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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4691925 No.4691925 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4691944

Get out now. Next major sell off within 2 hours.

>> No.4691971

BUY BITCOIN. It's going to go up. Normies are FOMOing to buy RIGHT NOW.

>> No.4691983

wew lad, are you about to learn a lesson.

>> No.4691985
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>acting based on emotions and not on logic
do you want to make it?

>> No.4691991


>> No.4692006

Anon, I...

>> No.4692011
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>> No.4692412

This is fucking ridiculous already, it always goes up steadily over an extended period of time but everytime BTC start to be mentioned in mainstream media the price stalls and then goes down hard.
I'm expecting a last major pump before the fall, but i'm not gonna risk waiting for it.

>> No.4692426

throw 5 bucks worth my way anon before ya do


>> No.4692449

>Buy when others are fearful
>Most of you are fearful.

>> No.4692455

>the fall
Are you suggesting it's going to go down and stay down

>> No.4692460

$10,000 is the new normal. Get in before the price really starts to takeoff. $20k before xmas is very possible.

>> No.4692473

You haven't seen fear yet. This is caution

>> No.4692481

You make me want to google frog penis.
Actually, what does it look like?

>> No.4692485

>newfag has never seen frog hentai before

>> No.4692492

Nope, it's just gonna go down and stay there for some time. But, I'm a poorfag so I'm gonna use this opportunity to.
Sell high.
Buy low.

>> No.4692495

>people put money in which raises the price
>it goes down
Are you retarded?

>> No.4692549

Answer me are you retarded

>> No.4692570

Whales work maybe. Who knows. But give me an example in BTC history where it not took a major dive after popularity spike. You can't.

>> No.4692587

Worst case scenario if i buy more rn: lose the couple hundred i put in a few weeks ago. Plus the 300 i just put in.

Worst case scenario if i cash out now: it grows and i lose out on a potentially life changing amount of money.

Im a student living with parents and i got no expenses. I put 25% of what i make part time into crypto, have my dad invest 35% in whatever hes doing (he gets a cut) and the rest is spent on fucking clothes vidya and drugs. I have nothing to lose rn so ill invest in high risk shit

>> No.4692596

hey guys, where can i get cheaper bitcones? thank you for your time

>> No.4692612

>implying you can.

>> No.4692632

Just put some yesterday too trying to buy the dip, now I'm stuck waiting for it to go up 99 so I can cash the fuck out.

>> No.4692636

Anytime is raises in value is a de facto raise in popularity because there is more money, and not just whales. The fact that it went from $1 to $10k shows how popular (valuable) it is

>> No.4692681

Not relevant, I'm not saying it's gonna die, I'm saying that the price correction is coming, like, let's say IT ALWAYS DOES.

Unless we are REALLY mooning this time, but I don't think the whales want that yet.

>> No.4692701

You let your dad invest 35% of whatever he's going and give him a cut?
I don't even know what to say about this level of usury

>> No.4692717

Yeah there’s a correction coming for sure, I’m definitely not putting in money right now. But the influx of normie money is definitely going to soften the blow of the correction, so I will be looking for that to get in very soon

>> No.4693162

He wouldn’t fuck me over right? hes my dad

Im pretty sure he just opened up a fund or something for me. Ill understand it when i need to but its the same type of thing he puts his money into

His cut isnt really a cut like normal. Im probably gonna take care of him and a bunch if medical expenses when he gets old also i lend him money pretty often like small amounts and never ask for it back.

>> No.4693215

thou canst casheth out

>> No.4693251
