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4901246 No.4901246 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys, how many IOTA do you have?
I keep reading people having 100 Miota and dreaming of being rich someday and saying whales put up 1 Gi walls. I have 6Gi am I a whale?

>> No.4901321

I have about 1g, bought in at 1.50

>> No.4901364

FedEx just had a conference about it, not quite sure what's going to come out of it but Fred Smith supposedly gave a green light to move forward.

>> No.4901386

why is half the volume on bitfinex?

>> No.4901413

It is getting ready to explode.
does anyone have a guess on when?
I say the entire month of DEC.

>> No.4901430 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 340x306, lady-peebles1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have only 300 iotas op

can you send me a couple that you are rich?

do it for the princess


>> No.4901446

what part about no begging don't you understand

>> No.4901462

14th i guess was is the microsoft conference

you mean miota hopefully right?
Anyways, sadly my funds are with the foundation

>> No.4901468

>begging got outlawed read the fecking rules m8

>> No.4901488

Yes Miotas, I currently hold 73 MIOTA.
Yes Miota. sorry.

>> No.4901579

Reported for begging.

>> No.4901584

you won op, hold for 1 year or so

>> No.4901707

I hope I did. I'm a bit retarded because I bought some at 30 cents, then at 70 then it went back to 30 and i was too afraid and didnt believe enough only to buy the rest at 70 again. and now that it mooned i will never have 10 gi but oh well

>> No.4901738

so miota is just 1 iota on most exchanges right? so 1 giota is just 1k?

>> No.4901776

miota is 1 million iota and worth a bit more than 4$ right now, 1 giota is 1k miota

>> No.4901786

I have around 7,5k miota
I also have 7k xlm
see u at the moon I hope

>> No.4901801

i see a bit more than 5 now

>> No.4901821

Ive had 6.8Gi since the days of yore

But no bitcoin ...

Not sure whether to split my stack and buy 1 whole BTC or keep riding Iota.


>> No.4901848

as iota is way too expensive for me already should i buy xlm? has it mooned hard already?

really hard question desu bitcoin will probably go up more but iota has more potential

>> No.4901910

I think iota is a solid investment, last dip was probably as low as it will get in a while.
long term I'd say you should stack some iotas.
I invested in iota at 0,55 just before the hype

maybe for a short term go xlm? I haven't studied it alot, I only sold 200 iotas to buy xlm for 800$ or whatever. As I've heard there is plenty of news coming for xlm

>> No.4901930

I'd say a 50/50 stack is good desu

>> No.4901985

well yeah iota is a good long term investment, but it feels so bad to buy right now e.g. 200$ and I only get 50miota whereas i got back then 400 miota, so i want to make good gains from other cryptos now to someday reach 10 gi, before it takes off to jupiter

>> No.4902062

Yeah, get some xlm then I'd say. It's getting listed on coinbase soon, it's destined to go up

>> No.4902084


>> No.4902106

Bought in when it was $0.38 i have 2.1Gi

>> No.4902111

Can someone explain something to me? I'm trying to buy some IOTA for BTC on Binance, and since it seems you can only buy in whole values of IOTA, that I waste bitcoin if I dont buy at a certain rate because I can increase the price of my btc and still only get the same amount of iota back at 100%

>> No.4902130

December price predictions for both? I'm holding 75/25 xlm/iota atm

>> No.4902152

very hard. I thought iota would hit 2$ at max, but as it's now it might as well hit 8$

>> No.4902216

don't really have one, just something I heard

>> No.4902219

Its getting higher and higher. We might even break through the $5.50 mark

>> No.4902234

mb 1$ xlm and 10$ iota?

>> No.4902243

>Anyways, sadly my funds are with the foundation
My 300 MIOTA are as well. Any clue when they are releasing them?

Bought 1 ETH for $20 in March, sold 1/3 of that ETH (eth was $300) when it hit bitfinex.

$6.67 is now $1521.25..... That I can't get access to.

FML I should have bought more.

>> No.4902263

they said next week alongside of the next snapshot

>> No.4902376


Nevermind, got it. I now own a couple MIOTA, hooray.

>> No.4902380


Damn dude i missed out too. Sounds like bitcoin 2.0

>> No.4902418

I put all my money in buying 200 MIOTA. How rich will I be in 10 years?

>> No.4902440

>all my money
>200 miota

fucking pajeets man

>> No.4902454

>Sounds like bitcoin 2.0

But it isn't made to be a p2p currency token. What major companies would use a token like IOTA for talking between smart devices to settle costs when it has a rapidly fluctuating value?

>> No.4902474

You sure you don't mean giota?

>> No.4902493

>6Gi am I a whale?

>> No.4902529

>tfw can only afford 12 miota

lambo when?

>> No.4902566
File: 364 KB, 1500x700, quickmaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> people talkin about owning thousands of MIOTA
> look at the current usd price
> pic related

these niggas allegedly rich

>> No.4902609

50k MIOTA. Not enough.

>> No.4902751

Right? I thought my 37 MIOTA was decent

>> No.4902827


>> No.4903013

why do you people talk down on poor fags that are just trying to make a buck, they're in it, just the same as your are but on a lower scale

>> No.4903021


I just bought like, 10, and thought it was a decent investment for casual.

Apparently I'm too late to hop on the lambo train

>> No.4903025
File: 64 KB, 600x1227, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw making it

>> No.4903164

iota is probably the only coin where keeping it on exchanges is safer than using a wallet yourself. amazingly terrible

>> No.4903264


Need more details mang. Can't leave a golden turd without letting us know where you seen that shit from.

>> No.4903430

13.3 Gi, when it hits around 75 bucks It will be worth a million usd.

>> No.4903517

16 Gi reporting in, lets do this!

>> No.4903528

my hands are getting weak guys are we going back to 3.90 again

>> No.4903564
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 62A9FCDC-56AD-4A4E-8123-2E30FD5F5184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ma bigha
Lets fucking form iota whale club

>> No.4903629
File: 236 KB, 612x736, 1461297574160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive my ignorance, why is everyone saying that one million iota is $4? The exchange says I'm buying 1 for $4.

>> No.4903645


exchanges trade in millions of iota. So if you buy "1" from an exchange, you are getting 1 MIOTA, or 1 million iota

>> No.4903837

Only 38. Everyone has gotta start somewhere I guess.

>> No.4903893

I have .34. I had an order placed and sold when it was at a high, waiting for the low to buy them back +9 more courtesy of buy low sell high.

>> No.4904019

55 here, first time cryptofagging. I think it's a good amount for a first-timer, very low risk so either way it's ok. See you on the other side.

>> No.4904326

i only own 100 miota as well
just kill me

>> No.4904427


1) Create a binance account. Use referral code 11682017 if you feel like being nice since you're using my guide - or don't, up to you.

2) Send them some crypto. I recommend using something other than Bitcoin since btc is congested right now. HERE IS A TRICK I USED: I had Bitcoin since before the forks, so I split out my BTG and sold it all. BTG (and BCH, for that matter) have much faster moving networks right now. Use Coinami to split BTG - it's the only reliable and safe way I know of. BCH can be split using Electron Cash if you don't want to use Coinami for that. If you want more details about any of this, ask me - all I ask in return is that you use 11682017 as your code when you sign up to Binance.

3) Inside Binance, turn whatever crypto you sent into btc or eth if you didn't send btc or eth directly. There are only two trading pairs with IOTA right now for Binance, and it's BTC-IOTA and ETH-IOTA.

4) Buy IOTA. Voila! You're done. Don't be worried that withdrawals of IOTA are turned off right now. If for some reason you want to liquidate your position, just trade the IOTA back to BTC or ETH and you can withdraw that (or take it one step further and turn that BTC/ETH into something that's moving faster right now, if you like). N.B. I believe ETH network is pretty slow right now due to cryptokitties but they may have gotten that under control? Not sure on this, don't currently own any ETH.

>> No.4904464


For the record, I transferred some btc from gdax to binance earlier and it took about 30 minutes

>> No.4904686

Did you pay a big fee? GDAX may have paid a big fee for that speed. I don't have a GDAX account so I don't know if they offer any sort of fee control.

Then again, fees aren't really as bad as people say they are if you have a low number of inputs.

>> No.4904758

I've transferred BTCs since the past 5 days almost around 20-30 txs. And they all got confirmed within 30 mins. I'm not sure what people bitch about. That's still much faster than any Bank wire / transfer. If you cant wait 30 minutes then something is wrong with your life.

>> No.4904805


My full amount of bitcoin that I transferred went from GDAX to Binance. I don't know where the presumable fee went, since my wallet works out exactly without any btc fee being paid. My transaction was lumped in with another super tiny one so its possible the fee was taken out of that guy and that I wasnt shared.

The only fee I paid to take btc from gdax into binance and then trade for iota was the iota fee I paid on binance for my insta buy

>> No.4904806

Also, $20 is not much of a fee. Wiring money costs a lot more. Specially if you're using services like Western Union. I used to send money to my parents in Palestine using Western Union and it was a HUGE hassle. + Super high fees.

>> No.4904821

It's gone down almost 50 cents the past hour.

>> No.4904865

> I'm not sure what people bitch about. That's still much faster than any Bank wire / transfer. If you cant wait 30 minutes then something is wrong with your life.

Honestly, I haven't seen much slowdown lately either, but I've seen a lot of bitching about network usability & speed & transactions lately so I thought I'd include it in my writeup.

Maybe it's all just FUD from the Roger Ver crowd, I don't know.

Have patience. $10 by 2018, imo. Plenty of December left.

>> No.4905028

133 347 miota bought at 0.18 euros on slack before it arrived on bitfinex, not selling before 17B Mcap

>> No.4905297

I'm seriously tempted to sell a huge chunk of my BCH that I'm still holding from the fork for IOTA.

We're talking like... doubling or tripling my IOTA holdings here. The only thing stopping me is the fear that the BTC->BCH flippeninig people might be right.