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49373642 No.49373642 [Reply] [Original]

Is moving to Japan a sound financial decision especially now that the YEN-USD exchange rate is at a historic low?

>> No.49373732


>> No.49373993

I'll bump this just to call you a retard. There's many cheaper/better options than japan so what are you asking? I also love hentai but it's not real anon, I'm sorry

>> No.49374092

name better options

>> No.49374594

Sure, if you know Japanese and can at least somewhat intermingle with their culture in a non cringey way.

>> No.49374619

Nothing, try staying in any foreign country for more than a month and you'll realize that it kinda sucks after a while. Not being to communicate properly with people is very frustrating. So, unless you already have a social network there or speak the language, there is nothing to recommend.
Having said that, Thailand is probably the best choice for most westerners to chill for a few weeks/months. It's cheap, big western community and in the touristy areas they all speak ok english. check nomadlist, it's pretty accurate
t. have been all over EU and SEA

>> No.49374633

If you're very rich, it's a great move. If you're planning to wage there all I can say is lol, lmao

>> No.49374658
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If I was super rich with a meme job, then yeah I'd wanna move there. It's like a fucking playground of a country.

>> No.49374676

I want Japan to ban other races moving there, but open tourism again
You stupid japs need to fuck and have kids

>> No.49374678


>> No.49374701

>No niggers
>Hot Asian girls
That's should be enough of a reason already

>> No.49374703

why would anyone move to japan? They will never see you as anything other than a foreigner. You cannot even enter certain places and you will never be seen as a fellow citizen even if you speak the language.

japanese even have that attitude online, speaking their own language knowing full well everyone around them is speaking english when the community is an international one.

I like anime though.

>> No.49374749

good fucking luck because your only options are
>wage slaving (literally, your american jobs are a playground in comparison)
>degree slaving (either wage slave afterwards or fuck off)
>marry (no one would marry a gaijin)

>> No.49374878

Marrying won't save you from point 1 and 2 though. Not unless you marry into a rich family and you won't

>> No.49374914

>japanese even have that attitude online, speaking their own language knowing full well everyone around them is speaking english when the community is an international one.
Yeah this is the thing that really highlights their isolationist mindset, and I wonder if this was brought on by them being contained on a small chain of islands for like 3 thousand years. They make Japanese-only websites like 2chan (can't even enter it from an American IP, let alone post), and all they really seem to give a shit about on boards like /int/ is what everyone thinks of Japan. I think they're gonna return to being hyper-nationalists once the American empire dies, cause they all still have the mindset that Japan is the greatest country on Earth, and why shouldn't they? Japan gets its dick sucked by every fucking westerner, both women and men.

>> No.49374939

>>marry (no one would marry a gaijin)
Yeah they would, but you're either gonna have to speak Japanese (really this isn't unreasonable) and be a high earner, or you're gonna have to settle with a used up gaijin hunter slut.

>> No.49374945

Hahaha you think you won't find blacks in Tokyo?

Go to the Japanese countryside where you belong Chud.

>> No.49374957

being a secondclass citizen in an ethnostate is far superior to being an equal in a multiculti shithole.

>> No.49374959

I just don't understand how the niggers got into the country. I mean really, who is importing niggers into Japan?

>> No.49374981

all at the cost of your pride

>> No.49375007

Take a month-long vacation and rent a furnished apartment. Live there for the month and see for yourself

>> No.49375029

Yeah I'll take housing discrimination in exchange for zero crime

>> No.49375045


>> No.49375056

Japan for the Japanese. Stop trying to ruin their country Gaijin scum

>> No.49375088
File: 404 KB, 528x1953, Japanese multiculturalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's such a nice """ethnostate""". You can buy shish kebab and kofte right down the street and listen to africans talking in their native language

>> No.49375127

The future of an anime watcher:
anime not even once
fallen off. 100m subs barely gets 2m views now.

>> No.49375136
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>> No.49375138

Young Senegalese men chat in wolof in Japan

>> No.49375162

they should enforce japanese only for citizens, people being allowed to speak their native tongue means they dont respect your country.

>> No.49375171

>Conspiracy theory proven wrong because no Jews
>Chud.py segmentation dump

>> No.49375179

Japan is an overpriced shithole.
>muh jap tard waifus
>muh overpriced imported goods
>muh homageny
>muh gaijin dream

>> No.49375196

Who mentioned Jews? I really don't understand why they would import niggers to Japan.

>> No.49375200

There are a lot of things they *should* do. But those are all in your imagination. You're always waiting for your actual life to start instead of living in the world that exists this moment

>> No.49375220

don't forget, being made fun on national television


>> No.49375228

publicly shame them so they either shut up or speak the countries language.
This is why europe got cucked by immigrants.

>> No.49375231

There are blacks there. And turks and SE Asians, and whites. Just a small percentage. Unless they start fucking and having kids this will continue to be their fate.

>> No.49375522
File: 98 KB, 640x426, z22509063V,Tokyo-Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is shit country. Expensive, overcrowded with isolated overworked human drones larping as people. Enjoy you cancer from eating Fukushima rice and fruits. Jap is 'cool' because it was part of deal, they join globohomo alliance in return for brainwashing whites Japan is best thing in the world. They make cool consumers products but as country to live is not enjoyable. It's conrete jungle. The only good reason to go there is to bang jap sluts otherwise Thailand is much place.

>> No.49375543

I am surprised East Asia would even want to take in white people considering white people will probably start demanding pro-black cock policies and police be defunded

>> No.49375569

>barely gets 2m views now.

Wow, what a pathetic viewcel

>> No.49375630

>not being able to able to communicate properly
I have autism so this is the case regardless.

>> No.49376594
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I've been living in Japan since 2013. Ignore all the bitter foreigners who constantly complain about the country, Japan is great as long as you can speak the language (apparently pewdiepie can't). Wages are low though compared to the US, but that doesn't affect me too much since I mostly live off of passive income, and since corona my job became WFH so I barely even work anymore.

>> No.49376715

A used up Japanese slut beats over 70% of American women by not being fat. Add to that simply better genetics due to not being some mutted Hispanic/negroid goblin.

>> No.49376751

only move to japan if you have enough loot or able to earn more than national average online, otherwise don't even think about it

>> No.49376934

holy fuck this is physically painful to watch
is that fat fuck completely incapable of self awareness?

>> No.49376994

>better genetics
yeah fucking skinny midget gook genetics are just so much better.

>> No.49377037

japan requires vaxxedport
rather die than get killed if you know what I mean

>> No.49377077


>> No.49377252

japan is great if you aren't a social person and don't care about being accepted by society. foreigners complain because most of them have main character syndrome and think their time in japan will be like their favorite manga/anime/j-drama.

>> No.49377384

It sounds like a good thing to do if you are a content creator. The Yen-USD might be low, but Japan culture and products are the top dogs in entertainment right now, vtubers, manga, waifus, etc.. everyone wants to be an anime girl and everyone wants to fuck one, meanwhile Western culture is on the fucking floor, capeshit was taken over by sjws, blacks and multicultural brainwashing is starting to bother people and pretty much everyone is fed up with their bullshit, so Japan who embraces degeneracy and "freedom" to like whatever you like seems really appealing to westerners right now.
There are ofcourse several other countries that can offer the same and much cheaper, like some latin american countries if what you want is to live peacefully and everything is dirt cheap, but they are not as exotic as japan right now.

>> No.49377435

>terrible weather year round
>lack of good western food and products (I can't eat that gook shit everyday)
>terrible air pollution that is going to get worse since lots of factories from china are moving to vietnam
>personal space and privacy is nonexistent
>getting around is a fucking nightmare
>cost of living already going up

>> No.49377459
File: 39 KB, 500x492, 89926be8e63c1dcd253375375a651252[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking zoomers don't even know based davido-kun
What's next you are going to ask me who ken-sama is?

>> No.49377627

> be incel
> hurr durr i sick of living in multicultural shithole that full of n*gger because all white women going to fuck them and i'm still virgin !!!!!!!
>WOW !! japan !!!!!!! so homogeneous so trad , left everything behind and let move there !!!!!!!
>NOOOOOOOOOOO it impossible !!!!!!! n*gger !!!! n*gger EVERY FUCKING WHERE and they will going to FUCK with jap girls not MY BWC !!!!!!!!!!!!!

get rekt chud , learn to end your hatred or being a virgin sexless loser until died

>> No.49377828

I speak fluently, make a living as a freelance translator, and have tons of japanese friends/coworkers. My wife is Japanese.
>They will see you as a foreigner
Are you a retard? I AM a foreigner. Name a country in the world where foreigners aren't seen as foreigners you thin skinned mongoloid fuck. The only places you sometimes can't enter are whore houses which shows me that you are a degenerate piece of shit as well.
>nooooo japanese people speak Japanese in an international community
Unironically kys retard

>> No.49378131

>muh declining birthrate

>> No.49378552

Not the jewlfu shot, just things like hepatitis vaccinations. You know, real vaccinations that offer protection against real diseases. This is pretty standard for any country to require from visitors and was done long before the jewflu hoax.

>> No.49378606

>They will never see you as anything other than a foreigner
I'm already becoming foreigner in my ancestors country, so what does it matter?

>> No.49378654

Same. I came to Japan with my N1 and a real job offer in hand (ie not English teaching or recruiting). Lmao at faggots that can't even learn they language before complaining that they struggle to live in a country where they can't even order a pizza properly.

>> No.49378675

>boost the conomy
>by importing shitskin savages from countries with the worst economies in the world
what did they mean by this?

>> No.49378707

Honestly I'm worried how Japan will fare if the food shortage problem gets bad.