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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49272808 No.49272808 [Reply] [Original]

Are there actualy business owners on /biz/?

>> No.49272821

The Jews don't want self employed golem.

>> No.49273548

Yea, ~5M revenue a year, 7 years, ecommerce, 50-50 partner , 2 employees. AMA

>> No.49273603

By owning stocks, you own part of a business

>> No.49273642

nigger im in high school

>> No.49273647

in a few days ill start a business with 12B+ revenue

>> No.49273674

How much do you pay yourself a year?

>> No.49273678

i bet you pay them $12-15/hr because you're a tool.
>muh margins

>> No.49273686
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I own a car repair shop

>> No.49273706

i genuinely dont even understand what business you could possibly start at this point, everything has been done, if you start a business now you will be fighting against a dozen other psycho businessmen who will dedicate every waking hour of their 20 hour work day into fucking you over so you can never grow even the tiniest bit of a monopoly

>> No.49273754

nigger its been like that since the dawn of time. ngmi

>> No.49273777

I'm a garloid farmers with 2% YoY profit

>> No.49273811


Am one too. Own a couple sweepstakes.

>> No.49273838

They are wagies tho. Throw them a bone they fetch like dogs. If it’s not those two then it’s another two.

>> No.49273926

move to a 3rd world cuntry. Yes, you need to do some corruption here & there, but in general the opportunity is great & everything's cheap.

thirdie biz owner here. ~2M revenue/year, engineering design. 5 employees, 3 engineers.
I paid them approx $20k a year each

>> No.49273939

Uh no, but yes, there are project founders and creators, so I'm guessing to them it's the same thing?

>> No.49273984

it's none of your business

>> No.49274016

Own a construction company and pay myself 100k salary. Still trying to get my eidl loan. Anyone else in that process?

>> No.49274034

I'm the owner of a small business buying shitcoins for a large negative profit.

>> No.49274073


Pretty much why I haven't and don't plan to.

About 50% of new businesses fail in 5 years and 65% within 10. These are US stats, it's worse in my country to the tune of probably 65% in 5/75% in 10.

So assuming I'd sacrifice every free moment and most of my savings for a business I thought was a good idea, I'd have a cool 25% chance of having something worthwhile and possibly an autopilot life within 10 years, and a 75% chance of ending up broke and too old + long out of the regular workforce to find anything resembling decent income again.

As opposed to a roughly 80% chance of becoming financially independent within 5-10 years by staying on my regular career path, doing the most boring investments imaginable and still having enough time and money to actually enjoy my life.

I've seen the kind of people that work nonstop for their biz, and I'm pretty sure it's not something I could match up to in terms of sheer effort, knowing the odds.

Sour grapes, I know. I have respect for those who do it, it just doesn't add up for me.

>> No.49274108

my business involves buying and selling other businesses.

>> No.49274228

Yeah I own a business but I'm folding it up and starting a different one because it's too much work for not enough money, it's too difficult to scale, and I would rather have something more passive in the long term.
This mindset is what fuds people out of starting any business. Yeah, every single business idea has been done but guess what a lot of them have been done badly. Be honest with yourself, are you a competent person who can pay attention to detail and actually do anything? Can you make phone calls and send emails? If these are true then you can run a business. Anyone else you do business with wants to make money too so organising work really is easy.
The only other at all difficult things you need to do are hire competent employees which varies depending on what you need them to do and marketing but another major hurdle a lot of people have is this idea that they have to personally do everything which you don't, you shouldn't, and you probably can't.
You can make a living out of starting businesses, securing capital, and going bust. Just because a business failed doesn't mean you personally lost money: this is something else people struggle to get over. When your business takes a loan your business is taking on that risk not you. Granted it can get complicated if you find it hard to secure capital again in the future but you can always go back to plain old wageslavery.

>> No.49274270

I have an online game store aka sell crap on ebay. Meh profit margins since I'm just learning but I enjoy just sitting in my stock room filled with videogames, magic cards and lego sets.

>> No.49274466

i have ONE business idea and its an idea that i would enjoy doing since i like cooking, its pretty much a fast food style restaurant but its marketed towards people who want to get a healthy, low calorie and large volume meal. i know this has been done before but if what you say about most business owners being retarded is true i think MAYBE i could get enough lazy hipsters and fitness oriented people to come and buy some chicken and broccoli for a quick lunch or something. i would probably start with a ghost kitchen on grubhub and uber eats though

>> No.49274487

W-2 and distributions

Both salaried ad guys making above market rates(for india)

>> No.49274492
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Restauranteur here
Thinking of closing for "renovations" as the supplies, wages and utilities have skyrocketed and I've made decent money in crypto
On top of it all, I feel like API3 will be flipping Link in mcap and am almost all in it

>> No.49274508

That would require doing something and knowing something, so no.

>> No.49274573

We reached a point in innovation where only those who are experts in their fields are doing something unique and you aren't filling any sort of need or gap in the market because someone else already has.

>> No.49274720

Catering is a lot of work if you're actually in the kitchen but I'm assuming you'd quickly move to more of a head chef + managerial role anyway. That isn't my area of expertise but I would conjecture that the main issue you'd face with that sort of business is location. If you can set up outside a gym white women love for reasonable rents, find a few reliable twenty year olds or mexicans to work for you, and build a local reputation then that can absolutely work and I'm sure you can think of independent food restaurants that inspired you.
>i would probably start with a ghost kitchen on grubhub and uber eats though
I feel like this would make it very difficult to get off the ground at all since you'd have no exposure.
Incorporate a business, try to secure credit, and go for it. You will never really know whether you can succeed or not if you don't. Now, granted right now isn't a great time to start a business particularly a more upmarket one but "health" is a burgeoning industry and what I actually want to move into. In certain areas the state will support independent start ups too with cheap or free loans or even grants.
Completely untrue just go anywhere with independent stores and ask yourself what percentage of the businesses there fulfill any sort of unique niche. There is nothing new under the sun just market your rehashed crap better than the next person.
Industrial work is all about finding good tradesmen and convincing them to work for you because there are massive shortages in every industry.

>> No.49274741

Make sure you know what you don’t know though Anon. Not discouraging you at all, restaurants are a tougher racket then others. Obviously same as any industry some people do really well in it when they get everything figured out.

>> No.49274796

How long have you been in the process?

>> No.49274957

>I feel like this would make it very difficult to get off the ground at all since you'd have no exposure.
i didn't think about that, i would need as much attention as i could get since most people still genuinely think the only way you can cook vegetables is by putting them in a boiling pot. thanks for your advice anon, this has been something i've considered doing for a while and when/if the world stops being a shitshow i will keep your wisdom in mind. good luck bro
yeah if i do start any sort of business im going to be as frugal and cheap as possible while still keeping a product that is just good enough to impress normies

>> No.49274977

>You can make a living out of starting businesses, securing capital, and going bust
This silicon valley business type is only applicable if you have access to pools of capital nearby (e.g. vc).

Sometimes I envy those Americans. You can get millions of investments with just some powerpoint kek

>> No.49274986

I own a body/paint shop :^)

>> No.49275119

Getting customers is easily the hardest part of a business like that. You need turnover because otherwise your stock will go bad too which is an added headache for catering.
Marketing is massive there is a reason it has become one of the biggest industries in the world in just a few decades really.
It really isn't hard to secure five figures of capital. You have to be a real conman to get rich doing it but you will not end up a homeless bum if your business fails unless you personally take on the risk and don't even try to shield yourself. People are irrationally scared of debt but if you are on /biz/ you really need to understand that debt can be good.

>> No.49275268

>yeah if i do start any sort of business im going to be as frugal and cheap as possible while still keeping a product that is just good enough to impress normies
I will add that you cannot be too cheap. Normies have really low standards for most things because they are too stupid to actually appraise anything. Being perceived as quality is much more important than actually being quality. To that extent, you have to spend money to look luxury. However, for your sort of business you are aiming at a higher class of person so there's a greater extent to which you need an actually good product but still.
Marketing and product perception is absolutely the most important thing for anything retail: people will queue around the block for a piece of chinese garbage if the right influencer shills it.

>> No.49275404

>It really isn't hard to secure five figures of capital
yeah, 5 figs are not that hard. Just need to get into some seeds accelerator program or something like that.
But your business can't live with just 5 figs (maybe for several months depending on the type of biz), more than that & you need some kind of collateral, or at least your company has 'hard assets'.

And if your business is using others' money as capital, your credibility takes a big hit every time your biz fails.

>> No.49275565

can you tell me more about this
I just finished a degree in engineering
what kind of work do you do with engineers in a 3rd world country?

>> No.49275881

>what kind of work do you do with engineers in a 3rd world country?
The same as what an engineering firm would do in 1st world, but with lower wages & looser regulation lmao

We're designing things based on customer requirement (custom solutions), basically we make blueprints. The production is outsourced to china & then shipped to the customer's location.

So we get money from engineering consultation + production&commissioning (if needed).

>> No.49275913

what industry are you in and any advice for anons trying to start their own gigs? also what about dental, insurance, medical, benefits etc., since ur not working for a corp but urself

>> No.49275943

Not even one

>> No.49275979

Since December last year
They keep saying the same exact shit that they can’t see the forms I email them because of their system. Seems like bullshit to me as I’ve sent these forms 6 times and called 100x
At this point I should prob write to a congressman or something

>> No.49276016


>> No.49276045

Have a CPA? I had mine take care of the process for me and it was done in about a month. In fact got the forgiveness for it so I can write it off just earlier this month.

>> No.49276048 [DELETED] 

Profit with Enegra? EZ!

> Token supported by real equity
> Legit company existing for 10+ years
> Multi-billion $$$ assets supporting the shares!

>> No.49276051

via stonks, sure

>> No.49276056
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>> No.49276065

Whiners have been fudding this since the inception of markets
>why make skin tannery when everyone already making skins
>why start an inn when the trade routes surely all have them already
>why trade spices when the british and portuguese already have fleets
>why sell gas when everyone else is already selling kerosene
>why make computers when ibm and cisco already have the first mover advantage

>> No.49276095

i have a 3 bay shop

>> No.49276119

Fba? Or own website?

>> No.49276310

Shhh. Let the r9k losers think this way, lowers the barrier for the smart ones.

>> No.49276392

Multichannel b2b

>> No.49276451

What would you do if you were starting from zero right now? What do you recommend for a 18 year old who wants to do the same thing as you?

>> No.49276736

Get a job until you're 25 and try to learn something

>> No.49276825

I’m not asking wagies for advice I’m asking a business person.

>> No.49276884


>> No.49276942

At 18 you think you know a lot, but you don't know shit. Go work somewhere to learn

>> No.49276949

unironically being a wagie for 4-5 years is a great way to start a business. You can:
- Learn & copy the existing system.
- Make connections so you can hijack your coworker as your employee (or even partner).
- If your to-be business is in the same industry as your employer, you can also get connections to build your supply chain & clients.

>> No.49277485

yes i own a contracting office

>> No.49277526
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I'm drawing a porn comic currently, that's a business right, somehow

>> No.49277564

i own 0.1 btc, which means i'm my own bank

>> No.49277655

What’s this

>> No.49277854

this. The whole developed vs developing country thing is not a meme.

>> No.49278897


>> No.49279281
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>I feel like API3 will be flipping Link in mcap and am almost all in it
Ugur is back

>> No.49279680

I rent out property if that counts. At least I get some tax returns for my company.

>> No.49279732

How do I start a business? I have about $2mm and am bored of just sitting around.

>> No.49280120

Create offerings for either a service or a product(s) then start marketing them towards potential customers to earn sales. Most people focus on admin stuff before making revenue which is a mistake. Cash flow is king.

>> No.49280189

Yes this is right!! Please don't compete with my business literally every industry is completely full!!!

>> No.49281383

Form LLC, choose business that you can manage with 1-2 workers I suggest lost cargo reselling, sell online most of it on platforms like ebay, ect. Make workers do it all and ship everything, you will need a warehouse, tables, computers with internet, camera or two, packing supplies, contact for truck load of goods delivery or self deliver your own goods from a place nearby, backdrop for camera with a decent lighting setup, storage shelves and storage containers, make a organization system so employees don't pull out the wrong similar item and ship a $500 pasta maker instead of a $50 pasta maker as that customer is never returning it. If you want someone to actually run your business for a decent wage I'll leave my email, screenshot the you for proof. deathofthemodernsystem@yahoo.com

>> No.49281395

How do I find lost cargoes?

>> No.49282123

Various websites for places that sell by the pallet manifested and non manifested goods, some do auctions and some just set a buy price and net the difference, then you can also seek direct deals with companies like amazon, trucking companies, or written off shipping containers from yards if they don't auction them off. Transport is your highest cost usually, so I highly suggest a cdl or big box truck depending on what you plan to buy. Little bonus tip, do not buy new clothing pallets unless they are dirt cheap, it sits forever, and over 1/2 is basically front of building sale/flea market material.

>> No.49282143

This all sounds like more than $2MM.

>> No.49282417
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Every stock owner is a business owner. It just depends on how much business you own.

>> No.49282483

>I have never owned a business but I will larp like I do.
fake and gay

>> No.49282799
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I own a sperm factory. Looking for seed investors (haha) to help me get started.
Im 9/10 6" tall 7 inch penis and above 120 IQ. My product is some of the best quality around.
There is billions of potential customers and I feel that this niche has a lot of potential profits.

Top tier stallion sperm sells for 10k+ per sample, I figure I can sell my cum for atleast 2k.
I will limit my harvesting to once or twice a day so I can maintain potent quality.

>> No.49282874

yes and it sucks. if you doing well in crypto just fucking stay there. youll only end up rubbing your hands constantly

>> No.49283506

I am beginning my business. All i need are my occupational permit and a resale permit to buy wholesale garments.

>> No.49283663

What’s something I can start in the next couple months with no money? I don’t wanna go back to waging but might have to.

>> No.49283975

Under 500k easily, especially if you just rent the warehouse and not build a reasonably sized one on bought land, buying one already made by someone else can increase this and usually isn't worth spending the money due to wear and tear already with the property. Cost of goods isn't too high, and the listing and shipping people are how you get most of your money back fast, as the faster you list it the faster you can sell it, this is very key if you do shelf pulls or buy out store closures, as that stuff will be at other locations you don't get to first, so the fastest lister gets to move their goods the quickest, before the market gets flooded within a week. Warehouse and flea market sales are how you dump the items not worth it which you would be forced to buy with those types of deals, if you get it cheap enough you can still make some extra money to cover your employee cost.
Better start scrapping, checking free listings, find shit to sell online and items manufactures pay you to show proof the faulty merch is destroyed and either pay you in cash, or send you a brand new unit to sell off online or locally, you be shocked how many items are lying around that were recalled at some point but never got destroyed and exchanged for a brand new one, especially heaters, humidifiers, baby items to name off a few. >>49282483 ywnhab

>> No.49285472

>scrapping and flipping
done that but I’m in a rural area so it’s a lot harder. also Craigslist cancelled their RSS feed so it’s way harder to be the first for good deals now.

I have income through two small streams but my rent bill is going from $0 to $1200 in a couple months and I have to adapt. Trying to force more revenue on both businesses and might eek it out but still scared.

>> No.49285518

>no money
I was thinking more along the lines of doing landscaping and pressure washing type stuff btw, I have maybe $1k I could safely invest in equipment. I can also do framing and carpentry type stuff but I like how brain dead pressure washing is.

>> No.49285564

so hows he going to list people if he's always screaming nigger every 5 mins?

>> No.49286156

Yes, I work pretty much every waking hour and make no money and if it goes under you can't just go back to wage slaving because you just wasted years of your life developing skills no one needs while all your friends have been making 6 figures for the past 5 years.