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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49315273 No.49315273 [Reply] [Original]

There'll be huge dips but inflation wont stop until at least 50% before great reset. Which means market main trend will be bullish. There'll be huge dips though, the next one will either be after the midterms, with an inflation level around 10% or in 2024 with inflation around 18-20%. That's when recession fake news will it. Fake because the next administration will just print more USD to solve the problem and continue the cash grab until crashing the market for real into a huge depression where (((they))) be chilling and buying the dip while financing the third world war and resetting the economy after with a world government to have NO MORE WARS. The end.

What will be left of crypto will be a libertarian paradise, BTC, ETH, LINK, XMR, ICP and a few others will be the ticket to a status similar to what was a feudal owner. Basically we still have feudalism but type of feuds always change, farms then, companies now, farms in the depression and 4.0 industrial revolution afterwards. Not everyone will eat ze bugs and what's ahead is unironically the last opportunity to make it before normies get a little taste of reality.

>> No.49315300

TLDR: we might pump until the midterms then crash again, or keep pumping until 2024, and regardless on what happens in the presidentials surely crashing short term and resume pumping from 2026 until great reset. Screencap this

>> No.49316865
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>> No.49316930
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Ok anon, this will be the first and only time i listen to a post on /biz/
You better be correct

>> No.49316958

so what you are saying is to cash out now? and buy after the midterms. Also put all my money into something called I see pee

>> No.49316971
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>> No.49317164
File: 1.60 MB, 1073x2721, https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_b2bc72b6-e18c-4803-a8e4-01fc421c57c8_1073x2721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What will be left of crypto will be a libertarian paradise, BTC, ETH, LINK, XMR, ICP and a few others will be the ticket to a status similar to what was a feudal owner.
Incorrect. Using anything else but Monero already is subject to surveillance, and this will be amplified in the near future. If your funds have a history, your transaction can be censored. You sure can transact, but that doesn't stop the governments from putting you in jail for doing something they don't like.

>> No.49317348

based XMR chad

>> No.49317364
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>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.49319800

Might be close source scam, might be top 3 coin. Worth buying some

>If your funds have a history, your transaction can be censored. You sure can transact, but that doesn't stop the governments from putting you in jail for doing something they don't like.

Unless you're doing high amounts I wouldn't worry about retroactivity of regulations, there won't be enforcement for some years, retroactively, if it is legal you wont have problems, must pay taxes though and thats cucked so better go to some jurisdiction that accept crypto on a regulatory basis, there are already.


WEF shill detected.


>> No.49319834

Dont sell the bottom, sell the midterm based on what happens

>> No.49320035
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>Unless you're doing high amounts I wouldn't worry about retroactivity of regulations, there won't be enforcement for some years, retroactively, if it is legal you wont have problems, must pay taxes though and thats cucked so better go to some jurisdiction that accept crypto on a regulatory basis, there are already.

You still have zero financial privacy, any bad actor or a curious person can know how much you own and where you are spending it on. Does that secure/safe? Absolutely not.
What's legal today, tomorrow might not be (and vice versa). You can also have tainted amounts which raise eyebrows from law enforcement. Don't be a compliance cuck, fuck them. Use Monero and don't worry.

>> No.49320109

A huge number of people are leftist cultists who will lick biden's nuts. The market won't be bullish because the point is that this economy is a captive economy where they want a hiring freeze, mass immigration, unaffordable housing, mandatory injections etc. to force people to comply with their rule while their secret police spy on you for saying you think there's something fishy about this.

>> No.49321350

i agree but ICP is a stretch.

>> No.49321564

inflation hurts rich people way more than poor people
you morons realize this right
why do you think the FED's sole job is to stop inflation?
they aren't going to let it get as bad as you retards keep thinking