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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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459086 No.459086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to make a fuckload of cash if you hate people, don't give a shit about what happens to them and have no money to start with or nearly so?

>> No.459088

Selling china white on consignment.

>> No.459094

Sell rape insurance. Rape if they don't pay.

>> No.459095

>you think a junkies paying you back shit forget it

>> No.459097


>not understanding what selling on consignment is
>repeating a Biggie Smalls when another lyric in the same song is about consignment

I forgot how square /biz/rael is.

>> No.459098

Preferably something that won't net me jailtime.

Heh. Seriously though.

>> No.459099


>he thinks consignment is "letting junkies owe you money"

>> No.459101

become a arms dealer through bootstrapping. start by selling knifes to grade schoolers.

>> No.459104

Illegal things?

>> No.459105

>All this fucking edge
Is there anyone on /biz/ who isn't a 13 year old claiming to be a fucking trillionaire with a 12" dick?

Depends on the ramifications. Preferably not.

>> No.459109
File: 304 KB, 1280x1705, 1401666679647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't claim that at all. In fact, I'm a gorillionaire with a 14" penis.

Pic related, it's my qt3.14 that I resurrected from Nazi Germany times.

>> No.459119

Wow. Nothing but smartass responses and "sell drugs"? Really? I would have thought /biz/ had SOMETHING. Shit this is nothing.

>> No.459128


Listen you stupid fuck. Do you know why desperate and poor people sell drugs or engage in things like prostitution? Because when they are hard up and on the edge with no other options those avenues offer fast cash for whatever it is that they need at that time. You asked us what you could do assuming you had little to no cash to start with and wanted a ton of cash in a hurry, and we gave you the only real and consistent answer.

But see you're sitting somewhere with an internet connection, electricity, and an expensive electronic device. You aren't broke. You aren't hard up. You aren't desperate. You have options that you haven't even considered because you don't have your back up against the wall like most people who turn to that sort of thing.

The real question that you want to ask is "how do I get rich while being a lazy fuck?" Well guess what jackass, unless you win the lottery or inherit a fuckton of money you don't have that privilege. So either put your nose to the fucking grindstone and work hard so you can put something aside or accept the risks of the business you are inquiring about, but don't fucking come crying to us that money isn't just falling into your lap.

>> No.459160

True facts

>> No.459168

REKT Levels over 9000!!

>> No.459210

scam idiots chatting with jailbaits

>> No.459229


You are /biz/ so why surprised?

>> No.459232

Copy an existing cryptocoin but make a small change that makes it incompatible with current mining ASICs

Sell pre-orders for ASICs for your cryptocoin

>> No.459240

Funny. I don't remember mentioning a time requirement. Though yes, it would be nice to make a lot fast. The issue wasn't "OMG I need $1k by tomorrow how many dicks can I suck!?", it was "What are some ways I can make money off of people if I don't give a shit what happens to them as a consequence?" Your reading comprehension sucks.
>But see you're sitting somewhere with an internet connection, electricity, and an expensive electronic device. You aren't broke.
I'm NEET and extremely thrifty.

>You aren't hard up. You aren't desperate.
Funny, I don't remember that being the point. Why don't you go ahead and quote that part of my OP for us.

>You have options that you haven't even considered because you don't have your back up against the wall like most people who turn to that sort of thing.
>Something else that isn't the point
Did you just post to bitch? Be honest now.

Again, the point of this thread was to get ideas on how to make money in ways that don't require I give a fuck about people. The reason is because I used to, and I'm wondering what opportunities have opened up to me now that I don't. You assume a lot and haven't said anything helpful. Kindly see your way out of this thread. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Which happen to have nothing to do with the point of the thread.

Wouldn't it have to be a hit before #rekt was achieved?

Not really. I just think this entire board is a colossal waste. I really hoped that there would be people on this board who would have useful ideas on a variety of subjects. As this thread shows, I literally would have had better luck just going to /b/. If a superior choice is /b/ for ANYTHING, your board has failed.

>> No.459244

>sell weapons
>sell fake phones
>start an MLM (if you live in a country full of retards)

>> No.459387
File: 29 KB, 300x260, 1405375571196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, you autistic jews. Nobody has any ideas other than "sell drugs"? Seriously?

I really did get more ideas from /b/, btw.

>> No.459397

stop crying like the little pussy you are and give us more info on what your circumstances are. maybe you have enough moneys to invest in monsanto, or maybe you have an engineering degree and can start producing robot mines for questionable third world dictators or maybe you're just a piss poor social outcast who should start a kissing booth so we can make fun of him.

>> No.459432

mines for 3rd world dictators.... now we're on to something.
there was a story floating around about a guy that sold defective minesweepers that were used all over the middle-east. god damn genius

>> No.459439


that's really your only option, because every other profession has normal people in it

but really if you wanted to go full kike you could open a check cashing store or something similar that exists for idiots who are too stupid to open up a bank account

>> No.459442

Mercenary cannon-fodder.

>> No.459456

I could probably put about $2-3k into something and that's it. Problem is, I don't have a reliable income at the moment, so I can't invest it (or I already would be). I don't have a degree.

>> No.459459

So, here's something to think about. If you hate people and don't give a shit, etc. it'll probably make things HARDER for you to be successful.

To generate consistent revenue and growth in the real world, you'll need to build a TEAM of people and lead them to a better situation, enriching yourself in the process. That's what business people do.

If you're a social misanthrope, you have very little chance of getting to where you're going. So, firstly, work on your leadership.

>> No.459475

>he thinks being the typical bitter, jaded fuckhead will benefit him


>> No.459484

with about 2000 you're going to have to hustle a bit. first of all you need to get some money in. I don't know what it's like in the americas but here in germany flea markets are a sure thing to get some money. There are always hipster kids around with no sense of what a wallet made of garbage is worth. So you could maybe try selling t-shirts (they have to be 'cool', though) or, as winter is approaching now, you could try making snow globes with 'cool' motives like, don't know, godzilla wearing a g-string. or whatever, just start making money at all costs until you have enough to invest in military grade rc cars

>> No.459493

also /thread

>> No.459520
File: 58 KB, 300x300, Shin-ra_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like the best place to ask without making another thread.

What are the most evil companies on the planet? If I wanted my portfolio to consist of ~20 of the most vile, evil companies, what would those companies be? And by vile and evil, I mean that they genuinely make the world a shittier place by getting people killed, ruining lives, and/or stirring up political discord, not just making see-through yoga pants or espousing an ideology you disagree with, like not wanting fags to get married.

Monsanto and Bank of America seem like good starters.

>> No.459535

Every military industrial company working for the US Government

General Dynamics
Northrop Grumman
Sierra Nevada
etc etc
And don't forget Monsanto just to be the cherry on top of this shit sundae

If you run out of military contractors start with other prominent government contractors like Halliburton

>> No.459578

oil field worker

>> No.460072


kill yourself

>> No.460073
File: 8 KB, 251x242, 8be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with all these edgy fucks coming to /biz/ and thinking they're fucking Gordon Gecko because they "just don't give a le fuck"

>> No.460091

Plenty of good ideas ITT.

Sounds like you just do not have the guts OP

You have to take risks to make money you little bitch

>> No.460100


>> No.460926
File: 24 KB, 500x358, IMG_2826725627339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This too

And then when they are given actual replies such as 'sell drugs' or 'sell landmines' he shoots them down as fucking stupid.

Both are relatively illegal and both require a bit of human suffering.

I bet op has recently been dumped by some qt he thought he was going to marry and is now in his 'I hate the world' stage. I also will bet he had tears in his eyes when he was writing this.

>> No.460937

Contract AIDS and then suck dick for money.

>> No.460943

>don't give a shit about what happens to them

You sound edgy as fuck, but you need to ask yourself whether you're willing to actually get your hands dirty doing shit or not.

Because breaking into people's houses while they're out - including friends - and safely getting valuables back to yours without being spotted by cameras and then going on to sell said things without being caught takes a mild bit of effort, but it's the same with everything.

Chances are if this thing didn't come to mind instantly you're probably not going to have the balls to do something like that anyway.

Here's a guide for you if you really don't give a shit like you said:
>break into houses of people you know, steal valuables
>sell to get a bit of startup cash

Rob a bank if you want too, except you're going to have to definitely kill someone to avoid anyone pressing a panic button (the reason people press the button is because there's a tiny bit of hope left in them that you're not going to fucking shoot). There's a whole bunch of other issues with bank robbery these days, but find a way to get around the ink, cameras and trackers and you're golden.

And no it's not impossible.

>> No.460957

Better yet, contract AIDS and sell yourself to bugcatcher's

>> No.460967

I was asking hypothetically, le frog man.

>> No.460983

You can usually get away with this once, though.

>> No.461312

You'd get better business advice from /s4s/

>> No.461317

Channel your hatred of people into dicking them over however you can.

Work at a bank and sell people loans.

>> No.461372

...I give a fuck about people. The reason is because I used to, and I'm wondering what opportunities have opened up to me now that I don't.
New Slipknot album come out or something?
Shot in the dark here, but you're probably just being a pussy.

>Kindly see your way out of this thread. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
You were doing fine defending yourself, but you awkwardly kept going. Then by the end of it you're lashing out like a child.

tl;dr you started strong, ended poor.

>>459128 wrecked you so hard you start slinging crybaby bitchy generalizations at everyone else.
>how embarassing

>> No.461375
File: 10 KB, 421x264, Jonah_Mowry_Cry_For_Help_Bullying_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet op has recently been dumped by some qt he thought he was going to marry and is now in his 'I hate the world' stage. I also will bet he had tears in his eyes when he was writing this.

So much this.

>> No.461410

>, but find a way to get around the ink, cameras and trackers and you're golden.
It's difficult to get away with the money even if you are super smart.
Get a load of this guy:
>Each time officers sought to ensnare him, Dagobert came up with a new wheeze.

>He used home-made devices to get away with the cash. Thus, a metal box was released from the bottom of a train carriage, by remote control. Another time, he used the motor from a video-recorder to propel a remote- controlled mini-carriage along a deserted railway track.

>Next, police left a bundle in a wooden crate, hoping to arrest Dagobert when he came to pick it up. But Dagobert emptied the crate from below, and escaped through the sewers. Then he used a directional microphone to listen to the police's secret plans.

>> No.461430


>> No.461440


Samefag here. Should have kept reading.

>start an MLM (if you live in a country full of retards)

HLF (Rooting for Ackman here on the short side but Icahn isn't dead yet.)

>but really if you wanted to go full kike you could open a check cashing store

CSH (Cash America)

Actually, to take a break from the theme here of investing in the least-ethical companies imaginable, there's LendingClub which just filed for a $500M IPO. It's Probably Overpriced, but if you wanted to make money by investing in microfinance for the poors and underbanked, that might actually be a reasonably ethical way of doing so.

>> No.461757

I said there are a lot of ways to do it, I'm not suggesting doing bank robberies full time.

Reading that article it sounds like he fucked up when he used the payphone. Live and learn.

>> No.462431


>im a slimy selfish cunt whos too dumb to come up with a way to scam others but i'll call you all dumb for not giving me ideas.

>> No.462437


If that's the case, I'm sorry OP. I hope things get better for you, but don't harden yourself to other humans. We're an evil bunch but many still have love in us.