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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 139 KB, 472x425, rare-kittie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4747633 No.4747633 [Reply] [Original]

Can you really make money on this shit?...

>> No.4747662

Only if you buy high and sell low

>> No.4747677

it can only grow

>> No.4747681

of course not

>> No.4747689

>can you make money on something that markets with cat pictures
well, yes. That's like rule #7 of economy

>> No.4747927

I fear this will be over in less than 2 weeks, just like Pokémon Go.

>> No.4747945

even faster since this is a crypto market. Most rends in this market last 2 days tops

>> No.4748051

don't worry guys im developing a competitor to this called CryptoPets.

Be on the lookout for a post here in early Feb. about the official ICO launch.

Going to have items you can buy for your pets, pets will move around, can be fed, need rest, etc.

>> No.4748074
File: 265 KB, 407x479, Kermit-contemplating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could just be dumb enough to work..

>> No.4748251

>ICO launch
And that's why nobody will use your shitty knockoff.

>> No.4748372

Is that a motherfucking Mew pokemon?

>> No.4749130

call it pets.coin

>> No.4749162

Large amount of normies are buying in. It's all over Twitter. Generally older (Gen0, Gen1) and virgins (haven't bred yet) are more valuable.

>> No.4749778


>> No.4749921

muthafuckin been waitin for my kitties for 10 minutes now wtf

>> No.4749958


It's actually a great idea, but being shoehorned into blockchain is dumb. This is basically running into the microtransaction, steam market place business model of videogames.

>> No.4750061

have a feeling some pump groups are trying to get in on that


>> No.4750337

yes, but stay away. You are playing some risky shit with something nobody will even remember a few months from now. If you get it for free great, but do not fucking pay for it

>> No.4750607

too bad just did

>> No.4751120

My mom sent me an email about this, the normies already know

>> No.4751390

>virgins are more valuable
This never stops, does it.
First Trump wins.
Then NEETs get richer than wagecucks with crypto.
Now their superiority is plastered on an immutable ledger through the power of virtual cats.

>> No.4751574

yes you can make money but not if you listen to the faggots on /biz/ or some PND group