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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4625860 No.4625860 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we brainstorm business ideas in the hopes that we get an actual business up and running. /pol/ makes the news all the time. /lit/ made a book. Why can't we have a business? Lets put our coins down for a sec and come up with something new and exciting.

I'll go first.

>Snopes/factcheck like website with major improvements on the weaknesses of Snopes and Factcheck
>everyone knows snopes is biased and factcheck is garbage
>Snopes looks like it was eaten by reddit which took a dump then sent that dump back to 2005. So better UI
>user based content uploads who "do it for free" and a small group of modders who monitor spamming and trolling. Think Wikipedia but with fact checking articles
>Must provide citations of info uploads but other than that no bias. We check the facts not monitor opinions.
>Would be a great opportunity to corner boomer readers and right wingers by fact checking NYT, Washington Post, and other biased news organizations articles.

This is my idea. This is a brainstorm so more ideas are more than welcome!

>> No.4625971

>biz investment trust

>form a fund with investments from members of biz and invest in everything that biz talks about

>> No.4626022

That’s retarded. Good businesses are about getting morons to give you money for almost nothing in return. Herbalife is a great business. We need something scammy like that.

>> No.4626051

Just recently I've heard about a thing called kneepads. Does this sound interresting to you?

>> No.4626252

"we need something scammy like that" said no great businessman ever. Although we could look into avenues of a sort of troll business? Maybe something to get normies to give us money by tricking them somehow?

>> No.4626280

I like it. How would an online trust firm work? How would it recruit knowledgeable investment bankers?

>> No.4626465

>hire investment advisor
>start fundrasing
>raise $100,000
>invest in various biz topics

>> No.4626592

what sort of biz topics? are we talking a bitcoin heavy investment firm? What would we do different then existing firms? What would we do better?

>> No.4626702

affiliated marketing already exists anon. You are a good 40 years too late

>> No.4626887

>open bar with bitcoin exchanges terminals
>people get free drinks paid for with exchange fees

>> No.4626909

Everything stocks, crypto, whatever biz talks about we invest in that way the members of biz will participate.

>> No.4627029
File: 12 KB, 501x504, oy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offer "pick up lessons" to thirsty betas
>$8000+ for a saturday night
>guaranteed to work
>hire prostitute for <$1000 to target said beta

>> No.4627036


I had an idea, feel free to try it out yourself, given it's low cost compared to potential for profits,

A dating site that capitalises on the rising epidemic of anxieties.

I call it, "IsoDate".

Like a normal dating site, it would contain profiles, you could add others to your contacts and such.

But it's primary feature that sets it apart would be a location-based omegle type thing, where you end up chatting with a stranger within a certain area close to you.
You could set it up to find someone of a specific gender, and you'd both be called stranger, unless both parties press a "reveal profile" button.

This is ideal for people who struggle with dating, creating attractive profiles, have anxiety, or simply struggle to take that first step and make the first move.

But adding on to that even further, you could set it up so that the omegle thing starts off by asking both parties an "ice-breaker" question to get their conversation started - that could also be used to gather market research for you, the sites owner.

A small tithe, such as a one-time membership payment of a small amount will tell people you are unlikely to be cat-fished here, are less likely to be told "I'm actually 15, sorry I lied about me age"and generally makes consumers more comfortable and safe.

Given how it's generally taken as a poor business idea to sell customer data, this idea would work best if you already had other business ventures set up, so you could use market research gathered her to improve them and increase profits.

>> No.4627071

>social media/data mine OP
15 years too late

>> No.4627156


dating sites and apps, looking at things like tinder, are not too late.

And with the right marketing, could generate more users than most by once again- capitalising on the untapped market of those struggling with anxieties - an issue that is consistently growing.

Furthermore, social skills are in decline with tech-take-over happening, so the "ice-breaker" questions would free users of the anxiety that comes with "making the first move".

>> No.4627267

>with the right marketing
All that makes an non innovative bullshit idea maybe profitable these days. Betas not reproducing is not necessary bad.
>the "ice-breaker" questions would free users of the anxiety that comes with "making the first move".
Go back to marketing school, you suck at this

>> No.4627547

>dating sites and apps, looking at things like tinder, are not too late.

You know what makes a dating platform popular? Hot women using it. Are women really going to flock to your "tinder for people with anxiety and no social skills" app?

>> No.4627844

>ETH smart contract investment pool
>monitors BTC and ETH accounts that only it can access
>people can send ETH to the account in exchange for monthly or yearly dividends
>smart contract handles it all
>automatically invests in various coins Heleum style but hopefully with larger net results
>can maybe take 100 people to the moon on a good guess

Cool way to automatically make money without trusting Jewish investors