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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 245x160, burning btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4908043 No.4908043 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4908066

What do we do now that BTC bubble pop is confirmed?
I'm bored of coins.

>> No.4908071
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>> No.4908203

Ah fuck. Alright fine.

>> No.4908227

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sell all crypto into fiat????????????????????????/

>> No.4908288

caaaaaaaaannnn you type normally????????

>> No.4908317

whooooo would want toooo?????

>> No.4908323

Also, no not all, but definitely a high percentage.
Only leave what you feel is worth losing, except like for real this time.
Leave like a $100 or something in.

>> No.4908757

what is this about?

>> No.4908990

BTC is trending down. BTC is getting way more recognition that it ever has before.
People are buying in to the point that it will be difficult to sell.
Also, it seems like there are people upset with the futures trades thing and want to get out and take their money with them because there's so much hate for them in crypto, but don't quote me on that last part.

In any case, people are finally starting to realize that BTC *is* in a bubble right now and that bubble is starting to pop.
The people speculating right now don't know anything about BTC as a method of exchanging value that can't easily be tracked by the government and all that shit. They just want easy money and there's a lot of them. I literally walked past a group of people trading coin on their phone today.

>> No.4909626
File: 152 KB, 808x805, 1504939954329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still have bitcoinz

>> No.4909640
File: 2.00 MB, 352x308, Gibmoreskin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will an hero if 5k tomorrow

>still waiting for transaction to complete


>> No.4909676

>The people speculating right now don't know anything about BTC as a method of exchanging value that can't easily be tracked by the government and all that shit. They just want easy money and there's a lot of them. I literally walked past a group of people trading coin on their phone today.

and this is why crypto will never be a currency. Everyone is in it to make money then get out into dollars. They are never going to buy shit with btc

>> No.4909730

I hope you're right. I told my friend to sell his 6 coins. I'd hate to lose a friend.

>> No.4909764


>> No.4909772

Bringing normies into Crypto? if yes FUCK YOU

>> No.4909805


Not true, I hope to use it as a hedge against inflation, for tourism (no more exchanging dollars for XYZ) and direct payments online.

I'm talking about Bitcoin Cash though.

>> No.4909842

before I start getting BTFO in this thread, know I'm playing with small money to get the hang of it.

fellas, if, for example, BTC is at 15000, and I think it's going to fall to 14500, how do I take advantage of this? do I margin buy, or margin sell? i.e., which option is the one that is actually shorting it?

>> No.4909853

You take a hammer and hit your head until you forget the idea of trading with margin if you have no clue what you're doing.

>> No.4909866

fuck off. you don't learn anything without actually trying it

>> No.4909880

Well brought him in in the summer of 2016. He's far from normal.

>> No.4909892

> margin trading
just don't

>> No.4909894

Fair enough, have a good day sir.

>> No.4909932

Again, "don't do it" is really shit advice. This is money I'd be spending on booze instead, this seems like an interesting way to spend time.

Don't most hedge fund investors underperform index funds? This is really shitty advice.

Right now I'm just doing straight currency exchange and buying low and selling high, but I don't like waiting around when I've sold early and it's still clearly going to fall a bit more.

>> No.4909943

Go ahead then, buddy. But considering you don't even understand the correlation between shorting and margin trading, you will burn yourself 100% and never try again if you're smart. I get the feeling that you're not very smart though. So, what you think is shorting will most likely be margin selling. You place the short sell and then wait for your position to fall in price. Just take this as a warning kiddo.

>> No.4909956

shorting btc without stupid amount of funds will only get you liquidated
just don't, trade alts instead, just not now

>> No.4909967

Only with money you can afford to loose, dead serious.
You trade only on textbooks confirmed patterns.
Also no more than 20x leverage or you won't have enough headroom for pullbacks.


It takes balls to go short on BTC but when you're right it's fucking awesome.
Made 1083% profit on the head and shoulders pattern on BTC a day ago. I could still be in position and make even more because the execution was fucking perfect, shorted at the tip of the top.

>> No.4910075

I never said it would be used as a currency, I said its a method of exchanging value.
You value in dollar, but use bitcoin because it has a security advantage and is relatively easy to get into.

Bitcoin is a store of value, albeit an often volatile one, but in the last big crash it didn't disappear.
There's a reason for that.

>> No.4910148

There are FREE TOOLS that simulate stocks so you don't have to lose money.
Experiment with dangerous trading on those, not BTC.

>> No.4910198

when we go <13k, free fall to 7,5k!

>> No.4910239


Use http://testnet.bitmex.com/ to train.

>> No.4910278

but i wouldnt be making money like i am RIGHT NOW!

honestly, i have adhd and a short attention span. practicing with online simulators is boring because i dont care. the only way i'd take on practicing this, at all, is with real money.

i am playing around with $100 USD. I have $2500 USD to burn on this, and as far as margin trading, am going to limit myself a lot more because i definitely don't get.

limit currency trades are very simple, there's an immediate reward/else fuck up. not too worried.

>> No.4910530
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>trying to take down the king with a handful of pajeet discord friends

>> No.4910709

>Implying any of the people in this thread had the wallet size and collaborated on such a level as to cause this
My net worth is only like $5~$6k right now, a lot of this money is probably just because its only the second week of the month, I live in an overpriced area and all my discord friends are stoners that play DnD who are now gone and don't message me ever because I'm not into MOBAs.
What were you saying again?

>> No.4911342

Back to 10k even 9k
My body is ready

>> No.4911401

Actually, no. Lower. Way lower. 1k or less.

>> No.4911542

>short attention spam
>thinking of trading

M8, you're gonna get wrecked so bad, son, its not even funny.

>> No.4911635

>you can lose money on purpose

dude if that was possible, then it would be easy to make money
there's 50% chance he'll do better than you

>> No.4912016

I didn't want to say anything at first, but that ADHD excuse is nonsense. I have ADHD, but I've been able to be relatively sane and keep my BTC trades down to what I'm comfortable trading and make sound actual investments besides fucking speculating on crypto prices.

Don't limit yourself with these stupid labels. Having a short attention span and wanted to move around a lot doesn't make you an imbecile.

>> No.4912029

I should probably sleep now

>> No.4912038
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>please go down I want to buy the dip

>> No.4912104

I am out. But ready to go back in immediately. I want Tether situation to resolve, I think it's early for the whole bubble to pop.

>> No.4912105

MtGox crash was legit. No one knew what was going to happen and then it entered stagnation for a time.

>> No.4912116
File: 37 KB, 540x960, 1510122815726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the Berenstein shift occurs and LTC goes to next galaxy at the demise of BTC

>> No.4912237

These are the coolest threads because they will make the funniest memes in a year.

>> No.4912246
File: 1.76 MB, 1652x3056, NocoinersOnSuicideWatchXmasEdition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was the perfect time to buy after it, yet (as shown on these pictures) you fucktards didn't follow my advice. You will keep missing on bitcoin for life.

>> No.4912308

Yeah, because either way, people will find a way to turn it into annoying FUD or frenzy posts.

No matter what they will shitpost "I told you so".
Its kind of interesting. Which I guess is why I'm still holding a little.

>> No.4912317

>Butcoin bubble gets shorted and pops
>era of Litecoin begins
My body is ready

>> No.4912330

I wonder if bitcoin can stabilize purely off presumed certain arising out of speculation.

Something like that would be a really interesting thing to witness.

>> No.4912363


>> No.4912444

If BTC genuinely crashes LTC falls with it. If BCH is the only coin where we see it go up during a no bullshit this shit is falling scenario.

>> No.4912492

Holy shit LTC and BTC are free falling!!!

>> No.4912529
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>> No.4912544


>> No.4912552

we have this plan so fuck you shorters
You all should know by now there are 2 exchanges opening December 10th & 15th to trade bitcoin Only
One is a futures market that will allow Very big money to SHORT bitcoin now who would want to do that>>> Bankers And wall street<<<
bitcoin threatens them they have created these exchanges to rein in bitcoin i don't know if they will be-able to smash the price like they do in the gold market
So i am here to tell all who have bitcoin many of us are cashing in half of our bitcoin and buying litecoin because the exchanges that are opening Dec 10th & 15th DO NOT! trade litecoin so we do this for safety only!
If there attempt take down bitcoin price fail we just sell litecoin and return to bitcoin
But if they are successful then we have persevered half of our money please pass this on
you do what you want
We want freedom from the bankers & they are coming we just wanted to inform you

>> No.4912628

Looks like its fucking diving right now.

>> No.4912650

>5k up in 1 week
fucking newfags

>> No.4912731

>Makes no real argument and types in all caps while repeating "not" over and over.
Boy, you sure convinced me!

>> No.4912753

>5k up in one week is not an argument
get the fuck out, you probably bought at 18,5k yesterday

>> No.4912757

Okay that's much, much better than your last post.

>> No.4912776

again, get the fuck out

>> No.4912786

You didn't make that argument in the post I quoted. I did not realize they were from the same ID and I was only annoyed with the way you communicated it. You sounded as though you were panicking and in denial. Be more aware of what you're posting.

>> No.4912794

Its still going down. I bet it will recover at 14247 ish. I was hoping BTC would be already in recover by this morning. But now I am wondering if its going even lower.

That wallstreet stuff and thew fact that the coin sucks seems to have people spooked. It looks like Tether may come to the rescue?

>> No.4912816

its already going up you shitty fudster
it will always go up
and no you won't buy at 8k
fuck you nigger

>> No.4912842

I'm guessing its a bubble. I'm not guessing its going to stay down and die.
I got rid of a lot of my assets, but I intend to buy in again depending on what it does.
Just got too cramped for me.

>> No.4912844

Why would I buy it though? Its slow and 25 dollar transaction fees. Also its going to be hit with well beyond normal levels of fud when wallstreet cucks the coin.

Also I am not fudding. The graphs are doing that fine.

>> No.4912850

>It will always go up
You do not know this.
This mentality is just as cancerous as FUD, if not more so.

>> No.4912876

The shit that is fucking with me is that it wont end. Every time I see the damn coin look like it might recover bam its lower. All I want is some fucking idea what is going on so I can sleep.

>> No.4912905
File: 22 KB, 593x453, totally not fuddin i swear its just graphs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You do not know this.
I do know this. 21kk supply cap is not going anywhere
> Also I am not fudding. The graphs are doing that fine.
pic related

>> No.4912960

Forget it, but thank you for making me realize I'm more or less doing the same thing. I stayed on fucking /biz/ all day and night holy shit what the fuck am I doing
I need to get off of here and go to sleep. Fuck my ass.
Alright I'm out of here.

>> No.4912986

Looks like tether to the rescue!

>> No.4913059

>cashed out almost completely
What the fuck is even going on
Why the fuck can't I just go to sleep.

>> No.4913068

>everyone pulls out of BTC for the short sell
>big business moves in and snatches 20-35% of all the BTC
>"Okay, *now* we can start accepting BTC as currency, go-guys!"
Cap it. There'll be a dip and a surge to start 2018 when our favorite companies make statements they'll take BTC as a payment option by summer.

>> No.4913169

Bitconnect exits. Bitfinex exits or gets shut down by law or just panic gets spread in msm like has already begun. Tether fraud was on Bloomberg. Economic incentive by old money to have bought btc before now to short with derivatives and then sell their real btc and crash the price.
Tether and bitfinex not catching falls anymore.

There are so many bubble poppers maturing right now. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.4913172
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>>big business moves in and snatches 20-35% of all the BTC
>>"Okay, *now* we can start accepting BTC as currency, go-guys!"


>> No.4913212

Bullshit, BTC has 25 dollar transaction fees. The only place the coin goes is fantasy land high numbers or practically zero.

>> No.4913255

OH, also, last rally was Chinese whales on bithumb organized pump and dumping 3 times in a night to milk footers. And bch is getting aggressive in msm and finding partners a left and right. The Chinese whales were probably bch aligned too and are sitting on a btc crash bomb saved for the right moment.

>> No.4913304

you will never make it you niggers NEVER