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File: 1.26 MB, 900x1688, 1329335438419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
483579 No.483579 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the richest motherfucker on here? Post a screenshot of your bank account(s) balances to show us

>> No.483582

Fairly certain it's iHaz.

>> No.483587


Option five, man. Option five.

>> No.483589

>bank account(s) balances
implying my bank holds my wealth

>> No.483591

It's usually implied that brokerages etc are included.

>> No.483593

>tfw the richest man on 4chan is a speculating jew who probably looks like le happy merchant

>> No.483596

Option 1.
Proclaim myself as god and have all humans on earth work towards making little-girl transformation science.

>> No.483599

Option 4
Catch Arceus and ascend to Godhood. If not, I'm sure control of one of the minor deities would be good enough.

>> No.483603
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ia m the richest man in babylon

>> No.483606

The highest i've ever seen is some guy who was offering to buy people who rolled certain post numbers steam games of their choosing, he had some italian bank that said, "Rapporto: 350.000,00 EUR" and at first I thought he only had 350 eurobucks but over there they swap the comma and period when tallying money apparently

>> No.483607
File: 119 KB, 957x581, Proof of my richness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably me. I just bought my fourth jet and lost it already because I was distracted counting my cars. Idc though cuz I can just buy another on my way to my 53rd home in the Caribbean. Later I am going to a party in Brunei with some dutch royals. I wont say which ones but they are pretty famous ones.

Proof attached.

>> No.483608


>> No.483611


you are not the richest man in babylon

i am the richest man in babylon

>> No.483612

>over there they swap the comma and period


>> No.483613
File: 63 KB, 1093x527, therichest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look at how my moneys has grown even shortly when we talk

i am truly the richest man in babylon

>> No.483632
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Anonkun please teach us your method

>> No.483633

im a fag

>> No.483674
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Tell me your secrets! I will pay you once I have earned money from it.

Or I suppose I could try to return these beans I bought the other day from that kiosk by the pawn shop. I wonder whatever happened to him. Probably retired off his beans. They really are quite shiny.

>> No.483807
File: 44 KB, 593x270, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scotttrade account. does this count?

I know i'm not the richest. but I'm pretty sure im better off financially than most in my age group

>> No.483808

how old is you brah?

>> No.483810

I'm 27

not bad right? I should be much richer but made alot of mistakes in stocks this year

>> No.483813

Are you the CEO doing the AMA in another thread? If you are, you probably wouldn't confirm though lel.

>> No.483814

I've seen his name before - how much is he worth, and how did he acquire his wealth?

>> No.483816

nah. im not a CEO of anything. I'm pretty bad at managing people. But I do own 2 companies. One of which is a real company but doesn't make much money anymore. the other one is for tax purposes

>> No.483818

Realestatefag here

2 apartments worth 250,000 and 150,000
Stocks 12000 (just starting)
Cash 3000

415,000€ so 537,000 usd

>> No.483827

>tfw you've made 200k in 3 months :3333

>> No.483829

What field is your profitable company in?

Been thinking about getting my real estate license by studying in one of those quick-study weekend courses.

How do you feel about the profession? It seems so fucking cutthroat and difficult to break into. As in, the best realtors close all the deals and get all the business. I read about this 26 year old that is a partner at a real estate brokerage though and makes retarded amounts of money.

Can you effectively break into real estate without nepotism to aid you in closing deals? Do you enjoy your work?

>> No.483830

oh and I don't want to tell you guys how cause I don't want iHaz the jew to steal it and have a bigger head than he already does :3

maybe in 8 months I'll reveal muh statements

>> No.483831

Industry? Do you enjoy it?

>> No.483833

I've made it from trading futures. I wouldn't call myself as a professional trader, though

>> No.483835

i wouldnt either

>> No.483836

Using TA? I read so many books on TA / trading futures, started with play money using Think or Swim, but after a month I couldn't find any profitable trading strategies.

Did TA actually work for you? Have you made consistent, long-term gains? And thanks for sharing.

>> No.483837

My profitable company is in the photographic flash diffuser industry. basically me and my high school friend invented a new type of flash diffuser that goes on top of dslr camera strobes. We sell it online on amazon primarily. It kinda ruined our friendship. we're now ready to just close the company we sell our inventory.

>> No.483841

TA? oh, you mean the crap brokers trick retail newbies into using because it seems easy? yeah, im sure that works great.

>> No.483842

god no. I don't mean to be a jerk, but TA is for fools.

Prices aren't magic. They reflect things that happen in the real world. You need to understand the fundamentals of the market you're trading in.

I've been really lucky in that I've had the guidance of a couple traders who know their shit. They were some of the biggest bond traders in the world during the 80s

>> No.483846

why the disparaging tone? haven't been laid for a while?

>> No.483847

I'm a realestate investor not broker.

>> No.483851

its been a while. the "disaparaging" tone is because of something else though. nice of you to worry about my sex life though, fucking creep.

>> No.483858

sorry ;_;

>> No.483883

No, no, I agree. Contemporary astrology in my mind (but I wanted to believe when I first started and I saw professional traders advocating TA lol.)

So you do something more akin to fundamental analysis? Is there any way to emulate your learning via books/etc? I want to be god-tier rich ;_;

Ah ok, thanks. Commercial or residential? I'm helping my father potentially invest in a 4 unit residential building. I've mainly been researching historical rents, projected cash flow vs cost of mortgage, and crime in the area. What other metrics would you recommend a nub research prior to committing any money? I'm intending to treat it as a buy-and-hold investment with no intent of selling for the foreseeable future.

>> No.483904

It's hard. My advice is to figure out who the smartest outspoken people in the world are and listen to them.

You've gotta be an information addict to stay ahead. There are a bunch of investment newsletters that you could buy, but the subscriptions can cost thousands per

John Mauldin tends to have interesting things to say and has a few free weekly newsletters. Start reading those.

>> No.483937

Probably iHaz, though he's an angry cock and I don't know how old he is so the scale may be skewered.

I'm sure I'm poorer than him but I was probably making more than him at 18 and the next few years.

>> No.484170

Pls lend

>> No.484391
File: 39 KB, 410x466, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's the richest motherfucker on here? Post a screenshot of your bank account(s) balances to show us
That would be me. Hello.

>> No.484393


>> No.484395

The money is in investing and property management. Realtors are the bottom of the food chain

>> No.484617

Got a burner email or something you're okay with dropping on /biz/?

>> No.484827

'haha you are poor man
not rich in babylon

>> No.484839


I demand you share your secrets you motherfuckin wizard!

>> No.484841

Can I grab $1000 .

>> No.484851

welp teach us how its done friend

>> No.484854


>> No.484860
File: 32 KB, 500x576, ballin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I'm rollin in it

>> No.484926

Why would you not pay your credit card in full?

>> No.484928

Maybe that's all new balance

>> No.484957

>2 apartments worth 250,000 and 150,000

in equity or current market value?

>> No.484964


He's a market value fag. These loony niggers say their millionaires when they have literally 5k in equity on a big ass house that they financed out the ass.

>> No.485180


I pay in full every month, I just spent a shitload of money in the last 2 billing cycles because I moved to start a job, and moving out is kinda expensive

Realistically I should have a positive net worth within a year

>> No.485190

>implying rich, successful people go on 4chan

>> No.485243

Wanna help me start up some companies in South Africa?
You could consider it your passion project/charity work.

>> No.485413

Planeswalker of course

>> No.485416

>implying they don't do it for the lulz

>> No.485450
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probably me. this is my account

>> No.485453

Too bad tea crashed after the Great Coffee Revolution of 1849. It never recovered.

>> No.485454

recover this bitch

>> No.485458

> passion and charity

Fucking kill yourself, gtfo /biz/.

>> No.485468


wow this is soul crushing...
here i am 25 going on to 26 marine veteran using that NYC gi-bill money to go to college and get myself a degree, working hard, trying hard to make a better life for myself

and realizing day after day that many MANY people had already started on their success by the time they hit 24...

christ, i dont know why i frequent biz every day i come here i feel less and less adequate...

>> No.485481

>christ, i dont know why i frequent biz every day i come here i feel less and less adequate...
MANY people on here just make shit up for whatever reason. Like all of 4chan, you can assume most of it is just BS. Entertaining BS but still.

>> No.485485

Why should you care if your road to success is a little more circuitous than mine? I'm hardy the typical case, in any event. Just stay focused on the goals likely to bring success to your life, and don't worry so much about what others are doing.

Life's a marathon, not a sprint.

>> No.486892
File: 23 KB, 225x346, good luck with.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might have had less chance of success if you hadn't took the road you took so far. Being more mature and responsible is always a plus when trying to achieve stuff. Be grateful for your past instead implying it was a waste of time.

Doesn't matter when you start just that you start.

>Pic related
Might shave a considerable amount of time off for you.

>> No.486911


>JP Morgan Bank of UBS Manhatten

What a pleb. I store my money and Shearson Lehman Goldman Stanley UFJ Financial.

I bet you don't even get your law services done by Wachtell Swaine Slate & Cromwell.

>> No.486918
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>> No.486961

inb4 Warren Buffet

>> No.487888
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I don't believe anyone except iHaz, if you are really rich post something of value with timestamp.

>> No.488092
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>> No.488093

>implying poor people can't own things of value

>> No.488765
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Pizza Cake!

>> No.488797
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>not picking hogwarts
do you even dream

>> No.488803
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very small time compared to you guys. don't even invest, just work constantly at a union blue collar railroad job. probably gonna make 80 this year if I decide to work a lot.

would be nice to make more money from computer at home like you guys but I'm awful at math.

>> No.488818

See, you guys .. Congrats on being so well off. So depressing to see as I have £0.09in my bank so am at least the poorest? Plus I'm in debt so....all down hill from here ..any of you rich flags want to help me out with £1000 if you're so rich?... harvz1234@googlemail.com

>> No.488820

What service can you provide other than begging?

what belongings do I get for my $1000?

I don't think anyone on 4chan is going to give you a hand out, you're going to have to debase yourself in some basic way

>> No.488822

Dude I will actually do anything it would turn my life around. I will take pictures of my shoes.... or draw you anything in paint.....

>> No.488827

or whore yourself on cam?

>> No.488829

No one wants to see that trust me.

>> No.489084

This might be a dumb question, but why do purchases and withdrawals from your account increase the ending balance?

>> No.489088

>Implying life is a contest to see who can make more money.

>> No.489104
File: 29 KB, 730x358, IQ_Virginity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The money is in investing and property management. Realtors are the bottom of the food chain


>will actually do anything it would turn my life around
Try working in order to develop new skills.

>why do purchases and withdrawals from your account increase the ending balance
Purchases of stock minus withdrawals equals positive inflow

>> No.489138

>why do purchases and withdrawals from your account increase the ending balance
Purchases increase the balance, and withdrawals decrease the balance. That line shows the net of the two, which in my case was $2.1M of purchases. It's very rare that I ever withdraw from my Vanguard accounts.

>> No.489213


I inherited 250k at the start of this year. I brought a 380k house as a rental which is doing very well (Paying off mortgage with a bit extra each week).

I have 75k left. If you had that 75k what would you do?

>> No.489265

>would be nice to make more money from computer at home
It's called investing over the long term, fucking do it.

"Working hard" will get you nowhere, you need to allocate your money so that is starts working for you.

>> No.489266

>It's very rare that I ever withdraw from my Vanguard accounts.
And why is that? Are you all in on dividend ETF:s? I read here that you're middle-aged, why do you still bother working when you could live off of 10mil for the rest of your life? That's 300-350k a year doing almost nothing, except possibly rebalancing every half year and searching for new investments...

>> No.489267

this fucking thread
Don't you guys know what is HTML editing? It's easy and really fast.
All of you are getting troweled.

>> No.489409

>If you had that 75k what would you do?
In general: (1) Set aside 9-12 months of living expenses in cash as an emergency fund, if you haven't already done so. (2) Invest the balance in low-cost index funds and let them sit for 30-40 years.

You'll need to tell me more about yourself, your financial situation, and your goals if you want a more detailed response. I'm happy to offer advice, but I can't do it without knowing the facts.

>why do you still bother working when you could live off of 10mil for the rest of your life
In fact, I quit working about 8 months ago. And I don't tap into my Vanguard accounts because I make more than enough income from my outside passive investments to fund my living expenses.

>> No.489581
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28 years old. Starting off ok but about to buy a bigger house

>> No.489755


Im 25 and in my last 2 weeks of finishing a science degree. I have grad job lined up for when i finish. It pays 50k/year starting and will go up from there if i do well. I also have a 35k student loan which is interest free for life.

The job is in another town so I will let my rental continue to do its thing and pay my new rent out of my wages.

I read 'a short walk down wall st' the other-day which also said that index funds are the only way to go. What is a low-cost fund?

My goal is to have 1mil in equity before I am 35. 30 if possible, but highly unlikely.

>> No.489777 [DELETED] 

>What is a low-cost fund?
A low-cost fund fund refers to the low level of fees charged by the fund manager. Every index fund (or other fund or ETD, for that matter) has fees. These fees have a significant impact on the long-term performance of the fund.


There are number of fund families that specialize in low-cost funds -- Vanguard, Schwab, and Fidelity being the largest and most diverse.

As for structuring your investments, I suggest you Google "Four Fund Portfolio" on the boglehead.org site and see if that makes sense to you.

Lastly, don't forget your emergency fund. It sounds like you're on a good path now, but adversities have a tendency to pop up out of the blue. If you want to stay on course in the long-run, you need to have some cash reserves to smooth over any bumps in the road.

>> No.489779

>What is a low-cost fund?
A low-cost fund fund refers to the low level of fees charged by the fund manager. Every index fund (or other fund or ETF, for that matter) has fees. These fees have a significant impact on the long-term performance of the fund.


There are number of fund families that specialize in low-cost funds -- Vanguard, Schwab, and Fidelity being the largest and most diverse.

As for structuring your investments, I suggest you Google "Four Fund Portfolio" on the bogleheads.org site and see if that makes sense to you.

Lastly, don't forget your emergency fund. It sounds like you're on a good path now, but adversities have a tendency to pop up out of the blue. If you want to stay on course in the long-run, you need to have some cash reserves to smooth over any bumps in the road.

>> No.489782

What's the loan for?

>> No.489818

Mortgage. Only debt I have

>> No.489847

I have 7k cash, 1k invested in an s&p index fund
20 years old
Still in college though and I live in the midwest so the cost of living is relatively cheap.

>> No.489877


Best way to reach 1 mill by 35 with what I got?

>> No.489888

You can't will yourself into a end result. The markets are going to do whatever the markets are going to do. In the long run, we can expect the markets to perform at a respectable 8-11%. What happens between now and your 35th birthday is anyone's guess.

Of course, you're free to do risky things and invest in risky assets if conservative, slow growth is too boring for you. You're likely fail, fall behind your peers, and regret your decision until your dying day ... but its your decision to make.

>> No.489913


Are EFT's better than index funds?

I have 50k (AUD) cash offsetting loans for property's totalling 500k, no real equity and want to diversify into stocks. I'm 24 so long term growth is the goal.

>> No.489928

wow. you bought a fucking house. what the fuck. with that kind of money you could literally buy a buisness that probably has annual cash flow of at least 100k going straight to you. could have bought yourself a six figure job.

>> No.489931

Index funds are a type of ETF or mutual fund.

>> No.489984


Oh? I Only injected 5% of value into each, they're heavily leveraged.

I live in a rural area too, there not really and local business opportunities to purchase.