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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 108 KB, 960x600, neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4693018 No.4693018 [Reply] [Original]

why the hell is this mooning right now?

>> No.4693043

you don't know because you don't follow asian trends.

>> No.4693089

You could find out if you just literally looked at the chart. Hit critical support

>> No.4693098

> be me
> see neo dip
> all in
> profit

>> No.4693715


>> No.4693746
File: 117 KB, 1853x578, neofaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4693766

These shills may have "reasons" but the truth is this shit was near a 3 month low in BTC value. At .0032 it was a steal. At .0032 it was cheaper than it was Pre-Segwit2x cancellation. People noticed and grabbed those cheap NEOs.

>> No.4693799

Tfw you actually know the reason lol nice guess though noob.

Sport Analyst 2.0's here.


>> No.4693846

what is the reason plz

>> No.4693903


Don't worry that faggot doesn't have one.

>> No.4693942

nice reverse psychologly

not telling lmao.

stay free americuck.

>> No.4693952

because i decided to buy omg instead of neo 2 days ago

>> No.4693955

watch the conference


>> No.4693976


Oh look he really doesn't have one. He's implying the same rumor surrounding NEO for 6 months. Dumb bitch. "China's gonna make NEO it's official crypto." LMAO. Americuck? Better than being some communist chink.

>> No.4693986

"mooning" meanwhile down 6$ from 12 days ago

>> No.4694008
File: 1.09 MB, 250x251, Wizard Pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I sold in the first bounce and went back in just before the moon
Thank you Kek.

>> No.4694015

Who gives a fuck why it is. And yes, mooning means high increases, so yes technically mooning it was. Go back coinbase with $6.

>> No.4694021

It's just recovering from the altocaust like everything else will. I've been watching neo charts every day and a lot of buying was done in the 430k range. It was very clear someone was trying to establish a floor and must be absolutely pissed that btc bled it to near death

>> No.4694040

You’re an idiot. It’s less than the first “moon” amount.

>> No.4694050

On the other hand, it's 6$ up from 18 days ago.

>> No.4694069

Not even wasting my time going to look at this shitcoin. Last time you posted it was mooning, it tanked.

>> No.4694345

and up 1000% from 4 months ago. wow, i'm so terrified NEO is a scam. h-how will i c-cope with my massive 'fake' gains.

Im eating STAKES for dinner every night night and i'm pretty fuckin GASsy lads. am i gonna make it?

>> No.4694386

you wish

>> No.4694499

Americuck detected

>> No.4694657

It's still under $40, you glue sniffer.

>> No.4694729

Koreans Chinks please pump it.

I know you're going to do it in few days but do it like there's no tomorrow.

That day I won't be racist, I promise.

>> No.4694731

Because it's the future. And because the smallest bit of positive China news will send it through the stratosphere.