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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 177 KB, 800x1199, normie blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4748217 No.4748217 [Reply] [Original]

26, M, NYC
Attractive Chad with NEET tendencies
Working in politics

-They laughed when I moved back in with my parents to save money
-They laughed when I went all in on crypto Q1 2017
-They laughed when I would buy the cheapest thing at the bar because I needed to save money for "investments"
-They laughed when I broke up with my normie girlfriend because I needed "more time to research ICOs"
-They laughed when I poured every paycheck into crypto from Q2 2017 on
-They didn't laugh when Bitcoin hit $10k
-They didn't laugh when I quit the following week -They didn't laugh when I posted pics from my travels around the world

Who's laughing now?

>> No.4748301


>> No.4748320

They laughed when I broke up with my normie girlfriend because I needed "more time to research ICOs

This is so cringe and autistic at the same time.

>> No.4748332

>Working in politics
elaborate what you mean by this

>> No.4748657

I’m laughing at this unevidenced LARP. Show pics from around world plus hand and timestamp

>> No.4748810

Can't reveal too much but working directly in the NYC political environment

>> No.4748849

"Attractive Chad with NEET tendencies"

If you were an attractive chad NEET tendencies would never have been bred in to you as a child. Nice try faggot.

>> No.4749148
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not enough to retire but enough F U money to day trade in Shanghai for a couple years

>> No.4749209

Nice what's your portfolio like chad?

>> No.4749247

How do you cash out?

>> No.4749250

all in since q1 2017, and just that? looser

>> No.4749361

1/3 BTC
2/3 ETH
if I spot a good opportunity for a swing trade on an alt I'll do it and sell back for ETH. Keep it simple. 95% of these alts will go down. Fear, greed, and hope: these are the emotions you must conquer if you want to trade well. Also I stick to the rule of never risking more than 5% of my stack on any single one trade.
OMG at $0.9
WTC at $0.9
ANS/NEO at $3
DRGN at ICO price
Also, think in terms of ETH/BTC price and not $USD

>> No.4749401

>cashing out
I have bad news for you

>> No.4749430


What other coin are you thinking about investing in?

>> No.4749537

A solid portfolio, thoughts on ltc? The majority of my savings is in that, with some in ETH

>> No.4749672

Look at the ltc/btc ratio chart. LTC is not doing so well. Not saying it can't come back, but I think btc will have heaviest gains in 2018. A huge wave of institutional money is coming in (I met these people during my job in NYC). It took them 9 years to finally accept bitcoin. They will purchase it first because it's the safest and most time-tested crypto out there

>> No.4749710

>Can't reveal too much but working directly in the NYC political environment

AKA the office cuck intern that brings bagels and coffee for the stacies and congressmen

>> No.4749729

Someone has to feed stacy...

>> No.4749756

shitposting on /pol/ obviously

>> No.4749798
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I'm intrigued by DRGN, Loopring, and Cobinhood (I've used Robinhood for stocks since day 1 and saw it grow in popularity). Other than that not much except for WTC which seems safe to me

>> No.4749862

Interesting. Doesn't sound like a larp to me.

Also, why DRGN? Explain.

>> No.4749931


Thoughts on the following coins?


>> No.4750118
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x2448, Hillary election night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DRGN has the Disney-seal of approval + amazing branding. It might sound too simple, but honestly in this alt game of hype that alone is enough for another 2x. Also look into DRGN's ICO model: first ICO to give a proportion of their coins to ICO participants based on % invested. Hypothetically, if they only raised $100 from 2 people, both of those people would get 50% of the millions of ICO tokens. That was enough for me to invest.

Pic from behind the scenes at the Javits center on 2016 Presidential election night

>> No.4750205
File: 76 KB, 600x448, Bernie NYC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ARK --> a "promise coin". It promises to do a lot at an abstract level but will it? The idea of bridging the blockchains (as I understand ARK) is incredible and will be useful, but are you sure ARK will be the right coin to accomplish that? Too much competition. I like alts that solve more practical, prosaic problems

>IOTA --> Again kind of a promise coin. I don't know too much about it but "internet of things" sounds too ambitious to me

>XMR --> solid coin. Privacy is a legit use case of crypto and XMR is the best. People will always want privacy in their transactions

Pic of a Bernie rally at Hunter's Point Park in NYC

>> No.4750314


Enjoy your 55% short term capital gains tax and your ridiculous 10% NY tax.

You made enough to enjoy maybe a year of traveling.

>> No.4750366

Proof or I laugh with them

>> No.4750397

the recruiter laughed when I said I need to find a new job now

>> No.4750424

Yeah the institutions are taking this stuff seriously, notably JPMorgan which developed their own Blockchain using Ethereum. And have partnered up with ZCash.

>> No.4750430

Girlfriends do take a lot of your time. You'd know if you ever had one

>> No.4750474
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>>That cuck jawline and bitch neck

>> No.4750516

look more into ark, anon.

they're actually hitting huge milestones and meeting deadlines. I agree very ambitious but even so project aside the growth is too promising to not jump on.

>> No.4750819
File: 613 KB, 1172x876, one day anon...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been laughing at me my whole life... But I'm a winner anon. Sending good vibes from Kyoto

>> No.4751405

So, I know you made a lot of money, but it's still not enough to constantly travel the world or "quit" like you did. Were you poor before this?

>> No.4751411

Cute sister faggot, but I'ma have to pipe her

>> No.4751456
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You look like a skeleton. Kinda hard to be a skelly Chad, pal.

>> No.4751608
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are you sure?

>> No.4751660

defying laws of market
defying laws of physics
what a fucking Chad

>> No.4751925

Agreed. My work was getting in the way of my crypto profits so I quit in order to focus on crypto full time now. These are the glory days of 100% volatility moves and I need to make my profits now, before the institutional money replaces the retail money.

I doubt I'll make enough to retire forever, but whenever I decide to move back to the States and get a real job I will. But I'm done with politics; it's too much posturing, finger pointing, and credit taking and not enough real creation. I want to be a part of something with real output, something that changes the world

>> No.4752028
File: 2.27 MB, 1178x1226, take calculated risks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like my middle school bully. What are you doing now? Oh, bagging groceries. Cool.

I'm a confident nerd Chad. Nerds with social skills rule the world and get women. The game has evolved. Keep hating and never grow up

>> No.4752404

Only because you don't know what it's like to have a girlfriend

>> No.4752447

Sure thing, twiglet... World changing Chad... Sure

>> No.4752583

Dragon has a literal stuttering pothead CEO who was once employed by Disney. Watch his interviews on youtube.

>> No.4752586


>> No.4753201

That is a misconception commonly harbored by incels. Some people are naturally introverted and tend to avoid the normalfag lifestyle altogether even if they are not socially inept autismos that would spill spagetti when forced to assist to public gatherings. In fact, they navigate those events effortlessly and retire as soon as is considered socially acceptable. The only difference is that they need to interact with others less frecuently or they become stressed.

>> No.4753379

Disney dropped the project in 2014 and it was taken over by a new faggot.
The ICO model they used is actually very greedy by the company. It makes the market cap shoot through the roof based on hype.

It's why many ICOs have caps so that the investors aren't unduly burdened by the risk.

>> No.4754509
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Bahaha wrong. Even if it was their intention to be greedy and raise an insane amount of money in their ICO, they failed because they only raised $14MM. (https://www.coindesk.com/dragonchain-ico-13-7-million-disney-roots/))

Stay skeptical. I contributed and am already x2 up.

Also look at Disney's github, it includes dragonchain