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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4762113 No.4762113 [Reply] [Original]

It’s coming anons. BLOCK is a guaranteed moon mission. The Blocknet is a cross-chain interoperability project that has been in development for 3 years and is finally wrapping up its first major project producing a WORLD CLASS fully decentralized exchange featuring trustless ATOMIC SWAPS: meaning no 3rd party fingers in your coins. A beautiful User Interface like none other we’ve seen is being made by VSA Partners themselves.

BLOCK has Bitfinex on board, BLOCK has the 0x protocol on board, BLOCK has BitBay, Stealthcoin, Digibyte, and Syscoin on board. BLOCK has tons of trading pairs tested on its exchange. BLOCK has pretty much everything on board. It is the Blockchain router everyone has been waiting for connecting blockchains directly.

Imagine Ark, Binance, Dash combined and put on steroids - that is what BLOCK is and I’m not even exaggerating.

Masternodes and staking offer lucrative passive income, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT 100% OF ALL TRADING FEES ON THE EXCHANGE AND NETWORK ARE ALLOCATED TO THE NODES AND STAKERS. All you autists do the math - this is HUGE.

This is not a drill, this isn’t by any means your typical shillcoin. This is a rock-solid, legitimate coin not to be overlooked. Interoperability across chains is the future. No more having to switch to Bitcoin or ETH to get where you need to go - all of this can be done with BLOCK. You’re welcome anons.

>> No.4762160

Ark is better

>> No.4762228

That's actually pretty interesting..
What exchanges is this on?

>> No.4762245

BITTREX and it is ready for a trend reversal

>> No.4762249
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Pic related

this the UI:

>> No.4762537

Why not both? It's worked out pretty well for me so far.

>> No.4763141

the MASSIVE issue with blocknet is that you will pay double fees in order to trade, so yes it's decentralised HOWEVER the fees to trade will likely end up being more than current exchanges

>> No.4763225
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Fees are minimal in most other coins besides btc and once the dex comes out you won't need BTC as all new pairs will open up. If bitbay gets their peg there'll be a decentralized usdt equivalent too. Exciting times ahead!

>> No.4763309

Won't ARK make Blocknet useless, though? It offers the same service + even more.