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File: 23 KB, 200x200, litecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4580133 No.4580133 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I holding LTC? I thought it was going to moon last night. That obviously isn't happening while BTC is going apeshit.

Should I just go all in on BTC right now? Is it heading to 10k?

>> No.4580167

seems to me like a good time to buy more and wait..

>> No.4580709


>> No.4580717

LTC is on sale right now, why aren't you buying more?

>> No.4580734

>better than bitcoin
>not on the ethereum network
>segwit activated
>relatively popular

this needs to go up, and it will go up

>> No.4581280
File: 128 KB, 2559x798, ethltc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growth has been bigger than ether last months.

>> No.4581422


>> No.4581466

LTC is a piece of shit with no usecase and no developers, no objectives and no future. It's only tailing BTC right now but soon enough it will die off especially as cheap/fast/secure transactions move to BCH

>> No.4581482


From 9k - 10k is only 10% gains. That is A LOT of fucking risk going all in on a coin that’s been bull running for a year and is just now at ATH. A move like this is risky and quite frankly how a lot of people lose their shit. You’re literally considering the worst FOMO buy of your life.

>> No.4581683

im not saying you should sell ltc but im also not saying you should not be all in with btc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4581725

FYI OP people have said the same damn thing everytime btc hits a new ATH.

every single fucking time. at some point theyll be right. thats how they put the FUD in you.

>> No.4581728

Have you even used BCH and LTC?
Who develops BCH? What is their future perspective?

Litecoin is the Bitcoin 2X that the market wanted. Once this trickles down in the brain of the average trader it's going to moon massively.

>> No.4581792

Every single time they have a slightly higher chance of being right.

>> No.4581866
File: 69 KB, 564x786, 1508160769376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4581918


ZZZZ Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin. It is quite literally identical to the Bitcoin you've been using from 2009-2015 before things started turning to shit.

Who develops it? 5 separate teams independently. Future perspective? The global currency, unlike the "store of value" bullshit kikestream spits out to you cum gobbling parrots.

Litecoin is a piece of shit and you're gonna get rekt eventually for holding it, the creator of Litecoin - Charliee Lee is too busy sucking Adam Back's cock to actually think independently.

Have I used BCH? Yes, regularly, because it's cheap, fast, secure, and USEFUL. In fact it makes up the majority of my portfolio as it is the real bitcoin.

Have I used LTC? Of course, I held some for a long time till I realised it is the 2nd most overpriced shitcoin after BTC.

>> No.4581995

>5 separate teams independently.
with next to no github activity lel
BCH's total activity on github is less than the activity of the LN dev group

>> No.4582146


Are you referring to the vaporware called LN? The LN that is eternally 18 months away from completion?

If you're measuring by lines of code you're doing it wrong.

>> No.4582258


Actually the complete opposite is true dumb fuck

>> No.4582318

think, OP. what happens when BTC crashes back to 8500?

>> No.4582921

You have no idea of how much you will regret selling LTC, just look at the depth charts.

>> No.4582969

BTC can't keep an upward trend forever. The bear market is inevitable, and when it happens. litecoin is going to make massive plays.

>> No.4583096

BTC is money
Every other alt is purely speculative
They're like startups of the dotcom. "Me too" only works when there's reason for more than one. We only need one global currency

>> No.4583266

>hurr durr why doesn't my coin rise 20% a day everyday

>> No.4583305

>Every other alt is purely speculative
*almost every other alt

theres like 4 that a worth investing in. with functioning product and teams of devs. these coins have been around since 2013 and some arent even listed on exchanges.

>> No.4583350

They are all competing for that.

>> No.4583363

people are being shook out of btc and ltc by their own greed. promising 1000x gains for new coins instead of doing the obvious thing and just going into btc. like the people that run those 'companies' are most likely doing.

>> No.4583435

Look how it fucking holds level, expect 100 tomorrow.
Cap this.

>> No.4583673

it's right back at the ath, don't feel like buying in to get justed

>> No.4583858

Suit yourself, I'm gonna sleep comfy with my bags.
I'd buy and put a stop loss (82.4 maybe?) if i were trading.

>> No.4583980

How low you think it'll go, i wanna buy 200LTC?