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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 679x614, OilGone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49283921 No.49283921 [Reply] [Original]

Nations are running so low on oil that we are officially privateering each other for the last drops.


>> No.49283936

oh is that why oil dumped today?
m___keyp___x and QT is going to kill oil just like covid did. cope and seethe

>> No.49283946
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>peak oil

>> No.49283953
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When the oil is gone, diesel is gone. Any areas in the West that rely on grocery stores for sustenance will suffer as their supply chain crumbles; stores will no longer be stocked.

>> No.49283969
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I don't care how much oil is in the ground. The Biden admin just halted allowing new sprigs to be tapped.

>> No.49283972

Oil still has decades to go

>> No.49283988

im starting to think that running out of oil is an amazing opportunity to reset society. I just hope it runs out before humanity becomes too dysgenic. society decays every year that we have ridiculously cheap and convenient energy reserves.

just buy oil and burn it for the good of humanity

>> No.49284047


>> No.49284061

Free energy exists and Tesla discovered it. No way glowies don't know. But yeah it'll be a reason for a reset when they decide to release it.

>> No.49284067
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>> No.49284091

Why are greeks such globohomo shills?

>> No.49284355

>Greece steals a tanker from Iran
>so Iran steal 2 tankers from Greece
it's like the whole world is now ruled by the blackest gorilla person you can find

>> No.49284375

>The US ordered the Greeks to seize the first one
The niggers always start the stealing.

>> No.49284400

But that’s ok, because covid has halved the population

>> No.49284421

We're not running out of oil, we're running out of CHEAP oil. Nothing will fundamentally change when we do, everything will just get more expensive and worse. So look forward to that

>> No.49284499

/pol/tards are so dumb holy shit

>> No.49284520

No that's real it actually happened. I know, sounds made up

>> No.49284547
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Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.
Not nice. :(

>> No.49284571

its funny the arrogant ziehan has sorta been right.

>> No.49284575

That's not the part I'm debating. It's the "peak oil" delusion. Countries with oil still have decades left to tap while extracting at full throttle. Not including new sources and deeper drilling technologies in the future, and not including the reserve stockpiles that a lot of countries have. We're far from peak oil and chances are we'll be closer to fully renewable tech before it gets catastrophic.

>> No.49284612

Peak oil is more of a left wing concern, along with global warming and pandemics and things like that. Pol usually promotes right wing conspiracies that revolve around jews instead of nature

>> No.49284618
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We are sending our oil to foreign nations and we opened our strategic reserve 1 month ago. It's only a matter of time. . . .

>> No.49284627

He has to be arrogant because everyone is circlejerking about "muh chink century" and you need a loud forceful voice to counter all that.

>> No.49284638

the US is in a bad position; it doesn't make China any less of a paper tiger.

>> No.49284647
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>We're far from peak oil
Yeah but like I said, we're not far from peak CHEAP oil. In fact we're probably already past peak cheap oil. Oil is only going to go up from now on, cheap oil is running out. I love oil. Oil.

>> No.49284663
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oil wells refill
peak oil is a stupid lie.
bury biomatter for a while
speed with gmo anarobic bacteria
almost every country has unreported oil reserves. the biggest amount of oil isn't in saudi.

go ask pol if you want the real reason for this old news.

>> No.49284684

The fact that peak oil has been getting pushed back for the last [all of living memory] makes me think you're probably correct. Peak oil doesn't exist but we can get fucked by political action anyway.

>> No.49284704

ngl the oil running out meme is giving me global warming vibes. always a few years away

>> No.49284706
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>Yeah but like I said, we're not far from peak CHEAP oil. In fact we're probably already past peak cheap oil.
You deserve a gold star.

>> No.49284710

Society doesn't "reset", it's not a fucking Nintendo.

>> No.49284719

If it completely collapses and an army is strong enough to conquer the subsequent hordes; you can force it.

>> No.49284764
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>how /biz/ schizos wants to fix society

>> No.49284768

Peak oil has been a boomer meme for decades, oil companies spreading this shit to price gouge. Don't fall for the lies, it's bullshit.

>> No.49284777

Oil is a renewable resource.

>> No.49284802

Mostly just manipulation. If anything, as we adjust to more electric vehicles we will probably see oil drop.
And you guys don't remember how at the start of the pandemic a lot of gas was being given out for free?

>> No.49284806

>He thinks I want that to happen.
Did I ever advocate for those faggots?

>> No.49284957


>> No.49286118

bud there is too much oil. We couldn't run out even if we tried. There is too much oil

>> No.49286215

Wow how many fucking retards are on this board? 2008 was the first peak and fracking bought us some time but those wells deplete so fast and require so much input to produce that we are seeing the effects of diminishing production as we speak. Anyone who thinks otherwise is literally delusional. Denial is a hell of a drug. Seems like biz is hooked.

>> No.49286871

Gayreeks being bottom bitches as usual.

>> No.49286966

Sounds like Iran needs some freedom. Luckily we just so happen to have a carrier group in the area.

>> No.49288716

yeah bro just get a shovel and get on it, you dumb faggot

>> No.49288850

cleanest dirty shirt etc

>> No.49289335

You mean millennia. It's a limitless resource that forms in vast quantities in the mantle where water interacts with iron ore under massive pressure.

>> No.49289383
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>do everything possible to stifle oil production
>claim it's peak oil

>> No.49289409

You’re retarded

>> No.49289428
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Good. I'm sick of the earthquakes we shouldn't be having.

>> No.49289485

>dude just fracture the soil for 50 years
"honey, our water is on fire!"

>> No.49289591

You know what is retarded? Thinking that you're burning 180000000 year old zooplankton.

>> No.49289599

That you can't produce as much as the oil underground.

>> No.49289767

Oil is the only thing that enables the existence of 90% of the population on the planet. Without it, billions starve to death. Even if it is abiotic, it is being extracted at too fast a pace to regenerate quickly enough to make any difference. The plandemic was an attempt at mass sterilization and depop of 1st world countries and was signed off on by everyone because no one wants a resource war that ends in nuclear winter. unfortunately it was too little too late and nuclear winter is still very much on the table. Russia is making it's move and China will soon. Israel and the US are war gaming attacks on Iran for their oil. Shit is about to pop off. You don't have to believe shit if you don't want. But this is what is going down.

>> No.49290308

Literally all they have to do is just buy from Russia and stop virtue signalling.

>> No.49290532

>dude just corrupt all the underground water reserves and fuck up the soil

I mean I don’t believe a single word of these lying kikes and their “peak oil” narrative, as they want to impoverish us and make us even more dependant on gibs, but I dont see shale/fracking as a viable alternative desu

>> No.49291281

>afraid of vibrations

>> No.49291956

Wrong, it's supply has been artificially constricted to get to this point,

>> No.49291975

>heh in one extreme circumstance when the demand collapsed overnight there was too much oil for like a week
>this means oil is over in the future because umm EVs and shit
Well I hope you invest everything you have based on this thesis, I'll keep buying oil, let's see how it plays out for us

>> No.49292172

>Free energy exists and Tesla discovered it.
thanks elon

>> No.49292252

shale is predominately natural gas and not crude. also anyone that falls for shale drilling is a dumb nigger. it just fucks up your drinking water and hardcore pumps/dumps the local economy.

t. grew up and lived in bradford/tioga county, pennsylvania during the marcellus shale boom.

>> No.49292376

greece is a state of america at this point

>> No.49292394

what do you do when the government you elected does not do what you want to do?

>> No.49292445

>openly boast you're going to invade iran for 20 years
>iran gets the bomb just like north korea (demonstrated when zion don killed their general, two earthquakes)
>iran gets help from BRICS
>iran starts flexing regional power
>the war for khazaria is failing
>soon there will be place left to flee, no people left unaware of your genocidal, nazionist nature

>> No.49292458

alternatively stroke a BBC and a BBG (big black gun) while doing absolutely nothing except seething and coping

>> No.49292470

i wouldn't know. i'm not american.

>> No.49292531

why did we cuck to the jew burgers, medbros?

>> No.49292597

why burgers brag about their oil reserves when their government is actively sabotaging that industry and reducing output to "save le environment"?

>> No.49292625

>they want to impoverish us and make us even more dependant on gibs
they already did that by collectively putting us on the industrial revolution drug and our consumption can't be weaned even after the inevitable peak oil craze
why do you think they've been scrambling for renewables so hard? it costs energy to produce renewables and get them to a self sustaining level

>> No.49292745
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How does iron become carbon?

>> No.49292758

Because remember if you don't do everything US says Russia will invade and kill you. Don't think about it just FEEL and be afraid

>> No.49292804

hey dumb gorilla nigger. let's picture you have a large swimming pool. it loses 500 gallons a week to evaporation. you add back 495 gallons a week. will it ever run dry?

>> No.49292810

gayreek cuckolds ahaha

>> No.49292830

the only russians i'm afraid of are the neo bolsheviks of new york city

>> No.49292849

This government was not even elected

>> No.49292876

Doesn't do any good when
A) it's in the ground
B) consumption heavily outpaces production

>> No.49292925

No no no...its totally safe to freaking drill a huge hole way down in the earth, pump it full of extremely toxic chemicals, contaminating ground water for miles, and the ignite it causing mini explosions!!!! How esle can billionaires become trillionaires!!??!!??!!

>> No.49293423
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Holy shit I stuck a nerve on this one didn’t I? Keep cope posting your third world subhumans. You will pay for American oil and you will be happy :)

>> No.49293448

>Prudent Warrior
We’re going to live in a Ace Combat/ Project Wigman timeline very soon

>> No.49293570

Crude oil is a by product of organic matter being destroyed in the process of plate tectonics. Century old oil pockets that were considered dry are slowly starting to refill and new pockets are being formed around the pacific ring of fire. IF people really sat down and educated them selves crude oil they would see how much of a sham it all it.

>> No.49293623
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Until proven otherwise, I'll firmly believe that running out of oil is as absurd as running out of gravity.
These faggots stop drilling and are now complaining about shorages. Fuck them. I hope Iran fucks them bloody.

>> No.49293973

Water + calcium carbonate + iron oxide in a subduction zone. It's not even a contraversial theory outside the influence of western propaganda.

>> No.49294023

Wrong analogy. Picture an endless churning sea of all of the material you need to make oil, then every so often bubbles of oil form and then you scoop it up and pretend to other people that it's rare so people pay you lots for it.

>> No.49294034

this kek

>> No.49294837

>but I dont see shale/fracking as a viable alternative desu
Fracking doesn't pollute water tables, it's so far down there isn't water and they case the holes anyway. Fracking doesn't cause earthquakes. Fracking isn't bad. It's an easy way to take unproductive tight shales and get oil and gas out of them.

>> No.49294893

its obvious at this point. They just playing politics and regular people have to suffer. i have a theory though. This is being used as a tool to force innovation. they cant do anything with climate change when oil is still the cheapest energy source around

>> No.49294958

This is true. They always wanted higher oil prices becasue it would make electric vehicles better in theory. That why biden keeps mentioning it as a talking point. Little did they realize commodities used in ev are all mined with gas, and cars are all shipped with gas.

>> No.49294965

This board has gone full reddit.

>> No.49295002

I for one welcome the crash. Clear out the gme schizos types and redditors that can't understand basic principles of production in different industries.

>> No.49295050
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my parents have two natural gas pipelines running through their front yard and they collect royalties on a natural gas well on adjacent property. they still regret the impact of the marcellus shale boom. they know people whose land value was destroyed because of their well water being contaminated with methane. keep believing those oil industry jew lies.

>> No.49295097

Go back to r*ddit faggot. Your parents are retarded.

>> No.49295156

>muh reddit
>muh left/right
another criminally retarded, culture war psyop niggerbrain. sad!

>> No.49295217

> Wow how many fucking retards are on this board?
This isn't old /biz anymore senpai, poltards and burgers clinging on to their former glory are shitting up every slightly politcal thread

>> No.49295318

>muh left/right
I never once mentioned politics reddit fag. Also, go easy on the onions you emotional retard kek.

>> No.49295373

>hmm yes, a gas company bringing in out of state mexicans from oklahoma to drill for natural gas, while ZOG politicians give these multi-billion dollar companies tax breaks to encourage an economic boom that will collapse the second they leave town, is a good trade off for the risk of permanent water table damage

>> No.49295392

Are you an actual schizo?

>> No.49295404

Lmao burger poltard detected

>> No.49295407

what are you such a faggot?

>> No.49295450

Do you even understand what the chart means?

>> No.49295456

Don't drive a car, eat grilled food, or use hot water then. It's real simple. You can participate in the plunder of the earth or you can go off in the woods and live in a hut.

>> No.49295727

Im ok with it

>> No.49295776

towns are still shitholes after the gas companies left. well, we now have multiple 3 story hotels in a town of 2k people. the same hotels have been sold multiple times because there isn't enough foot traffic to keep them in business. really makes you think.

>> No.49295794


>> No.49296154

Yes he has the best track record now by far. He predicted American populism, de globalization, Russian invasion, and sea piracy. Even though he’s gay he’s good at his job

>> No.49296164


zeihomos a vax shill

>> No.49296229
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>> No.49296663

It's a combination of anaerobic decay and pyrolysis. Most oil comes from sedimentary basins where plankton falls to the bottom of lakes or the sea and is capped by non-porous rock.
That's why shit loads of methane and sulphur are found in many oil wells, the anaerobic microorganism have done some work on the carbon and sulphur containing amino acids before they get cooked in the oil.

Best part is those babies are 100% kosher

>> No.49296918

Shale Oil takes huge investment to get out of the ground and is highly environmentally destructive to mine. Just because it's there, doesn't mean it's financially viable.

>> No.49297107

Not true, investment costs have come way down. No more environmentally desctructive than other types of wells and its extremely financially viable as evidenced by record profits and my portfolio gains. OP is a retarded know nothing zoomer faggot.

>> No.49297326

>2008 was the first peak
wasn't a peak at all, it was a RAMP. you think oil got to 175$/barrel all by its lonesome?

the entire commodity space boomed in the 2000s because wall street academics decided it was a non-correlated asset class and thus all the pension funds and institutional investors needed to "invest" in commodities. Commodities are not investments, they are INPUTS used by companies. It is really quite strange that wall street treats them as if they are cash flowing investments now (they're not).

They drive the price of oil way high whenever they want to blow up the 3rd world. It works every time, and has nothing to do with the supply/demand for oil.

>> No.49297833

Basically how every republic has worked. Let's go back to monarchy and gold trade.

>> No.49297970

Old /biz/ never existed. It was all shilling.

>> No.49298504

This maybe plastic will finally stop being used, then we can go back to using comfy materials like wood metal glass stone paper

>> No.49298564
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Eat shit bootlicker

>> No.49298591

Russiachads we won

>> No.49298617
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Eat my dick, enjoy democracy failing for the 50th time. Constitutional libertarian monarchies with a judicial branch isn't exactly bootlicking. It's the ideal minarchy.

>> No.49298637

How could EVIL Iran do this? Greece merely wanted to take their oil and give it to the US for free. What's wrong with that? Wow I really hope Iran doesn't start a World War

>> No.49298674

Has been for basically 70 years now. Europeans need to learn what sovereignty is again.

>> No.49298862

the arabs could literally just increase their production.
(and they will)

>> No.49298868

>ships stop siling through persian gulf
>china loses most of it's oil
>de-industrializes in a few months
Bros it's gonna be wild

>> No.49299097
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>pick one

>> No.49299684

why do they find methane in asteroid anon?

Are the asteroids from dinosaur planets?

>> No.49300491
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>durrrr we need some inbred reptilian schizo dictator tyrant to control everything. We is 2 stoopid 2 govern ourselffs.

The french illuminati freemasons actuslly did a good thing for the world by exterminating monarchy.

>> No.49300763

Thats not because of peak oil you moron, Iran has more oil than any other country, they dont need oil.

They seized those greek tanker because Greece seized one of their tankers to please their zog masters (USA).

>> No.49301325

How high will wti reach? The way the last 2 days are going i wouldnt be surprised to break $8 this week

>> No.49301555

>I want lower living standards
>I want to work harder for less pay

why are leftists like this?

>> No.49301581

>because of their well water being contaminated with methane.
then fucking privatize the wells and force the people who pollute them to pay damages
why is this so hard?
I hate leftists so much

>> No.49301649
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>The french illuminati freemasons actuslly did a good thing for the world by exterminating monarchy.
They gave us socialism/communism.
How is this any better?
You need to read Hoppe. You don't know what freedom is.

>> No.49301724
