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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 500x500, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4939174 No.4939174 [Reply] [Original]

>try to get into bitcoin
>literally have to spend 5 hours on reading to even start
>huge ammount of terminology to learn (seed, deterministic and non-deteministic wallet, full and light clients, blockchain and dozens more)
>still to be completely safe I have to store and regularly update a 145GB file on my HDD, otherwise I have to take the risk and trust external sites who will do this for me

This is technocratic money, no way this can catch up globaly. Your average <100 IQ Joe will never understand and mantain all those things.

>> No.4939175

If a Pole got it, virtually everybody can then

>> No.4939176

Isnt that exactly why it is so valuable? Because the demand is outstripping the supply?

>> No.4939177

I just never bothered to buy any when my friend showed me what happens when you try to withdraw like 0.0002 of a coin on a day the market is falling

>your cash will clear in 10~14 business days goy

yeah nah fuck that fake money

>> No.4939178

these things are for millenials.

>> No.4939179

If you can't order btc and setup a hardware wallet in under 30 minutes you wouldn't have been smart enough to use the internet 20 years ago.

>> No.4939180

remember when cold calls used to kick you off the 9kb/s network?

>> No.4939181

>he doesnt know about electrum

>> No.4939182
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why is that every fucking time shitcoin "rockets" /biz/ floods /pol/ trying to shitshame people into buying them with piss poor reverse psychology (so they can cash out tiny sums)? its all so tiresome ban this shit outright ffs

>> No.4939183

>Your average <100 IQ Joe will never understand and mantain all those things.
they don't have to. Literally all they need to know is how much money can be made and how to sign up for coinbase with your referral code.

>> No.4939184

what? no you don't need download that

buy off any exchange, and send to a paper wallet or wallet like electrum

>> No.4939185
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Because you can buy pic related with it

Shitcoin is for molesters and sickos

>> No.4939186
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>>Your average <100 IQ Joe will never understand and mantain all those things.

100 is average for White people.

Negroes in America have an average of 85 (on a NON-LINEAR scale).

Negroes in the Motherland of Africa have an average IQ of 70. Mental retardation tier.


>> No.4939187

what about me

>> No.4939188

Niggerproof currency?

>> No.4939189

Why thank you my good, sir! I have a bag of $$$ right here! Would you happen to have a, what do you call it? “Referral code”? What wonderful coincidence, since we are strangers, that we both can make profit securely and wholly without any risk!

>> No.4939190
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>tfw had wallet with around 1200 btc in 2010 but forget password to it and another with 750 btc which I sold when it hit $6 year later
>tfw I'm poor instead fucking japanese whores and crashing lambos in Tokyo

>> No.4939191


>> No.4939192

>he doesn't know how to market

>"yeah just use my code and we both get an extra $10, that'll cover the fees"
>"oh okay cool thanks anon"
>spread code through social media influencing
>make good passive income
>rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat

is everyone on /pol/ a socially awkward sperg? Just do your best to understand the technology, then sell normies on the most basic ways to use it, for example coinbase referral codes.

>> No.4939193

Electrum still is a external party that updates the blockchain for you and should they decide so or if their security gets compromised they cheat you while returning final results back to you. The only fully safe way to have a transaction is by using full client. You can buy the btx of the exchange but keeping it there is super unsafe.

>> No.4939194

First post best post

>> No.4939195

No there are niggers with more coins than you

>> No.4939196
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Exactly. You can think of it like a certain shape, where the normies new to the whole idea are very numerous and at the bottom and we, my lad, are at the top

>> No.4939197

until it gets hacked for the hundreth fucking time.

>> No.4939198

then throw it into a paper wallet, every wallet can't be -- cheating everyone. Do you have an example where money was stolen form a well known and trusted wallet because of a security flaw?

>> No.4939199
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Whose the idiot now?


>> No.4939200

If you can't figure out how to sign up for coin base and make a purchase using your credit/debit card, I highly doubt you understood any of what you claimed to read

>> No.4939201


>> No.4939202

Its an electronic fiat currency, and the major holders are banking firms and foreign governmentz.

Btc just got reclassifies tax wise, and will now be subject to way more than before. As such, said firms are hyping into the tax year when these changes will take place. Could be 2018, could be 2019.

But in any case, BTC is going to die and the bank owned coins will replace it. As it stands, there is no anonymity left in the coin anyway, it is nothing but a electeic store of value, little difference from a bank account except for volatility.

Notice how hard it is to cash out large amounts? Its because the money isnt there, you fools.

>> No.4939203
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You're implying that the average non-institutional crypto investor understands it. They don't. They genuinly think they know better, sit on better information than Presidents like Warren Buffet, Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, Bogle, etc, etc.

It's hot potato at this point.

>> No.4939204

Nice try Israeli diaspora

>> No.4939205

Please explain the inherent value of a bitcoin.

>> No.4939206
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Not an argument.

>> No.4939207

You don't need to do all that to buy in. Should have bought in the dip then read about wallets if you wanted to use one. Lots of normies just keep their coins on exchanges though.

Also light wallets exist.

>> No.4939208
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>> No.4939209

>download coinbase
>buy bitcoin

>> No.4939210


>> No.4939211
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>t. Forever poor

>> No.4939212
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Going to bed now, dream of pedo money
[sleepy emoji]

>> No.4939213
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download coinbase

>> No.4939214

Pick one

>> No.4939215


Answer >>4939205

Sweden is such failure. It really is.

>> No.4939216


waits till its almost 20k a coin to start looking into it LOL

>> No.4939217

Bitcoin is really secure as long as you take responsibility for your own coins and aren't retarded.

>> No.4939218

Yes goy buy the dip, the magic numbers will keep increasing independent of regulation, forget that china farms roughly 10% of all coins, banks and other countries nonwithstanding.

>> No.4939219

If you had bought the dip 2 hours ago you'd be up 10%.

>> No.4939220

A fool and their money. If you make a profit, it was due to your luck, not fiscal intelligence. Btc will not be the future, the new tax plan is making sure of that.

Dont you ever wonder who Satoshi actually is, or what the initial purchases were?

>> No.4939221

this is just a beta test, the value of the current stuff will zero out when the banks own enough of it to screw them over

>> No.4939222

Exactly my point, but as Norwaybro pointed out majority of normies will not be safe because in their herd thinking they will trust too much in external companies as sooner or later someone will get burned.

>> No.4939223

And where will you be two hours from now?

How foolish of you to think hindsight makes you a seer of the market. And when it crashes you will hold, until the final crash you never saw coming wipes away all value.

Maybe the banks will exchange it for Ethereum at pennies on the dollar at that point, so you will still have something.

>> No.4939224

can relate

>> No.4939225

>not wanting to burn normies physical and economically

>> No.4939226

Obviously nothing is stopping you selling right now and taking your 10%. If it crashes in 2 hours well, you're probably back where you started, but even if it goes lower than that that's on you.

>hurr hindsight
With as much money as is currently in it the dips are bound to rebound while this thing rides its way down, there's no other way for whales to get their money out.

Also if BTC crashes everything else does too.

>> No.4939227
File: 1.99 MB, 3470x2305, Shanghai Port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin will replace the dollar within a few years, be prepared for extremely radical change my friend.

>> No.4939228


And here comes another man with logical sense. I miss 2016 if for the simple fact my sequential numbers would not have been ignored, and been blown up with pepes instead.

Jesus people, use your brains. International conglomerates own virtually everything, why would they not also own a hot e-currency where they can do it anonymously?

>> No.4939229

mmm new wallpaper, thanks nigger

>> No.4939230

sweden seriously shut the fuck up youre such an embarrassment

>> No.4939231
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Better invest in a fishing boat, you'll need it

>> No.4939232

>Notice how hard it is to cash out large amounts? Its because the money isnt there, you fools.

back in 2011 when it reached 30 dollars for 1 btc you could sell all your btc in few mins now there is daily or weekly or monthly limits etc
if your btc is worth 1 million you will need the price to be stable for months .. as it will take a lonnnng time for you to sell and convert to cash
anyway .. i would like to know more about the subject of converting it to cash ! if what i said is incorrect i would love to be corrected

>> No.4939233


>> No.4939234

>if btc crashes

No your fictional currency crashes, thats it. Maybe places like India get burned, but America did not buy into the coin craze whole sale. It does not matter how much numbers increase on a screen until you have cash in your mother fucking hand, that is investment 101.

The fact you dont want to talk about taxes shows me how truly ignorant you are of btc place in the economy. The hype train is obviously real

What is bitcoins inherent value?

Who is Satoshi?

Why was BTC created and what were the first purchases?

Ill wish you luck, because you certainly lack intelligence

>> No.4939235


>> No.4939236

I said if it crashes in two hours you dumb fuck. Don't quote what I didn't say. Obviously this coin will hit zero one day, especially since it's fucking garbage technology.

You're acting as if I like Bitcoin, I don't, I LOATHE it. I don't even hold any, I hold other coins instead. But you're acting as if the inevitable is the now instead of taking advantage of the now. If you don't want to buy it that's fine but stop making retarded posts.

>> No.4939237


>> No.4939238

Its an inflated market based on hype. No one sees it though, because its fancy smansy new-fangled technology on their pc, and technology is the future.

Question, how many more people mine coins than purchase them? This is important, because it bears on how much actual money is involved in bitcoin. Does it suddenly become clear why bitcoin holders are telling you to buy?

Its so they have money to sell it for, silly. In no other market would people invite you en masse to share their "profits".

>> No.4939239

And im telling you people, particularly first time investors, can make better use of their time than slapping money down in a hyper volatile market that the main people hyping dont even understand.

You sell BTC as a get rich quick scheme, not considering the financial implications of what was essentially under the table trading. Let me ask, if the tax man came knocking on your door for his back pay on those btc, would you have the cash on hand? Could you cash out quick enough?

These things must be considered.

>> No.4939240

i agree with you
for me , the only reason i didnt buy and will not buy is due to the fact you really cant exchange your btc to real cash
i have heard story's of pl going to china exchanging btc for houses then sellling the houses .. all of this just to change btc to cash

thats why i was hoping to see someone who know more about the subject

>> No.4939241

You don't pay taxes until you withdraw, and then it's like literally anything else. Just pay your taxes.

>> No.4939242


Hello from united arab emirates

>> No.4939243

You don't actually need to know all that stuff any more. Maybe you did back in the day, but now all you need is to open an account on a bitcoin exchange, verify it and wire some money from a bank account.

>> No.4939244
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>gotta pay da fees goy

>> No.4939245

>we, my lad, are at the top

oh boy.. no goy you are at the 7th layer, at best

>> No.4939246

>my random $1 on freebitco.in turned into enough to buy some pills

>> No.4939247

As it was, btc was non taxable until enchanged. It was a "property, but is no longer, so the tax hole you just described is being closed.

BTC will require taxes to be exchanged, and you will most likely need a form of identification. Then your wallet number goes in that NSA file we are all trying to avoid. So what becomes the point of BTC in that case?

>> No.4939248

See this?

Translated: dont take time to understand what you are investing in, just put money in btc so i can take money out of btc pls

Obvious shark tactics

>> No.4939249

You realize pyramid schemes are ultimately unsustainable, and you essentially admitted BTC is a pyramid scheme?

>FYI Satoshi is at the top, you will just be left holding a bigger bag than everyone else

>> No.4939300

You can use the android app wallet.

>> No.4939521

Du kan råbe og skrige så meget du vil, men skat kommer du til at betale på alt du tjener. Det gælder lon og investeringer i aktier og valuta. Du får jo tilsvarende et skattefradrag på tab, så ikke piv.

>> No.4939732

People want it, hence it has a value. What is the inherent value in a dollar bill?