gift card, while still convincing his boss that you arent that weird and would be a good wagie. Well played

>> No.49419221

you're supposed to gift them after getting hired not before. they literally can't hire you now because it's against company policy.

>> No.49419300

It's clearly retarded, but it may also be genius. Keep us updated anon.

>> No.49419321

Don't do it anon, your eyes can get very red with viagra.

>> No.49419324

Bribing someone privately is legal and just considered business. It is perfectly legal to pay a private person for privileges.

>> No.49419443
File: 58 KB, 509x339, 10 dollas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Thank you for this opportunity at Turner Hyundai & Infiniti. Here, don't spend it all in one place"

>> No.49419450

On your knees mutt

>> No.49419489

Why is no mutt on this thread talking about self respect?
About looking yourself in the mirror.

>> No.49419716

Damn. And i thought i was bad for sending a cucked "thank you for taking the time to interview me" email after my most recent interview. Worst part is they didnt respond to my thank you emails and then i also didnt get the job

>> No.49419812


>> No.49419827
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>> No.49421106
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Thanks for the update I never would have guessed.

>> No.49422638

Big 4 employees literally go to colleges waiting for undergrads to buy them coffee as a way into "Networking". Top kek when all my acct buds left their firms and swearing they hated every second there.

Should've just learned coding and followed my heart, not the money.

>> No.49422756
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cringy as fuck. but wish u the best autistic brotha

>> No.49422870
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Actual /biz/nessman and not a crypto papertrader/jeet bot.

A $10 gift card is well within the acceptable ‘trivial limits’ of corporate gifts. You should see the expense reports sales guys rack up buying bottle service and dinner for prospective customers. It’s fucked. Chad move anon, ygmi