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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4815414 No.4815414 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here is all in Link? I'm poorfag from Eastern Europe and decided to take all the risk. I bought 3k at 1500sats and did most of the shilling and memes. Now, I have all my crypto money in Sergey's hands and reached 10k Links, because I am somehow sure that we the chosen ones.... Have you actually wonder, why is it so, that we will be the future high-class society? What does Universe mean by this?

>> No.4815444


>> No.4815456
File: 114 KB, 717x717, 1512142883812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our patience will be rewarded son, don't you worry

>> No.4815467

I hope you don't expect the December announcement to be anything serious.

We have months of suffering ahead of us boy.

>> No.4815487

yo man which wallet do you use for LINK?

>> No.4815524

here is a live demonstration of what you are in for.
this is the progression of 1,100 days in autistic measurements.

hold chainlink<------ ------- ------>>> lambo land

>> No.4815544


I'm already losing money

FUCK FUCK FUCK this shit !

>> No.4815593

You leave LINKS on the exchange, so you can sell as soon as it reaches ATL.

>> No.4815609


its finna moon tho

>> No.4815622


>> No.4815649


>> No.4815808

fuck link, dead coin

>> No.4815815

whats a good wallet for link ive never needed a wallet for an erc20 token

>> No.4815824


10k Links and your in Eastern Europe. Dude you are going to be in the next generation of oligarchs for sure.

>> No.4816077


UK here, 30k Links, plus Monero and a bunch of ICO shitcoins.

Made more in the past 3 days than I have from 6 weeks of work, and my salary is good even for UK.

Plan - once income from investments exceeds my job significantly, quit and move to Lithuania where waifu's grandparents already offered us free land + house.

>> No.4816224



>> No.4816424

>tfw 10865 link
>also eastern europe
my parents will finally not consider me a failure

>> No.4816500

I put in like 25 euros back in feb because I'm a wagecuck from eastern europe too. Now sitting on close to 24k LINK, where my kurwas at?

>> No.4816525


1K link so far.

putting 1000 dolans tomorrow for another share of links.

This better get us rich, kurwa!

>> No.4816574

o ty kurwo 24 kafle to bedziesz najbogatszy czlowiek w polsce

>> No.4816630
File: 11 KB, 261x193, зелеви сaрми.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not from Poland, brother.
Everyone's invited to rice and minced meat wrapped in sour cabbage when we hit 5$+

>> No.4816645

Go request network

>> No.4816681

>Go request network

Wat? Do explain, not familiar with /biz/ memespeak yet.

>> No.4816704

requesting the link-as-kaaba pic

>> No.4816709

don't listen to him, he's talking about REQ. REQ is a good investment but not even half as good as LINK

>> No.4816721

stop shitposting and go scrub my toilet polak

>> No.4816754


Lad what sites do you use in the UK?

>> No.4816761

not anymore, Mohammad. I am rich now.

>> No.4816791

I knew this shitcoin was shilled and memed by poorfags, only surprise is, it's no pajeet who did it

>> No.4816827

whatever Piotr, now get back to work!

>> No.4816867

What price do you suspect link will reach by the eoy?

>> No.4816906

Heyy lets do it!

>> No.4816928


11 cents. Have fun with those 30 cent bags senpai

>> No.4816950

>50% of people who bought Link are poor slavs


>> No.4816954

>all this fud

Seems like these faggots sold at 20 cents and want to get back in

>> No.4817023

big if true

>> No.4817095


Normie base if buying medium sized amounts

Otherwise you can get an Absolut / Fidor bank account and transfer pounds to them for none / extremely small fees which convert to Euros at a better rate than any highstreet bank.

Then you can wire Euros to GDAX / Kraken via a SEPA transfer which costs about £9.

You have to check if normiebase fees are more than the hassle of doing the above.

For small transfers it isn't worth it, for £1k+ it is.

>> No.4817239


Can someone gift poor slav pricate some LINK?


Trying to grab as much as I can, but being a wagecuck for 2USD/hour does not help...

I know I'm practically begging, but LINKERS are like band of brothers, so maybe someone with a shitload of LINK could help a fellow out?

Pls no bully.

>> No.4817423

you can hold them in myethwallet but you need some eth for the tranfers if you wanna withdraw

>> No.4817538

waifu != wife

>> No.4817552

So LINK is the official coin of Slavs?

>> No.4817631
File: 5 KB, 400x400, 1506406564266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the ETH blockchain still bogged down from the cryptokitty madness? I had several transactions fail yesterday and it almost ate all the money I left in reserve for gas.

>> No.4817637

I am 100% in on link, cashed out everything else for a chance to catch a ride on a real moon mission.

>> No.4817673


>> No.4817725

32 cents!

>> No.4817763

I'm not going to lie, a big part of why I am 100% ALL IN on LINK is because I believe in meme magic and I think the meme magic is stronk with LINK

>> No.4818091

This is a cold comfy winter day. And I'm off work for today. I was looking for some comfy recipe for dinner. What is your pic related?