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4593402 No.4593402 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4593462


Monero is buy power

>> No.4593475

All hail the king

>> No.4593520

Curious what Monero holders think of Litecoin as a part of a diversified crypto portfolio

>> No.4593559

I don't believe in a diversified crypto portfolio. I only hold the one true cryptocurrency, XMR, holding anything else is strictly for plebs.

>> No.4593583


doesnt appear to be moonin

why the thread?

>> No.4593597

You think monero can 10x or more again within a year? I can buy some in a few days.

>> No.4593607

Faggot coin used by only faggots

>> No.4593613

stay true anon

>> No.4593642

>wageslave all day everyday
>hold onto a meager sum of monero like its a ticket out of this place
>It may or may not moon

Please make it moon guys

>> No.4593674

Are you me?? 20 Monero club here

>> No.4593722

Litecoin currently serves a purpose (very small tx fees), so it's safe to assume Litecoin will continue to see small longterm growth until it is depricated. Good choice for diversifying.

>> No.4593809
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My portfolio:
65% XMR
11% LTC
9% BTC
6.7% WTC
6.5% DCR
Rest is random balances

>> No.4593843

XMR oversold on 2hr RSI

biggu gains coming over the next few days

>> No.4594073

set stops to 120

>> No.4594098



stop that

>> No.4594120

how much monero do you guys have?

its one of the only top 20 coins i believe in

>> No.4594121

Just made enough off this BTC and ETH pump to get my 20 XMR. Not stopping until 50.

>> No.4594178

God I can't wait for the next pump. $220-$230 is my sell target.

>> No.4594208

>hurr durr newfag stop quoting in USD
XMR has fiat pairs and is more decoupled from BTC than most cryptos. It makes plenty of sense to use USD

>> No.4594286

> It makes plenty of sense to use USD


Just like every other coin, it's simply a tool to acquire more bitkang (the most reliable coin for growth)

>> No.4594340
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Monero is really legit but it fucked itself with it's name.

DESU Give it a Logo remake into something sleek since it would be retarded to change the name anyways. The orange looks generic as fuck. Make it green or blue or something fuck man.

>> No.4594530


Currently yes, but...
People like you are gonna eat shit hard soon.
You can't be that narrow minded

>> No.4594600

I used to be a pleb like you thinking that the endgame is owning BTC, hopefully you will see the light soon.

>> No.4594680
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It's "coin" in Esperanto you pleb - it's a sexy name that rolls off the tongue and drops panties

>> No.4594753
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I agree Monero is a great name, but the orange and brown does suck.

>> No.4594776

I can almost garentee if you change out the Orange for red or blue it will jump in price by x2.

I know that fluffy fuck is here, fucking change it for fucks sake.

>> No.4594784



>> No.4594813
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>> No.4594815

Yea because I really want a fucking Spanish Mexican coin that gets no news and pumps for no god damn reason X dark web:electric bogaloo whatever the fuck. No seriously just change the colors and Monero will look sleek as fuck.

Let me help you understand something, Every, single, time Monero is brought up about to pump in /bi/z it has always pumped.

I knew it to and others to as well but I didn't buy it because the fucking name with the color his some kind of nostalgic nothing sensation.

The only time it did not pump was the Fluffy pony trolling bullshit that happend.

>> No.4594820
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>> No.4594837

start a poll of what color kek

>> No.4594846
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>> No.4594892

What happened to the XVG shill? Didn't he say it's going take over Monero?

>> No.4594912
File: 92 KB, 245x326, yuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon tell me i'm not crazy Monero gives off Hilary Clinton Vibes not just not giving a fuck with a hard right heterosexual perspective.

>> No.4594994

What does everyone think about hodling this coin for December?

>> No.4595012
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>> No.4595041
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>> No.4595055



>> No.4595062

DINENO you fucking stupid cunt piece of shit

>> No.4595103

What the fuck is a dineno you fucking mcfuck, sounds like a fucking jarrasic park dinosaur.

if I made a fucking coin that was green and fucking orange and call it the pot of gold

or If I made a red white and blue coin called fuck niggers

or if I made a red and black 4 pronged logo called gas the jews holy shit.

>> No.4595109

>5 months ago

no I want fresh data

>> No.4595129

I'm going to fucking call it the multi dimensional Dijinn polarity energy farmers from the 5th dimension ethereal realm from the Nargoth 357-A Galexy with Flooropeon Chamber Locking Plasmas because fucking people understand what it fucking does.|

have some fucking class you moron

>> No.4595146

It's not a prediction he explains the importance of Monero.

If people want to hide their wealth they will shove it the fuck in Monero.