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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 220x220, litecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4565236 No.4565236 [Reply] [Original]

its going to break 0.01

>> No.4565255

.01 break sends it towards .015

what the actual fuck

>> No.4565299

Sell now
Dont regret

>> No.4565331

Sll now and get JUSTed

>> No.4565359

it it goes below 75, then it will have a correction.
If it goes above 85 to at least 86 in the next two days, it will have a rally to a max of 106.

Lots of TA, Studies, and analysis pretty much point to these conclusions. So just pay attention for a few days.

>> No.4565369


>> No.4565374
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we have breakout guys

>> No.4565400

This a meme to get noobs to sell
I wanna buy more :(

>> No.4565420

Here we go!

>> No.4565429

honestly wouldnt be surprised to see previous ATH become new floor.

>> No.4565433

why the fuck didn't someone make a thread a few hours ago. This was bullish for some time, could have gotten some sick 10% gains before now.

>> No.4565445


/biz/ shits on LTC all day every day because it's not one of their bright and shiny shitcoins that zips around and crashes.

And look at it now. FOMO on their nervous faces.


>> No.4565479

I fucking sold my stack at 82. Im FOMOing hard, there's gotta be a dip, r-right?

>> No.4565523

we going to 100$ today arent we

>> No.4565527


>> No.4565547

Something is def happening. We may be up 0.12 by the morning.

>> No.4565555


>> No.4565583
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Life is good

>> No.4565595

Crypto is a such a poor nigger market. The second they make $20 in their portfolio they sell off. I've been watching this happen for weeks now on every coin.

I can't wait until the big corporations start coming in with their billions. No more faggot ass pajeets selling off the minutes shit goes green.

>> No.4565605

>tfw been holding LTC since 4 dollars

>> No.4565611

This. These idiots will sell at a 5% gain instead of waiting for 30%

>> No.4565634

you're a fucking idiot. wall street cucks sell the moment they get +0.2%

They're not your friends.

>> No.4565667

>notice there's a huge deviation from the current price and the moving averages
>sell for a few %
>buy back in once you get back to the move average or below it if it looks like a flash crash.
>Keep doing this. Compounded gains make you up 60% while everyone's up by 10% once the trend is over.

The amount of newfags here who get pissed by other traders making more money than them is hilarious.

>> No.4565728
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Exactly, this chart is supposed to go 20%-30% within the next hour or two. But these faggot ass pajeets niggers will sell off to pay for KFC chicken and buy an emergency roll of toilet paper.

Fucking retarded.

>> No.4565922

Yup. here we go.
Easily a new ATH now. Possibly a decent chink higher since it needs to reach its BTC equivalent.

>> No.4565933

Best coin is not for sale.

>> No.4565990

>tfw when you added $2k worth of LTC to your stack earlier today

I just had a feeling. See you guys on the lunar surface.

>> No.4566038

how early?
I just did about 10 minutes ago.

Waiting for that 100 break.

>> No.4566051
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>> No.4566061

it's the exact opposite though...
big corps coming in and using quant trading (enigma.catalyst style) will stabalize the market and you can say goodbye to your 2x+ pumps and say hello to your 0.2% pumps

>> No.4566104

>Billions in new USD volume coming in is bad
Shut the fuck up

>> No.4566108
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6hr RSI at 84 => perfect time for biz to buy

>> No.4566127

At around $84 or so. $100 is definitely doable in the short term.

>> No.4566153


>> No.4566155


>> No.4566163

No breaks my friend

>> No.4566169

Accidentally put my buy in at 0.0102 instead of 0.01012 on Binance. Immediately lose 1% due to stupidity and another 1% due to swing down. Fuck me.

>> No.4566181

>its going to break 0.01

I remember the excitement when it was almost going to break 0.02

>> No.4566185

Don't know why I replied to you.

>> No.4566198

LTC will be 120 by Monday. This is organic growth we're seeing. No pump and dump bullshit from Korea

>> No.4566218

i'm not saying it's bad, i'm saying volatility will taper off, you fucking teenaged pleb.

>> No.4566259

>He thinks there's organic growth in crypto. EVER.

>> No.4566370

Go back to your gold and silver, faggot

>> No.4566397

I made a few posts and one thread, everyone ignored me

>> No.4566409

Sort of. Its more that LTC didnt have the growth it was supposed to, and now it is playing catch up.

If we hit $90 tonight, we will hit the ATH in BTC in a few days. Which is like .02 I think?

Either way, buy this short little dip real quick if you can. If not, no worries. There are other opportunities... Though this one is a free %20-%25 increase in portfolio.

Actually, if you are in ETH, now is a good time to switch it to LTC. Ride this wave, then move it back after the small ETH dipis over in a few days.

>> No.4566444

>He interprets this as a fud post

kek. I actually prefer the manipulation, if crypto didn't exist I'd rather trade penny stocks than shit rocks. Which by the way are ALSO manipulated 24/7. EVERY COMMODITY IS

Post kumo clouds next time bro. I've been waiting for this to actually break out for the past few days and got distracted by bch and btg.

>> No.4566493
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I saw this and waited for the breakout. Oh well. Easy 20% for me

>> No.4566515


> technical analysis

>> No.4566544

I'm sorry I can't hear you over the $5000 I made this past 48 hours

>> No.4566584

I expect to wake up in the morning and it to be at 100+. Im from britbongistan

>> No.4566585

people here still dont believe in the TA even though its right over 75% of the time.

Whats the height of your wedge? thats usually the top price before another big dip happens.

>> No.4566590


I was just about to ask, I'm in ETH, it's not breaking $470 and looks like it's starting to fall below ATH

I think I'll switch to LTC right now. Anybody else concur?

>> No.4566610


>> No.4566621

crypto rises more than 75% of the time means monkeys throwing shit at a keyboard are as profitable as TA gurus

>> No.4566622


> thinking your vodoo majic makes you a trader in a bull market


TA is certified bullshit in normal markets, even more so in crypto

>> No.4566629
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LTC dumping hard. fuck this shit coin

>> No.4566631

Dumped my ETH after nice profit last 7 days into LTC.
Let's ride!

>> No.4566641


t. worked in financial markets over 12 years

>> No.4566661

mean I do,
but I already said that in this thread.
TA points to ETH having a pullback while LTC both broke its converging wedge and broke out of its tunnel so its fairly likely to have some big gains before showing another significant TA event. I based next "base" price on the tunnel and got about $106. Around there we should form another pattern which we can extrapolate info from.


>> No.4566671
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I'm going to switch over to Eth from LTC. Witness Me!

>> No.4566676

FUD with hints of FOMO

>> No.4566694

Knowing WHEN something is going to breakout is from TA, which makes you more money than the guy that holds for months and just gets lucky to be there.
Also it gives you a target price so you know when to move your investment to maximize gains.

It works way more than you would expect.
Crypto follows the same TA as the stock market, just 100 times as fast, which means if you pay attention you can make 100 times as much easily.

>> No.4566715

By the way, incase anyone hasn't notice we have quite a few indicators for a super bull run for LTC on the 6 hr charts.

1. Price is clearly above the clouds
2. A Bullish TK Cross
3. Price action is above the cloud
4. Bullish Cloud as support

>> No.4566720

yeah people freak out whenever there is a test of a trend for some reason.
Its actually a good thing and means the pump will continue longer than it would have.
Its a fantastic thing to happen lol.

>> No.4566833

I'm not touching this garbage until lightning is actually on mainnet.
Bitcoin has promised the same crap for years, haven't delivered.

>> No.4566862


we are close bois

>> No.4566977
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1511543144295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you lads feel comfortable keeping coins on an exchange?

I only had a wallet for ETH and its tokens. I wanna make the trade to LTC on Binance now and hold it there while I set up a secure wallet that can take LTC. What software do you guys use for LTC? I have MEW for ETH, and looking Electrum only takes BTC.

I didn't expect to be rushing to buy up LTC.

>> No.4567004

indefinitely unless it's something sketchy like bitfinex.

just keep 2fa on

>> No.4567062

So should I FOMO and buy in, i sold at 82, you think we'll have any dip before 100?

>> No.4567070


I see, so Binance is fairly safe? My first research into crypto kept memeing about not keeping coins on exchanges, and I've been moving ETH/tokens between my private wallet often since.

>> No.4567107

keep 80% of your long term holds in personal wallets.
don't put a lot of money in short term coins with no fundamentals like litecoin.
that way, if any exchange decides to pull a mt gox you're mostly covered.

>> No.4567119

While it's a hassle of constantly moving coins from exchanges to your private wallet it's the most secure you could get + 2fa as >>4567004 said. You are doing the right thing.

>> No.4567155

I bought in 0.01003767 sats, it's only slightly higher now, just earlier before posting that. The longer the time span for a trend the comfier kumo cloud indicators are. I'm not even gonna stare at charts tonight because of this.

I mean, do what you want with your money but we're objectively in a strong bullish trend on the 6hr charts. Set a stop loss if you're concerned or something.

It's fine.

The only sketchy thing is that they can literally freeze your wallet, 1/2 your balance or just fucking take it (not saying they will... they can though but this is true of all exchanges) if they want to. (Ask something to explain the double REQ situation on binance from a few weeks ago) but I trust them enough to keep my link on there.

>> No.4567196
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This was literally the first altcoin i bought, two days ago. I'm new to this shit.

I made almost ten dollars so far after investing 95$. When do i sell?

>> No.4567200

I bought all my litecoin at 42, sold at 82. If i buy back now i would be down almost 10 litecoin from my 110ltc trade.

I'm genuinely interested in some advice. I basically have $9k in fiat and 0.12BTC at the moment. I'd consider throwing you a litecoin incase your advice pays off

>> No.4567212

maybe, but we are also in a dip right now so there is no guarantee.

Id just get in while there is still dip left. After that it will probably just launch pretty quick again

>> No.4567213

there'll never be another mtgox now that institutional money is coming in

>> No.4567229

You should sell off over the next few days. This is because it's overbought now and will cool off. Then buy the dip and repeat.

>> No.4567252

People who have worked in financial markets for over 50 years think crypto is a ponzi scheme. Your claim is completely meaningless

>> No.4567255

at around 100-105 if you want. But at that level it could continue its really upward and if it does it will be parabolic.

If you wanna play safe then sell around 100.
If that 100 is all you have, I would do that.
Also, learn about stop losses. thats how you will keep investments easily profitable in the future.
Dont stumble around trying to get one in now though because you might fuck up and just sell for super low....

>> No.4567286

The RSI is only 62... How could you possibly get that this is overbought?
Its in the perfect bullish spot. Its fine.

>> No.4567287

Probably not, but it doesn't hurt to have your ass covered. Out fees are less than $10 and Binance has only been in operation for a few months

>> No.4567297

T-thanks. I wasn't expecting actual advice. I'll look into placing a stop order around 105.

Now for cashing out..

>> No.4567305

Sell it in around 10 years and buy a house

>> No.4567315
File: 38 KB, 750x500, dimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who have worked in financial markets for over 50 years
those people are called baby boomers
their time has ended

>> No.4567337


two completely separate things.

technical analysis like you see on these boards is a scam. it is reading tea-leaves. you don't have to believe me, but take this as fair warning. the market is too volatile and subject to market manipulators for TA to EVER work. Crypto TA folk think they are hot shit because this is the biggest bull market in history. Of course they are going to make money.

>> No.4567355

I'm also super new. My first buy was $200 LTC @ $75ish, $200 more at $81 and final $200 at $87. My target is $94. I feel like there'll be strong retraction when it goes above $100, probably back to $88 or so.

I used to be a commodities broker and as terrified as I am about lack of fundamentals, the technicals seem short term correct

>> No.4567396

coinbase is fine to cash out but you shouldnt cash in and out a lot. or at all for a decent amount of time if you can. There are a lot of things oyu can just move your money to to play it safe and get slow increases on.

and yeah, rarely this place has a few people who actually try to help.

>> No.4567419

It's almost like TA is a single tool used to help evaluate decisions and not prophetic magic.

I owned exactly 0 LTC before this breakout. You're suggesting I'd make more money just passively holding. Which is impossible given that I'd never have bought LTC in the first place.

>> No.4567444


It doesn't matter how much litecoin you have. The Base trading pairs for accumulation is BTC, ETH, and USD. With most trends following BTC or LTC. As long as you're accumulating more of your poison (whether it be btc or USD, gonna depend on which market you prefer trading in or accumulating.)

I personally don't want to stare at charts tonight so I'm already in regardless of a dip. Potential targets for retracing though could as as follows...

0.0091 - 0.0094 are decent targets for retracement as per 4 hour charts

0.0093 - 0.0095 are decent targets for retracement as per 2 hour charts

0.0095 - 0.0097 are decent targets for retracement as per 1 hour charts

I highly doubt we'd break support on 4 hrs. 0.0093 would be another target for 6 hours if we started a trend reversal right now and then bounced off. I wouldn't bet on that.

A conservative approach could be setting tired buy orders based on the supports I mentioned if you wanted to try and time a dip, With what Ethereum just did for the last two days I'm not even expecting one, at least for not for long.

If this works out for you. Note I'm not explicitly telling you what to do and I don't want to responsible for any losses on your part if the sky suddenly falls apart or a korean whale group decides to just kill the pump out of nowhere.

I'm just telling you what the current trend is, which all indicates to bullish over a longish time span. Height of resistance on 12 hours is around 0.00108ish, gonna depend on how long it takes to get there.

>> No.4567447

Anyways, the fact that you blindly dismiss TA as bullshit just shows your ignorance. I highly question your claims to have experience working with money. Just the act of looking at a chart and seeing a trend is considered TA.

>> No.4567466

just ignore him.
He doesnt know what TA actually entails and probably thinks its one chart you follow and not the literal thousands of studies done over lifetimes.
Also the TA works for you and I so what do we care if some FUD boy misses out by being an ass?

>> No.4567523


quit your job today, move to a hedge fund and make yourself a billionaire in one year if your TA works. oh wait. you won't. because it doesn't work.

>> No.4567529


you should read about how warren made all his money when he did stocks. He followed basic TA over 10 years and made tons and tons.

>> No.4567551

>move to a hedge fund

That would mean moving from my job that pays 6 figures as a programmer which i really enjoy.

Why do that when I can become a millionaire by following basics and investing when I want?

>> No.4567562

kek. meant most trends following btc or usd

>> No.4567572


because you could become a billionaire in one year and do whatever the hell you like for life.

>> No.4567582


"I realized that technical analysis didn't work when I turned the chart upside down and didn't get a different answer." - Warren Buffet

you are either an incredible troll or truly thick person who should never handle money let alone have a bank account.

Buffet is famous for Fundamental Analysis. That is his whole shtick. fucking hell pal

>> No.4567691
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>> No.4567697

Then dont get in on LTC, I dont care lol.

But dont be mad when it does what everybody predicts and hits 106 in the next day or two.

>> No.4567707


>> No.4567722


i am massively in litecoin due to the fundamentals.

i wont bother longer trying to convince you about TA. but you are being fooled by a bull market. be very careful or you will lose all your investment

>> No.4567776

LTC and ETH dropping af now
what do?

>> No.4567780

>oh wow it's testing the Tenkan-sen line on the 30min charts, this is so suprising considering it's the fast moving average, maybe it'll even break and touch the Kijun-sen before inevitably bouncing back up. oh no!

kek. adhd traders.

>> No.4567805
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You think i'm being serious?

>> No.4567825

my bad lol, you'd be surprised man

>> No.4567872

Its because king daddy's rising. This happens every time

>> No.4568006

Holy fuck yes, keep dipping

>> No.4568027

fair enough.
I wont base it all solely on TA. I usually never do anyway.

Either way. Good luck! we should all be doing pretty dang good in LTC come tomorrow mid day

>> No.4568041


>> No.4568067


>> No.4568085

sold my eth at 460 / holding ltc. buy order for eth entered at 424 i.e. 10%

>> No.4568167


>> No.4568273

Just bought some bitcoin and it's fucking going down again, might as well kill myself and give my coins to a fucking hobo

>> No.4568941
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>> No.4569692

i hope most of you are not bagholders you should know better than this.
if you are in this for the long haul, the ltc/btc doesnt matter anymore. once this shit becomes mainstream, all that matters is how much your litecoin is valued in dollars. thats when 1 litecoin will be a substantial amount and fractions of the coin will be regularly traded

>> No.4569777

I use ltc to store my gainz and keep my money from dropping during a dip. So technically I'm a bag holder bit I'm comfy bagholding ltc unlike link bagholders

>> No.4569794
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>> No.4569845

I really enjoy all the Pink Wojaks Link has helped create, it brings me odd joy to my sad life.

>> No.4569859

Dear god, I fucking hate this dollar meme. While yes it's relevant for you making purchasing decisions and paying rent it's nonsensical unless you're trading purely in USDT markets.

Let me explain this to with math / logic. Hope you paid attention to limits in calc. I'm going to make the assumption here that no coin, and not fucking litecoin of all things of will reach parity with BTC.

1. Every coin will be traded for a fraction of 1 btc. Aka nothing will reach parity.

2. From 1 it follows that there will be some ceiling limit to the satoshi value of a coin as it's value will reach that ceiling (and no it's not fucking parity so don't get too excited) and never go past it. That means you'll reach a certain point where the rate of growth of your portfolio in USD by acquiring alts will be LESS than the rate of acquiring satoshis as time approaches infinity or unless some other coin reach parity with btc and the flippening occurs.

3. Since the limit of the satoshi value of an alt is less than parity, it implies that in the LONG term to increase the amount of USD you have will require you accumulate more satoshis.

4. Ergo, in order to accumulate more dollars long term you must accumulate more satoshis.

There are rare exceptions where acquiring alts will get you more usd and satoshis simultaneously, but those will ALWAYS be temporary situations.

I'd write this up as a proof but that I don't care nor think that's needed.

>> No.4570265

if crypto goes mainstream we'll all be counting our money in sats

>> No.4570345
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>He thinks the USD loses prominence in crypto

>> No.4570358

Fuck I missed the dip

>> No.4570385

I bought the dip but I'm casually selling out now after a few percentages of gain. Not a long-term LTC believer.

>> No.4570403

Horseshit. Most alts adjust in value relative to BTC to maintain their USD value at a pretty stable level, or adjust their USD levels based on TA and fundamental changes.

>> No.4570437

I ride 20 - 30 % pumps daily, then slap gains in LTC for the night. Sleep comfy, wake up to 10% gains every morning That last tall green candle was me entering for a comfy nights sleep.

>> No.4570474

Yes, so you have less BTC but equal USD. If you kept it in BTC you'd have equal btc and MORE USD.

It's literally just fucking math dude. Write out the rieman sums / limits even though that isn't necessary. You will never outpace the growth of btc, you'll just be equal to it at best on a long enough time line.

>> No.4570632

So, Ive been waiting for a little bit more dip, but this is the cheapest I am going to het in before the nightly 10 % pump, isnt it?

>> No.4570640

Yes, Anon.

>> No.4570655

Don't listen to him, the bots don't have the momentum to push through the 90 wall tonight

>> No.4570656

Go meme flag almost complete. better hurry.

>> No.4570671

Sorry your in Eth right now, Lad..

>> No.4570689

You were the one saying they did not have the momentum to push through 70.

>> No.4570718

I'm in usd right now waiting for a retrace, i might eat the loss if we stay in this 88-86 range all night. I cashed out at 82, i know I've got an interest in seeing it fall but todays rise needs some healthy pullback

>> No.4570724

This Anon is correct. this Anon >>4570655
did say that. Going in to LTC for a comfy night.

>> No.4570764

It's ok, Anon. I pulled the BTC portion of my funds at 8150. missed last nights runup. Not fomoing back in at ATH, though. LTC has room to run, unfortunately for you. Good luck, Anon.

>> No.4570804

Well fugg im not trying to mislead, I'm just being hopeful. Maybe to my detriment...

I actually bought some btc when you sold and held. Thinking of swapping it to ltc. Ughhh its frustrating watching this being without ltc but if i buy back in id lose 7ltc

>> No.4570855

Yeah, I'm in and out of a lot of coins. I miss some BTC gains, but I never not buy back because it wont dip back to where I sold. I look at the lost potential gains as never existing. As long as I never lose OG funds or actual gains, I feel pretty comfy.

>> No.4570859


>> No.4570913

nice to see all the ltc believers come out of hiding. for a couple months there i believed this board of zombies was only capable of shilling for mETH and spouting the same ltc FUD memes in every thread

>> No.4570943


>> No.4570945


Well to be honest i bought all my coin at 42, so me bitching about 7 coins lost by selling all at 82 is a bit silly eh? Especially since I got about another 15ltc worth in btc now

>> No.4570974


>> No.4570989

can anyone explain why dashcoin is valued at 650 dollars without any community? theres no threads posted here, everything that research brings up online says its a scam. and yet it still holds its position. ive been a holder since around bitcoins outset, and understand a few things about the direction and tech of blockchain but for the life of me could never figure out how a coin like this with no news can keep itself among these multimillion level trading volume coins

>> No.4571017

Yeah. My wife was stuck on coin quantity for a while, but she finally caught on to the fact that it is not about coin quantity, but overall gains.

>> No.4571019
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>> No.4571028
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This pajeet shilled it in PBC.

>> No.4571195
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>bought ETH at $400
>sold ETH a little while ago at $470 and bought LTC
>also keeping a keen eye on any sign of LINK mooning from a Bittrex or Swift announcement

Stepping on coins that are moving on up now sure is fun.

>> No.4571200
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Wat. Did I say something wrong?

>> No.4571358
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>> No.4571676

>still holding out for this bottom

So 0.0091 is the lowest it'd get you think?

>> No.4571830

Wait it out, we're finally starting to see red candles (Heiken Ashi for you normie candle faggots) and RSI is still overbought leading up to even the 4hr candles.

Kijun-sen's around 0.0092-0.0093 for 4 and 6 hrs. We've seen our first red for four hours so I'd say this coin is actually going to correct for the night before going into rocketman mode.

>> No.4572001

It's red because btc is mooning, it'll be back on track when btc stops.

>> No.4572026

Litecoin Core. Make your own node, the Litecoin blockchain is very small and can be downloaded in a few hours. You can even do this with Ethereum.

>> No.4572035

Telling you a correction is occurring isn't FUD, I'm just reading the graph. The reason why a correction is happening doesn't matter and you don't know how long it'll Bitcoin to shut up and sit back down so that this can get going again.

>> No.4572391
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Definitely looking charged for a pump.

>> No.4573114


Yo Mr. TA, I'm looking to get back into LTC or ETH after the BTC run. Which one do you think would yield better gains? LTC was in a middle of a run before it corrected hard due to BTC, and ETH was already correcting

>> No.4573372


LTC's correction is nothing to worry about. It's literally just retracing back to the slow ema. Now if I saw it falter below that on the longer time span then I'd care.

ETH is a bit tricky, It's oversold on 1hr but it also just broke through the clouds into bearish territory on the 1 hr charts, so I'm expecting the correction to continue, would be very surprised to see it rocket up before I wake up tomorrow.

Also currently no green candles yet to indicate it's time to reverse. It's pretty close to the hitting it's moving averages though for some of the mid time ranges (3-4 hr, ect), just a matter of which chart it settles on.

tl;dr, LTC's more appealing for the next days. 0.0092 would be a perfect bottom before rocketting forward. However if it breaks down under 9k gtfo and wait for a reversal, aka back over the clouds.

>> No.4573492


Is your slow EMA 100 or 200?

Bullish momentum looks to be on LTC's side, but ETH always seems to be first to pump after a BTC pump, and has already retraced to the .382 fib of it's huge move these last few days. You think it has more to correct?

>> No.4573683

Using ichimoku so I'm refering to the Kijun-sen (26-period high + 26-period low)/2).

ETH has downward momentum in the short term right now. I have no idea when it'll reverse, so I'd go with the trend and wait for confirmation. Especially considering we have a bearish TK cross above the cloud for 30min and 1 hr. I wouldn't bother entering until it went above the cloud again personally. I prefer safer trades than trying to time where it'll retrace to. The 30 and 60 candles are already in freefall and there's an area on the 2 hr graph that has little bit support that I could potentially see ETH free falling right through ~0.048. If it doesn't bounce off from there (already falled through the kijun) (even if it did you'd just be in the cloud or under it for shorter time frames, nothing to get excited about) then we'll be waiting for a while.

There's really telling how hard it could correct. We might be waiting a few days.

>> No.4573732

BTC just stalled. Prepare Uranus.

>> No.4573733

Of course, if Operation dragon slayer is real I have no idea what's gonna happen haha.

>> No.4573783
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>> No.4574001
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>> No.4574025

if you faggots got your hands on some <0.0093 ltc kek.

>> No.4574092


>> No.4574148

You guys are wrong about everything. I bought in hours ago... sat there for a massive sell off. Finally buy BTC, now it sells off.


If you knew anything you would know BTC is mooning.


>> No.4574160


>> No.4574171

I'm never buying anything other than BTC ever again.

I'm buying BTC and walking away.

Fuck all of you faggots. Never have to listen to you again.

>> No.4574180
File: 110 KB, 864x535, LTCTOTHEMOOOOOON!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol! WEAKHANDS!!!!!!!!

>> No.4574188

dont trade if you dont know what you're doing. look at what has potential and hodl

>> No.4574193

> I'm going to make the assumption here that no coin will reach parity with BTC.
start with shitty assumptions, reach shitty conclusions.
ETH will surpass BTC in marketcap within 6 months tops.

Charting platforms will be forced to switch to eth or fiat measurements when it becomes apparent this is happening.

>> No.4574196

I'll hodl my 50, thanks

>> No.4574216

Ummmm, anon, Btc is peeling. As a result. LTC moons. you fucked up. It's just the way the universe works, in a few days, the LTC moon will be over, and we will all go back in to BTC. Calm your tits.

>> No.4574245
File: 104 KB, 960x960, 14479700_542690085927972_877670849952899511_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggot are so god damn stupid. If you have any skill what-so-ever then you would sell between the two BTC and LTC as they counter eachother.

And you have the nerve to talking about others trading? You're a fucking idiot.

You were WRONG. That was a MASSIVE sell off right the moment you said it would moon.

Now you say again, "too the moon!" after dropping into hell.

Of course it will go up from here you fucking retard! It dropped into fucking hell!


>> No.4574266

I'm a fucking noob at this and I've made nearly $9K in the past 24 hours.

How poor are you?

>> No.4574267

You chokin on chickin'? You need a thump on the back?

>> No.4574300

Niggers are so stupid man. Surface level understanding of everything.

>> No.4574322
File: 1.20 MB, 845x669, altcoinshill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet, it peeled 2% after my post. Now, I know you are used to sucking off other pajeets that post 3/4ths of the way up a moon so they can dump their juicy bags down your throat, but here we do things different.. We post at the beginning of a small dip just before the moon, so that you can buy in at the same time we do, and make just as much money off of our expertise. We also tell you to dump at the same time we do, instead of telling you to hold and open wide while we dump our bags down your throat. Why don't you piss off back to your faggot ass pals, Pajeet.

>> No.4574334

They're talking $10,000 BTC Sunday night. How the fuck LTC going to moon on a god damn BTC bullrun.

You stupid mother fuckers.

>> No.4574350


>> No.4574360

Don't blink, you might miss it, faggot.

>> No.4574370 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 960x720, 14494625_1203734576315186_8271357757299883296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger see's a picture of pajeet, therefore I am pajeet. >>4571200

Why are you niggers so retarded? You have zero capacity for innuendo. You probably never even heard of the world.

>Did he say a window?

Didn't read your nigger drivel.

>> No.4574390

>BTC and LTC counter eachother.
Are we still doing this meme?

>> No.4574412
File: 84 KB, 960x720, 14494625_1203734576315186_8271357757299883296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger see's a picture of pajeet, therefore I am pajeet. >>4571200

Why are you niggers so retarded? You have zero capacity for innuendo. Nigger like you probably never even heard of the word.

>Did he say a window?

No, innuendo you dumb nigger.

Didn't read your nigger drivel. Faggot ass Jazz queer.

>> No.4574424

Bitcoin is actually going to hit 10k in an hour, and shit the bed back to 5.8k, you Mong. We have made our dough in Bitcoin, and have exited the Titanic so we do not get sucked down with the undertow.

>> No.4574428
File: 33 KB, 250x374, Steve_Urkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4574441
File: 15 KB, 236x349, British.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger.

>> No.4574453

Holy shit. Called it.

>> No.4574471

Buyback 5.8k. Copy that.

>> No.4574487
File: 199 KB, 1394x704, Dumb Nigger Spaceships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-we mooning!
neck yourself

>> No.4574515

Bitcoin dumped $150 bucks right after I posted just from brushing 8950 . Wait till it hits 10k Faggot. I won't be able to tell you to fuck off then, because you will be hiding.

>> No.4574591
File: 441 KB, 2048x1306, 14590028_1061499390635330_5137605205162375124_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking retard and nobody is even talking to you. Stupid fucking nigger always thinks shits about him. Dumb ape animal.

Oooga boogaa

You want banana?

>> No.4574725


look at the LTC Chart, bow before me, lick my feet, and apologize.

>> No.4574766
File: 18 KB, 402x302, Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be mentally ill because you're having a conversation with yourself that has nothing to do with anything I said.

Fucking retarded nigger.

>> No.4574806

Ah yes. Found the literal shitposting Pajeet. Where is Oldfagbiztard when you need him? Oldfag would cap his IP, and notify Wetworks.

>> No.4574818

You really are one special kind of faggot.

>> No.4574831

Oh shit gay niggas kissin

>> No.4574848
File: 70 KB, 869x440, PAJEETSFOLLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4574866


>> No.4574867

That isn't a moon you stupid retarded nigger.

>> No.4574892

Please stop sliding intellectual posts that are going to make a lot of Anons a lot of Money tonight. Go find a designated shitting street.

>> No.4574917
File: 95 KB, 750x500, Operation Dragonslayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you pussy.

>> No.4574935

Should I really go all in I am not a TA master

>> No.4574955

Nope, BTC going up for the next 30 min

>> No.4574979

It's back below 9k again

>> No.4575015
File: 472 KB, 1386x1442, Dumb Nigger Spaceships 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4575221
File: 128 KB, 351x211, WnrwYin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they call me the silver bullet

>> No.4576151

>Wake up

Fuck I should have put a stop loss

>> No.4576217

>Stop loss
For what purpose it's still at 87$

>> No.4576443

Not to shill my massive bags or anything, but this is looking pretty good holding this well just below ATH.

>> No.4576774

Will it go past 0.01 again?

>> No.4577069

>What is a black swan event

yes dude, then the game changes to accumulate ETH. I Hope the concept didn't go over your head.

>> No.4577128

Uh guys, IF it dumps under this in the next candle then get out. About to enter bearish territory on 30 min (if all you care about is short term, we're bearish on 15 min as a result of the dump and stagnation)

6 hour is still bullish but I understand not everyone wants to park their monies in a coin for a few days.

>> No.4577150 [DELETED] 

Actually hold on, looking at the wrong chart (diff exchange). We touched the 30 min but we've got downward moment. You can exit now and buy back when we get it back or if you want to wait you can wait to see if the candle closes under 0.0095.

>> No.4577179

Actually hold on, looking at the wrong chart (diff exchange). We touched the 30 min but we've got downward moment. You can exit now and buy back when we trend bullish again or if you want to wait a bit you can wait look to see if the candle closes under 0.0095.