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File: 181 KB, 1052x1061, Screenshot_20171203-172641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4751330 No.4751330 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like Liberals have no idea what they are talking about

>> No.4751353


>> No.4751368
File: 715 KB, 810x3125, Screenshot_20171203-173439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highlighted comment is top kek

>> No.4751402

They also think Trump is Hitler and describe political parallels with Harry Potter.

>> No.4751458


>calls me an idiot twice in the title
>this level of fomo

>> No.4751464

>and describe political parallels with Harry Potter

as opposed to Matrix terminology and Lil B memes?

>> No.4751480

In other news: the sky is blue.

>> No.4751503

>being liberal
>profile pic is a fascist

>> No.4751550

>it's an entire parallel financial system without banks happening as we speak
>but the rich are gonna take it over to control us
They can't drop this narrative. They have already submitted to the rich and big banks, and are just waiting with legs spread to get fucked by them.
They act like they don't want it but the truth is they want it to be regulated to the point of suffocation.

>> No.4751552

I'm a liberal and believe in bitcoin. stop putting everyone in the same basket pajeet

>> No.4751575

youre a faggot

he is right though

>> No.4751582

i know we're all in a bit of a hivemind here on /biz/
but it only takes 5mins on popular facebook groups that normies love and hold closely to their hearts, do you realise how fucking stupid the general population is
people still think BTC is a scam, that its controlled by the government, big banks own most the coints, etc etc
so many people are experts on BTC when they don't have the slightest clue to how it all works

knowing this is good because we're still pretty early to all this

>> No.4751589

>we're going to stick it to the banks and cut out their middlemanning fees and jewery
>pays 50$ in fees to some chinese scammer running a miner farm out of a hydro-electric dam to send 100$
kek the insanity

>> No.4751632

i just sent 5.4btc , and it was a $3 tx fee
took 30mins

>> No.4751640

>goes to mcdonalds and buys a 10$ meal
>pays 50$ in fees and still has to wait 3x as long as the food takes to cook for the transaction to go through

>> No.4751671
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>> No.4751732

Google irony

>> No.4751787

>doesn't understand that the fee would have to be 3$ even if you sent 10$
>uses memes like look how many places accept bitcoin!!!!!!!
>thinks it will ever gain ground with the average person who doesn't want to wait 30 minutes after they checkout at the register
>but it will get big with online transactions!!!!!
>thinks the average online buy of products would spend 3$ to make a purchase let alone the higher fee charged by bitpay or coinbase(because the buyer pays all fees because sellers would never accept it otherwise) so the seller can get cash for the purchase
yeah, totally will work out and not be a forever niche hope to get rich quick scheme

>> No.4751805
File: 33 KB, 318x633, 1509715404591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptocurrency ▬ Not even once

>> No.4751806

>going to mcdonalds

Found the problem here, anon

>> No.4751815

>Being liberal
>Franklin D. Roosevelt the Jap exterminator

Sounds about right

>> No.4751817

>net neutrality boogeyman
why are americans so god damn stupid? america could ban internet and bitcoin would probably still be fine

>> No.4751873

you do realise there's other coins to pay for your peasant $10 purchases? BTC is Slow and expensive, but super secure.

>> No.4751908


What are some normie groups?

Things like, "I fucking love science" etc?

>> No.4751920
File: 333 KB, 479x625, 1510133498330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super secure
how is it any more secure than other coins

>> No.4751930

You do realize that bitcoin is totally dependent on an interconnected network that spans the world, right?
You know, that whole thing called the internet.
Good luck getting the chains to match and prevent doublespending out the ass if the internet as we know ends.
This is what makes me die inside(from laughter) every time I hear you morons talk.

>> No.4751935

blokes advice
lad bible

>> No.4751936

Good. I want normies to FUD more so I have more time to accumulate.
I hate those fucking faggots piece of shit promoting crypto on normiebook

>> No.4751957

4 companies currently control >50% hashing power, meaning they could potentially form a cartel and control bitcoin completely. And this trend is getting worse and worse since mining is getting more and more expensive and centralized
He's kinda right

>> No.4751971

>peasant 10$ purchases
>every time I go to the store I just throw everything in may cart whether I need it or not because I'm no peasant
fucking kek you faggots are funny

>> No.4751983

>Good luck getting the chains to match and prevent doublespending out the ass if the internet as we know ends.
>the internet as we know it ends
again, absolutely nothing to do with net neutrality as that affects only a tiny amount of people (americans). china has way more restricted internet and even banned exchanges and they still manage to be a huge amount of volume through bithumb. americans are fucking stupid.

>> No.4752009

but but but then people will just drop bitcoin and move on to the next shit coin and this time it will be totally different!!!!!!!

>> No.4752015

>people spend billions in electricity and hardware to mine
>lets destroy our chain and make all our shit worthless!
yeah mate, game theory.

>> No.4752039

>not seeing that I was commenting on the absolutely moronic statement that bitcoin would be fine and work without the internet.

>> No.4752051

you have to wait for confirmations
$billions of hardware and business dedicated to btc
$billions of money already in btc
btc is #1
can't take down the top dog, not point even trying

>> No.4752052

re-read my post, it would still work if americans didnt have internet you imbecile

>> No.4752093
File: 105 KB, 745x959, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to wait for confirmations
you can wait for confirmations or not wait for them on any blockchain
>$billions of hardware and business dedicated to btc
not necessarily bitcoin but whatever is most profitable for their hardware
>$billions of money already in btc
it's liquid, it can all leave in a moment

>> No.4752104

This is an argument for different concensus strategies like Proof of Stake or Proof of Work

>> No.4752114

>implying americans will lose internet
>implying trump will be able to survive without twitter
>implying america will turn in to north korea
>implying china didn't already ban crypto and its still flourishing

>> No.4752116

With >50% you can literally 1000x your money in an hour retard. You will never make that money mining.

>> No.4752127

Oops, meant to say Delegated Proof of Stake. Not PoW again lol

>> No.4752143

So you agree with the guy who's "comment is top kek"?

>> No.4752155

the money aint gonna leave anytime soon
even if it left tomorrow we'd still be up 1000x

>> No.4752161

not arguing that, just wondering why you think it's "secure"

>> No.4752164

>$billions of money already in btc

Because BTC was the first, that doesn't mean it's always going to be king. That's a stupid mentality to have

>> No.4752184
File: 43 KB, 630x378, bitcoin price.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is right. How is this sustainable?

>> No.4752204

No. I am telling that guy he has an argument in hand. I believe bitcoin will not be monopolized as the ecosystem is a lot more reactive to things like that than fiat systems and it would result in a shakeup in miners or underlying crypto value store.

That being said, I am for different consensus systems and am diversified into coins using them.

Your reading into my comment is a bit shallow.

>> No.4752216

the irony is, that bitcoin or most cryptos in general are actually as liberal as it gets: egalitarian, distributed, peer-controlled - what the hell do they want?

oh right, modern day liberals are just hipster communists who think the state should have full control unless it's white cops or trump.

>> No.4752220
File: 27 KB, 385x385, ppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it does stupid fuck. Track record (certainty) is the #1 quality to have when you want to store money somewhere. Guess what, none of your shitcoins will ever match Bitcoin's track record, unless you have a time machine to invent your shitcoin before Bitcoin.

>> No.4752225

Overcoming The Objection/Question in Network Mark…: https://youtu.be/p7vpTCFUqqU

>> No.4752237

this. they need it to fail because cryptos are the living proof that capitalism is actually working as long it's unregulated and decentralized.

>> No.4752268

Imagine china has it's own internet disconnected from everyone else and the same applied to other nations.
Now imagine how the blockchain would have to be physically transferred to to another nation which takes time and how in that time you could double spend like a mother fucker before anyone caught on.
>implying that I implied americans would ever lose the internet
>blah blah blah based of a false implication

Now both of you realize that I am not and never have said that any of this will ever happen and I was just commenting on a morons statement that without the internet bitcoin would still be fine, probably.
Have you never heard the morons who spew this shit, ever?

>> No.4752281

How about using nigger currency (USD) for such nigger activities?

>> No.4752309

>I believe bitcoin will not be monopolized
The trend of fewer and fewer actors controlling more and more of bitcoin has been constant since day one 2008
>a lot more reactive to things like that than fiat systems
what? What are "things like that"? Mining fiat?

>> No.4752329

if you still use BTC for stuff like food, you're an idiot. use LTC, it was made for exactly this.

>> No.4752331

If BTC goes down. Every other coin goes down

>> No.4752359

It is just an example.
Insert whichever mega corp you see fit.
You do realize that your memes are off too, by the way.
It would be jew bux or JewSD if you wanted to be accurate.

>> No.4752367

so you don't mean technical security but just your idea that it's stable?

>> No.4752378

the companies are all russian too. i disagree with libs on alot buy this is something i cant let go on. ban bitcoin now we cant have the russians destroying our economy

>> No.4752379

>Imagine china has it's own internet disconnected from everyone else and the same applied to other nations.
the idea alone is stupid.

>> No.4752397

>as opposed to Matrix terminology and Lil B memes?

>> No.4752402

>Imagine china has it's own internet disconnected from everyone else and the same applied to other nations.
>Now imagine how the blockchain would have to be physically transferred to to another nation which takes time and how in that time you could double spend like a mother fucker before anyone caught on.
that would be an issue. that would also never ever happen so this scenario is irrelevant.

>> No.4752413

>things like that
Open manipulation. The ecosystem is more transparent and thus more reactive.

>> No.4752432

And you're surprised by this?

>> No.4752435

>without the internet bitcoin would still be fine
>implying I said without internet, not just without americans
>blah blah blah based of a false implications

>> No.4752448
File: 224 KB, 1300x1300, 1459679371429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Progressive Liberal. Can you people stop it? It's ruining our post-WW2 utopian order.

>> No.4752493


>> No.4752514

That's why I see LTC accepted everywhere BTC is accepted.
Right, okay.
The whole point is the majority of the shit people spew to rationalize bitcoin is just memes and in fact BTC is nothing more than the equivalent of a stock.
I understand that there are other coins to buy stuff with but it is all beside the fact that bitcoin was paraded around as being what other coins are.

>> No.4752516
File: 3 KB, 125x116, Faceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money markets have nothing to do with politics. Go back to sleep goyim.

>> No.4752531

Lined up® and shot™

>> No.4752545

>The whole point is the majority of the shit people spew to rationalize bitcoin is just memes and in fact BTC is nothing more than the equivalent of a stock.
at least a stock gives you partial ownership of a company, if bitcoin isn't supposed to be used for transactions it's more worthless than gold.

>> No.4752554

>The ecosystem is more transparent
nope. A manipulator can remain anonymous
>more reactive
1. It will never be reactive enough against a 51% attack dummy. It's over in literally minutes.
2. Do you even know what you mean by "reactive"? Hashing power requires physical hardware which takes time to build. It's not magic.

>> No.4752565

Yes, I agree.
But remember it is in response to morons who actually believe bitcoin would still work under these circumstances.
Again, since you idiots keep neglecting to read this part(so I'll put it in caps for you) I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS WOULD EVER HAPPEN.

>> No.4752600


>> No.4752631

Are they even trying anymore?
Bitcoin is "fake" because the author doesn't understand how it works?

Honestly, this no-coiner butthurt is beyond belief.

>> No.4752681 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 245x240, btfo-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Intellectual Liberalism)))
>piss your diaper
>call everyone idiots
Your era is over. I'm just hoping you try to get violent as your assets collapse. We hope to God we actually get to blow your fucking brains out while reclaiming our money back.

What a great time to be alive. Best civil war ever.
>Get rich first
>Then have the pleasure of exterminating you.
Usually history is the other way around.


>> No.4752703

>implying we wouldn't be butthurt in their shoes

The higher it soars the more people will be braying for it to all crash to nothing

>> No.4752704

Holy fuck that's a retarded statement. It would require the permanent destruction of the blockchain. And, you would never be able to dump quickly enough to make any money.

All that investment in hashing power...hundreds of millions? Just to make it all worthless immediately.

>> No.4752734
File: 11 KB, 245x240, btfo-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Intellectual Liberalism)))
>piss your diaper
>call everyone idiots
Your era is over. I'm just hoping you try to get violent as your assets collapse. We hope to God we actually get to blow your fucking brains out while reclaiming our money back.

What a great time to be alive. Best civil war ever.
>Get rich first
>Then have the pleasure of exterminating you.
Usually history is the other way around.


>> No.4752736


Because the graph is actually much larger, you just haven't seen it yet.

You ever see the graph of a 200 sat coin that hasn't had a big bump yet vs post-bump chart?

>> No.4752758

>implying that would never be the plan and couldn't happen to every coin to push people into the coin they want

>> No.4752794

>implying I'm a no-coiner
>implying I own stawcks
>implying I'm liberal because I see bitcoin for what it is
>implying you wouldn't get your shit pushed in by tyrone before you ever got close to me

>> No.4752865

This describes the modern leftist.

>> No.4752880
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>Thinking this is about one individual
Stay mad you simp.

>> No.4752890

I remember reading that with a 10,000 usd valuation it would become profitable for companies like Nvidia and IBM to get into the mining business. It's going to happen and big miners are going to get fucked, that's pretty much why Jihan funded Bitcoin Cash, he knows his power is going to wane.

>> No.4752898

No joke about that. They are most likely after boomers who will tell their children to not bother with it or hidden commie fucks. Most liekly the latter.

>> No.4752966

Mad with laughter, laughing madly.
Why respond to me then. Why not just post it or respond to the OP?
Because you were talking to me.
But I guess I'm just crazy and think when someone is addressing that they are, you know, addressing me.
Forgive me for responding so negatively to a post which isn't about me even though it starts with a (you).

>> No.4753017


A truly free market is GOOD for the poorest in a society. Yes, it has the potential for the rich to get richer and insert other leftist talking points, but it provides an opportunity for wealth that the poor and middle class have never had access to.

Regulation almost always ends up hurting the people it claims to help. Look at the stock market. Initial public offerings are only available to accredited investors, ie the top 1%. Why? Because our gubberment protects us. Or something.

Thanks for protecting me from ever gaining wealth.

>> No.4753116

Wow its almost like normies are fucking retarded and hate to see other people making money on things they initially wrote off as a scam, so instead of changing their opinion based on facts and reason, they double down on their idiocy and wait for the day it finally crashes to say "i told you so"

I though libshits were all about muh scientific method too, guess that doesn't apply when they're wrong in a big way and missed the chance to make millions, fucking soyboy faggots

>> No.4753381

This generation will go down in the history books as the generation of misinformation and confusion

>> No.4753810
File: 614 KB, 1530x1048, 1511217890531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sold all my bitcoins