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4654656 No.4654656 [Reply] [Original]

So many white male richfags here that don't have empathy for people they exploited.

Can't wait until your stupid race dies off because you are all too autistic to reproduce.

>> No.4654679

begin white and a autist is still better then begin another race and a autist

>> No.4654698


>> No.4654708

Wrong, I didn't exploit anyone

>> No.4654707

>Whites die out
Chinks literally enslave and kill all other races

You know what, this would be fine.

>> No.4654715

kanker neger

>> No.4654723

>Can't wait until your stupid race dies off
good luck without us

>> No.4654725

Do you think because I am a white
Male, that I exploited you? I could see you saying our ancestors exploited our relative ancestors. There are a lot of really stupid white males, there are a lot of really stupid (color)(gender)(race)... don't hate yourself so much, if you get out of the world of never leaving 4chan,
Maybe it'll work out ok

>> No.4654749


>> No.4654764
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Define White

>> No.4655088

We'll still dominate even if we're with just 10 million and you are with 10 billion.

Deal with it.

>> No.4655201

Shut up.

You bred my ancestors for strength and low intelligence. Dysgenics. You owe the people that were exploited.

>> No.4655256

lol everywhere in africa the niggers are dumb.
their IQ is simply much lower than whites or asians.
dont give me the crap of breeding niggers to be dumb, they were fucking retarded in the first place.

when the europeans came with their ships and guns into the incredibly rich continent of africa, you niggers were still living like hunters and gatherers.

im sorry for you, but you simply have inferior genetics. whites and asians are just a better race. deal with it.

>> No.4655430

nice b8 m8 i rate 8/8

>> No.4655489

Actually it was all jews that brought the niggers over from Apefrica, not whites. Every single slave ship was owned by jews. Whites are the ones that fought for your freedom so fuck off you ungrateful cunt.

>> No.4655594

>You owe the people that were exploited.
they're all dead. looks like we owe nothing.

>> No.4655649 [DELETED] 

watch out for "いろとりどりのセカイ" aka "Colorful World"
that is the Japanese plan to weaken the west by reducing birth rates
they also created Bitcoin so they will control the new world economy

>> No.4655700

watch out for "いろとりどりのセカイ" aka "Colorful World"
that is the Japanese plan to weaken the west by reducing white birth rates while immigrant birth rates increase
they also created Bitcoin so they will control the new world economy

>> No.4655702


Whites have basically brought misery on any continent they've ventured into. Whites are the least happy people on Earth and spread their unhappiness to others.

Why would anyone need luck to deal without such a thing?

>> No.4655728

That's a PC game you faggot

>> No.4655761

IOTA lol gl all hope you bought the dip

>> No.4655763
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I cashed out some of my earnings from a recent pnd. Yesterday I gave some homeless $20 from those gains. This money was probably the life savings of a pajeet, and now it is probably used as payment for booze/drugs for a homeless guy to enjoy.

>> No.4655764


You're an idiot who actually believes your white propaganda.

Whiteness is actually a deficit or disease. You are albino cave spawn. You can't even go outside without slimy lotion.

Blacks have proven they are better than you at everything that they aren't locked out of. There was a time when whites were said to be better at music, sports, etc. too.

Until black people got let in and started whooping your asses.

Same is true of academics. Blacks have keen sense of intution and just "know" things that whites have to go to school for.

But keep believing your propaganda, because it is the only thing that gets you up in the morning.

>> No.4655769

Why do all niggers want to live in white countries?

Why is there not 1 niggercountry that isnt corrupt, poor, aidsridden and retarded?

Why is every neighbourhood with a lot of black folks fucked up?

Why are blacks dumber (average IQ) than all other races in the world?

Why did blacks capture blacks to sell to the whites? Racetraitors much.

The world would be much better off without blacks desu.

>> No.4655775

>Whites have basically brought misery on any continent they've ventured into.
You mean civilisation, wealth and technology?>Whites are the least happy people on Earth
>and spread their unhappiness to others
Wrong, cope harder with your inferior genes

>> No.4655783
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>tfw moving to Roger Ver's ancap utopia when it's ready in a couple years
>tfw won't have to pay taxes so subhuman parasites can't live off me anymore

>> No.4655798


Half of what you said is propaganda, the other half only applies to race traitors (coons).

Blacks have race traitors as well as whites.

>> No.4655804

Please explain how come the entire world was civilized and on the immensely rich continent of africa they were still living like cavemen?

It's because black people are inferior. Nothing to be ashamed of bro, you can't help it, but it's the truth.

>> No.4655830


Even your own statistics (which admittedly are usually just biased propaganda material) say that whites and those living in western countries are the least happy on Earth, and third world countries are actually happier and less stressed despite "having less"

Your civilization is declining. It is a bubble. That is why you are insecure.

>> No.4655842

It's the truth, but I understand if you are black it's hard to accept you are inferior. I wonder what it feels like to realize your ancestors achieved absolutely nothing while the rest of the world was thriving.

>> No.4655856

Dumb pajeet

>> No.4655865


Because they lost a big war. Black people were the grandfathers of civilizaiton, just as they do today, whites copied what they saw in Africa.

Before you start the "ancient egyptians were white" meme, just look at how they fucking dressed. If ancient Egyptians were white, the African Sun would have vanquished them with cancer.

>> No.4655885


Fuck you OP and fuck brown people.

>> No.4655892

If Niggercountries are better (LMAO) why don't you go there? Why does all of the niggercountries want to migrate to white countries? Please explain.

>> No.4655907

Stop blaming your failures on your skin color.

>> No.4655918

>Even your own statistics (which admittedly are usually just biased propaganda material) say that whites and those living in western countries are the least happy on Earth, and third world countries are actually happier and less stressed despite "having less"
You admitted that those statistics are bullshit and used it as an argument in the same sentence
>Your civilization is declining.
>That is why you are insecure.
Wrong. I have no fear of the future because technology is gonna make the world completely unrecognisable in the next few decades, and all this shit we are arguing about now will become completely irrelevant

>> No.4655937

How does it feel when ancient Egypt was better and more civilized than any country in Africa in these modern times?

>> No.4655952

Thats not true you braindead fuking nigger, White countries are always top of the list in the hppiest countiries list.
How about getting naked and dying of ebola in a mud hut if you want to get away from white oppression.

>> No.4655953


>> No.4655960
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>> No.4655977

Hey man, it's not our fault the kike media is telling us to not reproduce

>> No.4655983
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that's the point, they don't want whites to breed and/or want them to become lolicons

>> No.4656011


we are miserable because they are flooding our countries with brown subhumans and we have to pay for all their shit

no wonder third worldres are happy. they are dumb as shit dont have to put up with mass immigration..

>> No.4656017

Well if all negros would die the white people would make Africa the richest continent on the planet. Remember when in Zimbabwe they killed off the white folks, after that their economy collapsed and asked white people to return. lmao. Niggers cant do shit.
Look at south africa, a rich and nice country until niggers took over, now its shit.

Everything where niggers rule or where there's lots of them things go to shit. Prove me wrong.

>> No.4656039


You seem fine, I have no argument with you (or all white people). I used statistics because he was (by referencing IQ), so in the context of his belief system, they are probably true.

>> No.4656074

Is that Irotoridori no Sekai? Fucking great taste, anon.

>> No.4656124

I didn't really exploit anyone. Honestly I get where you're coming from but don't overestimate Europe. Most people here had ancestors working in factories much like the conditions in your country or even worse. It's just that Europe fights a bloody revolution each time they're fed up with something.

But to say anyone here or elsewhere owes you anything is a big delusion.

>> No.4656129

Fuck you I owe you nothing cunt.
I'm born a free man like you.
You're so dumb. Will you pay for the centuries of women exploitation in Africa?

>> No.4656136
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We waz dick washers and shiiit.

>> No.4656138
File: 601 KB, 2400x1200, elon-musk-mars-colonization-spacex-nasa-getty-shutterstock-business-insider-illustration-2x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always be blamed for this and for that by minorities
>dying demographics and afraid to speak because you'll be called racist

>easiest solution is to colonize another planet


The ultimate white flight.

>> No.4656168


If this were true, then whites wouldn't have felt the need to intervene and sabotage every attempt of the African to break free of their oppression.

There were plenty of upward movements from the 60s onward where great strides were being made.

Whites use money, influence, and power to sabotage Africa and keep it contained.

They have long considered black people the greatest threat.

If you were secure in your superiority, you would not carry on the way you do. You give away your insecurity.

Maybe if whites actually left blacks alone (including not forcing rigged economic models on them), then you could make the claims you are making.

But the fact that whites feel the need to intervene in everything around the world is telling.

>> No.4656311

You're so dumb, that's crazy.
You're the fucking racist here. If we were counting the crimes by race and holding everybody responsible all the blacks would end up on the electric chair for all they did on the African continent before colonization.

In reality we don't, because races are not moral entities. But that's something you're light years away to understand.

>> No.4656376

You're in for a treat flem. White / Asian districts are the ruling districts in 5 A.E. I hope you're not black... Even the white districts feel bad for you bajongo's.

But we feel bad about every district, we got empathy genus haha. Word of advice: don't fugo with the asian districts.

>> No.4656390


Nope. Whites are clearly the mots violent and the best at it, or you wouldn't be in the position you are in today.

Whites are the ones who made the "white race" an organization. Racism is an actual tangible system that was intentionally created.

So when I talk about the "white race", I'm not talking about any innocent person born with white skin.

But the ORGANIZATION is what is evil.

And that organization is what got you the position of power you enjoy today through violence and subterfuge.

Blacks were not organized in the same way with a system of racism to unite all blacks -- they were divided and conquered.

The only thing whites can make an accurate claim of superiority at is war and violence, which I cannot dispute

>> No.4656416

Trading is zero sum game. People with higher IQ gonna win, thats natural selections.

btw thanks for your coins


>> No.4656463

>Whites are clearly the mots violent
> and the best at it

>> No.4656469

You're paranoid and deluded, and have probably a very low IQ.
You're not better than white supremacist let me tell you that.
Both people like you and white supremacists should be eliminated to make a better world.

>> No.4656492
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>> No.4656551


No, you just can't follow because you aren't educated about the things I'm talking about. But you have no reason to really research things so whatever.

I have no problem with white supremacists who are in favor of leaving blacks and Africa alone by the way.

I think thinking your own race superior is fine. It's interventions and aggression that is the problem.

>> No.4656642
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>> No.4656646

Ok, uneducated trash.

>> No.4656683

Well, it's easy to see.
It's results in denial and blaming of others.
which is exactly why they won't ever make any progress. Instead of improving themselves they take the easy way out and blame others for their shortcomings.

>> No.4656774

>reducing white birth rates
Yea... like the Japs don't have MASSIVE issues themselves because their population won't breed.

>> No.4656852


So what exactly are white people superior at besides war and violence?

Can't go outside without sunscreen or risking cancer, which makes your skin a clear deficiency or disease

Clearly inferior athletically (though this was once disputed by insecure white supremacists)

Can't create or maintain your own culture -- pretty hilarious to see white supremacists constantly using black slang without even realizing it. All "American" culture since like the 1920s is basically "Black american" culture, which is now the mots popular culture on Earth.

Can't fuck properly, so your race is full of cuckolds who prefer to watch a real man fuck their woman

Yes, you have the superior position in the world, but that was only gained through violence, so I maintain that the only superiority that is proven here is a knack for that

>> No.4656855

>Whiteness is actually a deficit or disease
You are talking about Albino people, which is not what white people have.

White people have white skin to absorb more light since there is less light / sun in Europe.

>> No.4657015


Yes, but there are degrees of albinism; what we call albino is just the extreme case.

Interestingly, albinos birthed from two Africans resemble whites more than they do blacks

If it were just about getting more sun, why is it that white people fortify so much stuff with Vitamin D (including cow's milk, which white people seem to fucking love for some reason)

You should be basking in it.

The "our skin evolved this way to absorb more light" thing is just an unproven theory, and also doesn't explain why so many people living in colder climates were dark skinned and got on fine (Eskimos, for instance)

>> No.4657050

Exploiting people? sounds like you need this group then


>> No.4657082

friendly reminder to sage and hide leftypol threads

>> No.4657139

Thats what you get pajeet, keep trying to scam people and it will bite back bitch.

>> No.4657297

Mah nigga. Why do you even bother having a discussion with these xenophobe closet racists who can’t deal with their own insecurities? The real subhumans are these idiots thinking they are supreme because of their white skincolor. Who brought civilization to you imbred barbarians living like cage dwellers? Caesar / the Romans brought you a civilized culture, one that was already enjoyed in the Middle East, Asia and parts of Africa, when you were bashing eachothers heads in with clubs. When the Romans lost their grip on Western Europe you entered into the Dark ages and total ignorance, when Muslims, Arabs and Africans were lightyears ahead of you in every aspect. Than you brought down the dominant, and more openminded, Ottoman empire and intentionally replaced them with idiot Wahibi Arabs who effectively fucked everything about Islam.

Now you are complaining about the fascist and extremist muslims and refugees fleeing to your country, because of past Western European (divide and conquer) politics?

All races are equal, people and persons are not: you racist fools are however the biggest subhumans around. Get out of your shack and talk to people and learn something instead of being so ignorant.

>> No.4658031


>> No.4658078

Mods, this belongs in pol

>> No.4658166

I fucking love how good we are at war. We are ridiculously good at it.

> RWDS when

>> No.4658392

I plan on having AT LEAST five kids and actively advancing white interests with my crypto gains