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49397583 No.49397583 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend some good financial mindset books or videos. No yamakas please

>> No.49397634
File: 1.17 MB, 1400x2100, BC68FB63-AFBD-422E-89A1-983399800339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to master your mind and the rest falls into place

>> No.49397762

Dr Joseph Murphy

>> No.49397781

Think and Grow Rich (DUH!)
The Millionaire Next Door
The Millionaire Fastlane
Un-Scripted (also by the author of The Millionaire Fastlane)
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Basically what most money, mindset and personal development books tell you is to stop thinking like a normalnigger, stop following the herd, stop following trends, become consciously aware of your thoughts, start thinking for yourself, study and model yourself after those who are successful and already have what you want, set goals to focus on and work at (actually sitting down and writing goals gives you a pinned destination to get after where as simply having your goals in mind is bullshit lazy cope) and equally as important... visualize your goals and your success so that you can imprint your subconscious mind and really believe it done even before it is done. The moment you are incapable of believing and being comfortable with actually being wealthy and successful is the moment you'll self-sabotage and fuck your shit up. I know this from personal experience because I literally felt guilty and remorseful at the thought of being rich as fuck and leaving people behind and as though I had to diminish myself and shrink myself so as to not make other people uncomfortable. Pussy shit, I know. But that was years ago and it no longer applies. Keep chipping away and eventually you'll have a break through with everything and you'll become a new person. To be a millionaire/billionaire/wealthy/good with money you must first BECOME a millionaire/billionaire/wealthy/good with money.

It's some real wax on, wax off Mr. Miyagi shit where what you thought you needed to know turns out that you already knew but in order to become aware you first had to go through it.

TL;DR: Figure out how to make more money. Invest and save more than you spend. Believe you're already what you wish to be and think/feel/act as if.

>> No.49397791

I love Joe's work. Literally saved me from deep depression and anxiety and wanting to become an hero. I owe that man a good portion of my success.

>> No.49397792

with jews you win?

>> No.49397814

*I owe a good portion of my success to that man


>> No.49397845

this anon gets it

>> No.49398017
File: 535 KB, 1206x1473, Byron Dale letter from US Treasury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All money is created by private banks, not government. Banks create new, digital money when the issue loans with no prior need for reserves or deposits.


>> No.49398799

Fuck yeah. That’s the US treasury admitting that it’s all a house of cards built on debt

>> No.49398815

"this is a goyim. this is where your money comes from."

>> No.49399200

The whole video is Babylonian money magic

>> No.49399312

Before the financial crisis of 2008, a central bank would typically set policy by picking a target for the interest rate that banks charge each other for over-night loans of reserves—in the US, we would say that the Fed set a target for the federal funds rate.
Suppose the Fed target is 5 percent. If the economy is on an upswing and the commercial banks spot numerous profitable lending opportunities, they begin advancing more loans to new borrowers. Other things equal, more and more banks would find that they need extra reserves in order to satisfy their reserve requirements (or simply to bolster vault cash to accommodate the increased activity from more customer deposits).
If the Fed didn’t take any action, then the banks’ increased clamoring for reserves would push up the market interest rate on overnight loans of those reserves, perhaps to 6 percent. In other words, in an environment where the banks perceive new lending opportunities, their activity would tend to push the actual federal funds rate above the Fed’s desired target federal funds rate.
In order to maintain its target, the Fed would have no choice but to engage in open market operations, in which it would buy new assets and create more reserves, thus pushing the actual fed funds rate back down to the desired 5 percent target. This is the kind of mechanism that the authors of the Bank of England study (https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/quarterly-bulletin/2014/q1/money-creation-in-the-modern-economy)) have in mind, in which the central bank passively responds to the banks’ “needs” for reserves.
However, this is largely a matter of semantics. It is still the case that the central bank controls the total quantity of base money, and that the commercial banks can’t create new reserves. The textbook description is still correct: When the fed funds rate is 6 percent and the Fed wants to push it down to 5 percent, the Fed must buy assets and inject new reserves into the system.

>> No.49399497

There’s also the injections into the repo market
Which are 1 day loans but get renewed 99% of the time

>> No.49399714

Youtube knows you've been a little too greedy anon.