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49323702 No.49323702 [Reply] [Original]

>Biden Administration considering proposal to tax oil and gas windfall profits

>> No.49323714


>> No.49323720


>> No.49323723


>> No.49323815

This will literally cause prices to go up again holy shit make it stop.

>> No.49323849

fuck shitmericans

>> No.49323917

didn’t know the president has the power to tax specific industries on a whim. always thought congress was in charge of taxes. weird

>> No.49323942

Not happening unless the senate decides it wants to.

>> No.49323948
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>> No.49324008
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>Taxing a product to stop its price from rising

>> No.49324104

fuck off
you think im gonna defend massive oil conglomerates? i got better things to do

>> No.49324124

sheev wouldn't do this to us

>> No.49324154

or maybe they will be forced to accept reduced profits, because increasing the consumer price too much reduces sales. hope this helps

>> No.49324184


>> No.49324384

No you fucking mouthbreather, without subsidies fracking only becomes profitable at 7 dollars a gallon. The practice of subsidies to keep gas low was what kept prices low under Trump, you are so fucking unbelievably retarded to not understand that this will impact ALL prices because gas will continue rising and possibly rise past 7 bucks in order to recoup costs which will cause the prices of everything else to rise.

The answer has never been to make it harder to produce oil, you fucking absolute loon. Die in a fucking ditch.

>> No.49324641

Duh. This is the part where the last generation of virtue signaling about needing to do something about climate change stops being a choice for people to make and starts getting enforced top-down. Chiefly by making oil and oil products more expensive to price-out their usage in anything but industry where needed where a cheaper alternative can not be found. Nobody cares if people mald about it, there will be a number of distractions to keep them busy like there already are, and nothing anyone can do will stop it.

>> No.49324858

>This person is allowed to vote

>> No.49324900

Thats it, when society starts to collapse, I’m going to start killing drivers of electric vehicles, priuses and nissan altimas.

>> No.49324922

oil is an inelastic good, you fucking retard

>> No.49325000

I hate it far more than you do but the writing is on the wall. Don't kill the messenger.
You watch. In a decade the only people driving internal-combustion engined vehicles will be the very rich. Banning shit outright gets people heemed, doing the slow boil method and raising prices to the point that only the very wealthy with something to lose can take part in it is a tale as old as time. Same thing happened with all the fun guns, same thing happened with real estate and land, it's happening to vehicles next.