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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 128 KB, 1800x1800, Bitcoin_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4631451 No.4631451 [Reply] [Original]

I sold at 9940 and need to get a good entry again.

>> No.4631480
File: 161 KB, 2048x1152, 1503286211301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it with me:

Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.4631506

Fibbonacci does may let things ride for a while, but eventually the retracement has to happen. It's the sacred and very real underlying force that binds all of life together. 5k will happen anon, don't you worry.

>> No.4631508


>> No.4631549
File: 151 KB, 1000x1000, 1468225593556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4631550
File: 269 KB, 618x800, Roger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel, following that man?

>> No.4631570

That is clearly shopped, I can tell by the pixels. Proofs.

>> No.4631619
File: 387 KB, 1709x1195, Bejitakafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sir are hilarious

>> No.4631636


Link to this meltdown? I haven't seen it yet, too ADHD to sit through 40mins

>> No.4631637

Link to the video please.

>> No.4631651

Bcash won't be enough. We need more.

>> No.4631660
File: 77 KB, 920x863, 1479979131489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon, hope you didnt forget to pay taxes? No, im sure you didnt.

>> No.4631711

Here's the highlights:

>> No.4631712

you are some lazzy faggots, here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX9sNPMQEyg&t=3s
exact quote at 42min10

>> No.4631758

>implying a live in a cucked country I have to tax capital gains

keep yourself safe

>> No.4631788

Same except I sold at 8500. I have been hoping for a huge dip every single moment for the past few days to no avail. I wish we could do something about it.

>> No.4631802


The crash Will happening and a good reentry position Will be the 100day mobile average

>> No.4631824

>land of the free

>> No.4631838

>links to a 40min video of 2 retards talking at each other

Wanna know how I know you're poor?

>> No.4631854

hit me

>> No.4631887
File: 465 KB, 579x552, 1442677493047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why haven't you invested in this man yet /biz/ he is clearly passionate about his product and is not afraid to tell it the way it is

>> No.4631930

i invested in him 3 times made profit twice and got burnt for the op dragonfaggot meme. i learned from my mistakes, i stay aqway from this unpredictable counterfeit piece of shit

>> No.4631948

BCHoke is a joke. Everytime they Pump or want to start pumping, they get trashed into the mud.
Just look at the graph.
How many of you that have held BCH, have seen a pumped being stopped or a breakout being rejected? Didn’t you ask at that moment ‘why is it dumping? Why are they allowing this. Why arent they pumping harder?’ Simple: they try hard, but CHoke. Let’s see what its gonna do tonght. I expect more of the same: pumps, volume, sideways & chokes

>> No.4631988

>he actually gave the exact time as well as the sauce
>still tries to talk shit to him
/wsr/ is that way idiot.

>> No.4632004

never the less i respect the man's "project" for short : dominating the economy to come by coopting his bitcoin to his product that he dominates in every points (the code, the network, the social media, the trust and in an imaged sense, the soul)

>> No.4632095

>need to get a good entry again.
The good point of bitcoin is that the coins can be reduced down to 0.00000001 coins.

So you dont need to have alot of money to buy coins.

Well, unless we reach the point where 1 satochi is more expensive than 1 cent of the most undervalued coin out there

>> No.4632221

which according to bitcoin's growth going to be far after mining era, it's a problem for another life anon, first we have to deal with op dragonfaggot

>> No.4632430

>Well, unless we reach the point where 1 satochi is more expensive than 1 cent of the most undervalued coin out there
Lol I decided to do some research and 1 dong (vietnam currency) is
0.0000000044298 bitcoins

Thats is 0.44298 satochis.

If you are so poor you dont have even 1 vietnam dong, you wont be ablt to join the bitcoin game

>> No.4632436

Trust in the government anon. Trump will send it spiraling back sub-1k with a single tweet.

>> No.4632450

>If you are so poor you dont have even 1 vietnam dong,
change that to

>If you are so poor you have ONLY 1 vietnam dong,

>> No.4632477

You only had to HODL. Now die with your choice.

>> No.4632532
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 917 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I call you a four letter word

>> No.4632555

bullshit trump will be filling any bag he can fucking find with this shit

>> No.4632581

Been waiting for retracement since it hit 3k. Now it's 10k and my m8 who bought at an ATH has nearly tripled. I would just buy if I were you

>> No.4632609


>> No.4632652

There's not even a 1 dong denomiation. Really the smallest stuff they use is the paper 500. There are smaller coins but even the rural peasants don't use them any more.

>> No.4632853
File: 135 KB, 720x1280, 2017-11-28 16.26.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unconfirmed transaction could be over 100k by this weekend when the majority try to cash out will cause a stampede reaction causing the chain to freeze up as miners switch over to BCH price rises

>> No.4633578

500 will happen again. It's being propped up by Chinese trying to get their money out of China without being taxed, and the US is happy to help them extract it for now. That may not last forever, as China isn't stupid.

>> No.4633717

overflow unconfirmed transactions! it's so easy

>> No.4633746
File: 8 KB, 260x194, muh jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't because institutional money fucking buys the dip in a couple 10s of millions.

I had hard fucking information that bitcoin was going to drop at 3k-4k then some fucking rich cuck bought the dip all the way fucking up.

These little fucking whale games you guys play in crypto will be no match from the outside constantly staring waiting, looking inside our little fuck boy shack.

It's because bitcoin literally died more then 100 times no one is going to believe any sort of FUD ever again.

>> No.4633820

I mined about 1 bitcoin about 7 or 8 years ago. I downloaded the new Bitcoin Core, but I can't find whatever file that would hold my bitcoin. Any advice?

>> No.4633869

People need to stop buying bitcoin at this price. The only reason it's going is because people are FOMOing on the idea that it will keep on rising. It's basically a ponzi scheme at this point. No way that a fucking bitcoin is worth $10k I'll never buy BTC ever again.

>> No.4633913


Except this shitfuck fees and waiting days for transaction

>> No.4633959

what happens if price drops and this gets bigger?

>> No.4634003

operation dragon slayer will commence on the 8th, when bitcoin's difficulty goes up 6%. i cant idenitfy myself, but massive whales will be dumping bitcoin to sub 1000 levels. then bcash takes over.

>> No.4634045

Spam 4chan and reddit and twitter with tether conspiracy nonsense

>> No.4634107

This entire market is too damn easily manipulated.

>> No.4634128

The problem with this is it's totally trackable, every single red cent. I'm not sure why we're letting them do this? If so then...China KNOWS we're doing this too!? WHY?!

>> No.4634132

Nothing like the last 20 times this happened.

>> No.4634175


in a sick way, the inability to transact is actually saving bitcoin from crashing