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File: 256 KB, 2411x1544, Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4745995 No.4745995 [Reply] [Original]

Are physical bitcoin wallets really worth getting? They might not be hacked. But they could be lost/stolen/burned down?

>> No.4746132

Yes, everyone should have a hardware wallet. It is only a matter of time before your funds get hacked without one.

You can destroy your hardware wallet and still keep access to your funds so long as you have written down your security words. You would just buy a new ledger and input your words.

>> No.4746178

What if the company goes under and you can't buy another one?

>> No.4746196

If you have >$1000 in crypto you'd be retarded not to buy one

>> No.4746254

Seems like it makes it easier for the feds to take my bitcoins. Paper wallet is the best option.

>> No.4746271

yeah, good luck getting hacked

>> No.4746288


your seed words can open your wallet from any other hardware wallet. so you can use a trezor if you had a ledger, etc.

>> No.4746294


What if I just have my private keys on a external HDD that is not connected to the Internet or a PC?

>> No.4746308

They all use common seed phrase to private key generation algorithms, so you can generate your keys in software if you wrote down your seed.

>> No.4746311

Yeah I'm thinking of just doing this.

>> No.4746326


Then what about when you need to make a transaction

>> No.4746336

Consider a small SSD, HDD tend to be more vulnerable. But then again, if you'll keep multiple copies of keys there won'tbe a problem.

>> No.4746345

You can, but you also have to sign the transactions on a clean offline computer. Also HDD can get corrupted.

>> No.4746352

how can you hack a paperwallet?

>> No.4746356

same fucking thing just less aesthetic

>> No.4746366


The only time I think I'll connect is to cash out. I'm just in this for fun, and to see how it goes. Just 0.1098 in the game.

>> No.4746376
File: 11 KB, 275x208, 1233870929212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get your money off a ledger? Or off a paper wallet?

>> No.4746387

>They might not be hacked.

What exactly makes you assume this?

>> No.4746393


Cool. So the hardware wallet is really only necessary if you want to keep a hot wallet for trading? Thank you!

>> No.4746396

Ssd will lose its memory after a few years of disuse depending on temperature.

>> No.4746420

You'll get hacked when you enter the private key into your compromised PC, brainlet.

>> No.4746429

No anon

The chad way is to keep your whole 10btc on an exchange always ready to make massive gains.

>> No.4746436

If you are brainlet and don't know how computers and software works then yeah.

>> No.4746469

This, keep everything on trade

>> No.4746494

you're an idiot if you don't and risk the entire currency, the more people that use and have these, the more resistant it is to runs and shit when exchanges get hacked or raided or other shit happens

>> No.4746526

hardware wallets are for brainlets that don't understand how technology works.

>> No.4746546

What desktop wallet program do you guys use?

>> No.4746556

Airgap computer is just as good, but you need an online and offline computer. Boot an old laptop or something from a flash drive.
Then another flashdrive for an online crypto only computer. Use keepass to store keys.

Better than ledger imo, but each has upsides and downsides

>> No.4746581


What's downside of Ledger?

>> No.4746585

>not keeping your private keys on myspace in a message to yourself


>> No.4746596

>online crypto only
That's not for interacting with the airgapped computer. Just less hardened pc for dealing with smaller sums of money or wallets that can't yet be easily airgapped (cough iota).

Your real "online" computer can interact with the airgapped one.

>> No.4746610

>not keeping your paper wallet on google drive
Good luck hacking Google.

>> No.4746623
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1509485150045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather spend that sweet dosh on some bitcoin

>> No.4746640

It doesn't support every coin. I imagine dealing with the private keys after all these forks is difficult as well.

>> No.4746667
File: 51 KB, 850x1017, ledger s - bitcoin address.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you'd be an idiot not to get one, it helps the currency with more people using this because it acts as a buffer and hedge against any of the exchanges crashing, hacked, or raided

also use google authenticator for every exchange you use as a two step security measure

then get a backup of your google authenticator in case you lose your phone. this link shows you how to setup your backup of google authenticator codes.


the return on investment by investing in your security is not even a question if you plan on putting in any amount of serious money in

youll thank me later if you listen to my advice, you can even save my BTC address for donations if my advice helps you in the future:

thank you.

>> No.4746715

why not just linux or some other shit?

>> No.4746766

yea its worth it for sure. you get a "seed key" which is basically a series of words that allow you to restore your wallet onto any other hardware wallet, so you make a copy of that seed key and keep it separate from the wallet (so like in a safety deposit box, or at your moms or grandmas house or something) and then if the hardware wallet was destroyed or stolen you just buy a new one and use the seed key to restore your data.

If you're trading/holding crypto worth more than ~$1000+ I'd say it's definitely worth buying a hardware wallet.

>> No.4746886

just use a vm

hardware wallets are for brainlets

>> No.4746918

I have one and tbqh I don't use it at all. I've used it as a wallet and for 2FA, but that got too annoying.

>> No.4746919

I just bought a Ledger, but honestly, I think I might not even use it.

Right now I'm signing transactions offline and then moving them to online PC with USB key. Don't have to worry about my online machine being infected and fucking with the Ledger.

>> No.4746992

There is literally no downside to a HW wallet. You can take it anywhere with you and sign a transactions in few seconds.

>> No.4747106

this, as use becomes more ubiquitous it pays to invest early in knowing to do transactions and trading with this new tech and hardware

you can even charge people a fee to set it up from them and take a cut of their first btc purchases (1.5%-2%)

if it is going where i think it's going it wouldn't be a bad gig.

>> No.4747114


that's like buying a kettle, but instead boiling water in a microwave

>> No.4747161

Good idea. I spent some time thinking how to sell my crypto knowledge to normies.

>> No.4747184

Right, sure, having your private key on paper out in the fucking open is so much harder for the feds to take than a hardware wallet they will 100% certainly not even be able to get into...

>> No.4747312

But the point is to hide the paper version somewhere once it's filled enough.

>> No.4747402

>have paper wallet with the real money hidden somewhere
>fake hw wallet filled with dogecoin the feds will find instanteniously and spend eternity getting into

>> No.4747423

kek, you'll be sorry once Dogecoin reaches $100

>> No.4747438

And if they get into it they'll feel so sorry for you they'll leave you be.

>> No.4747449

You're going to have to put your hardware passphrase on paper anyway. I sure as fuck wouldn't trust the entire contents of my wallet on nothing more than my memory

>> No.4747469

Anyone who doesn't own one is an absolute retard (unless you use secure paper wallet).
I started off investing in crypto with $300 and by the time I made $300 profit I bought one. It's basically free when you compare it to the gains you can make with crypto and not having to think about safety is such a relief

>> No.4747477

>burned down


>> No.4747505

You can obfuscate the passphrase so that no one will even figure out that it's a passphrase

>> No.4747508
File: 105 KB, 960x960, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaS40Y2RuLm9yZy9iLzE0NzAxMDk2NTc0ODguanBnIn0.ZJ6cS1QGCMqIRMoJnYhJ5TJHmoU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a secure OS.
Install linux and backup your [[[Encrypted]]] wallet file offline as well.

Do not make transactions on windows. Too much fucking malware.

>> No.4747647

>paying multiple times to move your money around
Lol good luck with your wallets fags

>> No.4747719
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>> No.4747751
File: 187 KB, 466x492, 1509907867839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put my key in Google drive. How fucked am I?

>> No.4748343

not only this -
but also in a trezor you can have another passphrase that becomes the 25th word of the seed, so even if someone got your trezor, your pin, and your 24 word seed, they STILL can't get your shit.

>> No.4748515

I don't see the advantage of a hardware wallet. Just use an app on your fucking phone for free.

For cold storage just put it on paper or flash drive or both. I'm glad hardware wallets exist, but for normalfag bitcoin users they're pretty useless.

>> No.4748579

Input the private key to a hot wallet and spend.

>> No.4748625

Electrum. Lots of people use Exodus, but I don't trust it for w/e reason.

>> No.4748682

So could your computer so what's your point?

>> No.4748726

Absolutely brilliant tbqf

>> No.4748727

Definitely worth it

>> No.4748964

Are all the security words different order? I got 24 security word. But will others have that combination as well?