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4901561 No.4901561 [Reply] [Original]

Coinbase rose from 400th to 1st most downloaded app in the USA. Will normies come into crypto in 2018? Is 2017 the last chance to be an early adopter?

>> No.4901577

I want to kill myself thinking I could've had bitcoin at 1$ in 2011.

>> No.4901623

stay strong anon. A friend of mine had 650 bitcoins and used them on steam for a game

>> No.4901884

I would honestly kill myself, lad

>> No.4901918

Jesus fuck

>> No.4901940

he said everyday he considers doing it more

He bought Saints Row 2 uncensored, if anyone wanted to know

>> No.4901986

>Coinbase is the #1 app
>he thinks this is still early adoption
That boat sailed and you missed it

>> No.4902009


>Saints Row 2

how is he still alive?

>> No.4902016



I dont feel like typing it again.. but here..

Also, if you bought BT under 11k, disregared this info and just hold onto it.. you SHOULD be okay,
>But no promises

>> No.4902024

Think how rich Gabe is now from all the bitcoins people gave him.

>> No.4902046

Feels so fucking good. I bought 1 BTC at 3.5k and now I see a bunch of normies paying 15k for it.

>> No.4902064

well, normies DO only know about bitcoin but not other altcoins

>> No.4902081
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I met a guy who had 10,000 and spent them on that gay furry game "second life"

>> No.4902119
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I was gonna take out a 50k loan when it dipped to 2k but last minute decided not to take the risk.
Would have paid back my loan and been a part of the 21 btc club.
But instead I have less than 1

>> No.4902181

this, i still have a few months to get all i can in imo
i applied for 30k today

>> No.4902203

Jokes on them I'm gonna get in on the replacement BTC before they even know it exists

>> No.4902335

>normies do know
In other words the majority is catching on? Onset of early majority =/= peak adoption.
It’s on mainstream media.
It’s all over facebook.
People with no background in finance, investing, computer science or economics are opining about it.
People are using massive credit to buy it expecting it go 10x.
It’s on major exchanges (CBOE, CME, NASDAQ and NYSE made statements)
Central bankers are talking about it with the press
Millennials trust crypto more than traditional investments for their retirement savings
Almost nobody who holds it thinks it’s going to drop in the long term

Companies have formed and firmly established themselves under the proposition to make it easier to understand.
That’s the real kicker - early maj. is all about ease of use. It is easier to buy crypto now than stock.

Early adoption is about determining whether it is practical or not. People buying in that stage don’t care about impracticality, they deal with it because they like the cutting edge tech.
We’re now at a stage where it is being made easy specifically to appeal to the majorities.

>> No.4902362

I bought 10 btc in mid-2016 and spent it all on drugs

>> No.4902397

im going to start a business with my co worker called ********** where we securely set up paper wallets for retards

>> No.4902413

Well, this is ironically a sign too

>> No.4902424

Think something like xrp will ever hit coinbase? Seems like it would be an obvious choice for the to add.

>> No.4902478

Might I add that early majority is when the most aggressive growth happens? Hitting EM is like turning 20. Then it all goes downhill after 40 (peak adoption and maximum profitability).
If you ever wanted to get in, time is wearing thin.

>> No.4902531


I'm pretty sure Coinbase and GDAX don't do centralized cryptos

>> No.4902578

You all should know by now there are 2 exchanges opening December 10th & 15th to trade bitcoin Only
One is a futures market that will allow Very big money to SHORT bitcoin now who would want to do that>>> Bankers And wall street<<<
bitcoin threatens them they have created these exchanges to rein in bitcoin i don't know if they will be-able to smash the price like they do in the gold market
So i am here to tell all who have bitcoin many of us are cashing in half of our bitcoin and buying litecoin because the exchanges that are opening Dec 10th & 15th DO NOT! trade litecoin so we do this for safety only!
If there attempt take down bitcoin price fail we just sell litecoin and return to bitcoin
But if they are successful then we have persevered half of our money please pass this on
you do what you want
We want freedom from the bankers & they are coming we just wanted to inform you

>> No.4902628

No, Coinbase is doing ease of use / back-end / security / user interface style stuff.
they make their cash off trades.. and BTC is filling that role nicely, since anything traded thru them is basically 1$ per move.

I DO think that eventually, when you see how BTC has hovered at 16k for over 12 hours now.. which is the longest it has not been mooning for HAS found its limit.
Then people will literately just look down and see ETH/LTC and buy cuz lol why not.

> Next coins that would hit coinbase, in order.

Blockchain - IBM has been working on this for a very long time, and i know people who have been developing it ; they have a network of businesses willing to adopt
XLM - Same reason as above
Monero / ripple - on the same level.. i dont know TOO much about them..

but i can say. i dont think coinbase will be adding anytime soon.... they want to keep their service up and not get hacked and lose all the cash flow they have now
>When there's a gold rush, you sell shovels.

>> No.4902670

We should take advantage of all the retards pouring their live savings into bitcoin with no finance background.

Crypto Hypebeasts are everywhere.. those 16 year olds that make $20 on bitcoin and think that they're some kind of certified investor. I see them all day on twitter being like "fuck this 9-5 shit not me lol" while they're already employed at Mcdonalds. They buy high and sell low and literally lose money when all they had to do was hold for a few more days.

Anyways I can't fucking stand those chad retards either, they're part of the reason the BTC price spiked up so high, the other reason was because futures were announced.

I'm slightly annoyed because the majority of people who do futures are baby boomer idiots that only want to buy and short BTC respectively. Even my fucking dad approached me about it and it caught me off guard. Don't get me wrong i'm not a edgy shitlord that hates my dad I just hate to see something with as much potential as BTC get hyped up so much,

it's already in the process of correcting itself so I can get back in without having my blood pressure through the roof.

>> No.4902705

2 btc spent on acid over the years, wish I had held. feelsbadman

>> No.4902726


I doubt they would ever actually do Monero, too much chance the government gets on their asses about it

>> No.4902776

Coinbase is for the most part secure but it's waaaay too mainstream now, could get hacked without notice.

>> No.4902796

Agreed, but after this BTC crash in the next week.. you will see a call for gov't regulation on cryptos..
which, basically kills crypto from going global; OR; somehow actually helps be a medium for all currency to be evaluated by...

but it will definitely, destroy other lesser coins because we cannot forget.. bitcoin was used by lacrimal (Drugs, guns, hackers, darknet) and that bullshit.
So other froms of crypto will be seen as such in the public eye

>> No.4902867

Agreed, that is their biggest fear with the MASSIVE influx of new accounts.

It will be down in a few days for maintence, i legit just got a email warning about it..
its just toooo close to when BTC is going on the exchanges.

Coincidence ? maybe.. but i think coinguys know there is chance of a huge short and want to cover their asses when evreryone pulls out in fear.
>We are sorry but we where trying to upgrade for you! Everyone buying at once backs everything up! Have you ever heard of cryptokittys click this link

and BOOM , they are off the hook

Internet and cats man.. fucking ill never understand.

>> No.4902922

Yet. I mean they have only added 3 ever. ETH added in July 2016 and Litecoin added in May 2017. So a majority of CB/GDAX existence involved 1 coin. They never add coins that are over what, $10 or so at the time of listing them? Just not sure of a mass adopted poor man's crypto they could add. Maybe XLM. Assumed XRP because it's very spread out, fast, cheap. Maybe what helps connects banks and crypto settlement syst once the regulations you mentioned come out way. Plus, look at the normies -

"Bitcoin is $15,000, can't afford that"
"Ethereum is $500, can't afford that"
"Litecoin is $150, can't afford to trust Charlie Lee"
"XRP is $0.25? Nigga I'm buying 100".

Wrote this and forgot BCH and BTG for the people that held BTC ON CB during forks.

Speaking for forks, how many are coming this month?

>> No.4902952

LOL...drugs over money

>> No.4903091

oh fug, are you me?

>> No.4903197
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People are going to get rekt'd. Our company just got this email from MSN (not sure why) and notice the bitcoin mention. It's everywhere.

>> No.4903597

>Millennials trust crypto more than traditional investments for their retirement savings
They aren't getting into crypto for retirement, they are getting into crypto as a get rich quick scheme.
>Almost nobody who holds it thinks it’s going to drop in the long term
Then they are deluded.
>Early adoption is about determining whether it is practical or not. People buying in that stage don’t care about impracticality, they deal with it because they like the cutting edge tech.
We’re now at a stage where it is being made easy specifically to appeal to the majorities.
Early adoption was long ago. There is no use for Bitcoins other than people trying to get rich quick.

>> No.4903642

What about tether? I've been skeptical of it but it seems to be fine even amongst all of the fud. If you're trading somewhere like bittrex wouldn't it be safer to hop onto tether and wait out the crash as the prices of BTC/ETH and any other major coin will all be getting pulled down in value?

>> No.4903662

Normie here
Is counbase a meme?

>> No.4903681

You are retarded, I bought six in 2015 and held because I knew what was happening. I was even homeless this year but didn't sell.

>> No.4903693

>replacement BTC
u mean fake satoshis shitcoin?

>> No.4903713

I mined a few full btc, decided it wasnt worth it. forgot about it till price hit $11 and cashed out to buy GTA IV. people kicking themselves over it are retarded. Might as well say "if only I picked the winning lottery ticket number instead" hindisght is 20/20 and there was nothing glaringly obvious you missed.

>> No.4903738

this you stupid fucks

early adoption was over in march losers

>> No.4903795

Thats an ad and youre seeing that one because you probably shitpost or look at coin info whike on the oc you checked your email with. If my gf were to get that exact same email there would be hair and makeup shit in that exact same spot.

>> No.4903808

I prefer this feel to the feel of losing my coins to time or spending them on some BS back in 11.

>> No.4903902

>1st most downloaded app
What the fuck..
Oh goddammit

>> No.4903923

>glaringly obvious
>international anonymous payments
>not obvious

Jesus christ you're retarded. That is why Ver and a host of others are filthy rich on BTC, because they saw the long term implications of having tech like this.

>> No.4903931

This is the whole fucking economy me now. We're in for some fucking bullshit oh god.

>> No.4903986

>international anonymous payments
what altcoin are you referring to lmao.
Also this statement is more accurate of USD but that didnt increase a few thousand times over in several years...

>> No.4903989

It fucking sucks

Idiots at my work, old fucking dudes who have no idea how to even install an OS themselves let alone even comprehend how bitcoin actually works, are all talking about crypto now. One of them ACTUALLY SAID, and I quote: "Yeah I'm jumping in now, I'm thinking about buying some low-risk penny coins." I was literally so dumbfounded by it all that I can't even comprehend what their thought process is.

Where the fuck are these idiots getting their info from? Facebook?

>> No.4903999






>> No.4904108

Its easy to transfer BTC though. Its a store of value, an *indirect* system of payment that should be valued primarily in fiat.
Too bad its ruined now by people who can't understand that

>> No.4904169

Joe Rogan podcasts and infowars most likely.

>> No.4904220


The thing is a lot of them probably won't go full in. Maybe some bucks/euros to experiment.

And if you are a idiot like me and you buy smaller amount of btc than 0.01 btc and want to trade in gdax you are fucked. No other options but to get into altcoins. That's how i got started.

>> No.4904254

>Its easy to transfer BTC though.
Yeah, for a $50 fee. Then try cashing out. Yeah, so easy.
>Its a store of value
A very poor one at that. No sane person would ever use Bitcoin to store their money on. When the price is so volatile that you aren't guaranteed half the value you put in an hour from now, it's retarded to use it to store value.
>Too bad its ruined now by people who can't understand that
It's ruined by the people that can't understand that a CURRENCY that sucks as a CURRENCY is shit. They pump money into Bitcoins because it keeps going up in price, but it's only going up because they keep pumping money into it. That's not sustainable.

>> No.4904288

If he bought a degenerate trash game like that there is no way he would have held onto the BTC for very long at all. Your friend isn't high IQ and low time preference enough for that.

>> No.4904646

fuck i thought i was sad. thanks, anon!

>> No.4904700
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I spent $355 for eden*
It turned me into a lolicon

>> No.4904703
File: 162 KB, 549x411, if this nigga don&#039;t shut the fuck up 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy at work and boss talking about Bitcoin
>they keep calling it a "stock"

>> No.4904779

Yep the MSM ruined it. Normies are now aware of crypto currencies and are storming in.
This is the last chance to win big I'm afraid.

>> No.4904910

Yeah its going to die.

I'm not even joking around, this is what makes crashes happen.
I guess I have to get in now, because the bubble is only starting.
Jesus Christ.
It really is the gold rush all over again.

Or is the rush over? I can't even tell. Either way, this was terrible. None of this will work.
I take everything I said back.