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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49263281 No.49263281 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49263300

My fantasy is that the world goes WWII-tier mobilization for a decade to fight climate change and pollution. I have no faith in that happening, but it seems to be our only hope.

>> No.49263305

ah yes

>> No.49263345

Few understand that we're already dead.

>> No.49263349

We need to print more money.
But no stimulus checks or UBI, filthy communists.
Also, here are some corporate R&D tax credits.

>> No.49263362

You retards are insane.

>> No.49263364

Anyone could step up to stop it right now, but nobody will. Who will help the widow's son?

>> No.49263371

why do you burgers keep putting senile old fucks in positions of power?
>sorry goys we have to take all your money because, climate change and stuff
bunch of fucking retards

>> No.49263385

>Daily Caller

>> No.49263396

We all understand you're fucking delusional.

>> No.49263402

Wow, this isn't it cheif. Don't attack the weak and powerless elderly. Look at her, why would you say mean things about a tiny powerless little old woman? Shameful. She never did anything to you or to anyone, poor little thing. Can't you tell she only wants to make cookies and hand them out to children? Its not her fault any of this is happening, she is just a little old grandma.

>> No.49263404

>spending money to fight the natural repeating ice age cycle
Meds NOW, schizo.

>> No.49263406

What has she personally done for climate change that was halted by not having enough money?
Planting trees is free, you fucking bitch.

>> No.49263413

its a quote you stupid fucking idiot, you are like one of those idiot fact checkers that calls quotes fake or lacking "context"
invest in rope, loser

>> No.49263434

At the end of the day, it comes down to the voters being malicious, and the non-voters (mostly younger folks) being retarded both figurative and literally.

Municipal and state level politics are deeply partisan and entrenched. There's no changing it without large migrations of people moving across states - like California to Texas - and planting new roots that can eventually flip how a region votes. The old guard will pull out all the stops with voting restrictions and gerrymandering to keep it from happening as long as possible. They'll codify it into their state or the federal constitution if they can.

>> No.49263433

If only you had separated cans and plastics, this never would have happened.

>> No.49263450

I say we give it to her and then stop using money.

>> No.49263460

>The old guard will pull out all the stops with voting restrictions and gerrymandering to keep it from happening as long as possible. They'll codify it into their state or the federal constitution if they can.

>> No.49263477

We need:
>Quick move to renewables and away from fossil fuels, globally
>Mass family planning and birth control in Africa
>Forced reduction in waste and consumption in first world
>Carbon capture and storage on mass scale
>Plastics/metals pollution cleanup on mass scale
This is a matter of utmost importance.

>> No.49263484

I am defenseless...
Take up your rifle.

Then your Jedi training will be complete.

>> No.49263487

We are the carbon (((they))) want to reduce to zero.

>> No.49263500
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This is the LINE
Everything below this line is now Pajeet POL Red team vs Blue team Spam

>> No.49263503

You sound like an overly emotional person. Take a chill pill.

>> No.49263506

Democracy doesn't work when people are uneducated on basics of money, science and free speech.

>> No.49263523

Meds, unironically you're an insane delusional schizo. The temperatures are currently high because we recently exited an ice age.

>> No.49263555

lol. Exactly how much oil do you think goes into extracting the rare earth metals for building solar and wind? At best you're just exporting your emissions to the third world, ruining your own grid in the process. Also CO2 is good for the plants, we will have bigger harvests and more trees (just compare Europe today to 100 years ago). Nigs will die when fiat fails and the Gibs stop, Germans will realise when Berlin gets blackouts in December that nuclear is the only viable solution until we get fusion. Trees are the automatic carbon capture mechanism

>> No.49263559

Climate change and ressource depletion are real.

The only people who reject those facts are american conservative.

>> No.49263569

I just need my XRP to pooomp and then that’s okay

>> No.49263570

Climate change IS real but is not driven by human activity. Just look at how varied the climate has been during the last millions of years

>> No.49263575

>no not my heckin aferinos

>> No.49263583

>Climate change and ressource depletion are real.
C02 is plant food you fucking retard. look up how much food production drops if we go to 300ppm C02.
you fucking morons are going to kill the planet with your carbon sequestration bullshit

>> No.49263598
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>C02 is plant food you fucking retard

>> No.49263614

Social media was a mistake. Robert Anton Wilson was right when he said the real conspiracy is the conspiracy of stupid.

>> No.49263619

thats a nice self portrait, are you now going to claim that green houses dont use c02 to increase yield ?

>> No.49263633

there are no republican nazis.
there are a lot of democrat marxists

>> No.49263650
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seek help

>> No.49263661
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>> No.49263669

mann is being sued for falsifying data
so basically fake news, fuck off with that bullshit

>> No.49263700

Now post the graphs that go back 400,000 years with temperature and ice ages.

>> No.49263706

>mann is being sued for falsifying data
>so basically fake news, fuck off with that bullshit
what year are you living in? he was cleared 12 years ago lmao

>> No.49263718

yeah let's fight the weather

>> No.49263728

HBAR foundation is already doing that with their $100 million fund for sustainable project development
when the government starts cracking down on crypto, dont say i didnt give you a heads up that Hedera will be the only chain unaffected

>> No.49263729

Your entire post reeks of "one or the other" as if either of the 2 dominant parties in the US will change anything.
>But Hillary obviously would have been worse than Trump!
Yes and no. Yes they would have pushed some faggy shit through but they would have awoken more of the younger voters.
The answer is to vote for local heroes and on the large scale create a hungry political class for the 3rd party vote.
>You're throwing your vote away!
No. You always throw your vote away when you vote red or blue.

>> No.49263730
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>> No.49263731

>Climate change hoax collapses as Michael Mann’s bogus “hockey stick” graph defamation lawsuit dismissed by the Supreme Court of British Columbia
>12 years ago
shut the fuck up you asshole all you do is shit all over everything with your bullshit lies

>> No.49263733

this why we need to burn lunc

>> No.49263752

All that shit for 0.04% of the atmosphere.

>> No.49263755

>But the hockey stick graph is a fraud. A man-made computer software algorithm generated it, and the algorithm is rigged to produce a hockey stick shape no matter what data were entered. Like everything else found in the rigged world of “climate science,” the hockey stick graph was a fraud the day it was generated.
you are a fucking liar or actually retarded.
which is it ?

>> No.49263787

Ok you're just jewish then, because thats not what I asked for. I asked for temperature and year not atmospheric Co2 and year, not gonna reply again since you're a pilpuling loser. The actual temperature is not different than the usual cycle, you're insane.

>> No.49263815
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>> No.49263821





reputable sources only please

>> No.49263822

he wont reply now that you have named him

>> No.49263842

bait bot script.

>> No.49263853

>Michael Mann didn’t like being called a fraud by his critics, so he sued them for defamation. And late last week, one of those lawsuits was concluded by the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, which threw out Mann’s lawsuit against Dr. Tim Ball.
a court said its bullshit. fuck you and you propaganda outlet bullshit.
why dont you quote CNN next you fucking retarded, just stop posting for fuck sake.

>> No.49263877
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Give me bug spray and a ticket to Beijing - I'll sort out climate change in 6 months tops.

>> No.49263883

This woman is in charge of setting basically all fiscal policy for the USA, which means most of the world.

>> No.49263892

I wonder how they got the temperatures before thermometers.

You don't think it's all theoretical science do you? Surely they got the methods 100% correct and the way we measure temperatures from, say, fifty seven million eight hundred thousand BC are correct and will read the real data against fifty eight million nine hundred and twenty one thousand four hundred BC, right?

>> No.49263895

Solving climate change is simple. We just have to kill off everyone with IQs less than 120. In fact, this process has already been accomplished.

>> No.49263909


heres an article with your bait and 13 year old talking points

>> No.49263940

Climate change is a bullshit term. Climate changes constantly because we live on a big rock with a cooling metal core that's spinning around a star that is slowly outputting more and more radiation. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has varied wildly historically and will continue to do so until the Earth is destroyed, humans or no humans. What's we need to focus most on is plastics/artificial hormones in our environment and increasingly even in our genes, those could actually ruin us. Carbon dioxide hysteria is religion

>> No.49263947
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Checked and based.

>Sent from my IPhone 13

>> No.49263950

This post goes very hard, greetings from Kazakhstan.
I hate Jews so much it's unreal

>> No.49264063

Yes, the effects of temperature on the O-18/O-16 isotope ratio recorded in a variety of deposits is well understood.

>> No.49264066
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>cover nature with solar panels and wind turbines
>forests cut down to make way for solar and wind
>wind turbines scare away animals and kill birds
>wind turbine blades can't be recycled
>solar panels are hard to recycle, many end up in landfills
Wow you really saved nature I'm so glad we are going with renewables instead of nuclear

>> No.49264074

Science is a religion to these schizo freaks, media authority figures and scientists are priests.

>> No.49264117

Nuclear is a dumb reddit meme. It takes at least 15 years to build a nuclear plant.

We can better spend the money and time to develop fusion power.

>> No.49264151


Agree 100%

>> No.49264207

I doesn't exist. It is made up.
Don't look at the data, that stuff is smoke and mirrors that will distract you from the implications. Look at their proposed solutions. Carbon credits. EV. Unreliable solar and wind. Making you eat the bugs. No more meat for peasants cause cow farts.
So everybody who is not Klaus Schwab must suffer
Why do they fly to the climate conferences in gassy jets?
Why did Bill Clinton and Al Gore buy a low sea level island off the coast of florida in 2000? It's literally all lies meant to control you.

Look at their proposed solutions, and you will understand their intentions

>> No.49264211

Smaller nuclear power plants can be constructed a lot faster as nuclear is scalable. They can run 24/7 for years it's a no-brainer.
Fusion power is not an inevitability it might not be viable at all. It will likely take at least a decade from now (but probably several decades) before we see the first operational fusion power plant. It's stupid to go all in on a technology that doesn't even work yet

>> No.49264225

What about the quadrillions in securities etc?

>> No.49264255

Yeah, I mean if we half to spend 15+ years to build a plant, then we might as well go all in on fusion research instead.

The regulatory environment is too cucked in the west for mass adoption of nuclear. Good luck getting rid of that

>> No.49264264


Ever stop to to think that those private jet globe hopping elites might have an ulterior motive?

>> No.49264280

You can solve climate change, or at least highly mitigate it with carbon capture technology. Somebody hurry up, do it and become the first /biz/ billionaire that didn't rugpull his way to the top

>> No.49264394

So to fight climate change we need to build/buy a new civilization?

>> No.49264625

Why can't we have both? Building a nuclear power plant now would probably have it finished by the time the first nuclear fusion power plant begins construction.

>> No.49264644

>fusion power
Just lol

>> No.49264688

I mean if we are willing to spend decades building up our nuclear power capacity, might as will use the time to get Fusion to work

>> No.49264721

zoom out

>> No.49264741
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100 bajillion bajillion doll hairs.

>> No.49264840

>We can better spend the money and time to develop fusion power.
How many years does it take to build 1 fusion plant? I think its little longer than nuclear

>> No.49264876

We just need a way to initiate a fusion reaction without using an actual nuclear bomb.

After that hurdle, it should be a lot easier politically to mass produce fusion plants

>> No.49264987

i'm just gonna buy fertilizer and green energy stocks

good luck everyone

>> No.49264996


>> No.49265034

A box of bullets would fix the situation a lot cheaper if you ask me. Hypothetically of course.

>> No.49265046

she's right. as a climate change fighter, I can tell you with certainty that it isn't easy and we will need your funding to save you from changing climates. it has nothing to do with draining your groundwater while increasing demand through endless development. it's all climate change. give me the money.

>> No.49265064

>I doesn't exist. It is made up
it was literally made up by Charles Manson. see atwa. I swear the psychopaths really do rely on the schizos for ideas.

>> No.49265109

> It's made up
> Don't look at the data

Best thing to do is stay ignorant. Gotcha.

>> No.49265114

>just get fusion to work bro
Even if it's possible to do in a controlled environment, it would probably be the equivalent of building another LHC but this time underwater and with a method to harness the energy.

>> No.49265119

>randomly picks number out of air

>> No.49265157

>climate change and pollution
Stopp adding "and"s to your climate change bullshit.
Everybody loves having clean water and air. Put plans specifically for that, with achievable, measurable goals and you'll find much less resistance.
Everybody loves clean soils and green spaces. Put plans in place for ecosystem recovery, again with achievable and measurable goals, and we'll talk.
That doesn't mean you get to drain the world under "climate change" slush bullshit with no end goal other than "we'll be a little less hot after 100 years".

>> No.49265185

>because we recently exited an ice age.
Was this before or after the jewish reptilian gnomes left for the firmament?

>> No.49265194

Why is it even a bad ideas? The massive spending from WW2 led to an economic boom that lasted nearly two decades.

>> No.49265215

The only way is to shrink the human population.
Even if you get everyone to live in boxes, never travel, eat bugs it will still be growing and you reach the same limits later on.
Good luck doing that

>> No.49265308

Last ice age was 12k years ago. Thats pretty recent you retard.

>> No.49265313

I just read some more on fusion. No fusion reactor has even come close to breaking even with total power consumed compared to total power produced. Even the new ITER megaproject won't achieve that. Fusion power is decades away if it ever becomes viable.

>> No.49265374

I'm onto you kike shills. The HAARP gnomes DID leave for the firmament right before WW1 and the recession we're entering is a result of them coming back.
God's chosen people (mormons) WILL inherit their rightful land and slit your throats soon enough.

>> No.49265659

>massive spending from WW2 led to an economic boom
No, increased industry and america waiting for half of europe to be firebombed before they did anything led to an economic boom

>> No.49265669

It's a bulltrap.

>> No.49265716

People are so retarded and dumb nowadays. Like it or not they deserve it. People deserve the government they have.

>> No.49265727

You can't fight climate change anon, pollution can be stopped through de industrialisation.

>> No.49265746

There are more important issues. We have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern, and less materialism in young people.

>> No.49265790
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Climate change is a scam. However there might be something else happening to our world but many of these lower level puppets like Yellen don't know.

inb4 Yellen is a high ranking witch, probably not

>> No.49266131

Massive spending on combating climate change would obviously bring about new infrastructure and would make America the global leader in green energy, which they could export to the rest of the world.

>> No.49266183

>and we've handpicked the best private companies to pay and tackle it

>> No.49266259
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/pol/ said that trump would win
/pol/ said that i would be dead by the vaccine right nwo
/pol/ said atleast i would have AIDS from the vaccine
/pol/ said Russia would steamroll ukraine
/pol/ says climate change is fake

fuck i guess climate change is real after all

>> No.49266314

Amazing how much we have to be cucked globally under their collective denial session, global warming is/has been real, just accept it

>> No.49266438


>> No.49266500

Trump will win.
You will die from the vaccine.
You do have AIDS from the vaccine.
Russia will steamroll Ukraine.
Climate change is gay.

>> No.49266513

Oy vey then how will my over-leveraged, high-carbon footprint, toxic waste-emitting manufacturers survive the coming recession?

>> No.49266517

all in all 2 more weeks?

>> No.49266547

>muh red jew
>muh blue jew
The only solution is to sabotage and cripple the Jewish totalitarian state.

>> No.49266583

Kek if this happens I’m burning tires and spilling oil into the sea

>> No.49266594

No, two more sanctions/boosters/billions to Ukraine

>> No.49266620

>Quick move to renewables and away from fossil fuels, globally
Mass adoption of Nuclear powerplants and reliable public transportation is the only viable move
>Mass family planning and birth control in Africa
The Bilderberg Committee already made arrangements for the depopulation of Africa and M. East via famines
>Forced reduction in waste and consumption in first world
Oy vey
>Carbon capture and storage on mass scale
Palm oil trees are great carbon sequesters. Anything else is too energy-intensive
>Plastics/metals pollution cleanup on mass scale
The microplastics are already turning men into troons and s0ibois

>> No.49266701

I have no hope on this shit, too many old people running countries that will never feel the effects of climate change and too many retards that suck these old fossils sand for any meaningful change to happen. It's over, all I care for now is for assisted suicide to be legal by the time my mother and gran die.

>> No.49266805

I'm pretty sure I've been in hell since 2017.

>> No.49266919
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>print money no matter what.
>let tech stocks rip upwards.
>tesla can now afford to go mars
>let inflation surge
>people trade their btc for large amounts of usdc/usdt
>create a rip between people that hold equities and those who dont.
>those who dont become debt slaves.
>those who trade crypto for usdc/usdt lose value over a short period of time due to inflation while letting governments accumulate btc through exchanges.

>> No.49267115


>> No.49267638

bullish, is it too late to get in?

>> No.49267691

only way to “fight” carbon is ending globalism via tariffs, and supporting localism. that will never happen. that’s how you know it’s a scam.

>> No.49267752

These kikes are so delusional
My dream is an all out full spectrum world war with at least several nykes dropped on Washington, New York, LA, New Zealand, Frankfurt, London, Rome, Vienna, Mecca, Riyad, Paris, Tokyo, Seoul, and other centers of power.

>> No.49267845

The data shows that CO2 has absolutely nothing to do with the climate changing or at best .01%.
Warm is good.
Cold is bad.

>> No.49267874

You have to be drooling retarded to think getting warmer is worse.
Anyone that thinks we are worse off if it gets warmer should be put down.

I honestly am trying right now to think of a stupider opinion to have.

>> No.49267896

You are braindead.
A commie?
A braindead commie?
Do I repeat myself?

Digging ditches and doing counterproductive work does not make you rich and powerful.
There is no benefit at all, and massive costs in fact, to the proposed green agenda.
The entire point of it is to weaken countries.

>> No.49267911

It takes that long because of oil company induced regulation you faggot. Look how quick china's building them

>> No.49267941

I have long suspected I may be dead, as the entropy increases in the electrical circuit of my consciousness, the fabric of reality grows ever more faded, frayed and folded in on itself. I wonder what the event horizon of experience is like, that last charge of the electron persisting for eternity as it sends out one last signal that is never received.

>> No.49267974

Literally just plant trees and plants everywhere you fucking retards, but oh no, they want a fucking "carbon tax" instead so they can leech money from everyone

>> No.49267989

Two more weeks! Trust the plan

>> No.49268016

accept clown world and enjoy rthe sunny side of nihilism bros. Yeah sure everything is shit so? You can't change it, might aswell do what you link until you're dead. Make money with crypto then exit society for good, nothing wrong with that

>> No.49268276

you cant argue with socialists, its a mind virus. only separating their heads from their torsos works as a remedy

>> No.49268771
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>> No.49268823

green energy is a scam

>> No.49268858

>might aswell do what you link
Stop putting subliminal messages in my brain, link marine. Psyop division has been disbanded when we breached 10 bucks

>> No.49268913

Eco-facism is the only way to actually protect the environment

>> No.49268920

You are completely fucking retarded, the classical era warm period was warmer than now, you sperg out like a faggot because your beliefs are based on lies but the starvation that grips you in the next 5 years will be very real.


>> No.49268946

These dipshits scream about fighting the rich while believing every fucking propaganda piece produced by the same rich people.

>> No.49268967

based. only room temp IQ niggers think we can endlessly pollute the earth with no consequences.

>> No.49268969

i'll pay 200 quadrillion dollars to whoever can "take this bitch out" in minecraft. and a further 5 quintillion dollars to whoever can "delete system 32" at the federal reserve in starcraft.

>> No.49269016

>Y Axis

>> No.49269065

niggerbrain moment

>> No.49269157

can we start devoting guillotines? in minecraft

>> No.49269181

>Look how quick china's building them
Yeah, but China sticks corn cobs and cardboard in the concrete walls in place of rebar. I'm not sure I trust what they are doing.

>> No.49269294

Who is going to punish the fascist government when it fucks with the environment?

Privatization of everything is the only way to protect the environment.

>> No.49269412

why can't Americans do something about their retarded boomers? I mean, they got the guns to do it, at least for now

>> No.49269462

guns are a LARP accessory, a security blanket for overgrown children. when a tyrannical government scares them they clutch it tightly and mutter some gay shit about a tree of liberty and blood. but deep down they know they won't actually do anything. and when guns are inevitably banned they'll gladly hand them over to the zogbots.

>> No.49269477

Never too late anon. Getting in everyday on Otto blockchain. That's based.

>> No.49269491
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>temperature anomaly from past 150 years
>inferred data

>> No.49269506
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>Inferred data

>> No.49269785
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what is the name of this pattern?

>> No.49269870


>> No.49269944

Humans are not causing a “sixth mass extinction”

The Amazon is not “the lungs of the world”

Climate change is not making natural disasters worse

Fires have declined 25% around the world since 2003

The amount of land we use for meat — humankind’s biggest use of land — has declined by an area nearly as large as Alaska

The build-up of wood fuel and more houses near forests, not climate change, explain why there are more, and more dangerous, fires in Australia and California

Carbon emissions are declining in most rich nations and have been declining in Britain, Germany, and France since the mid-1970s

Adapting to life below sea level made the Netherlands rich not poor

We produce 25% more food than we need and food surpluses will continue to rise as the world gets hotter

Habitat loss and the direct killing of wild animals are bigger threats to species than climate change

Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels

Preventing future pandemics requires more not less “industrial” agriculture

>> No.49270000

I'm 100% on board with ending immediate pollution issues like dumping of waste in rivers and shit. The part where you faggots lose me is when you start talking about cow farts.

>> No.49270088

Economic damage from extreme weather events have dropped by 80 to 90 percent during the last four decades. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, estimates that by the end of this century the global economy would be three to six times larger than it is today, and that the costs of adapting to a high (4 degrees Celsius) temperature rise would reduce gdp just 4.5 percent. Does any of that really sound like the end of the world?

>> No.49270134

world population has doubled in the past 50 years, quadrupled in the past 100 years, 20x in the past 500 years. and on top of this, technology and automation have allowed per capita consumption to increase at an alarming rate. somehow you believe this can happen without consequence? the earth is an infinite source of energy, an infinite sink of wastes? off the top of your head, consider the impact of chemicals (microplastics, hormones, trace amounts of psychoactive medications, etc.) in your drinking water.

>> No.49270173

Checked, rational. Stop allowing corporations to pollute the environment with plastics and chemicals, climate change is largely bullshit

>> No.49270221

solar is better for cities anyway
Hydroelectric is the best solution for rural energy

>> No.49270299

This. The IPCC refused to examine solar activity, withoug any good reason, because they know what they'd find if they did. Climate change is natural, constant and directly related to varying solar activity. This nonsensical ruse about manmade CO2 is just another on the long list of lies we're expected to swallow. They're literally taxing the air. The posts on here defending the official narrative are the armies of opinion-formers who until recently were typing all day about the meme virus being a threat to civilisation

>> No.49270476
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>global cooling
>actually its global warming

>> No.49270502
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>> No.49270553


>> No.49270574

Hydrocarbons and their derivatives have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.49270766
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Its already too late, capitalism cant solve climate change because all it cares about is money.
I have no hope for the future, the presidents job is to maintain the capitalist status qou, not change anything, he is a manager at behest of a faceless bureaucracy. global warming and the insufficient response by the global north will induce a bloody revolution via drought, famine, mass migration, rising sea levels, mass extinction events, etc

>> No.49270841

Do you realise how miniscule the amount of anthropogenic CO2 there is compared to the amount produced by nature? It's barely a blip. You've been utterly deceived by the same people who want to pump you full of experimental chemicals and turn you into a slave. If mother nature decides to erupt a volcano tomorrow, it renders all the 'co2 savings' meaningless. If you can't see a huge scam right in front of you then you'll miss the next one and the one after that

>> No.49270990


i'm all for skepticism (the basis of the scientific method.)

>> No.49271025

Did you know that it’s actually legal to shoot her in the head?

>> No.49271265

>Based on a simplifying assumption
Boy are you dishonest

>> No.49271304

>This is how politicians talk
>Vaxxies still can't deal with being fooled.

>> No.49271331

>Nuclear fission takes too long
>Let's focus on fusion
I'm starting to be convinced fusion power is a project that the eco-tards prop up because they know it will fail and we'll have to fall bad onto shitty solar and wind

>> No.49271353
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Bobo niggers... not like this

>> No.49271452


>> No.49271471

Wow they had thermometers back at Jesus times

>> No.49271589

Shut the fuck up with your free masonic dog whistle. Widow's son?

>> No.49271846

What a faggy thing to say.

>> No.49271859
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So many brainlets responding to your post

>> No.49271889

>My fantasy is that the world goes WWII-tier mobilization for a decade to fight jews and niggers.

fixed it for you

>> No.49271896


>muh carbon correlation to temperature

The first thing they teach in stat class is that correlation is not causation.

When you actually look at the models and their predictive powers, the ones that emphasize CO2 are radically insufficient in projecting temperature flux of the earth.

90%+ of all variability is explained by the sun, and there is **a lot** more dynamic things happening with the sun (leaving our dust minimized sheath and entering a cosmic particle heavy zone for one,) that is much more relevant.

Look here, why is our electromagnetic field steadily loosing strength?


>> No.49271912

No one is fighting this who expects to die anytime. No one is fighting this who is too young to have any effect. No one is fighting this who is a lower tier homo sapien in their clan, tribe, or group. No one is fighting this who is on the take, making money from some system right now that depends on a status quo. That pretty much comprises 80 percent of the population in the most polluting countries.

Climate change is your problem. So is making money. So is social cohesion. So is raising kids who won't take bloody revenge in twenty years.

That is the deal, everything else you know is wrong.

>> No.49271944

Does any one actually believe dumb ass shit like this?

If you do you are motivated to believe it

>> No.49271953


You think that the world envisioned by the WEF is a better world? The Climate Agenda is a poison pill for human population control, with the narrative fitting the agenda, not the other way around.

>> No.49271996

What does the WEF have to do with the comic I posted? The only point is that we can acknowledge that combating climate change and investing in clean/renewable sources of energy will be a net positive for humanity and especially its future. That's all.

>> No.49272007


Use your brain:

Which is more fundamental to temperature?

a) The source of all energy that bombards our earth, unceasingly.


b) Muh "greenhouse gass" that makes up only 0.04% of total atmospheric volume.

Tell me I'm the one operating on "dumb ass shit" when you unironically believe the second.

>> No.49272012
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just print more money then

>> No.49272068


Cabals and elites with ulterior motives are the ones who have trojan horsed the movement.

I wholeheartedly support things like permaculture, de-industrialization of the food supply, and independent production means of energy, but the narratives we are spinning to justify are not only false, they hurt our collective ability to produce, protect, and project ourselves into the future.

>> No.49272117

it's insane mental gymnastics. total refusal to believe something because buying plastic chinkshit and needlessly polluting the earth with 15 mpg niggermobile cars is more important than providing a clean and health future to his descendants. a slightly more evolved form of the common pavement ape that you witness dumping blunt wrap plastics, 50 ml liquor shooters, and empty takis bags on the ground.

>> No.49272125

hahah you're fucking retarded just become rich retard

>> No.49272172
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>Few understand that we're already dead.
This. But not from global warming exactly.

>> No.49272198

And I can sue you rn for arbitrary claims, doesn't mean it's the truth

fucking retard

>> No.49272209
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>what if it's a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing
Because none of that shit will actually happen, climate change is just another scapegoat to take wealth and control from the masses. Just like things the taxpaying gives money toward like the military, "le sustainability" projects are impossible to quantify expense for the average pleb. This makes it hard to figure out were the money is actually going. It will be used to pay off Rothschild's debt under the guise of saving the planet. Again and again with you greencreeps it's not about what is being marketed, it's about what's actually being sold.

>> No.49272237

…anon you need to learn more about climate change and how it’s not real

>> No.49272267

More excuses from the jewish death cult on why the goyim need to be culled.

>> No.49272283

>more conspiracy nonsese
How does this change the fact that we should still try to create a cleaner and more self-sustainable world? Why is your solution to just give up because /pol/ has you convinced the world is ending every 2 weeks?
>muh masses
Nigger do you realize you're on /biz/? Our goal is to become lords so we can escape the coming podlife of the masses.

>> No.49272295

we need to
>put a price tag on every blade of grass
>put a price tag on every blade of grass
>put a price tag on every blade of grass

climate change niggers are literally the biggest midwits on earth right now, all of that Extinction Rebellion bullshit is western intelligence agencies

climate change agenda = oil industry bailing itself out by having entire world write it a 50 trillion dollar loan disguised as “green technology”

>> No.49272335


Bro, elitism is exactly what is wrong with this approach, and part of you gnos it.

The more people that we can help, and enable to help themselves, the less the world trends toward dystopic visions. We've learned nothing if we repeat the sins of the father.

>> No.49272369

please sir read this https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2019/01/17/the-manufacturing-of-greta-thunberg-for-consent-the-political-economy-of-the-non-profit-industrial-complex/
(Sometimes you have to click on it twice)

this will prove to you, with sources and plenty of references to back it up, that the green movement is nothing other than governments and oil companies who have ruined our planet disguising themselves as teenagers who care about the earth


>> No.49272392

Scientists don't publish stuff to confirm your stupid suppositions, you moron

People like you use their brains to try and fit reality to their prior beliefs, you might be unaware of this entirely. Its called unconscious bias, the tendency will Strengthen throughout your life. You will end up with mushbrains, deluded, forever hiding facts from your own awareness like a child who forever believes the lies his parents tell him you may be successful in life, insofar as you repeat this process, without reflection, on your own kids. You will join groups who also believe these myths. In the end you will suffer what they call cognitive decline.

You are like a robot, programmed not for understanding, but belief, for the purposes of your larger tribe, group, or society, whether from choice or heredity. Even if you learn statistics, it's not enough. It's about your attitude toward knowledge, what knowledge of first principles you posses, and how you structure the logic you use to reconstruct and what truth value you can apply to claims which your brain does not otherwise have a rational framework for understanding.

Standard education does not explicitly teach this in a systematic way, so most people need to figure out out when they reach college. Again, no requirement, because being a widget wagie in society and affirming whatever.status quo exists is completely functional

Best of luck moron

>> No.49272397

literally all you have to do is live a more natural and less wasteful life like countless generations before you.

>> No.49272465

I agree, but climate change movement is completely fraudulent and should be considered a crime
Remember how hard they pushed the green new deal?

Oil barons are literally suffocating, dying and writhing on the ground right now. They are asking us for help, “please help us anon we oil barons are losing money after a hundred years of making money”

what we should do is step on their face and push it into the ground, take a gun and blow it off, cut of their fingers toes and head and feed it to their pets
I just hate the oil industry
Climate change is an oil industry scam

>> No.49272495
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Then stop feeding Africa and carpet bomb China, boom world saved.

>> No.49272514
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Look how the man is reduced to throwing insults rather than actually deliberating over the facts.

Anon, you have already ceded me the higher ground, ironically because of your insistence of intellectual superiority,

As the gatekeeper of gnoledge, embodied, please, let me gno what to think so I may be allowed to exist in your envisioned, hallowed, paradise.

>> No.49272571

This is like if you're a 400lb fatty and to lose weight you walk on a treadmill for 10 minutes a day instead of stopping fucking eating

China and india negate all of our attempts at 'saving the climate'

>> No.49272576

No one thinks that.
They disagree on what pollution is.
Some psychos are saying it's literally your breath.
And all good people are saying it's pesticides, plastics, and other chemicals.

You have to be a total retard to eat GMO crops sprayed with literal nerve agents and then complain about CO2.

>> No.49272582

I and the rest of the normal population has done almost nothing wrong to the earth, it is all oil companies/plastic companies (that are owned by oil companies)

we are owned by oil barons, we simply should kill them and ban fossils fuels. I am down for this

>> No.49272632

The universe starts and ends with you

>> No.49272646

agreed. they're fucking with the bird/insect populations, but we're at the point that we need pesticides/insecticides to grow enough food to support a bloated global population.
>other chemicals
kek. like greenhouse gas emissions?
GMO isn't inherently dangerous, this is on the same level as retarded peasants yelling about witches in the 1500s. there's fundamentally no difference in selectively breeding animals and plants over multiple generations vs directly altering their DNA with genomics.

>> No.49272655

Anybody who still thinks 2020 was a legitimate election is actually beyond saving

>> No.49272681

From 2001 to 2011 America cut its emissions by 10% and Europe cut theirs by 14%. China and India doubled theirs, and Africans are too stupid to count so I didn't see any data on them. I care a lot about the environment, but we are NOT to blame.

>> No.49272755

give nigger cattle the illusion of consequence-free convenience and simultaneously absolve ourselves of all responsibility in the name of the almighty free market, and this is what you get. we need regulations to push us in the other direction. and like any regulation, it will be subject to human vices (kike politician greed, corruption, and grift.) any sane person would realize that this is the lesser of two evils. you can't easily take back decades or centuries of pollution but you can very easily minecraft corrupt policymakers.

>> No.49272761

what about when the plants are purposely modified so that they only produce for 1 season, forcing farmers to rebuy seeds at a different price every 4 months

you’re also a fucking moron if you don’t think GMO food has less nutrition in it, maybe the glyphosate in your brain is keeping you from figuring that out or something

>> No.49272788

Based China and based India. Cringe cuckropeans and cuckmericans

>> No.49272801

I don’t disagree with this, as long as we get to hang the people responsible than I am happy
I want brutal and swift justice for our planet

>> No.49272867

>what about when the plants are purposely modified so that they only produce for 1 season, forcing farmers to rebuy seeds at a different price every 4 months

i agree that this kind of behavior is unforgivably kiked. but this is an economic objection and not a scientific objection.

>you’re also a fucking moron if you don’t think GMO food has less nutrition in it, maybe the glyphosate in your brain is keeping you from figuring that out or something

a good starting point for your education might be researching golden rice. it's poised to reverse widespread vitamin a deficiency in a large chunk of the world.

>> No.49272921

>I wonder what the event horizon of experience is like, that last charge of the electron persisting for eternity as it sends out one last signal that is never received

probably some stroke you have while squeezing out a fat turd

>> No.49272945
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>> No.49272953

Dude, no one needs you to tell us he's intellectually superior. Just read your posts ffs

Literally how old are you

>> No.49273038

Shut up.

People like you ar ewhy the price tag is 150 trillion. If we had started 30 years ago it would have been 1% of global GDP and we'd have no problems on the horizon and sustainabile energy.

This is no different from anything else. Old people sticking young people with the bill

>> No.49273147

Chemicals like atrozine and growht hormones in the food and antibiotics in the water supplies and benzos in the water supplies and bleaches in the water and etc.

Not sure what point you think you are making.
CO2 is literal plant food. People pump greenhouses with artificial levels of CO2 to make plants grow bigger.
Bleach is good for NOTHING but destroying the planet.
Same with a million other things.

GMO is retarded monkeys playing with the genetic code of life on earth.
I'm SURE retarded monkeys starting in 1960s knew what they are doing and there will be no negative consequences.


>> No.49273241

i understand that co2 is a piss poor way of predicting temperature.

>> No.49273272

I don't think you know what this means

>> No.49273321

coincidentally the US debt is 30 trillion dollars, so "fighting climate change" costs enough to pay the debt run the government for the years it takes to pay off.

im fucking sick of these fucking kikes. just stop. stop lying. stop inventing debt. the economy is 100% smoke and mirrors. the fed must be abolished.

>> No.49273339

>CO2 is literal plant food. People pump greenhouses with artificial levels of CO2 to make plants grow bigger.
i refuse to believe this is a serious argument for uncapped CO2 emissions. not even you are this foolish.

>> No.49273350
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>People like you ar ewhy the price tag is 150 trillion
>he actually believes janet yellen

>> No.49273382

if the globalists win: you will feel stupid not taking their money
if the globalists lose: your money is worthless

embrace the money bonfire. take what is yours

>> No.49273423


Tell me, how does an input necessary for an output not take precedence over the modifier for the first input? Wouldn't carbon levels, as the modifier for temperature at an endogenous level, be less important than the primary source of energy itself?

It seems like you are responding not in terms from intellectual truth, but rather from an ideological position: that, as you say here (>>49273038) "stupid idiots" like myself are the ones limiting the potential for human progress because we are questioning the very basis for climate hysteria.

It's unironically the most intellectually lazy position to take, softly coddled by your ideology and given means by which you label those that are evil, making yourself good.

>> No.49273468

judging by the quality of your posts, you are mentally oriented like a college age american female
what other delusions could you possibly be deluded to proselytize?
that central banks are concerned about your financial well being? that inflation hurts the rich more than the poor? that the solution to the problems of humanity is even more state intervention and the suspension of free choice?

>> No.49273470

What the world needs is to stop all government spending, that will halt the climate change. Government spending and borrowing only accelerates pollution

>> No.49273502

a huge part of the climate agenda and wef great reset shit is relying on the greed of speculators and blockchains to help them sell their agenda. buy in or die

>> No.49273505

She's merely repeating the figures researchers give her.

>> No.49273527

bitfvck is fucking gay. eth is fucking gay. they're going to destroy both of them and replace it with their version. nows your chance.

>> No.49273531

You mean that we can't defeat climate change in a single year?

>> No.49273595

delusional. the only thing keeping private industry from completely destroying the earth is government spending (regulatory inspections.) and even then, they do everything in their power to skirt regulations. i say this having worked in a factory for several years.
>EPA/DEP is visiting next week
>let's clean up all evidence of us leaking chemicals into the drains!

>> No.49273604
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You fuckers are insufferable as fuck. There have been MULTIPLE, MULTIPLE TIMES where we have produced more electricity THAN EVER thanks to Solar.

It proves that theoretically, if we ALL buy solar panels and put it in our houses we can save the world from pollution and climate change.

Do you know WHY that hasn't happened yet?? Because the "carbon fuel companies" are scared shitless that they'll lose all their money
and profits, and literally DIE, so they force ((((government)))) to intervene for their interests.

>> No.49273621

>we need 150 trillion denari to pay off the Praetorian guard

>> No.49273630

Look, idiot. Its not my job to educate you, but I'll try. If a baby is stuck in a car with rolled up windows on a hot day, the reason its gonna die is not because the sun, its the fucking windows being rolled up.

CO2 in the atmosphere is like having the windows rolled up. And you are a baby.

>> No.49273712

You're the one that appears to be poor. Its obvious.

>Sea levels rise
>Oh no, no we gotta move/raise our beachfront mansions on 1,000s of kms of coastline

estimate costs:

># of beachfront mansions * number of homes that have to be relocated or be destroyed or otherwise need capital to be rebuilt

Okay, I know you know nothing about mathematics, but from this very broad outline, can you grasp how expensive this will be? In terms of "Very Big" or "Large" amounts of money (think about the most money you've ever seen in one place, multiplied by a zillion)

And there is a bright side: there are so many young people out there who need jobs and they have all the time in the world to spend the rest of their lives in the "Moving homes from the coastal areas" economy that they will inherit and be completely happy about

>> No.49273715


>> No.49273768


>> No.49273843

The temperatures are rising because the recording equipment is being messed with. It was a big scandal in Australia

>> No.49274130

>counterproductive work
I don't think greenification has to be counterproductive. The global economy has been chasing profit through massive, cycling consumerism, but this is exactly the ditch digging you're talking about. What we really need is durable infrastructure and goods, and what we've been doing is making products which get used once and are thrown away, or are designed to fail so you buy next product not because it's better, but because you have no choice. The current economy runs on digging ditches which are designed to fill themselves in so we can save the effort for more ditch digging. It's fucking bonkers and needs to be shaken up.

>> No.49274161


lmfao going even deeper into ad hominem

>muh frog in boiling water

Calling me an infant, when you are using infantile analogies, is quite amusing.

>> No.49274200

Literal fucking scamming disgusting braindead mouthpiece

>> No.49274318

>oh no the global temperature is rising by 2C, lets all turn of the AC in summer and walk to work instead of driving.
In reality this will not have catastrophic affects, some species will die but that is survival of the fittest and they will evolve just like rising sea levels means people/animals relocate elsewhere. This planet has gone through multiple ice ages and mass extinction(asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs) yet life has existed.

>> No.49274369


Yor best gurl

It's going to be interesting to see how we deal with the excess production when we have no means of consumption. In those events it's actually destructive to these energy production mechanisms, destroying productive capacity because of its inability to be monetized.

Bitcoin unironically fixes this, but most here don't want to hear this.

>> No.49274505
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I love how pale nordic whities who will get skin cancer after 15 minutes of sun out of all people deny climate change
have fun killing yourself because you cant take the heart waves anymore. I am from pic related and will actually enjoy it!

>> No.49274622

>1999 shrek song music video predicted real NWO plot

so we are going to see colder temperatures while MSM says its getting warmer?

>> No.49274893

It is for sure getting colder and it's drooling retarded to think getting warmer is worse.
topkek 1/3 of all arable land is under ice still.

>> No.49275145

I don't know how to make this any clearer to you:
1) Yes the green movement is corrupt and hijacked by oligarchs and lobbyists.
2) None of that changes the fact that investing in greener and self-sustainable techs, even if just locally for yourself or community, is a positive step forward. If the tech works, and it's clean and sustainable, why do you spend all your time bitching about irrelevant politics?

>> No.49275459

Kys fag. Just for that I'm removing the dpf and egr on my diesel.

>> No.49275566
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>less materialism in young people.
how about no.
I wanna have the same living standards as the boomers and I'll scam my way to the top if I have to... Once I have a comfy rich life, I might think of maybe donating 5 bucks to a homeless shelter.

>> No.49275579

Even in Seattle?

>> No.49275602

how do you feel about yearly wildfires? started by "accident"? or more importantly the smoke coming off of them?

>> No.49275776


>> No.49276209
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Zoom the fuck out you absolute retard, climate has always changed, it is cyclical and HUMANS CANT STOP IT. you were literally brainwashed.

>> No.49276254

hobbit kike douche retard

>> No.49276258

The world might need to devote itself to a global pogrom

>> No.49276317

this, we night to mobilize our military and soldiers to stop fighting minorities in the middle east and start shooting the sun and ozone layers. obviously they do not discriminate against people kind and its time to start fighting the weather. also i voted bernie, watch marvel, and my wifes kids are black but thats a good thing bc i have white privlidge

>> No.49276482

>says the progressive pushing acceleration
This is a preview of the fruits of your labor, reap what you sow.

>> No.49276514

This. The correct answer is migration. People move closer to the north and south poles for a couple thousand years. Climate change really = urbanites who are terrified of leaving their precious metropolis behind when they are forced to migrate.

>> No.49276542

This but with jews instead

>> No.49276655

Places like the Mediterranean and Asia are already hot as fuck you retard

>> No.49276694

Why don't you look up wet bulb effect

>> No.49276860

>GMOs are near identical to selective breeding
don't let the other retarda and schizos convince you that it's some witchcraft

We have selected for plant seed-lines in the past, and continue to do the same with GMOs. However, minimum ntervention would have been the better choice

>it's about the petrol barons
yes, and you should be considering why your daily carbon footprint goes so high and finding ways to change your lifestyles in meaningful way to reduce extreme consumption

Most things people buy just aren't fucking needed anymore, too much abundance in global economies kek
t. random anon slurping biology major

>> No.49277011

Instead of renewables nuclear
Otherwise sounds good

>> No.49277144

War industry is worth a lot, green energy is worthless scam

>> No.49277197

anon, we need renewables and nuclear

Only talented autists can operate nuclear plants without chernobyling everyone
Renewables don't have radioactive meltdown and are safer for the less diligent populations of the world

>> No.49279146

>crony capitalist invokes climate boogeyman to pump her own bags
if you can't see this for what it is you're unironically ngmi

>> No.49279259
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>ITT: scores and scores of newfag /pol/tards who believe some warped version of what an infographic told them years ago

If you don't believe in global warming/climate change just watch potholer54 and try to cope you fags

There are two ways to solve the climate crisis: the technological slavery/accelerationist route favored by Schwab and co, and the Reactionary/Anti-Tech route favored by the real right, Uncle Ted, and anyone who loves the natural beauty of God's creation

>> No.49279286

This. There’s no way this shit is real and whoever they have keeping up the illusion is barely trying at this point.

>> No.49279464

I hate the anti-Christ.

>> No.49279594

>all time recorded temperature highs being broken globally year after year
>Denver Colorado is getting less and less snow every year
>Massive wildfires driven by intense winds and lack of moisture
>rivers drying up worldwide
>deserts across the world expanding
>Less than 20 years of pumpable groundwater left
>Tornados, hurricanes, storms getting worse each year
>Coastal cities getting BTFO by flooding and sea level rise


>> No.49279716

lets spend 1 gooogilion dollars on shit sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

>> No.49279982

What they actually mean is that the price tag to fix it is so huge we all have to make "sacrifices for the greater good"
>live in the pod
>no cars
>meat once a week
>eat the bugs

>> No.49280184

What do you think about the argument that their industrial pollution is a result of Western consumption? They pollute because we buy the goods that their industry makes and if we weren't buying from them, it'd just be manufactured elsewhere with the same result. Are the individuals within the system to blame or the system itself?

>> No.49280284

No, I don't think that I will.

>> No.49280495

The thing is the usually the fact that it's "tech" precludes it actually being green.
Low tech is green.
That's about all.
There is a healthy balance but it's delusion to think solar panels and other high tech stuff is green.

>> No.49280601

>school shootings are the kids' fault because they absorb the bullets and die when shot at

>> No.49280897

>How many years does it take to build 1 fusion plant?
4.6 billion years and counting

>> No.49281070
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the solution to climate change means
>mass economic growth
>killing the WEF, bug eaters and the like
>death to big pharma and big onions and big oil boomers
>eternal neetdom so the human race can focus on making /tv/ or /lit/ or getting /fit/ or memes or whatever you want
>no more stinking cities, only villas and farm estates
>gfs for everyone

>> No.49281452

I see you are a "travelling man."

>> No.49281587

we can decrease this significantly, but we have to take all her speaking fees. lets see what the bitch would say to that.

>> No.49281636

I don't see why we can't shred this shit up and somehow make a concrete or resing fill out of it to make some kind of building materials..

>> No.49282166
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climate change is globalist propaganda to trick retards into giving more power to the most disgusting rats who ever lived.

see pic. there is record setting arctic ice this year.

look here retarded hippies, everyone is against pollution if you went on it with those terms you could get things done. the climate change enemies just want power for powers sake. nothing they do actually cleans or prevents pollution. it gives their clique of rootless cosmopolitans more money and power, and never solves anything by design so they can argue for even more money and power.

>> No.49282298

I agree. We should fund the european and usa military and get rid of all of niggers, chinks and pajeets.
The environment would immediately thanks us.

>> No.49282308

Yeah we coudlnt just...cut production.........or not throw so much away..........

>> No.49282320

look at this cope

>> No.49282328
File: 318 KB, 769x962, 1653596948421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

march 2nd, 2020 was the day I entered my own private hell and there is no making it stop. Nothing has been the same since that day, and every time I get used to the suffering a fresh layer gets piled on.