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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4734788 No.4734788 [Reply] [Original]

The main cause of poverty is their parents.

>> No.4734863

This. And I.Q is another main cause of poverty.

>> No.4734880

Government tested me when i was 17. I have an exceptional IQ. But I'm still poverty stricken and fucked. It doesn't mater how much you know or how smart you may be, All that matters is if you have connections or money or both. That's how the world work. It fucking sucks and I may as well kill myself.

>> No.4734891

You sound stupid

>> No.4734908

Shut the fuck up and go do something faggot.

>> No.4734912


>All that matters is if you have connections or money or both

That is bullshit. Try getting off your ass and achieve something instead of complaining

>> No.4734961

Wealth sets your low bar.
IQ sets your high bar.

>> No.4734980

Saving this thread so I can laugh at the armchair statisticians who think their anecdotes and opinions are worth a damn.

>> No.4734994

if he didn't leave africa, he would never have become what he is today. fact.

his parents and grand parents were wealth enough so they can move to canada, and then the US. fact.

>> No.4735005
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you're a fool and a weakling. get eaten by rabbits.

>> No.4735008

>muh meaningless number

>> No.4735016
File: 7 KB, 250x237, 1511182870761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /biz/ is mostly autistic NEETs living with their mommy and daddy in their middle-class suburb and they still horribly failed at life despite being given literally EVERYTHING on a golden plate, they were just too inept to take it
>meanwhile I started with almost nothing and traded my way up to 300k

>> No.4735025

Well, a good deal of my problems are because of my criminal record. I have a short temper and I murdered someone. It's very hard to dig you're way out of a hole like that.

>> No.4735033

Most people here started with nothing you condescending faggot. Sure, there are silver spoon-fed richcucks with daddy money, but I worked a brutal manual labor job to save up to buy ETH. I would say most people here don't come from much.

>> No.4735042


Most NEETS just need to try stock trading and they will probably excel. Some of the most successful investors in Japan are NEETS lol

>> No.4735046
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>tfw too high IQ to not kill someone

>> No.4735078

But he wasn't poor.

>> No.4735085

He poisoned my cat, So I poisoned him, It's only seems fair. My only regrets are being caught and not being able to get his entire family as well.

>> No.4735168

IQ does not guarantee you'll be productive. It's probably the better predictor of success at higher paying fields, but it doesn't mean you have a productive personality. There are MANY people with high IQs who are also useless at just about everything they do or are also lazy.

Not trying to discount what you say about poverty though. I do believe that's a large factor that gets discredited due to people's political ideologies. Lately there's been a large wave of people who want to trick themselves into thinking the world is somehow fair or that they deserve everything good that has happened to them.

>> No.4735211

what did you start with? Did you really trade your way up to 300k or did you just like, get in on ETH early?

>> No.4735245

You are retarded. Connections and money have fuck all to do with hard work and delaying gratification.

I bet you spend every dollar you get when you make it and then turn around and cry about how life isn't fair. I'm 29, worth $300K and drive a piece of shit truck. Why? Because I'm not a multimillionaire yet and I know I can be. Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.4735416

It's true. Only when I was 28 or so I learned everything my parents taught me was wrong. And start my own business and buying houses.

>> No.4735508
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how did you not get life for killing someone?

>> No.4735528

Talked my way into a psych ward.

>> No.4735571

everything you say sounds like a childish teen's fantasy

>> No.4735824

Also connections and money just pop out of thin air, apparently.

Theres absolutely nothing a high IQ person could do to achieve those.

>> No.4735913

top kek


3 edgy 5 me

>> No.4736020

reality is a projection of the stories we tell ourselves