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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4775728 No.4775728 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4775954

I already have. Waiting patiently for next year.

>> No.4775969
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>> No.4775977

Q2 we will all be rich, expecting to turn my $50k worth of OMG into $500k

>> No.4776008

I only have 250 want to get 500 :/ waiting on some money to get there, but only doing OMG, LTC, and ETH, and banking a Grand on ETHOS while it's still low.
I'm hoping my OMG will be worth 100K+ by next year :D

>> No.4776074


>> No.4776346

We told you fools to get on this rocket.


Two month high today, and liftoff sequence is about to engage.

Keep making your sticker jokes, or shut your mouth and get on.


>> No.4776363

Got in at 7 and still feel like I bought too high. Better late than never

>> No.4776377

what's with these vague daily posts

you know OMG will be assassinated by BTC's RSKs right? you're telling people to accumulate something that will be rendered obsolete by BTC's unchecked monopoly over the cryptosphere

>> No.4776387

you mean 1 million anon

>> No.4776397

jokes on you I'm on the REQ train and I'm going to 100x on it. I dn't think OMG has a 100x left in it.

>> No.4776402

People who don't understand that omg is a product for an existing omise service... truly a fucking Brainlet

>> No.4776410

What's RSKs?

>> No.4776437

>you obviously know nothing about the use case of OMG

>> No.4776443


>> No.4776453

we know very well dipshit
but you fail to understand that what they're think they are trying to accomplish will be rendered redundant by BTC's RSKs

go read

RSKs are the Ethereum project cryptonite

>> No.4776501

also don't forget that in this space OMG has to contend with XLM and guess which company is making mad progress and partnerships
definitely not OMG

sorry for your pipe dream wishes they're going to get flushed
and let us not forget their cheap marketing antics

pathetic thai group

>> No.4776530


>> No.4776563


Nigger what? OMG announces major partnerships like every week

>> No.4776588
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>> No.4776593

>they're think they

oh for fucks sake, pajeet

>> No.4776615
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Ladybois are gonna get REQt.

>> No.4776621


>> No.4776640
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Oh man, if that was a joke, that was really funny

>> No.4776651

i mean, fuck both of these tokens. dont know wtf youre on about

>> No.4776689

>BTC's RSKs right?
Fucking lmao

>> No.4776744

You are an absolute idiot anon.
XLM is not even a competitor
RSK is too little too late, ETH has already won this niche and yes the majority of my portfolio is btc

>> No.4776856

i won't waste my time arguing with you

but time will tell

i'm already lamenting your loss.

because while your capital is parked in a meme company with anemic project progress. the rest of us are ninja trading non-stagnant tokens/coins

>> No.4776874

I'm going to be a multimillonaire.

It's so fucking crazy to think about. I'm still in college lmao.

>> No.4776929

this stuff is common for crypto currencies so start acting like it kek.

congrats anon

>> No.4776932

Seewwww overpriced. Wtf. No product and basically a billion dollar market cap for a foreign company? America > World. Pay attention.

>> No.4776948

let's just all agree were going to be filthy fucking rich who cares what we choose.

>> No.4777027

YOU WERE WARNED BIZ, this is it. Can you feel it? The doors to the shuttle are now closing.

>> No.4777042

I am not confident that I'll be filthy rich. I will have 1k to invest by the end of next week. what do I put it on? I already have $120 in IOTA, bought at $2.30 and 2 OMG, 1LTC, 80 BAT, 60 CVC, 373.5 DNT, .05ETH, and some BTC.

>> No.4777072

Put it into OMG no joking, but that aside im going by the time frame of mid next year to get filthy rich, as for you? probably early 2019.

Short term in the crypto world could mean a week or month, mid term 3 months, long term is 6.

>> No.4777118

very juvenile and asinine

if you're going to amass a fortune from digital assets you might want to reconsider your choice of words.

>> No.4777502

Yeah you're right, it was stupid of me to start the argument in the first place. Let's just agree to disagree, no reason these coins can't coexist

>> No.4777511


when will /biz/tards realize that they were wrong this whole time.

>> No.4777527

b-but but but muh github

>> No.4777570

Btc rsk is going to steal customers directly from omise and create their own payment processing company?

>> No.4777591

What does this mean?

>> No.4777592


The absolute state of BTC shillers

>> No.4777609

run to 11 inc

>> No.4778462
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>I dn't think OMG has a 100x left in it.
Maybe, but this is what people were telling me when I was buying ETH at $30. Maybe it's not 100x (yet), but you should never be afraid of "just a 10x return".

Btw, REQ is good too, I'm holding both.

>> No.4778506

I have 5000 OMG.

How rich will I be?

>> No.4778515

You're spreading your investments too thin. Do research and pick a few of your favorites to invest in (no more than 4 for how much you're investing).

>> No.4779147


>> No.4779214

Fucking filthy rich, I'm jelly. I have 2,080 and I wanted to throw a total of 10k more at this before it got over $10, but I'm fucking late now.

>> No.4779616

I only have 40 omg and I want to kill myself ; _ ;

>> No.4779649


5000 X 70 = 350,000

not bad

>> No.4780170


I'm happy with the 320 I have but i wish i could have much more..... I'll keep buying as long as its hovering around 10. Got the thanksgiving paycheck coming up so that should give me a little more than usual to put in.

>> No.4780195


>> No.4780213

Ikr. We going to $300+ once it's fully integrated into omise network and staking is live

>> No.4780249

i have 1130 omg. i almost bought more at 7.50 but i had to increase other stacks.

i might grab some kyber and golem

>> No.4780267

Why didn't you buy it a few days ago when it was $2 on bitfinex?

>> No.4780272

that is months away. This is a speculative pump. Sell your position to break even in stages then buy more when it dips again as people get bored and sell it

>> No.4780289

This is how you get destroyed by capital gain taxes. Just get your stash at good price and sit on it.

>> No.4780331

You sell it into BTC though. No capital gains taxes until its in USD again

>> No.4780351
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why do yall still have faith in LINK

>> No.4780874

Wrong. You get taxed for capital tax gains EVERY TIME you make a profitable trade. Doesn't matter if it's btc, donkeys, tulips, or usd.

>> No.4780928

Chat is pretty active with some insightful analysis of OMG in this discord. https://discord.gg/Z9zaW6g

>> No.4781256


Waste of time arguing with a low iq retard like yourself