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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 201 KB, 1200x630, Kadena kda babena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49278475 No.49278475 [Reply] [Original]

am i gay for holding this

>> No.49278489

depends on what price you bought it at

>> No.49279485

if my id is purple you are gay

>> No.49279661

$0.30, $1.5, $14,
and most recently $2.05
i dont care if im gay for buying. anything below $100 will be looked at as a steal in a decade

>> No.49280873

No it doesn’t make you gay.

I’m female
I look female
I act female
I talk like a female
I sit like a female
I identify as a woman
So why on earth would a straight man be gay if he found me attractive?

>> No.49280894


>> No.49280898

You can have that point, I'm not gay if I think you're hot. But if I fuck you I'm gay and that's that.

>> No.49281024

OP is not a straight man, she holds Kadena.

>> No.49281650

kevone said triple digits in 2021, now hes saying in 2022 next year he'll be saying 2023 and the year after that he'll be saying 2024 and the year after that he'll be saying 2025 and theyear afteyhre thatht hee'll bey samying 20255737 and theeshdh shdfhsafhkjs

>> No.49281669

reminder i got banned from the KDA price telegram channel for saying i sold at $20. Wonder how those bagholding moonboys are doing now

>> No.49281950

>I got banned from literally a random telegram
ok? why do you keep bringing this up? it's been half a year
I also got banned from a random telegram about quant for suggesting ccip exists and you don't see me talking about it every single time I open /biz/

>> No.49281982

wtf is this

>> No.49282043

>am i gay for holding this
no, that's not why you're gay.

>> No.49282202

>buys at .30 and 14

>> No.49282224
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beef id

>> No.49282244

did u buy it after that youtube dude shilled it way back, forget that guys name but things would moon after his shows

>> No.49282255

the telegram is full of overly sensitive snowflake types

>> No.49282260

>am i gay for holding this
Worse. You are a gay man pretending to be a woman.

>> No.49283157
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you see this chad?

his name is Emin Gun Sirer and he is coming for your bussy.

>> No.49283250

Ur trans so yeah gay

>> No.49283282

trannies can be straight

>> No.49283826
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>> No.49284303
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KDA pact built for big AVAX subnet

>> No.49284581
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Late night AVAX thoughts.

Probably one of the worst L1s out there, rivaling fantom and, I want to say harmony (but that one had the right idea at least) Unlike fantom it actually doesn't bring even one of the 3 trilemma points to the table. Scale.
Its main innovation is using a consensus that sacrifices liveness, good economics, security, technical risk, for, and I'm not making this up, faster confirmations. This sounds horrible doesn't it, why would anyone ever do this. Well, it makes VCs interested and that's really all this project is trying to do. Appeal to VCs to make some money under the guise of a blockchain revolution. Imagine that, make huge events and deliver nothing that actually improves this space. A real life grift. This is what this space is about, using credentials and highly unproven tech to make people buy into vaporware.

Alright, high fees and not much decentralization, not really as secure as traditional chains. What do? Well ava labs thinks their way out is Subnets. They are on the right track, L2 does work for a bit so why not. Just a bummer that they couldn't even make that work properly. They will likely just copy some ethereum rollup solution if they want lower fees, Subnets are a total scam due to the fact that security varies wildly between them making them absolutely useless, an insult to investors to even suggest something like that. But the real investors don't care and retail is too dumb to know.

With nothing to offer, nothing solved, and no future prospects, what does the future hold for AVAX?
Really makes you think.

>> No.49285063 [DELETED] 
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i-is it me or yaml signature caps dont work

>> No.49285413

yeah and i never gave a fuck what kevone said
i came into blockchain from an academic background and KDA is clearly the only one that has a chance at doing what BTC and ETH do but in one package and better.
How could I not be buying this shit.
also holding chainlink and silver if you were wondering

>> No.49285426

I hope they raise the floor price. The coin deserves at least a 15$ valuation and that's being generous

>> No.49285786

>avax instills this much fear into mETHheads and Kadena trannies' minds
whole lotta text to be this intellectually dishonest

>> No.49287095

some KDA holders are MtF, yes. and most of the remainder are cis men who like MtF girls, yes. but are either of them gay? no

>> No.49287331
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MFW there's going to be a huge "burn" in the form of abandoned wallets due to monkey aids and typical tranny lifespan.

>> No.49287624
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>wall of troonish lies and delusion
kek, it's probably pointless but let me point out some of your more egregious errors
>sacrifices liveness
AVAX prioritizes security over liveness, opposite of nakamoto(your shitcoin and every other shitcoin) which sacrifices security for liveness. Clearly AVAX takes the optimal approach here since security is more important than liveness. Practically speaking none of this matters since AVAX is the MOST decentralized POS right now with a Nakamoto coefficient higher than ETH's beacon chain. that's right troon, ETH 2.0 will be 51% attacked long before AVAX.
>technical risk, unproven tech, etc
this argument carried some weight a 1.5 years ago, not anymore. AVAX is battle tested and proven tech. KDA, eh not so much, as you don't get real world tests on a ghost chain. I can't imagine the level of violation that MEV chads will inflict on your nubile chain if it ever started carrying real economic activity. AVAX has the 3rd highest TVL, so it's already dealt with an entire army of hackers, scammers, and rent-seeking whales.
>Subnets are L2, don't work
kek, wrong and wrong. Subnets are working flawlessly as of a month ago and have reduced gas fees on the c-chain down to 2 cents. Cost of operating has gone down while activity has gone up. This is the technical definition of scaling and it's being done in the real world. Nothing else can compare, it's all bullshit L2s and bullshit sharding that barely even work in theory, let alone in the real world with real market forces and unpredictable game theoretics. Tired of this hand-waving L2 faggotry coming from ETH maxis.
>tokenomics, muh VCs
jump off a helicopter commie troon, people with more money can buy more tokens. always been the case, always will be. Smart money hires smart researchers to make smart early investments which is exactly why VCs stay the hell away from KDA. It's is an inflationary shitcoin anyways so initial distribution doesn't even matter, it was born fucked.

>> No.49287696
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L2 and sharding are false gods. AVAX will expose them for what they are and then you troons will learn to kneel.

>> No.49287736

Ryan matta

>> No.49288737

You are retarded my guy

>> No.49290741

pee pee poo poo

>> No.49291270
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>>sacrifices liveness
>AVAX prioritizes security over liveness
Yes, you are agreeing with me. Avalanche's probabilistic sampling tech is vulnerable to malicious attacks to freeze liveness by switching votes at some patterns so the sampling can not converge. Only 7% of stake in a shard is enough to freeze the liveness. It's one of the main things avax sacrifices in their model. This was seen last time when a bug minted more staking rewards than allowed. Validators couldn't agree on a state and the network halted. Sacrificing liveness for magically more resilience to 51% attacks. They will mostly never happen to PoW chains, so I'm not sure why you count this as a win. PoS is way more susceptible to attacks like that.
>1.5 years ago, not anymore. AVAX is battle tested
>KDA, eh not so much,
ah yes, the good old 1.5 years then it's battle tested rule, I almost forgot about that.
KDA is only an incremental change from Bitcoin, so saying it's not battle tested is a retard statement.
>Nothing else can compare
chainweb went from 10 to 20, subnets are just shitty side chains so yeah it does not compare lol.
> inflationary shitcoin anyways
Avax used to have 70% inflation, you are retarded.

>L2 and sharding are false gods.
They are both doing the same thing, parallel block production, side chains like avax is also trying to do the same thing. Subnets are almost like L2 but worse. Avax should use rollups or something that actually is secure.
Lots of side chains is basically sharding, avax wants to be sharded but doesn't want to solve security for each shard (sidechain (subnet lol)).

This is where Kadena succeeds, each shard is as secure as the entire network. This single innovation is crazy all considering. While using PoW, while not giving 60% to VCs, while not using the flawed EVM, while not using experimental tech.

Nothing compares.

>> No.49291295


>> No.49291299

Found the moongirl

>> No.49291312
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moo girl

>> No.49291784
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Not necessarily
But a dumbass for sure
Dyor on PrecogFinance and try avoiding hunger

>> No.49292857
File: 131 KB, 600x337, 160acae10a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-tezos sisters..

>> No.49292877

why would you buy again at 47x your entry price

>> No.49292887

>Truffle, they got annoyed by too many upgrades and left - is that true?
>i had 2 simple private dapps that i abandoned just due to ithaca, which made them totally obsolete + me not having enough time/resources to refactor it all over again
>We’re postponing many features due to too often protocol updates which have a lot of breaking changes, especially Tenderbake.
Turns out their whole gimmick was actually a negative, who would have thunk

>> No.49292950
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because it's funny

>> No.49293119

if you are asking you dont understand KDA
it was dumb but long term people will be like ohh you bought sub 3 digits wow

>> No.49293213

This shit went from below a dollar to 26 and I didn’t sell. I fomoed in at 3 and I didn’t sell a fucking 9x in mere days.I am ironically at a loss now. Why am I retarded?

>> No.49293270

see >>49293119

>> No.49293416
File: 32 KB, 473x471, 3bfa9c354032bee4e39eed154c3f6f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tezos gimmick is dappimworkingon's entire premise

>> No.49293438

an L1 doesn't need a gimmick is what I'm saying, it was a really bad point because it wasn't tezos's gimmick lol.

>> No.49294533

I can't believe kda trannies try to randomly single out Avax cuz of "da tech" and "VCs" when kda introduces a proprietary eco system that has questionable usefulness and has currently only played out in the same exact way that way that VC run Avax has, aka it has been a pump and dump. So much dishonesty. Kda is a not any different in trying to take your money so that others can make money to be perfectly clear. In fact, it's worst because all the people with their 30 grand miners are desperate for people to buy in to justify their purchases.
>it has vue because a bunch of bagholders say it does, not because people actually use it or find it valuable.

>> No.49294702

>it's worst because all the people with their 30 grand miners are desperate for people to buy in to justify their purchases.
unironically bullish.
the thing is the big institutions saw what happened with BTC and were caught with their pants down
bitch about early investors and "insiders" getting these miners. You are totally correct to bitch
but zoom out.
is it possible that JP morgan and the like are secretly running KDA mining operations
>when kda introduces a proprietary eco system that has questionable usefulness and has currently only played out in the same exact way that way that VC run Avax has
a double sided sword here imo
you have something that is totally new and potentially better, but right now clearly worse due to lack of adoption, but that will increase over time
ease of use will increase

my big question is who is running these miners getting all the new KDA....
if i had the time I would do some research to see the distribution of KDA being sold.
are miners moving any of their recently mined KDA or is all the trading just people who control the liquidity running a price control scheme same as happens with chainlink?

>> No.49295400

Solution: To get rid of your gay status, dump KDA and AVAX, and buy the only Non-VC future proof L1, the next Ethereum: Radix XRD

>> No.49295803

>randomly single out Avax
worry not anon, I fud all the 23 noteworthy L1s, often in parallel.
>kda introduces a proprietary eco system that has questionable usefulness
irrelevant. I'll tell you right now it's useless and if you want to invest based on usefulness
>So much dishonesty. Kda is a not any different in trying to take your money so that others can make money
You're free to believe that, yet adds nothing to the actual conversation.
>it has vue because a bunch of bagholders say it does
pee pee poo poo

I hope your future posts are not as worthless as this one

>> No.49296197

>irrelevant. I'll tell you right now it's useless and if you want to invest based on usefulness
Why buy something useless though? This things selling point is proof of work. So far, that has dialed to differentiate it from anything else on the market besides excluding the average speculator.
>You're free to believe that, yet adds nothing to the actual conversation.
Right.... Adds nothing to benefit you. It adds value because it points out the bahavior of the VCs from AVAX is no different from that of KDA holders. Proof of work or not, it ended up the same. That tells me the tech is NOT a differentiating factor. Of course, you say none of this adds value because only positive things can be said about the infinitely scaling chain that has only scaled on a webm.

>> No.49296530

Your points are borderline nonsense you realize that right?
>This things selling point is proof of work. So far, that has dialed to differentiate it from anything else on the market
muh metal box with wheels did nothing to differentiate it from horses, it just stands there like a horse, how do you know it can move or ever be faster than a horse.
stop wasting time you dumb boomer.
>Right.... Adds nothing to benefit you.
Listen grandpa this discussion is mainly about how shards in chainweb retain security over the entire network and how sidechains do not. Where do you get the balls to reply with complete dogshit to a normal discussion. You must realize that your post had nothing to do with anything being posted and that you instead just tried to shoehorn other things into both our points.
What you should have done is made that same post but removed all the references to the previous discussion because clearly, you are too much of a brainlet to understand any of it. Something which is evident by you saying.
>Proof of work or not, it ended up the same
>only positive things can be said about the infinitely scaling chain that has only scaled on a webm.

>It adds value because it points out the bahavior of the VCs from AVAX is no different from that of KDA holders
Retard cope, you are adding nothing because this is not what this discussion was even related to. You are fucking drunk.

>> No.49296751

It always goes around in a circle speculating about what KDA can do. It lacks atomicty and isolation so it's not good for daily payments, it's as fast as the slowest chain so it's going to struggle with speedy smart contracts. Tell me exactly what it does? Linking chains? Avax does that too. You are assuming KDA is the future with zero evidence that it has even done anything. You basically pray on the uniformed hoping they fall into the trap that this has no flaws. If I read your post knowing nothing about KDA, I would think only positive things. You are as bad as the other Schiller trannies.

>> No.49296863

you're only gay if you're the one getting fucke... yeah, you're gay OP.

>> No.49296964
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oh no no no, dataLarper back at it again, for the record it does bring me joy to see you fuck up this badly in every new post you make.
Back then was so funny it really did seem like you knew what you were talking about, I mean, that is your whole thing right, not knowing anything and refusing to learn while pretending you're an expert. Anyway.
>It always goes around in a circle
Because you refuse to stick to the subject. Which is fine do as you wish, but I will call you out.
>It lacks atomicty and isolation
It only scales in a webm so we don't know, oh but what we do know for certian is that it lacks this one thing that no cross chain dapp currently (on eth) is struggling with but trust me it lacks X and therefore kda is bad, oh the good things it does? yeah unproven. But the bad things? very much confirmed!
You can't have your cake and eat it too anon, might sound weird but it is what it is.
>so it's not good for daily payments,
It's not because? oh right because you said so, that's crazy anon I will not stop using the coin transfer function, I'll now stop making daily payments with it because you said it's not good for it. You know the thing it currently does fine.
>it's as fast as the slowest chain
If I didn't know better I might believe you, It only makes sense, a bunch of standalone chains and all of them are as slow as the slowest chain because.. well it just is, right? lmao
>so it's going to struggle with speedy smart contracts.
let me guess.. because it just will, amiright?
>Tell me exactly what it does?
makes you mad
>Linking chains? Avax does that too.
Yeah I bet they do
>You are assuming KDA is the future with zero evidence
You are assuming KDA is bad with zero evidence

>> No.49297392

your whole thing is making shit up using limited knowledge, that is how you got through life until now. this however stops working until you hit against someone that can look past your bullshit.

but ok I'll actually reply to things this time
>it's not for payments because lots of resource requirements, bitcoin good because low resource requirements
it seems that it is a common misunderstanding in the blockchain world, that a system must be operated on personal laptops to be decentralized. That's not how Bitcoin or Eth or any other economically relevant blockchain operates nowadays. Yes you heard that right, even bitcoin and eth. The reason why you thought this was the case is because of limited knowledge.
>slowest chain
yeah not even sure what this means, each chain has the same blocktime, and they don't impact one another, if one chain gets attacked or loses hash rate or stalls for whatever reason, then the network will adjust until the chain that lagged behind is up to every other chain. Probably not what you were talking about. Maybe the cross chain time? not really that slow even when doing 8 hops. Yeah really confusing point you tried to make.
>speedy smart contracts.
Again nothing, 30s is enough time to global executions, you could probably build some cool contracts with this time limit, unlike in solana where the fast blocktime holds back executions. Maybe this point refers to blocktime though, so you want a tx to be executed quickly? For what? There is no dapp that actually needs sub minute finality, there are exceptions, like order book dexes but for that you could easily make a L2 which leverages the scalable L1. Generally, not many dapps need sub second and for those that do blockchain might not be a good fit in general because no blockchain can do 10ms blocktimes.
>Tell me exactly what it does?
Actually scales while retaining security. Nothing compares.
>Linking chains? Avax does that too.
It does not. Security is missing.

>> No.49298955
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d-do you know wen next kadena upgrade is out

>> No.49300333

people willingly pay over msrp for a profitable miner and this is a problem for you? kda pumped based on literally nothing and an early ecosystem, avax pumped because the vc's made it so. can't believe people are this retarded

>> No.49301888

people like you stregthen my resolve
not to be a weak bitch
but it hurts being down so much
if i sold the top I would have bought the bottom...
if only
but im rotating some stonks into KDA now
if we hit a real bear market for stocks and crypto i may drop the $$$$ on a miner.

>> No.49302061

>kda pumped based on literally nothing
stay poor

>> No.49302348

It's finished, mainnet is active already.

>> No.49302718

The cope is real. You obviously only read into the bare surface of how Avalanche functions. Now you’re assuming and spreading false information based on your own technical incompetence. Everyone can see you’re pretentious from a mile away

>> No.49302746


>> No.49302768
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If you had a better argument you would have made one.

>> No.49303185

I am not the DataLarper, just someone looking at this. You obviously know the details and make valid points, but I think you are so into these details that it occludes the larger picture.

Everyhing you talk about leads back to security, which is fine, but where are all these Proof of Stake chains that are getting hacked and are super vulnerable? The major players in the top 100 that are PoS do not have problems of security. Kadena is basically solving a problem that is not relevant at the current time, and they've created a barrier to entry that no regular person can overcome by explicitly choosing this path.

It's kinda of like SHAH-256. Yes, there are more secure algorithms, but they are simply more convoluted. So convoluted, that they introduce more problems than benefits as far as implemting into current day. That's why I think this is still a ghost chain and pretty much empty promises. The day might eventually come for it to prove how secure cross chain is, but when everyone else has a more secure, actually used and accessible cross chain solution, what's the point of KDA again? Oh yea, to introduce stuff to sell to people as a different flavor of crypto.

>> No.49303306

No, I’ve argued with you a lot of months ago but your narcissistic godcomplex in combination with the Dunning-Kruger effect makes it impossible to reason with you. It’s pathetic

>> No.49303366

avax ran into all the same issues that eth faces when it got only a tiny fraction of the usage ethereum handles on a daily basis. it was unproven tech that was being speculated on and pushed by scammers like emin but now the cat is out of the bag... avax can't scale.

>> No.49303647

>opinion piece
do not give a shit

>So convoluted, that they introduce more problems
Pact is easier than solidity, docs are just bad currently. So it's pretty much the opposite, more secure and less convoluted.
>The day might eventually come for it to prove how secure cross chain is,
I can make a cross chain tx today, 100% secure, because that's just how SPV works. Completely decentralized.
>but when everyone else has a more secure, actually used and accessible cross chain solution
Kadena has a more secure, actually used and accessible cross chain solution.

You are out of your fucking mind my guy.

If you had a better argument you would have made one.

>> No.49303721 [DELETED] 
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n-not sure to understand
are you implying new version has been already published?
a-asking because of rumors about a desirable feature

>> No.49303743
File: 835 KB, 1536x2048, 158891611_1536107209908413_3886993219412294808_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big gay desu, you'd be better off holding ITHEUM

>> No.49304259

I mean you kinda focused on the SHAH thing. My point was, greater security exists, but at what point is it even necessary? The paragraph above that is still relevant. Where are all the major players complaint about cross chain hacks. What's going on here is KDA lovers saying it has to be this way, you need to use this, this is the only, and "technically" superior way, when in reality the problem is greatly over-exaggerated. Some projects might not even want interoperability due to proprietary reasons. Much in the same way Kadena wants you to go bananas for cross chain action to buy their miners.

>> No.49304320

No matter the city she with me to do the thang-thang
Work in the coochie, hooptie chitty chitty bang bang
Same name on the titty as on the name ring
Pretty like Baby D off all in the same gang

>> No.49304540

This is for sissy. Big dick alphas fuck with based coins like RFOX.